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It was the trip of a lifetime, yet I didn’t want to be there. 8 Million The whole family had been cursed since they had me.

In the world of Sea Hears

Visit Sea Hears

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It was the trip of a lifetime, yet I didn’t want to be there.

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It was the trip of a lifetime, yet I didn’t want to be there.

The sand on the beach was soft on my toes and white against my pale, burning skin. The sea took gentle laps against the shore and occasionally brushed my blonde hair with droplets carried by a soothing wind.

In the distance, there were the bamboo parlours selling raw coconut drinks and local specialities. It wouldn’t take too long to walk there, but I felt unmotivated, despite my throat unconvinced that I wasn’t dying for a cold drink.

Beside me, you were there. Talking about… ah, I don’t know. You’ve been talking for a while, and I drifted off to another world, another beach far, far away.

In truth, I didn’t want to admit it, but you gave me everything I ever needed. Love. Kindness. Adventure. There was nothing wrong with you, as horrible and basic as it sounds, it was me that was wrong.

These adventures… These walks on islands of names I hadn’t known before I met you…

They weren’t ever meant for people like me.

I had always been swimming alone, but you have this… Yacht, I guess? Something impossibly fast and sturdy, that I could never compete with. I don’t need to swim any more. But I’m now I’m not doing anything. I’m simply sitting, going, going with you. Even if you promise to steer into directions I thought I’d always wanted.

In truth, I miss the swimming. Even though at the time, I thought I was sinking. At the scariest times, I was sure I was drowning.

But now, what am I? I’m a finished story. I’ve come to the happy ending, but have I actually earned it?


I wrote this during Brian Lou's Twitch stream, following the first line prompt 'It was the trip of a lifetime, yet I didn’t want to be there.'

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