4338.212.5 | Land of Plenty

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With the news of our impending raid now well and truly ingrained in the settlers, the camp around me was a hive of preparations. The urgency in the air was palpable, as if we were all acutely aware of the importance of the upcoming mission. Adrian and Nial, despite their earlier frustrations, were now busy setting up additional bonfires near the Portal and Drop Zone. The flames crackled and danced, casting long, flickering shadows on the desert sand. It was clear that they were determined to ensure we had as much light as possible when Clivilius would blanket us in its regular inky blackness. The tension that had marred their interactions earlier seemed to have dissipated, replaced by a shared understanding of the gravity of what we were about to undertake.

Grant and Sarah, the wildlife enthusiasts as they were coming to be colloquially known, had taken charge of gathering any camping lights and lanterns they could find. Their nimble fingers deftly checked and replaced batteries, ensuring that we would have adequate illumination for the night’s activities. The soft, warm glow of lanterns began to permeate the camp, casting a welcoming light that contrasted with the darkening desert.

The smell of a simple meal wafted through the camp, carried by the evening breeze. Karen and Chris had managed to whip up a hearty stew using some fresh vegetables we had acquired. It was a humble feast, but it filled our bellies and warmed our spirits. The aroma alone was enough to make my mouth water, and I could see smiles and expressions of contentment on the faces of my fellow settlers.

As we gathered around the makeshift dining area, the camaraderie among the settlers was palpable. We shared stories of our day here in Bixbus, recounting the challenges and small victories that had become part of our daily lives. Laughter and conversation flowed freely, a brief respite from the constant weight of survival. It was moments like these that reminded us of our shared humanity and the importance of coming together as a community.

My voice raised above the chatter, calling for attention. “Alright, everyone, let's go over the plan one more time.” The settling camp turned its collective focus toward me. “We’ll wait until the shop has closed for the night. Beatrix will go in covertly and check on security, and return and give us the all-clear signal. The rest of you will be ready to receive the supplies as Luke and Beatrix bring them through the Portal.”

Kain chimed in, his crutches leaning against his side for support. “And don’t forget to keep those bonfires burning. We need the area well-lit to minimise any risks that we might face here.”

I nodded in agreement, acknowledging the importance of Kain’s reminder. “As we receive the supplies, we’ll transport them to the Drop Zone, and it can all be sorted through tomorrow morning.” I quickly added, “Unless you see something that you think is critically important or useful, then keep it near the Portal, and we’ll bring it back to camp with us when the plundering is done.” The settlers nodded, understanding the plan and the need for discretion.

The small group listened attentively, their faces serious but determined. We knew the risks that Luke and Beatrix faced if they got caught, but we also knew the rewards were plenty. In this desolate world, a supermarket raid was a glimmer of hope, a chance to get us through the next few months in better shape than we would be without the supplies.

As dinner came to a close, the desert night enveloped us once more, and the preparations continued. Grant and Sarah checked and rechecked the camping lights to ensure there would be no shortage of illumination. Adrian and Nial threw additional wood on the bonfires near the Portal and Drop Zone, reinforcing the security around our camp, a reminder that danger lurked beyond the fires’ reach.

The faint glow of the bonfires flickered across the Drop Zone, casting eerie shadows that danced with the flickering flames. Luke and I, each holding a fire stick, walked toward the Portal. It stood ahead, an otherworldly gateway emerging from the black void, the firelight struggling to penetrate the surrounding darkness.

With excitement bubbling up inside me, I couldn't help but speak with enthusiasm, my words eager and upbeat. "Luke, my man, this is going to be epic! Supermarket raid at night, just like old times."

"Old times?" Luke repeated, a hint of amusement in his voice. "What supermarket raids have you participated in before?"

I chuckled, realising that my excitement might be causing me to over-exaggerate. "Well, none," I admitted, my tone shifting to a more honest one. "But we've done plenty of other stuff growing up."

Luke scoffed softly, his smile giving away the fond memories that resurfaced.

"Remember the time that we poured maple syrup and flour all over the missionary's car in the middle of the night?" I began to excitedly recount the teenage memory. "From what I heard, not even the car wash could get it off. They were scrubbing it all weekend!"

Luke's grin widened at the memory before quickly settling back into his usual serious demeanour. "Yeah, but remember, Paul, this isn't a game. We need to be quick and careful."

My brother's focus wasn't enough to deter my optimism. "Trust me, it'll be both," I assured him, giving him a playful slap on the back. "Late-night shenanigans, brother! Embrace it!"

With our fire sticks guiding us, we approached the Portal, and our anticipation soared as we spotted Nial and Adrian already there, lurking like shadows in the flickering lights of the extra bonfires.

As we got closer to the pair, Adrian's intense gaze bore into Luke, a clear demand reflected in his eyes. "Luke, take us back home. Now."

Refusing to let their seriousness get to me, I continued with my stubborn optimism. "Hey there, fellas! Ready for the midnight adventure?"

Adrian's focus remained fixated on Luke. "This is not an adventure. Take us back, now!"

Luke sighed wearily, his patience showing signs of strain. "I've told you, Adrian, you can't go back. It's not possible."

Adrian's frustration boiled over, and he grabbed Luke's arm. "Activate the damn Portal, Luke!"

Trying to defuse the situation, I stepped in. "Come on, guys, it's late. Let's all calm down and have a bit of fun. The night is young!"

To my surprise, Luke acquiesced to Adrian's demand with a resigned tone. "Fine," he muttered, initiating the Portal. "Go on, step through."

Nial approached the swirling colours cautiously, and Adrian, releasing his grip on Luke, joined him. I watched them closely. I had seen how this ended often enough now to let my optimism get the better of me.

In an instant, both men were violently thrust back, the Portal's unseen force rejecting their attempts. They stumbled, wide-eyed and disoriented, before cowering in the dim light.

Nial turned to Luke, desperation in his eyes. "I need my family here."

A wry smile of satisfaction played on Luke's lips. But instead, "The settlement isn't ready yet," were the words that left his mouth.

Finding his voice, Adrian offered an unexpected proposal. "We'll help you build it."

As tension lingered, I could feel my enthusiasm begin to wane. As Luke's eyes met mine, a shared unspoken understanding crossed between us. I realised that this was no longer just a late-night escapade. The consequences were real, and the weight of our actions hung heavily in the air.

The night hung heavy with anticipation, each moment passing like an eternity as the gathering continued to grow. Kain's approach was punctuated by the rhythmic sound of his crutches crunching through the dusty sands. Beside him were Grant and Sarah, the wildlife enthusiast siblings.

"Luke," Kain greeted with a nod, his eyes reflecting the seriousness of the mission.

"Grant, Sarah," Luke acknowledged the siblings with a nod, and they exchanged knowing glances with him.

As I scanned the assembled group, I couldn't help but notice the absence of two of our ranks. "Where's Karen and Chris?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

Kain chuckled, his crutches supporting him as he leaned forward slightly. "Decided to turn in early. Figured the supermarket raid was a job for the younger night owls."

Laughter rippled through the group, and I shook my head in mock disappointment. "Well, more spoils for the rest of us."

The light-hearted banter continued, providing a welcome distraction as we waited for Beatrix to arrive and kick off our midnight mission. Despite the reserved murmurings of Adrian and Nial, who seemed to be in their own world, the energy in the group was steadily rising. Hope blossomed within me, the belief that this could be the start of something greater and more significant.

If this is successful, I thought silently, if Luke and Beatrix can really bring us supplies from that massive store safely, we'll have enough provisions to sustain us for months to come.

Kain, leaning on his crutches beside the Portal, interrupted my grand vision with his remarks. "Alright, I'll keep watch out here. Although I reckon if we're going to face off against shadow panthers, a supermarket's just a walk in the park, isn't it?"

"Just hope they don't have security guards as fierce as those panthers," I replied, my laughter carrying a hint of nervousness. I didn't want my joviality to jinx us. Kain took up his self-appointed post as the guardian of the Portal, and I prepared myself to lead the group into what I hoped would be a successful night.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of maintaining everyone's excitement levels and preventing them from drifting back to camp out of sheer boredom, Beatrix emerged through the Portal. The vibrant colours faded, leaving only the dim light of scattered bonfires to illuminate her arrival.

"Beatrix, where have you been? We've been waiting for hours," Luke voiced what had been on everyone's minds.

Studying Beatrix closely, I couldn't help but notice the exhaustion etched on her features, and my concern grew. Something had to have gone wrong back on Earth.

"Luke, we don't have time for this now. We need to focus on the raid," Beatrix answered, brushing off Luke's inquiries.

Tension thickened in the air as Luke continued to press for answers. "We're a team. We should know where each other is."

I couldn't help but silently question how well Luke practiced what he preached. Most of the time, I have no idea where he is or what he is doing!

Beatrix’s eyes hardened. “Look, I was taking care of something important. Drop it, okay?”

To defuse the situation, I stepped in. "Hey, Beatrix, why don't you go check on the Big W store? Make sure everything's clear for our grand raid," I flashed a forced smile, trying to maintain a positive atmosphere.

Giving Luke one last glare, Beatrix answered, "Sure thing. I'll be back shortly."

As Beatrix disappeared through the Portal once more, a hushed anticipation settled over the group. The radiant colours of the swirling vortex cast dynamic shadows on our faces, mirroring the mix of anxiety and excitement within us.

Minutes passed slowly, feeling like hours. All that could be heard were hushed whispers and the crackling of the bonfires.

Kain, leaning on his crutches, broke the silence. "Sure is taking her a while. You think everything's okay over there?"

Luke forced a reassuring smile. "Beatrix knows what she's doing. Let's give her a few more minutes."

Yet, the minutes continued to stretch on slowly.

Sensing the group's growing restlessness, I attempted a light distraction. "Maybe she's found a secret stash of chocolate, and she's debating whether to share it with us."

A hesitant chuckle escaped the group, not quite the breakthrough I had hoped for, and the uneasy quiet returned.

Beatrix eventually re-emerged from the swirling hues of the Portal, her expression unreadable in the muted light of the bonfires. An expectant hush fell over the gathering, and like mine, all eyes were fixed on Beatrix, eager to hear her news.

"Well?" Luke prompted, and I felt my gut doing somersaults in anticipation. The grand vision of what we could achieve with all the spoils had grown in my mind, and I couldn't bear the disappointment of the plan falling through now. It was like playing the lottery.

Beatrix's gaze met Luke's, and a sly smile played on her lips. "It's clear," she declared, her voice cutting through the night like a clarion call.

Spontaneous cheers erupted, and I breathed a heavy sigh of relief. It appeared that winning the chance to plunder a large supermarket was indeed much easier than winning the lottery.

Amidst the cheers and applause, I stepped forward, my full confidence returning with strengthening surges. "Well, folks, it looks like we've hit the jackpot. Let's get those trolleys loaded up. Time to bring home the harvest!"

Excitement surged as everyone mobilised, each person taking on a role in the orchestrated chaos.

As Luke and Beatrix each entered through the Portal in turn, I was ready to lead my people into a land of plenty.

Beatrix and Luke began to return through the Portal with the first trolley loads of their spoils. The sight was both chaotic and awe-inspiring. Boxes upon boxes of supplies, stacked precariously on the trolleys, threatened to topple over at any moment. Yet, there was an undeniable rhythm to their movements, a well-oiled machine born of necessity.

My leadership instinct kicked into gear, and I almost surprised myself with my efficiency and calmness despite the activity around me. I could see the fatigue in Beatrix and Luke's eyes, the toll this mission was taking on them, and it fuelled my determination to ensure their efforts weren't in vain.

There were staples, luxuries, and the occasional guilty pleasure. It was a stark reminder of the world we had left behind, a world filled with abundance and choice.

"Move those trolleys fast, people! We need to sort and relocate them to the Drop Zone. Kain, get your hands on the health supplies first. We've got priorities!" I barked the orders in quick succession, the urgency of our situation driving me.

Yet, nobody grumbled or complained. Even Adrian and Nial had an enthusiastic approach as they battled with the trolleys through the dust, transporting the precious cargo to the Drop Zone. It was as if this daring raid had injected a renewed sense of purpose into our weary souls.

The Guardians even found a moment to consider their efforts in Clivilius. "Fantastic work, Paul. You're turning this place into a thriving settlement, step by step," Luke told me, giving my shoulder an encouraging thump. His words were like a soothing balm to my soul, a validation of the path we had chosen.

Beatrix beamed, her face glowing with satisfaction. Her excitement was infectious, reminding us that in the midst of survival, there was room for joy. "We've got more than just food and essentials. There are clothes, blankets, even some toys for the kids.”

For a brief moment, my eyes narrowed at Beatrix, as images of my own two young children entered the forefront of my mind. My heart ached for them. I missed them. But I couldn't let my vulnerability show. Urging positivity and resilience, I told Beatrix, "Every bit counts. You've given us a glimpse of what Clivilius can become."

As the activity continued fervently, Luke grabbed my arm and quickly uttered, "Paul, this is just the beginning. We're laying the foundation of a new life here. People are really looking to you as their leader." His words hung in the air, heavy with responsibility and promise.

A surge of responsibility mingled with pride welled within me. Leading wasn't just about securing supplies; it was about fostering hope and building a community resilient against the encroaching shadows. I felt the weight of their expectations, but I also carried the hope that had brought us all this far.

As the night unfolded, the barren landscapes of the Drop Zone and the Portal transformed into a realm of plenty. Our small band of settlers, their faces illuminated by the soft radiance of flickering bonfires and victory, revelled in the spoils of the audacious raid. And in the shadows, we found solace, knowing that for a fleeting moment, we had outwitted the darkness that we constantly battled with.

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