Chapter Three

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The tragedy unfolds

Fionrah loved looking down from the castle onto the Arne Gorge, the higher up, the better. She was fascinated by the busy life in the streets and also the birds circling above the city provided her with an entertaining spectacle. She even dared to venture to the highest tower of the castle, which set on the east side, rose towards the sky to eventually exceed the rock faces of the gorge. It gave a view of the east over the Bluevalley and of the west over the Greenvalley. However, this was forbidden because it was too dangerous.

One evening, when she could not fall asleep, the sky was still blue and the last sun rays made the bricks on the roofs of Arneravine glow red. She sneaked out of her room and made her way to the east tower. She climbed the steep stairs and stuck her head through the trapdoor leading up to the tower floor. A cold breeze caught her hair and she looked up at a massive thunderstorm that had moved over the Rockwall mountains. Captivated by the sight, she ran to the edge of the tower and looked out between the battlements onto the Bluevalley, where the storm cloud was emptying its rain. High above her, the last rays of the sun, already sunk behind the horizon, were able to cast a rainbow in the sky, which faded away slowly as the last rays could no longer reach it anymore. First lightning bolts rushed through the clouds and briefly lit up the valley in white light. The clouds and with them a wall of rain approached the princess and cold, strong gusts of wind penetrated her nightgown. She shuddered as the dark clouds loomed more threatening, but then a lightning strike. Blinded, the princess blinked, the lightning had split a large fir tree and flames were licking from the branches. Along with a deafening clap of thunder, a strong gust of wind hit the tower. Although brave at heart, this scared the princess and she turned around and ran back to the trapdoor. This slammed against the battlements, which it was leaning against, from the gust of wind and was lifted so high of by a second gust that it fell shut fall before the princess could reach it.

The princess seized the heavy iron ring illuminated by lightning and pulled with all her might, but the trapdoor did not move. She beat the door with her small fists and screamed, "Let me in, let me in!" but the dull pounding was lost in the thundering. She stood up and returned to the battlements, there already nothing was left to be seen of the fire. The streets of the city were empty and the rain curtain  engulfed the tower, drenching the princess with bitterly stinging cold water. She sat down and pulled her nightgown over her knees, shivering with cold. The storm drove the raindrops in a changing pattern across the tower floor. After a time that seemed eternal, the rain began to let up, the moon had risen in the east and it was a little warmer. By now, the princess had wrung out her nightgown, but she was still cold with burning pains followed by numbness creeping into her body. She looked down into the city again and screamed, "Hello, help! Hello, help!" but after countless calls into the night, she heard only the splashing of water still running from the roofs. She sat down again and tried to sleep, but she was simply too cold. After a while, the moon had risen above the ramparts, then she could no longer remember anything. The princess was found late the next morning, she was very cold and stiff and did not want to wake up. She was brought to bed and the apothecary was summoned, the healer of Arneravine. She poured honey and herbal tea into the princess. The next day, however, her condition had worsened, she had a fever and was hallucinating. The apothecary used all her healing skills, but the princess's condition did not improve. In a few days, she would die.

Queen Thiara begged the apothecary to do everything in her power, no matter what it costs. The apothecary replied that her possibilities were exhausted and the only thing that could now save the princess was the "Essence of the Dragon" magic potion, the effect and recipe of which she had inherited as a descendant of the witches of Saphira.

What was she waiting for, Thiara cried out in horror. To brew the potion, a special ingredient is needed, the dragon's liver, which she does not possess, said the apothecary, sighing. Does she know where to get such a dragon liver, Thiara asked. Real dragon liver is only offered by the dragon hunters guild in the mountains east of Saphira, the price, as far as she knows, is 2 pounds of gold and three rubies and an emerald as big as a pea, the apothecary responded.

Thiara sent one of the guards to bring Goldshield the treasurer and ordered the apothecary to get ready to depart for Saphira immediately. The apothecary sighed and said, "But Your Majesty, I am old and frail, how do you expect me to make the journey to Saphira, and who will take care of the princess in the meantime? In a few days, even this powerful medicine will no longer be able to help the princess. Whoever is sent must be a daring rider but also trustworthy to acquire this valuable item that the princess's life depends on. You will have to make use of one of your knights to fulfill this task."

Goldshield enters the room: "My Queen, you summoned me?" Thiara turned to Goldshield and spoke, "My treasurer, my daughter is dying and only dragon liver can save her. A knight must now be sent to Saphira, give him the best horse, 2 pounds of gold, enough crowns to buy a good horse, as well as three rubies and an emerald as big as a pea. He should ride without interruption and without sleep, when he returns he should be richly rewarded."

"My Queen, as it is there are no knights on the court, they are all with the king, on duty to catch raiding robbers who are causing trouble in the western forests. Saphira, however, is located in the opposite direction in the small valley. The only horse still in the stable is your own, and it is reluctant to be ridden by others." "I see, I will have to make the journey myself, saddle my horse." "But Your Majesty, surely someone will be found..." "Time is running out, this is what i must do, its the only option."

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