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Chapter 1

In the world of Magic

Visit Magic

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Chapter 1

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Far-far away deep in outer space, there is a distant galaxy, far from Earth's, known as Magic. The galaxy, Magic, was once filled with nine uniquely different planets. Each was ruled by a monarchy with its own landscapes, culture, and ways of life. The once-eighth planet, Symphoniya, was just like the others, but for some unseeable reason, the planet began to die. This forced the people of Symphoniya to flee their home planet and find a new one. And so, they did, as they came across the ninth planet that was strangely uninhabited by anyone. Calling their new home, Melody, they began to rebuild their empire. Generations upon generations now passed, and the people once again thrived peacefully. Little did they know that their new home harbored ancient secrets long forgotten by the realm.

The clock strikes 7:30 PM, as the nanny of 12-year-old Princess Michaela tries to prepare her for her first ball.

"Princess Michaela, please you must stay still," the nanny pleads with the young twelve-year-old child.

"How can I? It's my birthday after all," Michaela squeals. The sound of knocking on the bedroom door makes the already nervous princess jump. One of the servants opens the door. "Yes?" the servant says as she peaks her head around the corner of the door.

"A package for the princess," the messenger answers, handing a wooden box to the servant. The servant takes the box and thanks the messenger as she closes the door. She then gives the box to the nanny.

"Is that what I think that is, nanny?" Michaela gasps, turning around in her chair.

"Yes, Princess Michaela," the nanny responds as she places the box in front of Michaela. Michaela notices that there's a small letter attached to the box. She quickly rips it open, and it reads: "Dear my sweet granddaughter. I wish you a happy twelfth birthday. As you know, it is a tradition that I have started to give you and your sisters a diamond necklace on your twelfth birthday. I am happy that it is finally time to give you yours. I hope your first ball goes smoothly and well. I love you with all my heart. Your dearest grandmother." Putting the letter down, Michaela looks back at the white wooden box. The top of the box has an ancient symbol on it of a music sign. Inside there is a beautiful pink diamond-shaped crystal with a silver band wrapping around it and a silver chain to match it. Michaela gasps, "Oh, nanny. Grandmother outdid herself. Please, nanny. Put it on me!" This makes the nanny chuckle as she does as Michaela requests. After Michaela hurries to her full-size mirror to look at herself.

"You look beautiful, Princess Michaela," the nanny states, proudly. "But you need to get going or you will be late." The nanny walks over to Michaela and kneels at her level. "Now you behave yourself and be the royal princess I taught you to be." Michaela nods and smiles, "I'll make you proud, nanny." With that, the servants escort Michaela down to the ballroom door.

"Princess Michaela Tracey Northwood, the youngest child of the royal crown of Melody," the announcer calls out to the crowd of nobles and royal people from across the galaxy. The two guards open the ballroom door, revealing the beautiful princess, who descends the marble staircase with as much grace and poise as she can muster. Her still shaking hand grips her flowing pink ball gown that's glitter shines differently with every step she takes. When she reaches the bottom step, she does as she was instructed in practice. She quickly takes her seat next to one of her older sisters, 13-year-old Princess Yue.

The gaze of the crowd falls upon the king and his family, who are perched with an aura of authority on their throne. King Oritel rises from his throne and addresses the partygoers with a kind and laughing voice, "Thank you for attending this important occasion as it marks the birth of our Princess Michaela. May she have many happy birthdays to come, and with that let the ball begin. Please enjoy yourselves." The orchestra begins to play, and lively music and laughter fill the ballroom. The princesses get up from their thrones and disappear into the crowd. Michaela, as can be expected by someone so young, targets the sweets spread out on the banquet tables. Her best friend from school, Byron, surprises her just as she scarfs down a half plate of frosted sugar cookies. She spins around with the plate in hand and a mouth full at the sound of their carefree laughter. She finds herself only inches away from their untamable dark brown curls and their smiling blue eyes.

"Byron, you came!" squeals Michaela as she hugs them tightly. Not watching what she is doing, she almost drops the plate, but she stumbles to catch it and she loses her cookies. Michaela quickly drops down to pick them up. "Oh, my spirits. How embarrassing," she states under her breath. Byron chuckles and helps her pick up the rest of the cookies.

"Goodness, why did you get so many?" jokes Byron.

"Don't judge me," Michaela glares at them, quickly relieving how close their face is to hers. She can feel her face getting hot. Michaela tries her best to look away, hoping her long black hair covers her very red face. Is she blushing? Byron thinks to themselves. They pick up the plate and give their hand out to her. Michaela quickly takes it as Byron smirks, "You know, I was gonna ask if the birthday girl would grant me a dance, but I guess she's too busy stuffing her face." Byron begins to laugh just before Michaela punches them on their shoulder.

"Ow!" Byron begins to rub their now sore shoulder, but Michaela only smiles. "You think this is funny, don't you?"

"Maybe, just a little," laughs Michaela. "So, you going to ask me or are you gonna keep holding that plate?"

"Oh," Byron says sheepishly, looking down at the plate that is still in their hands. "Yes of course." They quickly throw the plate away and turn back to Michaela. With a sweet smile, they bow and extend their arm to her. "Princess Michaela of Melody, would you do me the honor of a dance?" Michaela’s pale cheeks flush bright pink. Caught off guard once again, it takes her a while to finally take their hand. Byron directs her to the dance floor and pulls her close into a slow waltz. Michaela can feel her heart racing. What's wrong with me? It's just Byron so why am I feeling this flustered? Michaela thinks to herself. Michaela can't stop smiling and neither can Byron.

"You're a very good dancer," Michaela remarks shyly.

"Thank you, my mother taught me to dance," Bryon responds as they spin her.

"Your-." Just as Michaela starts to say something, it is interrupted by the doors slamming open, and the tall ballroom windows shattering. People around them all start screaming in terror. Not thinking Michaela clings to Byron.

Dark purple smoke whirls around the top of the ballroom stairs. The guards back away, fearfully, but their weapons are drawn. A young woman appears as the smoke dissipates. Looking at her, the people can tell she isn't from anywhere in Magic with her jet black hair black hair, deep purple eyes, and black and dark purple clothes saying it all. They looked old-fashioned from decades before, almost ancient. 

"Ah, a party! Why wasn't I invited?" she gasps as she fakes her feelings being hurt. "It looks to be someone's birthday." She looks over at Michaela and slyly smiles, "Princess Michaela." She begins to laugh insanely and gleams at the sight of the frighten Michaela. 

Oritel angrily emerges from the crowd and yells, "Who are you and what do you want?" The woman looks around, placing her hand over her chest. 

"Oh, how rude of me," she gasps with an air of regal surprise. "I haven't properly introduced myself." With a mockingly curtsy, she states, "My name is Gotha and I want your precious Diamond Crystal." She starts to laugh again. 

"What are you talking about? There is no such thing here, witch!" 

"Don't lie to me, King Oritel! She shakes her head, her eyes like daggers. Trying to stay calm, Oritel yells back, "What you seek isn't here, now leave!"

"I'm not leaving until I get what I came here for!" 

21-year-old Crown Princess Taylor walks forward, yelling, "You heard the king! Now leave! Guards!" The two guards that are beside Gotha point their weapons at her and she just smiles and shakes her head. 

"And here I thought we could do this peacefully. I do hate getting my hands dirty," Gotha remarks. The guards start to charge her, but she throws her arms out, knocking the guards off the stairs as if they were dolls. As she walks down the stairs, she yells, "You have no idea who you are dealing with!" 

"Obviously, you don't know who you are dealing with!" Taylor yells. With her arm up in the air, she yells, "Magic Final Form!" With these words, Taylor's feet lift off the ground and she is consumed by a thick red mist. Her hair and outfit change and she grows big red and black glittery wings. As the red mist dissipates and her feet are back on the ground, she has completely transformed into her final fairy form. 

"Oh, you're a fairy and I thought this would be a challenge," Gotha mocks. 

"It will be, trust me! Ring of fire!" Taylor waves her arms around creating a circle of fire, blasting it at Gotha, but she disappears out of the way and reappears behind Taylor. 

"Is that all you got? Complete darkness!" Balls of darkness collect in the palm of Gotha's hands and she tosses them at Taylor's back. Before Taylor can realize what's happening, it smacks her down. Gotha laughs, "Pathetic!"  People begin to flee the ballroom to safety. Taking Michaela's hand, Byron tells her, "Come on Michaela. We've got to get you out of here." 

"No, what about Taylor?" Michaela protests. 

"She'll be fine. Look, your sisters, Tylee and Stella, are coming to help her, now come on." On cue 20 year old Tylee and 18 year old Stella step in front of Gotha. 

"Leave my sister alone!" screams Tylee as she and Stella transform into their fairy forms. 

"Hey witch, your clothes are like so 2,000 years ago! Sunburst!" shouts Stella as a burst of light shots from her hand, hitting Gotha. 

"Ah, you will pay for that! Black hole!" Gotha yells as the dark magic leaves her body, shooting towards Stella. Tylee jumps in front of her sister blocking the attack. 

"Took you long enough!" Stella yells. 

"Really? You're complaining about how I saved you?" Tylee yells back. Taylor flies in front of Gotha, hitting her with a fire spell.

"Ah, that's it. I've had it with you stupid fairies!" Gotha uses her most powerful spell to throw Tylee into the wall. Another to throw Taylor into the royal chairs and then turns to Stella, throwing magic at her. Trying to get up, Taylor shouts, "Stella, watch out!" Seeing what's happening, Michaela yanks her hand out of Byron's grasp. 

"Michaela, what are you doing? You're too young to fight!" yells Byron, but Michaela is already gone. She jumps in front of Stella, taking the full blunt of the attack. "MICHAELA!" screams Byron as they watch Michaela being engulfed in the dark magic. Her small body flies across the room, slams into the banquet tables, and finally smacks against the wall. Byron rushes towards Michaela. Gotha stands proudly, yelling, "Let this be a warning, you haven't seen the last of me, royal family of Melody!" With a cloud of purple smoke, Gotha disappears. 

As they enter Michaela's bedroom, they see their parents and Byron standing at the foot of Michaela's bed. The royal doctor and healers are busy tending to the princess. Taylor approaches her mother, "Will she be okay, mother?" Moon turns to the royal doctor for answers. The royal doctor lets out a sigh and explains, "She's been badly hurt. A few broken ribs and a slight brain bleed. What I am most worried about is the effect of the negative energy had on her body's energy."

"When will she wake up?" asks Oritel.

"I'm not sure. We have done everything we can for her. For now, we must wait, but if her body can't fight the bad energy, it's possible she may never wake up." Moon turns to Oritel as she buries her face in his chest and begins to sob. "I'll check on her tomorrow morning. I'm sorry I wish I had better news." With that, the royal doctor and the healers leave the room.

"Taylor, we should probably head home," Ezume whispers, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "Unless you would rather, we stay?"

"No, we should stay. I can't leave my family like this," Taylor answers as she looks at her sobbing mother.

"I understand, my rose." Ezume gives her a comforting squeeze.

"Father, we will just stay in my old bedroom," Taylor tells him.

"Okay, try to rest up," Oritel tells her as Taylor and Ezume leave the room. Stella and Tylee quickly follow behind them soon after. Oritel walks over to Byron, who is on the right side of the bed. Hesitantly, he touches the young child's shoulder.

"Byron. You're uncle, he's here. Come on now, you must go home." Byron looks up at Oritel, their eyes filled with sorrow and worry.

"C-can I visit, Mr. Northwood?" Byron practically pleads.

"Of course, now come I'll show you out." Oritel walks Byron to the front door of the castle and there waiting is Byron's uncle. Rushing to Byron, he asks, "Byron, are you okay?" Byron's uncle looks them over to check for any injuries. Byron doesn't respond as their head is down as they are practically shaking and holding back the tears. Byron's uncle lets out a sigh and leads Byron into the car. He then turns to Oritel. "Thank you, for bringing him to me, your majesty."

"No problem, see they get some rest. They've been through a lot," Oritel states looking at Byron as they are getting in the car. With a nod to Oritel, Byron's uncle gets in the car and drives off.

It doesn't take them long to get to their house as it isn't far from the castle grounds. Byron's uncle is the royal groundskeeper. His house is off in the woods that sits near the castle grounds. The whole car ride Byron is silent. Their head still bowed, deep in thought. As they both walk into the small house, Byron's uncle tries to say, "I'll make you some tea. It'll-"

"No! I'm fine, Uncle," Byron shouts, bolting to their room. Shutting the door, they slid down it and burst into tears. Flashes of hurt Michaela go through their mind and Byron thinks of the first time they met their beloved princess. It was fall two years ago; Byron had just lost his entire family to a house fire. They had moved in with their uncle, who lived in the capital. Harvestfest was around the corner and the school hall was decorated in fall decor. Byron remembers that they were sitting alone at their desk when a hyper Michaela walked over to them.

"Hey, you're the new kid, right?" Michaela questions them.

"Yeah, what do you...," their voice trailed off as they realized who was talking to them. Their eyes grew wide, and they jumped up from their chair so quickly that it fell to the ground and went to quickly bow, but Michaela stopped them.

"Hey, it's okay there is no need for bowing. I'm Michaela and this is Diana. I saw you sitting here alone." Michaela slapped her hands on their desk causing Byron to jump. "Let's be friends!" Byron didn't know how to tell a princess no so they shook their head and that was it. The three had been friends ever since then.

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