Content and Rules

We expect all participants to have continuous regard for the comfort of others. Please give considered content warnings wherever possible. If you encounter something that makes you feel uncomfortable, please communicate that to us in whatever way is easiest for you: by email, or in the #chat-and-questions Discord channel, or privately via any method to someone you feel comfortable talking to about it.

Story content warning

Character injury or loss of life
There is a core narrative which could include characters being injured, and even losing their lives, due to storms on the island and the protecting of crucial supplies. If and where this happens as part of the core narrative, it will only ever be spoken of within reported speech as a part event, and never experienced live. There will be prior warning given if it's going to happen, but we are happy to provide all the details of this at any time, to anyone who would like it.  

Including content warnings

If your character is about to speak of something others might find difficult and/or want to avoid, please give considered content warnings in advance wherever possible. If a subject unexpectedly arises whilst playing characters, it is good practice to pause and check in with everyone present, to make sure all are comfortable continuing. Even if everyone seems to be comfortable, some may not be able to express their discomfort. Therefore, please always be sparse with the amount of detail you use in your roleplay, graphic or otherwise, around subjects that may be sensitive.  

Peaceful community

The community in this story world is a fairly peaceful one. There should not be any violence amongst them: though we cannot rule it out because of player-led content, it isn't encouraged, and should be summarised where absolutely necessary. There may be foul language and oaths, though we will not tolerate anything that we deem to be discriminatory.  

Potential mature content

This collective story features adult characters, and on Discord the game is played by adults only. Online players must be at least 18 years old to join us. Although the content isn't specifically intended to be mature, our adult characters will likely have relationships with each other, and we cannot guarantee that there will never be any mature references. Young people are welcome to attend in-person events if accompanied by responsible adults who are aware of the nature of this project and potential content of the story, and who remain fully responsible for them throughout.  

Uncomfortable moments

We expect all participants to have continuous regard for the comfort of others. If you encounter something that makes you feel uncomfortable, please communicate that to us in whatever way is easiest for you: in the #chat-and-questions channel, or privately to someone you feel comfortable talking to about it. Together we'll figure out the best way to help you feel as comfortable as possible - which might be something we can do collectively, or something you need to do for yourself.   Click here for more on access support  

Discrimination IC and OOC

The fictional community are, in general, diverse and accepting of diversity within protected characteristics such as gender roles and identity, sexual orientation, race, and age. We have made this choice so we don't have to play storylines that perpetuate divisions in these areas. Players who demonstrate intentional discrimination of any kind are not welcome to participate in this project.  

Player/character separation

The beliefs of the characters should not be confused or conflated with the beliefs of the players: they are separate things. Players experiencing strong emotional reactions whilst playing characters are encouraged to talk to other players out of character, and/or step back and take a break to gain separation.

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