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The gunshots echoed on the fifth floor. Haruna turned and ran back towards Dylan's room, and Miles followed. She entered the room to find an empty bed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. She turned toward Miles as he entered.

"I thought you said you put him to sleep."

Miles closed the door and took a few steps toward Haruna. He reached into his pocket and took out a syringe filled with a clear liquid.

"I lied. Sorry, but I need to get you out of here."

"What is that?"

Haruna backed into the room.

"Something to put you to sleep. Getting someone out of a hospital through the morgue is easier. This drug will mimic death. I was going to use it on Dylan, but you're more a priority."

Miles took a few steps forward and reached for her arm. The door swung open in stepped four men, each with tattoos on them. The first had a black skull on the back of his hand. The second, a cross ran up his forearm. The third man had a spider web tattooed around his bald head. The final man had the words "Save Love" on the one hand and "Keep Freedom" on the other. He continued to hold the door.

Another second passed, and a man ducked under the door and entered the room. He closed the door. He took his shirt off and showed a set of tattooed epaulets with skulls on his shoulder. The four smaller men drew weapons, two knives, and two small Glocks.

"You guys here for her?" Miles asked.

The largest man nodded.


Miles turned to Haruna.

"This was what I was trying to avoid."

Haruna's face scrunched up. Miles placed the syringe in his pocket and removed his white coat.

The plan to get Dylan out of here changed since Miles arrived. The arrival of a Russian hit squad tends to do that, but the men in front of Miles didn't look well trained. None held their guns with two hands, and the knives wielders gripped their weapon lose. Miles had an advantage in that, he figured. The larger man stood in the back and didn't move to join his friends in attacking. He would stay there.

The other four they wouldn't attack at once. They weren't coordinated enough for that. Miles knew he could deal with them. Each weapon had an operative range, knives close, pistols farther. Stay close to the guns when active and keep the blades back at least until he could steal one.

The man with the world tattoo moved first. He lunged forward, his knife thrust at Miles. Miles blocked the knife and slammed his foot into the man's chest. He fell backward as one of the Glock-wielding men turned his weapon on him.

Miles pushed forward. His forearm pushed against Skull Tattoo's. The Glock flailed, his wrists attempting to get a shot at Miles or Haruna, unable to find either target. Miles punched Skull tattoo's chest. He stripped the gun out of his hand and took a step back. Miles pulled the trigger. The bullet pushed into Skull's chest, the second through his head as he fell.

Words Tattoo jumped at him pushing him a few steps and grabbing the gun. As he did, Spider Web trained a weapon on Haruna. Miles drove a knee into the crotch of Words Tattoo and pushed him off. He pointed the Glock at Spider Web and fired. The first few bullets spun the man around, and the final few killed him. He then brought the gun down on Words Tattoo's head several times. Words fell to the floor with blood seeping out of his head.

The man with the crosses shook as Miles pointed the Glock at him. He stood straight and dropped his knife, his arms raised.

"Look, man…" his plea was cut off by the larger man picking him up and snapping his neck.

Epaulettes stepped forward, his men either bleeding or dead around him. "Don't think I be as easy."

"Sure you won't." Miles pointed at the Glock and fired. The bullet carved through the large man's head, and he dropped the same as the others.

Miles let the man fall and surveyed his surroundings. "Not bad."

"What's going on?" Haruna asked.

"I promise to explain everything later. For now, these men are here for you. I promise I will keep you safe."

Miles offered his hand to Haruna.

"I guess you're not a doctor," Haruna said.

"No, I'm doing a favor for a friend."

Miles took Haruna by the hand and pulled her to the door. He ripped the door open. A short, fat, balding man waddled towards the room, his arms hidden inside his long jacket. The man's arms rose as he pointed a sawed-off shotgun toward Miles.

Miles slammed the door shut and pushed Haruna back. He fell flat. A loud blast of a shotgun fired. The door exploded into pieces on top of Miles. He flipped over. The fat man stood against the doorframe. His gun cracked open he loaded two shells.

The action closed. The man pointed the shotgun at Miles, and a gunshot echoed out. The man fell to the floor, a bullet hole through the center of his head. Dylan stood in front of the elevator, his gun raised.

Dylan glanced around the room. It was a mixture of men, blood, and wood. "Getting rusty, old man." He extended his hand out to Miles.

Miles grasped Dylan's hand. "How many did you take out?"

Dylan kicked the fat man's feet. "He makes six. You?"

Miles glanced around the room, "Five."

"How many do you think are left?" Haruna stepped out from the corner, her arms wrapped around her.

"Good question." Dylan turned to Miles.

Miles thought for a moment. "When they arrived, a little over twenty."

"Excessive," Dylan said, "but eleven down."

"They're planning on massacre the place after they kill her," Miles said.


"It's what the Russians do when they have a contract. They find the target, kill them, then anyone else in the area. Spreads fear to any witnesses and make it harder to identify the intended target," Haruna said.

Miles glanced back at Haruna, "Any idea why they're after you?"

Haruna shrugged. "My highest profile case is the one against Madam Vanco, but I'm lead on several right now. I can't get a conviction on Vanco, and the others don't involve Russians."

"You can find out why later," Dylan said. "For now, we need to get her out of here."

"I find it hard to believe the police haven't been called." Miles picked up the shotgun. "How long till they arrive?"

Haruna shook her head. "Police aren't coming. Russian Mafia bought off every cop in the area to operate without trouble. A lot of families do it."

Haruna wrung her hands, her breath quickened, and her body shook. Dylan looked at Miles. "Get her out of here."

"And what will you be doing?" Haruna asked.

"I'm going to distract them." Dylan walked out of the room.

"Dylan," Miles leaned into the hall. Dylan turned his head toward him. "Take the stairs."

Dylan nodded. He kicked the door to the stairs open, and the noise shot up and down the staircase. Footsteps echoed toward Dylan, and he went down to meet them.

Turning a corner, He spotted the first man. Dylan fired one shot hitting him in the center of his forehead. His head snapped back as the bullet carved through the inside of his skull and blasted out the back.

Another ran past the first. The Russian yelled and pointed a submachine gun, but Dylan fired first. The bullet caught the second man through the throat. He fell to his knees as blood spurted to the floor. He gurgled as the life left his eyes.

Bullets slammed into the wall behind Dylan. The dust coated him as he ducked down. A wide-eyed man continued to pull the trigger, yelling as he did. Dylan turned and shot the man in the chest twice. The man fell back as his shirt blossomed with red stains.

There was only a tiny pause. Another man bellowed from Dylan's side. He rushed forward, armed with only a meat cleaver. The blade cut through the air towards Dylan's neck. He ducked. The edge passed over Dylan's head, and his arm fell over the railing. Dylan pushed him over the bar. He screamed and hit with a thud.

Dylan took a breath. Muffled shouting in Russian traveled up the stairs. Turning the corner, he shot a man with a radio in his hand. Russian erupted from the radio. Dylan bent down and picked the radio up.

Dylan pressed the button to speak as he descended the stairs.

"Your men are dead. I'm coming for you."

"Who are you?"

"Dylan Price."

"Whatever did we do to earn your attention, Mr. Price?"

"Nothing, I just don't like thugs who go after women in hospitals."

"How chivalrous of you. You prepared to die for the bitch?"

"Based on what I've seen, that won't even be a factor."

"You have seen nothing. We watch every exit. More than two dozen men are going through this hospital."

"More like less than a dozen. I've taken out about sixteen of you. You better send more if you want this to be fair."

His voice shouted through the radio. "You think you're so tough. Why don't you come to the front entrance so I can gut you like a fish?"

"Be there in a few seconds." Dylan reached the first floor.

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