SolQuill Progress Report

SolQuill Progress so far

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Writer, raconteur, historian, student of politics & reviewer par excellence. Noted for enjoying the finer things in life such as a good cleansing ale, a wee dram and a decent kebab.

Interests & Hobbies

Anime, manga, graphic novels & golf (though I haven't played in ages)

Favorite Movies

Rogue One, The Crow, The Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep, A Bridge to Far

Favorite TV Series

Doctor Who, Star Trek Voyager, Deep Space Nine, Babylon 5. Ellery Queen

Favorite Books

Neuromancer, Lord of the Rings, American Gods, anything by Terry Pratchett, Hardwired, Neverwhere, Legend, Waylander, Peter Grant series.

Favorite Writers

William Gibson, Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, Dashiell Hammett. Ben Aaronovitch, Alan Dean Foster, David Gemmell.

Favorite Games

Civilization 5, SWTOR, D&D, Vampire the Masquerade, Pathfinder. Mage the Ascension & Werewolf the Apocalypse

Latest Loved work

Knidari - Nameless Horrors

Mars Homefleet


Weapons of Vreathe

Venilia VII

Unique Weapon Catalogue

Empress of Neptune

Formatting CSS Bundle

Aethercite Cameras

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We challenge you to write 10,000 words of original worldbuilding content this December. Check out the prizes and rules below!
All you need is a free World Anvil account, grab your hammer, and GO WORLDBUILD!