Author's Note

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Thank you for dipping your feet into the tangle of my world.  I truly hope I can bring, if nothing else, a little entertainment to you and yours.  This project is not of professional grade, as I have little to no formal training/education in the fields of writing and literature. 

What I do have is a lifetime experience of RP & Gaming, a love of lore and worldbuilding, and a deep appreciation for stories of all types.  Traditional Novels, RPG's, even Manga and Anime. All labors of love have a place with me.  And there's a lot of worlds kicking around inside my head that have each left their mark.

In the end, that's what this project is at its core.  A place for me to record the many moving pieces of the world and characters that live inside me, to create a lasting legacy from the painstaking hours of effort and creativity devoted to the world by myself, my friends, and my players, that it might become something more than just a memory we share amongst ourselves-- but an expansive and available story that others might enjoy.  To share our passion and with any luck, brighten a few smiles for people beyond ourselves.

I apologize now for the haphazard nature of my writing. Although my aim is for the story to take the general style and shape of a Light Novel, some of it has been compiled from recorded game events, some of it has been adapted from forum RP interactions, and much of it is simply written straight from my soul to the page.

  It won't be perfect. Those of you with formal writing experience may very well bleed from the eyes. I'm sorry. 

I would ask that you would be patient with me.  Over time I will do my best to edit things down, clean them up, and sharpen the edges. My writing comes sparingly when opportunity permits, given my full-time service as a military member, and my writing style is... Well, whatever it is. (Yikes. lol.)  

Still, my heart is in this work and I truly hope it can serve as a pleasant distraction despite its imperfections.  May it bring some level of enjoyment to you, nomatter how small~

You have my thanks, and my best wishes.




DCA chapters are now also hosted on Wattpad, as well as Royal Road, if either is a preferred reading platform for you.  Enjoy~



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