I am making mostly one world - Linebound - as the setting for a tabletop game I hope to one day run.
In recent years I have taken a big interest in bicycle touring and bikepacking and have started to look at bike rafting. The world awaits!
Emberwake is a Tanarian holiday celebrated on the Winter Solstice, honoring Nyrrun, the Keeper of Hearth and Shadow. The holiday centers on themes of balance, reflection, and unity.
Kneel is a combat sport, a duel won by forcing your opponent to their knees before they bring you to yours. The simple nature of the sport allows all kinds of disciplines to pit themselves against one another.
Where I come from, we are often summoned by nature. Like his father before him, Ardelis was summoned to a forest far away. I was proud that he had been called upon. -Lutra, ranger of the One River