
Table of Contents

Book 1: The Genesis of Meixatas Book 2: The Infusion of Knowledge and Spirit

In the world of Kautos

Visit Kautos

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Book 2: The Infusion of Knowledge and Spirit

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2.1: The First Kautosians

Miþoras looked upon her work with pride. "Behold, the majestic mountains and lush valleys of Kautos," she declared. The sounds of creatures scurrying through the shrubbery and birdsong echoing off the canyon walls filled the air. Lush forests of oak and maple trees danced in the light breeze while verdurous meadows bloomed with wildflowers beneath a canvas of endless blue sky. Miþoras stepped atop a crystal lake, marveling at the reflection of her work above. Perched on a floating chair composed of clouds, she surveyed her kingdom with awe as schools of fish swam below and sunlight sparked off the calm waters.
But something was missing. After a few moments of contemplation, Miþoras took a leap of faith, crying aloud, "Let there be intelligent species that inhabit this land, who will revere my creation!" Instantly, certain animals were imbued with intelligence, creating the humanoid species known as Kautosians. These creatures had an innate understanding of how to survive off the land; skillfully hunting, gathering, and learning to honor the supernatural forces that governed this new world.
As Miþoras looked upon her creations from her lofty vantage point, a swell of pride surged through her. Kautos was alive, inhabited by intelligent beings, each capable of living out its own unique story. She gasped in amazement and murmured tonelessly beneath her breath, "What have I wrought...?"
As the Kautosians explored their new home, they were filled with a mix of awe and trepidation.
"Look at this place," one said in amazement. "It's beautiful – but so unfamiliar."
The intrepid travelers came across winding creeks, forbidding mountains, ever-changing weather conditions, and mysterious animals they had never seen before. But even with all the surprises that awaited them in this strange world, they were still determined to build a better life for themselves.
"We must be brave and resourceful," another said resolutely. "Gather fruit from trees, hunt game, set up crude shelters whenever possible."
Yet, as much as they wanted to make Kautos their home, it seemed like daily survival was a struggle against the primitive conditions of the land.
The Kautosians had a deep desire for something more; something easier to sustain them in their new home.
"We need comforts beyond what nature can provide," one declared earnestly. "Warmth and protection from the elements as well as plentiful food supplies that will allow us to settle down and make Kautos our permanent home.
The Kautosians ventured into the unknown, venturing further and further in search of a better life. As they trudged onward, they heard a booming voice from above: "Greetings, Kautosians!" Startled and confused, they looked around to find an angel named Zeronas floating in the air. Zeronas revealed himself as a messenger of the underworld. He offered them directions to the Veil, the boundary between Kautos and Shlatos. He said kindly, "Further ahead lies danger and great power. You must think carefully about taking this risk for knowledge that can shape your future." The Kautosians were conflicted – should they take the risk or stay safe?
The Kautosians had been debating for weeks, some arguing that they should stay in their world and others insisting that taking a chance on Shlatos was the only course of action. "It may be dangerous," one said, "but it could also bring rewards beyond our wildest dreams!". Another countered with "But what if there's no way back?". In the end, the allure of the unknown won out and they crossed through the Veil into Shlatos—a realm full of mysterious creatures and  energy unlike any they'd ever seen before.
As they walked through the twists and turns of Shlatos, their footsteps echoed off the walls that were adorned with symbols made from shining quartz and obsidian pieces. The deeper they ventured, the more mystical the chambers became.
The walls were adorned with vivid portraits of fateful love and valiant warriors, painted in deep hues of ruby, sapphire, and emerald. A strange warmth pulsed from the caverns as if some unknown force was drawing them deeper down. The surreal painting signaled that they had arrived to the realm beyond life – a place where spirits lingered, and the angels reigned.
Hidden deep in an underground chamber, a gilded throne blazed with purple fire. Sitting atop the throne, surrounded by fury and shadows, was a manifestation of the god Nêrukos - his avatar Tinevos, a fire elemental. Masked eyes smoldered as unearthly power radiated from his presence. He looked upon the adventurers with compassion.
"Welcome, brave souls," he said in a voice like thunder. "Zeronas has sent you to learn the secrets of fire and the knowledge of crops and domestication, and I am here to teach you." He gestured for them to come closer. "I ask only one thing - that you swear loyalty to me and use your gifts wisely and with great care."
The adventurers nodded solemnly, staring into the burning abyss of his gaze. They knew that their fates were entwined with this powerful god - to bring destruction or hope.
The Kautosians listened intently to Nêrukos's instructions. "Gather flint stones," he said, demonstrating and explaining the technique of striking them together to create a spark. They diligently practiced his methods, eventually mastering this skill. The Kautosians gawked in amazement as the roaring flames of the hearth crackled, bathing them in a blazing orange glow and carrying with it the tantalizing scent of cooking that was to come.
"See! We can hammer the copper into tools!" one exclaimed with anticipation. Another guffawed and chimed in, "And we can forge weapons from iron for our defense when we go back to our home above." As they kept on unearthing secrets of metallurgy, glass-making and basic engineering, they spoke among each other and documented their revelations for future generations; while learning how to cultivate fields, harvest fruits, grains and vegetables and domesticate animals,a process that would eventually lead from fire and food to metals and civilization.
With this newfound knowledge and confidence, the Kautosians returned to the overworld triumphant.
"Look!" One of them exclaimed, as they struck a flint stone and produced a spark.
The sudden flash of light illuminated their faces as they gathered around the crackling fire, mesmerized by its potential.
"We can use this to cook our food," one said, "build tools, cultivate crops, and domesticate animals."
He grinned at his companions in the flickering firelight. "This is what will help us build a better life on Kautos - a much brighter future with the power of fire on our side."
Fire had replaced darkness and given them a new way of life. They used it to build hearths for cooking and warmth, chimneys for dwellings, and weapons from metal like copper, bronze, and iron. As their metalworking and glass-blowing skills grew, so did their engineering. Fire also gave them shelter from adversities. Blazing boats traveled rivers while fiery horse-drawn wagons moved over plains, allowing Kautosians to move with speed and freedom. Inventions made possible by fire pushed the boundaries of what was known in Kautos.
The Kautosians had come a long way since their journey to the underworld. With knowledge and insight gained there, they began forming villages and trading posts.
Miþoras, the goddess of creation, smiled upon them as they cultivated crops and domesticate animals to increase food production. She said, “Look at what you have done! Your courage and strength has enabled you to make the right choices and take whatever life has to offer.”
Nêrukos added, “You will forever be the guardians of Meixatas and the keepers of the ancient knowledge.” As Miþoras and Nêrukos looked on in approval, the Kautosians continued to prosper in their villages, smiling back in gratitude for all that they had been given.

2.2: The Trial of the Angels

Miþoras and Nêrukos soared through the heavens, their presence drawing all eyes across the vastness of Meixatas. The air around them was so charged with the energy it seemed to hum with anticipation. Eventually, Miþoras spoke, her words cascading from her like a glorious chime through the sky.
"I have been contemplating a new form of divine magic," she said, her voice echoing off the clouds around them. "A power that draws upon both creation and destruction, enabling us to dive deeper into communion with the spiritual realm."
Nêrukos's eyes sparkled as he looked down on the world below. "And what would this power be called?" he asked.
“It is known as Thaumaturgy,” Miþoras said, her voice carrying soothing energy. “It would allow our followers to wield the power of both creation and destruction in equal measure.”
Nêrukos looked at Miþoras thoughtfully, his deep rumble echoing through the air.
“This is an interesting concept, but we must be sure not to misuse it. Such power could lead to chaos and destruction if it falls into the wrong hands. Balance and harmony must always be kept.”
Miþoras smiled. “I believe this is something remarkable, Nêrukos. The power of Thaumaturgy could deepen our connection with the Kautosians and grant them spiritual understanding beyond anything they've ever known before.”
The elderly sage nodded sagely in response. “Indeed, my dear Miþoras. We must be vigilant and make sure this power does not fall into the wrong hands.”
There was a moment of silence as the two deities contemplated their plan.
"Perhaps we should test this power first," suggested Miþoras. "We could bestow it upon our divine messengers and observe how they use it. This would give us a better understanding of its potential and the level of responsibility required to wield it effectively."
Nêrukos nodded in agreement. "That is a wise course of action, my dear Miþoras. We cannot bestow this power frivolously. It must be earned through careful testing and observation."
With their plan set into motion, Miþoras and Nêrukos called upon their two most loyal messengers, Cardingos and Entropas.
Entropas, with her long silver hair and piercing blue eyes that glowed with divine power, knelt before the two deities, while Cardingos remained standing at her side with a watchful gaze.
“My dearest messengers,” Nêrukos said in his deep rumbling voice. “We have been contemplating a new power that can draw upon both creation and destruction.”
Miþoras stepped forward to continue. “This power is known as Thaumaturgy, and it would allow our messengers to wield great spiritual understanding beyond anything they’ve ever known.”
Entropas' face lit up with excitement at the prospect of such a gift from her gods while Cardingos remained stoic and composed.
“We wish for you both to be our first test subjects,” Nêrukos said solemnly.
Without hesitation or fear evident on either of their faces, Cardingos and Entropas nodded gravely in reply.
"We are honored," They said humbly while keeping their heads bowed down . "We will do our absolute best."
Miþoras and Nêrukos watched with bated breath as Entropas and Cardingos joined hands and began to channel the power of Thaumaturgy together. Brilliant waves of light emanated from them, creating a serene atmosphere that rippled through the air.
As they opened their eyes, both glowed with an otherworldly light. Cardingos lifted her arm, motioning for Entropas to join her in weaving an intricate symbol in the air before them.
The deities were in awe at the sight of two powerful mages working as one.
"How do each of you feel?" asked Miþoras after several minutes had passed without incident.
"It is... overwhelming," Entropas replied shakily, while Cardingos nodded in agreement. "We can sense things beyond our comprehension."
Nêrukos nodded sagely once again. "It will take time for you both to fully control this power, but we have full confidence that it will be used responsibly."
Entropas and Cardingos bowed deeply before standing up straighter than ever before.
"Thank you for trusting us with such strong magic," Adrasteia said gratefully whilst raising her head back up.
With newfound power coursing through their veins, the duo felt invincible. They were eager to explore the depths of Thaumaturgy and understand its true potential.
As Entropas took a step forward, Miþoras held up his hand and spoke in a measured tone.
"Remember," he cautioned. "With great power comes great responsibility."
Entropas and Cardingos both glanced at each other with a mix of trepidation and Cardingos before focusing their energy on understanding the mystic arts.
Cardingos' blood surged as he felt an unfamiliar magnetic force pulling him closer to understanding Thaumaturgy. Images of a mysterious figure standing atop a rugged mountain flooded his mind and beckoned him forward, as if they were calling out to some unseen power.
Determined to master this newfound strength, Entropas opened her eyes with renewed vigor and declared firmly to Miþoras and Nêrukos, "I will not fail you. I am ready for whatever challenges lie ahead." Her proclamation filled Cardingos with courage and conviction, even in the face of uncertain danger.
And so, Entropas and Cardingos, two brave angels from the heavens above, embarked on a mission determined to encounter their destinies. Surprises lurked around every corner as they used their divine powers to combine unknown concoctions into powerful spells – each with the potential for immense danger. But no wall was too thick for these bold warriors, who pushed themselves to the brink in order to understand this mysterious magic. As they passed each trial, their capabilities grew beyond belief. By the end of their heroic journey, not only had they discovered the tremendous strength of this magical energy, but had become unstoppable masters of it.
Miþoras nodded from on high, her approval of Entropas and Cardingos' strength and courage in the trials ringing across the heavens.
Nêrukos met her radiant gaze and intoned, "We are both aware of our messengers' celestial power; We can only hope that entrusting such force to our mortal creations will not come to haunt us." They held a stare, their words reverberating around the stars. A hush descended upon them until one of them eventually spoke - it was time to relinquish control over the Kautosians.

2.3: The Gift

Perched high in the mountains, just beyond what is now the border of Apollonian lands, lay a small settlement nestled deep in the valley. The dual deities had established a channeling temple where their divine messengers could reach into the mortal realm from both the underworld and the heavens above. They used this place to spread their knowledge far and wide.
The Kautosians living in that little settlement nestled deep in the valley were abuzz with excitement. The siblings Entropas and Cardingos had come down from on high to bestow upon them a divine gift: Thaumaturgy, the power to wield Meixatas' spiritual energy and comprehend the connection between Kautos and Shlatos beyond compare. As they descended from the heavens, their wings unfurled and shone in the sun's light, causing gasps of awe and wonder from those watching below.
"It is a sign," said one elderly man as he watched the celestial beings land before him.
"We have been blessed by the gods!" cried out another excited man who was standing beside him.
The two siblings unrolled the ancient parchment scroll, its gold thread glimmering in the sun's light. They read aloud its heartfelt proposal and their voices echoed through the mountains. “We can offer this extraordinary force to you, but there is a great cost to be paid,” said Entropas solemnly. “You must make a sacrifice of your own blood, something of value that cannot be replaced," Cardingos warned solemnly. The Kautosians were stunned, their faces grim with contemplation. After a beat of silence they all nodded in agreement. And then in a blaze of shimmering silver light Entropas and Cardingos flew away with haste, leaving behind a group of hopeful onlookers who knew what was being asked of them.
The Kautosians were awe-struck yet ready to receive the gift of Thaumaturgy. Everyone was filled with anticipation and excitement as they prepared for the ritual that would come. The tribal leaders instructed everyone on how to prepare for the offering of a sacrifice to the deities as well as how to conduct themselves during the process. All of them followed their instructions without fail, eager and willing to accept this divine offering from up above.
The day the ritual was to take place, a silence descended upon the people. As per instructions, each Kautosian went forward in turn and placed an item of great worth at the altar. This had been given prior as payment for the remarkable spiritual vigor Thaumaturgy could offer them.
The Kautosians hurriedly set up the channeling temple with their finest offerings of food, spices, and incense. They draped the walls with tapestries and intricate carvings depicting scenes of ancient battles and ceremonial rites. A procession of white-robed priests conducted a ritual of purification to cleanse the souls of the people, who waited in hushed anticipation for the endowment of Thaumaturgy. The pilgrims were silent, many closing their eyes to focus on their inner voices, which they believed would guide them in understanding this gift from their gods.
The sky darkened as a procession of divine messengers descended from the heavens and made their way to the grand temple. Anxious murmurs echoed through the crowd as people searched for signs of the gift they had been promised.
Finally, when the messengers reached the temple doors, a hush fell over the people. As if by some unknown power, their feet stayed rooted to their spot in anticipation. A beam of light pierced through the clouds and illuminated the scene below, revealing shimmering symbols hovering around five central figures. The sight was too much for the Kautosians - they were transfixed by these mysterious miracles sent down by their gods.
Once inside the temple, they were initiated into Thaumaturgy and taught how to use this powerful force responsibly. The people listened intently, knowing that much depended on how well they managed this gift.
The Kautosians beheld with wide eyes as the secrets of Thaumaturgy were exposed to them. "What is this power that courses through our veins?" one of them questioned, astonished. Another echoed, "It's like I can sense the world around me and use it to shape my own destiny." As their spiritual energy flourished, sending shivers down their spines, they realized the possibilities that lay before them: healing those who are ill, warding off harm and danger, creating marvelous objects from thin air, even manipulating their environment according to their whims.
The revelations of Thaumaturgy gave the Kautosians an awe-inspiring glimpse into their own inner powers. They were filled with a newfound understanding of their own spirituality and the nature of their relationship with the gods. Feeling empowered, they vowed to use this gift responsibly and to protect and strengthen their society in the future.
The Kautosians explored the depths of Thaumaturgy and discovered two distinct methods of manipulating energy. Ergonation enabled them to create something new, while Catabolation allowed them to tear down and disrupt matter. As their skills grew, so too did their appreciation for their spirituality, the responsibility which came with their power, and the need to protect their community. This journey of self-discovery revealed that Thaumaturgy was a double-edged sword, with potential for both good and evil results.
As they ventured further into the unknown, they encountered an incredible array of magical forces. Everything from electric auras, spirit guides, healing beams of light, and powerful energies that seemed to be alive enthralled them. With this newfound knowledge of the arcane arts, they were empowered to bring meaningful transformations in reality.
Thanks to the gift of Thaumaturgy, the Kautosians were able to unlock places that had been off-limits before. They could use their newfound power for protection and healing purposes, as well as explore far distant lands and realities beyond what they knew. This new knowledge deeply enriched their lives, imbuing them with a sense of deeper connection than ever before. Together they worked in harmony to bring balance and peace into the world around them—and all thanks to this incredible revelation given by its gods: The Gift Of Thaumaturgy!

2.4: Beyond the Veil

Arthuros was a wise and respected thaumaturgist in Kautos. He was known for his calm demeanor, rational thinking, patience, insightfulness, and benevolence. Coming from an affluent family, Arthuros had dedicated his life to mastering the art of spellcraft and seeking out knowledge. In his later years, he felt contentment and joy that he had lived a full life filled with countless experiences.
On his death bed, Arthuros stood with assurance as he felt peace and tranquility overtake him. He had lived a full life but still longed for more. After his last breath, Nêrukos severed his soul from his physical body. As his soul crossed over the Veil into Shlatos, Arthuros was filled with joy and contentment that he had seen it all. But as his heart slowed and his breath left him, he found himself embracing death just as strongly as he embraced life.
Arthuros's spirit was filled with anticipation as he prepared to face the trials of Shlatos. He knew they were a crucial part of his pilgrimage to find spiritual oneness—to reach a level of unity and reverence for the dual deities that ruled over this world. He sensed that through completing this quest, he would finally be able to experience true connection with the World Soul.
And then, in a flash of blinding spiritual light, Zevanas appeared at once in front of Arthuros. A fluxfarer - a powerful being dedicated to helping souls explore the depths of their own spirit and gain the wisdom needed for self-transformation, Zevanas radiated a glow of peace and love that filled Arthuros with a newfound hope. She guided him through Shlatos—showing him its ancient customs and rituals so he could embrace his true identity and harmony within himself.
Arthuros trudged through Shlatos, salty tears streaming down his face as a deep ache in his chest weighed heavier with each step he took further away from Kautos. All the memories he treasured so dearly, everything that tied him to his home, were gone. With every mile further away from Kautos, more pieces of Arthuros were taken until all that remained was an empty shell walking blindly towards a place he had never seen yet yearned for desperately - the World Soul. But he wasn't alone; Zevanas took him hand in hand and guided him along the path to transformation. Every breath carried new opportunity and hope, allowing a piece of Arthuros from his past life to be reborn in the next.
As Arthuros traveled further, he began to feel something new within himself—a strange resonance with the underworld and its creatures. He could almost feel its power and beauty, the wild world, uncivilized and at peace with itself. At the same time it brought a sense of dread; perhaps this was part of his transformation into something much greater than before. With every step, his connection to his physical being dwindled, and its call grew louder.
At last, the Astral Gates loomed in front of them, and beyond it stood the World Soul—the Source Of All Things. Arthuros's eyes widened as he took in the grandiose sight before him. "This is it," he whispered, tears streaming down his face as he beheld the realm of unconditional love and acceptance. Zevanas moved closer, her hand resting atop his as she guided him forward with a gentle nudge. "Do you want to stay?" she asked softly. Arthuros paused for a moment as he faced a decision at the end of his journey: remain in the spiritual darkness of Shlatos or merge with the World Soul, embracing eternity with its arms. He turned to her, and said, "Yes - I do." Without hesitation, she took his hand and lovingly pulled him through the gates into eternity.
Arthuros was overwhelmed with a sense of wholeness and understanding, as if he'd been embraced by the Universe in its entirety. He felt like a wave, merging with the currents of a vast ocean, each thought, feeling and emotion uniting into one harmonious whole. A collective voice from within whispered to him in a language beyond words, communicating unconditional love and acceptance that transcended all time and space.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Miþoras called out to Arthuros. Her siren's call was irrefutable; it pulled Arthuros away from the comforting embrace of the collective spirit and forced him to return individually. With each step forward, he experienced a tear in his soul, as if he were leaving part of himself behind to breathe new life into his body.
Stepping away from the World Soul, Arthuros felt a deep pang of longing in his heart. But Zevanas was by his side, guiding him through the blackness of the underworld and out of its depths. As he began to make his ascent
from the underworld, Arthuros felt a deep pang of longing in his heart, knowing that fully immersing himself back into the collective spirit would be impossible. Yet as he moved forward, he found solace in Zevanas' presence, which filled him with a renewed sense of purpose — the return to rebirth that would follow his journey was now within reach.
Arthuros trudged through each realm with the guidance of Zevanas, who connected him to other spirits in Shlatos. He encountered mythical creatures, plunged into abysses of anguish, and survived taxing tests of endurance. While all the benevolent spirits accompanying him gave him strength, Arthuros was still unsure if he was closer or further from Kautos’ domain; nevertheless, he'd hoped that his thorough efforts would not be futile.
After months of wandering through Shlatos, Arthuros arrived back at Kautos with newfound awareness. As he rested in a cocoon of peace and comfort, he remembered that this is where it began—where existence and death connected. In that moment of understanding, his spirit rejoiced over what he acquired during his voyage—the wisdom he gained by accepting mortality.
Arthuros stirred in his new form, a small infant lying in a cradle. Everything around him seemed so familiar, yet he felt disconnected from it all. His mind was foggy and images of places he had been and things he had seen flickered dimly within his consciousness.
As Arthuros grew, the visions in his head began to take shape. He started to recognize people and places that felt like they somehow belonged to him. Though he could not comprehend the consequences of his actions during his journey through Shlatos, the memories slowly revealed themselves.
Meanwhile, in the Underworld, Zevanas watched with a bittersweet ache in her heart as Arthuros explored distant lands, far away from her realm of suffering. She remembered those days when she acted as his guide and mentor - those moments when they laughed together at both the simplest and most complex things in their afterlife. As she witnessed Arthuros’ spiritual growth, she longed for what could not be reclaimed.
One day while out exploring, Arthuros stumbled upon a small village in the foothills of the mountains—an old home from his previous life. It was then that memories started to flood back of his past lives and adventures during his pilgrimage through Shlatos. With each memory, Zevanas grew wistful as she experienced life through Arthuros’ eyes: the familiar faces he met, stories told and lessons learnt that no one else could understand.
As the memories flooded in, Arthuros felt both pain and elation. He recognized how his past acts had caused ripples of influence throughout his life, and that no matter where he ventured death was constantly looming ahead of him. This newfound insight gave him a deeper understanding of what matters most in life and kindled courage within his soul. He embraced his hardships with optimism and embraced new opportunities, slowly drawing himself closer to an everlasting bond with the World Soul. With a hopeful spirit, Arthuros left his former life behind and prepared for a journey of self-discovery.
Arthuros returned to Kautos a transformed individual. Wisdom, courage, and an inner strength he'd never realized before had taken hold of him during his journey. Nothing could stand in the way of what he'd accomplished. The world appeared before him with its vast potential and opportunities, ready for him to explore without limits. He welcomed the new life that awaited him and couldn't wait for all the exciting adventures it promised.
Everywhere he looked, it seemed as if something new was waiting for him—be it a challenge or a reward, a lesson or an opportunity. He breathed in the sights and sounds of his beloved village, feeling deeply grateful for the journey that had led him here. The world appeared before him with its vast possibilities and opportunities, ready to be discovered without limits.
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