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RwbyMoon Progress Report

"Nothing great has been accomplished in the world without passion" -- G.W.F. Hegel

Kayfeuris Line

Historical territory that has been conquered by Omnifeus in Kayfeuris' times took back nowadays through Khentibnis' Crusades and source of numerous international tensions with Arenmal and Sarcholia since then.

2 words


398 words


317 words

Welcome to Paranis

[WIP] A broad introduction to Stellaria Aeterna through a Primer Article.

2177 words


12530 words


960 words

RwbyMoon Progress so far

45042 words 450.42% completed!

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Young student in Game Design who likes to write up his universe, with some friends ! To be noticed a weird sense of ethic, morale & logic. Still, I'm someone more or less lucid through my young age of 18.

Interests & Hobbies

Sleep, Roleplay, Eat, Debates, Analysis, Game Design, Explore Art Online

Favorite Movies

The Green Line, Tron, The Lord of the Rings (All for their visuals)

Favorite Books

The Art of Game Design by Jesse Schell,

Favorite Writers

Stephen King, Jesse Schell, H.P. Lovecraft, Malak (Pokemon !)

Favorite Games

Starcraft II, Heroes of the Storm, Minecraft, NieR:Automata, Dark Souls, Zeldas, Okami, Darkest Dungeon, Rimworld, Faster Than Light, Subnautica, Caesar, Master of Olympus: Zeus, Spore, Dandara, Furi