Forward Movement/Weekend Warriors

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The following weeks passed in a blur, deceivingly quick but with surprisingly little incident. The students of X13 were making headway in their courses, earning the approval and trust of their instructors one day at a time.  Gauge had even managed to overcome his initial surprise at Seren’s sudden inclination to hang around Argent during much of their downtime, a social shift in their classroom dynamic which seemed to alleviate pressure all around.

Not only had the Dragonkin become ultimately more mellow in most cases, but under Argent's companionship she gradually began to take her studies more seriously as well. It was a change which drew the grateful approval of all... Save perhaps Cassius. The Desert Prince had given up on directly stirring up trouble after the first few days, but something about his brooding silence made it clear that blood was still bad there. Perhaps more unfortunate than Cassius' attitude however, was the pressure he exerted on Matthias, which the priestly boy seemed unable or unwilling to break away from. Argent caught him looking over at their group more often than he would admit, particularly during moments when Seren was all riled up and actually expressing some form of positive emotion, combative though it usually was. Once the initial awkwardness of the Dragonkin's entry to the circle had worn away, She and Gauge had taken like birds of a feather to sniping shots at one another and competing over just about anything. Their high-energy, high-sarcasm ways were almost akin to having a pair of twins butting heads throughout every class. Of course, the two of them would never admit that they were getting along.

Chaotic as all this was, it was far preferable to having Seren lashing out in more genuine fits of violence, and Argent found it difficult not to smile whenever she put Gauge in his place. Though the Rogue did an admirable job of holding his own, scraping up the win from time to time. This was highly beneficial towards keeping Seren humble and motivated to improve. Gradually through her interactions with the two boys, she also became more closely acquainted with Shizuka and Remelia, to a point where their interactions could border on friendly.

Bit by bit the class was growing stronger, both in their relations with one another and in terms of their individual skills. By the time three weeks had elapsed, Argent was sitting in his room after a long day of battle studies, tapping his fingers on his desk as his eyes stared at nothing.  Well, nothing anyone else could see, as he navigated his own internal Kai.  Doing so was commonly referred to as either 'meditating' or 'trancing', though it didn't actually require either of those things.  It was largely a coincidental term, given because of the way people appeared to be staring into space whilst accessing it, but those who were used to looking inwards could actually navigate the tangle of internal energy quite quickly.

What do I do with you? How do I... Make the most... Hmm..

The boy mused internally, lost deep in thought as his mind and spirit mulled over the energy burning in his core.  In his subconscious mind, it was like viewing a cup, or a basin, or any metaphorical container of liquid.  The pathways of his aspects each spread from that central point like roots or nerve endings, waiting for him to push the gathered energy in his core outwards, expanding them, cultivating them to reach the nodes scattered along their lengths.

Well.. At least one choice is obvious.

He said to himself with certainty, focusing inwards and beginning to manipulate the energy stored in his center.  It was like watching a vine sprout at extreme speeds, spreading along the elemental path until it pooled into the desired node and filled it.  Once the node was entirely filled, it flashed with a bright internal light, before taking on a glow which showed the associated art had been gained.  Smiling with satisfaction, Argent nodded to himself and gradually pulled his consciousness back from the Aether Plane-- the name by which most Trivvendian locals referred to this internal state-- though he had heard it occasionally and curiously referred to as a 'Menu' at times by those from differing origin worlds. 

After opening the node to this new aspect art, he watched in gleeful silence, unable to contain his grin as his academy crest automatically updated itself.  Level six.  He could hardly believe it.  In only slightly more time than it had taken him to gain his first two levels, he had gained two more. It was a credit to the Academy itself, and to the Extended Curriculum by far, but it also spoke volumes of the personal effort the alchemist had been putting in. True to the goals detailed in his notebook, Argent had taken up a routine of daily training, waking up prior to breakfast with Gauge in order to put in one or two hours at the pool each morning. Added to this, every Tuesday and Thursday he met up with Naiara at the end of the evening to practice his swordsmanship. These practice sessions were by far the most grueling aspects of his new training regimen, as the wolven girl mercilessly put him through the paces every single time.

Infact, as it was a Thursday evening, he had just returned from the latest session moments prior. The ache of sore joints and fresh bruises was outweighed only by the enticement of his newest level gain, and even now he couldn't stop himself from idly fantasizing about where he might grow in the days to come.

Creation... Elements.. Hrrm...

Argent sighed, considering his two aspects.

"I wish I had the Physical sphere open to me..."

He mumbled, knowing full well he would be laughed at if someone else heard him. Someone with the higher aspect of Creation open to them lamenting over a lack of access to the Physical sphere was basically lunacy. Of all the Arcanasphere, even amongst the lesser aspects, Physical and Elemental were the two most common. Even still, Argent couldn't help but wish. His training had begun to show results, his already athletic form toning down just that little bit more, and his endurance had greatly spiked. But even with the gradual change from consistent discipline, he was nowhere near the realm of say, Shizuka, Cassius, or Leif.

Pondering on that for a moment, Argent reached for a quill and pulled out his notepad.

What ARE everyone’s aspects, again..?

He asked himself, opening the booklet to a section filled with hand-drawn columns. On it was listed the members of their class, with scattered notes about their aspects and the various aspect arts Argent had been able to observe them using over their time at the academy.  Some were slightly more filled, such as Shizuka and Gauge’s tables, due to their time during the entrance exam.  Others, like Izadura and Matthias, were almost empty.

Jaroth Gauge: Darkness, Psyche

  • Shadow Veil
  • Sense Aura/Find Aura?
  • Scan Alignment
  • Adv. Spd
  • Lesser Shadow

Takasu Shizuka: Spirit, Physical

  • Phase
  • Blink
  • Illusion I?
  • Adv. Spd/Str
  • Bloodline -- Enhanced Legs??

Seren Ulfrecht: Elemental (*Wind Focus??), Physical

  • Unique Art -- Sacred Shield -- Similar to a Third Tier Physical Barrier?? Seems to require much less energy to use… Have seen her cast and maintain as many as seven at once.
  • Gale
  • Air Cutter
  • Aerodynamics (Self Buff only)

Cassius Albore: Elemental, Physical

    • Lesser Magnetization?
    • Bolt Weapon I?
    • Spire
  • *Some sort of unique art involving those lightning-formed birds?? Likely bloodline related? Would suit his house title, “Desert Falcon”. 

Remelia Epstein: Psyche, ???  

  • Resist Fear?
  • Control Object

Naiara Isenhart: Psyche, Physical, Darkness

  • Shadowdance -- Bloodline Ability? Extremely Rare. Unselectable Art, may only be inherently possessed.
  • Adv. Spd/Str, likely tier II.
  • *Limited Telepathy or maybe even Telepathy?? Or some other way of reading an environment without seeing it… She always knows.

Haana Korbii: Elemental, ???

  • Nature’s Tongue
  • Sprout

Leif Vaulkin: Elemental, Physical

  • Sprout
  • Heatsense

Izadura Kyota:  ?????

  • Latent channeling arts, possibly? Almost everything he does just looks like swordplay, but i’m certain that extremely ornate blade of his does more than just cut well.

Fenn Cobalt: Chaos (Possibly?), Elemental (Possibly??), Arcana

  • Flame Magic, invoked using Rites? Also seems to possess common aspect arts related to fire?
  • Burning Hands
  • Ignite

Matthias Crux: Light, ???

  • Lay on Hands


Some of the notes were nothing more than supposition, others were confirmed by direct knowledge and observation.  But even if a lot of it was guesswork, the notes ultimately helped Argent keep track of what to expect from his classmates when things started to get more serious. Was he keeping track in order to get a leg up in a conflict? Somehow that seemed a little extreme, and yet… It wasn’t entirely impossible, he admitted.  But it was definitely not his primary motivation.  Mostly it was to help keep himself aware of his own options, and mindful of the way different aspects could be used.  While anyone could access the recording lists of known aspect arts, there was something different about tracking the way individuals utilized their abilities as opposed to simply glossing over a gigantic database.

Looking over the tables, naturally there were no other arts tied to Creation amongst his peers.. There were however several elemental arts of varying types. He considered them somewhat idly, none of them jumping out at him.  

What could I use best… What makes me effective? How.. Do I want to fight?

The questions weighed heavily in his tired mind, his eyes growing heavy as he stared at the notepad.  Covering his mouth to stifle a yawn, Argent ruefully allowed himself to let the thoughts pass, shutting the booklet and dropping himself down over the edge of his bed.  Naiara had really taken it out of him today during their sparring, and his body was protesting every minute he spent not laying down.  Curling around his pillow and wiggling halfway beneath his blankets, Argent let his mind go blank as sleep took hold of him.

As the morning sunrise of the weekend crept ever so softly over the horizon, it was not the gentle rays of light which pulled the slumbering Argent from his dreams, but a significantly less gentle thumping on his bedroom door.  The impatient knocking soon culminated in the sound of a clicking lock mechanism as the rogue responsible decided to apply his ‘practical’ skills.

“Argent! Come on! You said you’d be ready!”

“Guhh.. Huh?”

The alchemist mumbled through his half-conscious state, green eyes barely open.  Groggy as he was from Thursday's exertion, Argent was barely pulled into a waking state by his friend's shouting. He didn’t even have time to sit up before Gauge had ripped the covers off of him, yanking away the upper layer of blankets before tossing clothes from Argent’s closet onto the bed. 

"Wait.. What.. What about class?"

"There is none. Early weekend! Remember? Come on!"

Argent remembered then.  This Friday's core day had been given to the students as a break in order to make room for the Academy faculty to hold a staff meeting.  Considering the extended weekend, Gauge had expressed an interest in going out to town in order to procure some funds and items, something which Argent had immediately jumped on board with.  He had promised the rogue he'd be ready on time and wouldn't ask any 'unecessary questions', as Gauge had put it. Under the level of exerted pressure, it was only a matter of fifteen minutes or so before the two were walking side-by-side out the front gates of the Academy, Argent disgruntledly rubbing at the corners of his eyes whilst stifling a yawn.

“I don’t remember requesting a wake-up call…”

He mumbled, shooting his companion an accusatory sideways glance. Gauge shrugged unapologetically, already walking a step ahead of the irritable alchemist in his rush to be on their way.

“You were the one who said you wanted to come. We’re already burning daylight.”

He stated flatly.  Moving in quickstep he continued to lead the way onwards into the Tenebrian outer district, navigating through streets and alleyways with a sense of clear memorization and defined purpose.  Argent had to pull himself together and step up the pace in order to avoid losing sight of Gauge around corners as the maze of stalls and structures became tighter.  He had to fight to resist the urge to look away from the rogue and out at the various goods and services crowded around their path, all of which were curiously vibrant; and some of which were almost definitely illegal.

“…Where are we going, again?”

“Shhhh. What did I say about unecessary questions? Just keep up.  And don’t talk to anyone, or touch anything.”

Argent blinked in alarm at the response, finding it even more difficult to avoid looking around.  Swallowing his doubts for the moment, he did his best to focus his gaze on the soles of Gauge’s boots as they navigated the back alleys of the City of Blades.  The passing time felt as though it moved excruciatingly slow, but at long last the rogue came to a stop in front of a heavily aged structure.  Pillars of carved black marble rose high from a sturdy stone foundation, with matching steps carved upwards towards the entryway.  The quality of craftsmanship suggested that the building itself must have once been something much more than it was, a tired looking meeting hall now resting at the top of the stairs.  It was worn with years, discolored slightly and warped by the humidity, reinforced with makeshift patches of added boarding in places here or there.  Looking over the place, Argent’s eyes came to rest upon a detailed bronze emblem mounted above the double doors, an image of a compass rose set behind a single feathered wing.  Just above it was simple lettering in white paint, a phrase written in old common, the primary language of Avalos. 

“Defy the untouched skies?”

Reading the words aloud in questioning, Argent looked over at Gauge, who disregarded the phrase and waved him over to the far side of the doors.  He hadn’t noticed, but there at the side of the entryway was a large bulletin board covered in parchment and scrolls, and as he moved over for a better look it became apparent that they were job listings and contracts.  Argent balked at his companion.

"Y-you can't be serious! Gauge! Only third-years are allowed to take freelance contracts!"

He stammered, falling back a step.

"I thought we were going to take on some odd weekend jobs, or go gathering or something!"

"Do you want to go home??"

The rogue hissed sternly, giving Argent a sharp look.

"I know you're straight-laced, Argent, but for the love of the Gods and the sake of my own sanity, you are going to have to loosen. Up."

The pair looked at each other in silence.  Argent struggled to keep his arguments inside his head, his tongue held only by Gauge's stern eyes which made it clear he would not accept any counterpoint nomatter how well formed. Eventually the rogue broke the stalemate with a sigh, guesturing towards the board.

"Look. I've been doing contract work since I was fourteen. I've lived off the streets or in and out of Sceptre of Light 'homes' my entire life. I'm not going to backstep just because of some sad-sack school rules... Besides--"

He raised a finger in a confident manner.

"The Grand-Master basically said it himself.  The Academy is based around students with no real world experience. I'm sure as part of the Extended Cirriculum, that rule was never meant to apply to us."

Argent frowned, but he had to admit that was a much better justification than he had been expecting.  While he still didn't necessarily agree with the part about the rule not applying to their class, it did make perfect sense that Gauge wouldn't see any reason to stop doing something he had been doing for years.  If he already had time and experience in the books, successfully completing contracts, then...

"Well, alright.. But.. You should have said something sooner."

"What, and have you freak out somewhere the Prez could hear you? Or.. Read your mind, or whatever the hell it is she does? Yeah, no. Sorry bud."

Gauge patted the alchemist on the shoulder apologetically.

"It had to be this way."

There really wasn't anything Argent could say to that, and Gauge only smirked at the disheartened look on his face.  Reaching out for one of the contracts on the board, the rogue tapped his fingers against it in indication for Argent to take a closer look.

"How about this? Seems right up your alley, and it should be safe enough."

**Needed; Extermination of Jellycaps in the Eve'lln Forest.
A surge in Jellycap numbers has made the woods unsafe for travel, and impacted our annual harvest. The cause is unknown. The timeframe is estimated to be a rough two-to-three months past.  Whatever the case, they've injured several orchard workers in recent weeks, and we suspect that soon they will begin to spread spores.  The Village Elder wants them controlled before this effects the air and the children risk getting sick. Please see Elder Brandubh if able to assist.
Reward; Offer of 2 Eldan silvers per Jellycap. Proof of extermination required.**

Argent mulled over the contract with curiosity, running a hand through his hair while he thought.  He understood what Gauge meant when he said it was 'right up his alley'; it was pretty low-key, and it would also place them in a heavily forested area where he would undoubtedly be able to gather up a generous amount of natural herbs and ingredients.

"The pay isn't stellar, but, it suits the risk I suppose... Though it's a shame Eldan currencies exchange so poorly for Tenebrian mint."


It was true that Eldan currency was valued at slightly less than Imperial Mint, which was the standard one-for-one value set in place by the Southern Empire. Tenebrian Mint was valued at just over double Imperial, meaning that two Eldan silvers would amount to less than half their value on the Tenebrian market.

"If my math is correct, it's a rough thirty-six Tenebrian coppers for a kill."

"That adds up. I think you're missing something, though."


"Jellycaps are Fae Animates, right?"

Argent asked, but wasn't really asking.  Rather, he was attempting to lead Gauge into a conclusion.

"Sure, fairy constructs or whatever... Which makes them rare and all, but they're still not very tough."

"No, but.. Think about it. The Village is offering a reward for proof of kills. What do you suppose they would consider 'proof'?"

"Hell if I know. Tentacles, maybe? Eyes? The usual monster stuff."

"Wouldn't it be too unreliable to try and count tendrils? Each one probably has more than a dozen, also, they don't have eyes."

"..Kay, sooo?"

Gauge pretended to think for a moment, making a show of feigning being deep in thought before shrugging.  Argent shook his head, but laughed.

"They're Fae Animates, Gauge."

"You said that already."

Gauge huffed.

"Yes. And that means they have a chance to contain Vitra Argonite."

You could see the lights go off in Gauge's head as the pieces came together.  There was a glimmer in the older boy's eyes as he excitedly cupped one palm and slammed his other fist into it.

"That stuff's super rare! Can we flip that? What's it worth?!"

"Depends where you sell it, but for the right buyer, you could probably pull a gold piece for a big enough chunk."

Argent quickly began to wave his hands, trying to slow his companion's imagination down as it looked as though the rogue were about to have a stroke.

"Now, mind you, we'll be lucky to find shards and fragments; let alone any chunks... Still.  I imagine the Elder has some idea of the value.  And i'm certain he understands that not all the Jellycaps will have Argonite.  We'll see what they ask for, but assuming they DO require Argonite as proof, then they're basically cutting back on costs to the village knowing that the material drops will make it worth our effort anyway."

Gauge frowned, tapping a finger on his chin as he considered the information.

"So they're banking on contractors making the kills in the interest of material drops, and using that to paint over their lousy bounty pricing... That's kinda dirty."

"I'm sure they've got rough expenses of their own."

"Oh, i'm not saying it's bad... Hell, I'd probably do the same thing."

"You'd definitely do the same thing."

Argent teased.  Gauge made no effort to deny it, grinning as he pulled the paper from the board, motioning for the alchemist to follow him inside as he stepped through the structure's large double doors.

"Damn right I would."

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