Ar'lissa talking to CLR-1K on the Ship

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As their ship flies through hyperspace CLR-1K finishes downloading the latest medical procedures from the holo net as well as an update on Wookie physiology as Arlissa walks by with an empty container and her rifle slung over her shoulder. He turns to her, “I’m sorry Ar’lissa, but I have found nothing on your condition.”
Ar’lissa stops and looks at him strangely for a moment, “My condition? You don’t mean my eyes, do you?”
CLR-1K nods, “Yes. I’ve found no record of any Pantoran having either a disease or genetic condition like it.”
Ar’lissa shrugs, “I’m not Pantoran, it’s a common mistake, one I don’t normally dissuade individuals of. My people come from the Unknown Regions.”
CLR-1K tilts his head to the side. “Fascinating. If I may ask, how did you end up here?”
Ar’lissa sighs, “I did something my government currently…’disapproves’ of, but a warrior I admire greatly once told me: ‘There are things in the universe that are simply and purely evil. A warrior does not seek to understand them, or to compromise with them. They seek only to obliterate them.’ There is such an evil that threatens my people, and because of my actions dealing with that threat near our borders I am now tasked in helping to deal with that same threat here.”
“You mean the Empire?”
Ar’lissa bristles slightly, “No, something much worse. They can hide behind gifts and services given seemingly unconditionally or they can use more, ‘aggressive’, methods to find out how control a group or species and bend them to their will.”
CLR-1K nods, “So, it’s your job to find them?”
Ar’lissa shakes her head, “Not normally, I’m not skilled in that regard. That task is usually left to others. My task is to help eliminate them or their proxies once they are found.”
“Do you think they have infiltrated the Empire?”
Ar’lissa shrugs, “Possibly, but I would imagine stirring up discontent and rebellion could also be their style as well.” CLR-1K thinks for a moment about that comment as Ar’lissa nods to him and continues on her way to non-used area of the ship. “Wait. May I ask what it was that they disapproved of?”
Ar’lissa stops and gives a small smile but her face had a touch of sadness to it. “They don’t believe in preemptive strikes. I knew full well I would be punished for my act, but I did so for the greater good of my people. My mission is both punishment and reward for my actions. If you will excuse me, I want to get some practice tracking targets before we arrive at our destination. Before you ask, I will not be firing my rifle, it is too easy for an errant shot to hit someone.”
CLR-1K looks at the blaster attached to his hip remembering that lucky shot he had. “I’m glad to hear it. I must check on my patient but thank you, this has been enlightening.”
Ar’lissa nods again and heads off. CLR-1K watches her leave and turns to go check on his patient thinking it might be a good idea to get to know more about the rest of the crew.
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