Page 1; Well of Fury

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The initial surprise at seeing his bond be so warm and close with another having worn off, his eyes wandered the commanding woman’s office. High vault ceilings with small alcoves with statuettes, small ornate chandeliers cast crystal light around the room, antiqued weapons on plaques. Lower down the finely painted walls, between pairs of bookshelves full of content and knowledge were larger alcoves, displaying neatly ordered knickknacks and art pieces. Though he continued to catch the joy in his bond’s voice, her melodic and mirthful voice raising and falling as she spoke, his eyes scanned every item arrayed, trying to learn this new woman. 


It was then that his eyes froze on one display, and his body slunk towards it.


The alcove was specialized, dedicated to one sole suit of armor. The armor was female in design, the pieces of which were placed up an armor stand. A muted gold and silver material of a mix between Greek and European design, with a large morning star placed before it. He reached out and grasped the smiling helmet, it’s eyes piercing into his soul. 


His silvery skin was stark against the shimmering gold. 


“Sir, it’s very rude to touch things that dont belong to you.” Kaendra, the commander of the knightly order and his bond’s friend, chided him from across the room. 


He was responseless, caught in a trance as his amethyst eyes seemingly glared from his reflection. The helmet spoke to him, possessing the memories of their past journeys.


“Dear Eros, might you walk with me. The moon and stars are exceptionally beautiful tonight. Though they pale to you.” 


He could feel her larger hand phantom onto his. 


“Come now lovelies, we must start your studies. My Beloveds, Eros, Lycia, come join us. I’ll have you all rival the students of Auramia!”


Her genuine smile and enthusiasm resounded in his head, and strangled his heart.


“Eros?” Lycia’s voice reached him, his bond drawing his attention.

Lycia, come look.” He nearly whispered, working to keep his tremors at bay.

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