
Table of Contents

Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four

In the world of The Locket

Visit The Locket

Ongoing 646 Words

Chapter Four

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Auris cracks their eyes open to harsh sunlight and a jarring pain that rips through their body. Barely conscious, they are only faintly aware of movement; a stranger carrying them. They turn their head, try to catch a glimpse of the stranger's face, but the action causes the pain to increase. The world fades around them as Auris slips out of consciousness once more.

This time, a warm hand against their cheek jolts them awake. Instinct causes them to sit up, only for them to regret such an action as a searing pain rips through them, and they allow themself to drop back against the pillow.

"It is alright; you are safe now." A soft, smoky voice catches Auris' attention and they turn toward the man who had spoken; the stranger that must have carried them.

He raises his hands in a way meant to reassure, and seeing that Auris has no intention of trying to move again, he relaxes back into his seat. "You fell from quite a height. Honestly, I am not certain how you survived." A thoughtful look crosses his face as he continues, "I healed you as best I could, though, judging by your reaction to waking, you likely still have some pain in your abdomen."

Auris studies him warily, and grumbles when he explains the obvious; 'some pain' is quite the understatement. "Who are you?"

"General Colxian Lucilae, at your service! I am also a healer, if you would prefer." A friendly grin spreads across Colxian's face as he greets them. When Auris doesn't return the greeting, he simply moves on. "Welcome to Hope's Base. This is the medical wing, of course. No need to worry; you will not be put on trial for your various homicidal crimes."

"What? Why not?" Surely Colxian must be joking. Auris' brows knit together as they blink at him, puzzled.

But he isn't joking. Colxian leans forward to prop his elbows on his knees and meet Auris' gaze with his own, piercing stare. "For a few reasons. For one, you are not entirely at fault. We take manipulation into consideration. Second of all, your crimes were committed in an entirely different kingdom and are therefore outside of our jurisdiction."

A scowl darkens Auris' face at his words; words born of a lie. "I was not manipulated." They snarl softly, only to stop. Perhaps admitting to a crime is not the best course of action, they decide, despite Colxian's strange knowledge of them.

"Mm, but that is a key part of manipulation," Colxian waves his hand dismissively. "People can be influenced into making decisions with a negative impact, whether physically or emotionally. With the latter, the person rarely notices. Your choices were not wholly your own."

Hundreds of memories flood into Auris' mind. Their most recent encounter with Juniera, her sharp words echoing. Your love is false. A half-hearted rage rebels against the notion that Auris had been controlled. Colxian is a stranger; they have no reason to trust him. Who would love a monster such as yourself?
The pain returns, wedging itself into Auris' chest, and burrowing deep into their heart. Glossy-eyed and silent, they are hardly aware of a single tear dropping from their jaw. You are worth less than a sprite. Auris watches numbly as more tears splash into their lap.

Colxian reaches for them as if to wipe their cheek, only to stop the moment they flinch away from him. "I should not have said anything; not right now." He apologizes softly, stands, and returns his chair to its place by the wall. "I will allow you some time to yourself; time to rest. If you need anything at all, simply ask."

He pauses, as if hoping Auris will respond. Instead, they choose to close their eyes and turn away. Silence stretches, before Colxian's footsteps quiet and the door creaks as he leaves.

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