
Table of Contents

Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four

In the world of Bûsaman

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Chapter Four

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After two day’s worth of being subjected to Corvo’s nonsense, Faron was about ready to commit a murder himself, although his good nature ultimately kept his sword sheathed and blood free. His voice was too hoarse to further insult and berate Corvo, who was relishing in the free shots at Faron he could make; the former’s glares only serving to delight the latter.

The old man had steered the carriage deep into the nearby forest some time ago, to which Corvo protested in disbelief. “Isn’t this the…FORSAKEN forest?!” he squealed, causing Faron to roll his eyes. “Yes, Corvo, it is. I thought a man of science like yourself wasn’t scared of old fairy tales and the like? Or am I wrong, and you’re an even greater coward than I had realized?” Faron spat like venom, glaring haughtily at his nemesis.

“HELLO?!” Corvo balked, waving his fat little arms out in front of himself. “You know as well as I do that no one comes out of this forest alive! You’re an idiot for trusting that old man, and you’re going to get us ALL killed!” he squeaked, beady eyes wide as he spoke. “Oh? Would you rather I kill you then? Get things over with now so you don’t have to wait for the forest to finish you off?” Faron barked horsely, eyes nothing more than narrow purple slits as he glared daggers into Corvo.

The pair were too busy bickering to notice that the carriage had been stopped for some time now, as the curt knock on the door gave them both a fright. “Ah…Do forgive me for interrupting…whatever this is, but I am afraid we have arrived to my late Master’s estate. Do follow me inside, it would not do for us to idle in the dark in this fashion.” He said as he opened up the door. As soon as they caught a glimpse of the old man, he seemingly vanished for a moment as he had somehow already made it to the doorway of the sizable manor.

“Well, you heard him,” Faron said gruffly as he took his baby and foal, out of the carriage and up to the house without so much as another word or glance back at the alchemist, who was swift to get out of the eerie forest and into the perceived safety. They were silently led into the parlor, to which curiously a fire was already roaring in the fireplace when they walked in. “Do be seated. I will prepare some quarters, as well as fetch clean clothes…and certainly draw a bath…” The old man said, his nose crinkled with disgust as he got a whiff of the rest of the party. “I will lead you elsewhere once things have been prepared. Do not leave until then,” he instructed as he quickly left the room as silently as he arrived.

The moment the parlor door shut, Corvo anxiously twiddled with his hands, glancing at the doorway for a moment before muttering something about “Creepy, this place and butler!” Tilting his head slightly in response, Faron furrowed his brow. “What do you mean?”

“Are you blind, Sir Stupid? He barely moves his lips when he speaks, and he’s just TOO fast and quiet! He gives me the creeps. I’ve known plenty of shady people, and that is peak uncanny! Not to mention, who volunteers to house the two of us, of all people? For nothing but his job position! It’s bizarre!” Corvo said in a hushed tone, looking a nervous wreck as he kept glancing to the doorway. Scoffing, Faron rolled his eyes. “I think he’s just being generous is all. Besides, why would he take us here if he intends to harm us? We’ve been isolated from anyone else for days now! I trust him.” Faron said confidently, causing Corvo to shake his head in disbelief.

With that, they fell into an uncomfortable silence until the butler returned. “I do not know if these clothes will fit… however it was what is on hand. My apologies. Now, if I can lead you to your rooms?” He said, gesturing to the door that was creaking open all on its lonesome, causing a cold burst of air to enter the room, chilling them all to the bone. “This old house is rather drafty, I am afraid they were not able to fix that when they installed the phone line,” he said with a frown, cold eyes seemingly sincere as he spoke. “I do not know why you did not turn on the lights… you did not have to sit in the darkness like you did, you know? My late master had state of the art electric lighting installed shortly before he passed,” he continued with a baffled look on his face as he turned around and curtly began to walk off.

“Come on now, we’d better keep up,” Faron said gruffly, to which Corvo made an awful whining noise to but otherwise didn’t respond as he did what he was told. “Now, I assume you want the master suite, yes?” The butler asked Faron, who after a moment of consideration declined. “No… I tend to have nightmares, loud ones, and I don’t feel right leaving the blind girl to the second story.” Faron admitted, looking glum as he resigned himself to the most remote bedroom in the house, on the second story.  “Very admirable of you, Sir. Now may I suggest you all freshen up? I will begin making dinner shortly,” he said after leaving them both to their respective bedrooms.

— — —

Faron’s new room was small, although to him it felt much larger and luxurious than any quarters he’d ever known. It was decorated well enough, he supposed, though the style was outdated. Not like Faron cared, anyhow, although he did wish there was more purple in the mix somewhere, his armor in the corner notwithstanding. He sat on the bed, thankful that it was comfortable and warm, thankful that he was still alive, as was his children… what an odd thing to think! Faron, a father? He pondered this for a moment or so before shaking his head with a small laugh. 


Of course he was a father! He’d adopted his baby, and it’s strange foal, after all. “Awfully young to be a father, though,” he said, before letting out a sigh. Not much he could do about that, now, he was committed at this point. Glancing over to the dusty crib in the corner, he couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride in the little one fast asleep inside. That was his baby, and one day he’ll get to tell the little one all about knighthood and his, albeit rare, triumphs over Corvo’s trickery. But for now, he was content to sit there and quietly watch over his son. 


A curt knock at the door broke Faron’s trance, as he raised to answer it, the baby woke up and began to cry. “Oh Gods, you woke the baby!” Faron whined as he opened the door. “I beg your pardon, Master Faron, but-“ the butler started to say, but trailed off once he got a good look at a nice, clean and unarmored Faron. 


“What?” Faron asked, raising a brow, causing the old man to blink for a moment before he regained his composure. “Dinner is served. I have prepared formula for the baby as well,” he said, sounding vaguely flustered. “He’s got a name you know,” Faron said, apparently oblivious to the butler’s emotional state. “Right. Do forgive me for becoming forgetful in my old age,” he retorted, causing Faron to sigh. “His name is Laurence,” he said after a moment of thought, causing a ghost of a smile to grace the butler’s lips. 


“Did you just name him on the spot?” He asked with a twinkle of amusement in his pale lavender eyes, causing Faron to cross his arms. “Of course not!” He objected, shaking his head. “…Dinner. I’d like that,” he said after a moment, and the old man nodded. “Yes, right this way, Master Faron,” he said, before disappearing from view. Picking up the baby and holding him gently in his arms, Faron followed suit.


The dining room was spacious, though few chairs were at the long table. At the head of the table was a roasted chicken breast and leg on a platter, alongside some mushrooms, potatoes, and a roll. Eagerly taking a seat, Faron couldn’t help but start drooling. “Finally! Proper food!” He said, sounding not unlike an excited child, as he handed the baby over to the butler and dug into his meal. 


And oh, what a meal it was! Either he was starving, or the old man was an excellent chef. Faron had devoured the chicken leg before pausing to realize that his nemesis was missing. “Where is Corvo? I don’t trust him to eat alone, bring him in here, if you would,” Faron ordered, barely waiting to finish his sentence before shoving more food into his mouth.


It wasn’t much longer until the butler returned with a disgusted facial expression, Corvo and Mari trailing closely behind him. “I know it is not my place to comment on the company you keep, but I have no idea how you managed to find someone so hideous inside and out! You should SEE the wreck he’s already made of the master suite!” Faron frowned, shaking his head as he scoffed. “Can’t be worse than the wreck he made of my KINGDOM, YOU BASTARD!” Faron snapped, mouth half full of food as he narrowed his eyes into slits.

“Wow! What a WARM welcome,” Corvo muttered as he begrudgingly took a seat at the other end of the table.  “You know, Sir Stupid, I’m soooo honored, I didn’t think you’d have me for dinner, and why, you even dressed up for the occasion! If I had known this was a date-!” Corvo said in a sing song manner, getting cut off by Faron’s fists slamming down onto the table. “IT’S NOT A DATE!”  he screamed, causing Corvo to erupt into his hyena cackle of a laugh. “I have to make sure you’re not doing anything you shouldn’t be!” he hissed, causing the butler to poke his head back in from the kitchen. “Sir, if I may make a suggestion?” he said, causing Faron to look over with somewhat of a desperate expression. “Hrm?” Faron said in between bites, and the butler quickly hurried over to whisper something into his ear, to which Faron looked surprised.

Sighing, Faron shook his head. “Look. I’m not saying we can’t do that, but I think death would be too merciful. Even though I’d love to watch him take his last miserable breath,” Faron said, sounding not unlike a disapproving parent, to which the butler looked distinctly disappointed about the answer. “Yes, but consider the damage he has done to the floor!” he balked, causing Faron to pause and consider the possibility. “Uh. Can I at least get a say in how I get murdered?” Corvo asked, causing both Faron and Adrian to say a curt “No!” at the same time.

Clearing his throat, Faron glared at Corvo, and sat his utensils down on his empty plate. “I expect you to be present for mealtimes, knowing you, you’d find a way to make an explosive out of gravy,” Faron said, causing Corvo to chuckle. “Why, that’s a marvelous idea! I think gravy is just what I need for my latest experiment, Gods know it’s atrocious to eat the stuff!” he squealed, causing Faron to roll his eyes. “Unbelievable! Do you see the bullshit this man has put me through for the better part of my life?” He groaned to Adrian, who’s eyebrows all but disappeared into his receded hairline.

“Forgive my curiosity, Sir, but how in the world did you end up in this position?” Adrian asked, causing Faron to sigh. “It’s a long story, and not a particularly pleasant one at that… But I suppose it would be worth it to bring you up to speed…” he said, trailing off as he spoke. 

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