Ch 7: When in the woods, do as the trees do

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"I can't do this," Maddy said when I finished explaining the situation, her little figure sitting down on the card. "I mean, I'll help however I can, but I'm days away to the North. You're closer than I am."

I frowned in disappointment. "Okay. I'll call Q, then, see what she can pull out of her magical hat."

"That's what I'd do. And, seriously--if I can be any help at all, call me. I'm just hunting some poachers up here. They'll be here if I have to detour. And you know I love seeing you lot. It's been forever since our last campout." 

I grimaced. That last campout had been a veritable disaster, in no small part because bringing a bunch of cityfolk to the rough and mostly barren wilderness is a recipe for disaster. "Yeah, well, next time, let's try something closer to the city, so that we don't run out of supplies." 

Maddy pouted. "Too close to the city and you don't get the dark-sky effect. You really need that to appreciate all the stars."

"Call you later, Maddy. Thanks for the consult."

"Anytime, kiddo. And hey: good on you for not stealing this time. Turning over a new leaf!"

I blew a raspberry at her and her image faded from view. 

I opened the card case in my purse and carefully put the card back, selecting the one for Q. Her image came up and it was obvious she was in a coach, traveling. I gave her the short version.

"You know I don't keep a close tab on everyone, Hero, but if I recall correctly, we have Antisocial in town with you, I'm heading to Eastdale, should be there within a few days, Antimatter is, as you say, north of Eastdale. Antipathy and Antithesis are both in Landfall, so they may be closest. However...Antigrav might be your best bet, if she's anywhere in the area."

"Antigrav? I haven't met her. What's her deal?"

"She's a goblin aviator. A spotter, usually, but she's developed some keen reconnaissance gear that has attracted the notice of the Colonial government. I understand they have her doing surveying now, down by Peaceriver Bend. You can try her."

"A spotter might be just what we need! Thanks, Q!" 

"Antique, please. Remember, we're trying to brand ourselves here. You don't have Anti-grav's card, so I'll relay the message and have her call you."

"She's got my card?"

"Yes. Everyone newer has your card."

"Wow. Like, nobody calls. I'm definitely feeling left out here."

Q laughed. "I tell them not to. Never know when you're in the middle of something."

I nodded knowingly. "Ah, yes. I suppose that makes sense."

Antique gave me a concerned look. "Next time we meet up, I'll get you the new cards. You can probably call them. I speak very highly of you."

"Well, I'm the thief, you're the liar." We shared a laugh.

She smiled and waved. "Today, you are the detective. You're doing great. Make sure they pay you for your time!" The connection closed and I slid the card into its spot and returned to the Master.

"I've reached out to my contacts, but they are all north of here at the moment. I have colleagues in Landfall and Peaceriver Bend, if they get south enough."

"Landfall is only two day's journey at a hard ride," the Master said. "My guess is that your colleagues there might intercept them before we do."

"We've got a spotter who'll be checking in with me next, hopefully soon. I'll relay your thoughts and activate those aunties."

"I overheard that last bit about being paid. I assure you, Hero, we pay our debts, and as we want a positive relationship, we pay well."

I smiled. "I appreciate that, sir. But I'm just a security consultant. I found your missing swords. That's the extent of my skillset."

He sat up. "Is it? Because I'd be willing to bet that you know better than most of us here how to make a clean getaway, like my brother has done."

That got me thinking. "Well...I'm certainly less destructive, but you're right...tracking a large group isn't hard, so either they are planning to split up, or they have a trick to throw us off their scent. Or do you think they can just outrun us?"

The Master tugged his beard. "Well, where are they running to, first? To the South, we have Landfall, Peaceriver Bend. Those territories are overseen by the Origin Club, a rival family, but usually trustworthy trade partner. Out by Peacelake, there's the Brotherhood, who don't respect us, but haven't tried to edge into our territory. Out west, by the volcano, there's the Smokers--if they hear about this, they'll make a move on us."

"Oh? Why's that?"

"They've been trying to gain control over the mountain passes and towns for a hundred years. Our family has been their chief opposition. Based on their management of Snugglewatch, it would be disastrous for our operation if they took over."

"Well, is it possible your brother cut a deal with them?"

"Unthinkable. He hates them as much as I do."

"Not to sound disrespectful, sir, but it sounds like your brother has been withholding a lot from you."

The Master nodded. "Yes. I suppose we can't rule that out. I'll have my men contact our spies immediately and let them know."

"I've got to get into town and meet my colleague there. We can at least join up with your search party, maybe prevent additional traps from slowing us down."

"Yes, of course. Do you need a horse?"

"That would be lovely. Thank you."

"Take one for your colleague as well."

"Again, thank you."

"And rations. And...whatever you need, weapon-wise. It's the least we can offer you."

"That's very generous. Thank you. Who should I talk to for that?"

"Oh, right. Alex is still down. Ian." One of the bodyguards turned to join us.


"Go with Hero here and find something deadly suitable for her talents."

Ian smirked and nodded, gesturing for me to follow him to a building near the house. Inside was a cornucopia of death-dealing hardware, from pointy, stabby things to something that resembled a cannon. "Do you like to kill from a distance or up close?"

"I, uh, prefer not killing at all."

"Figures. I heard that you didn't like wetwork."

"From who?"


"When? I've been with him every second."

"You were unconscious."


The Master smiled, and again, I felt that heart-tugging desire to just do whatever it would take to make him happy. But I was prepared and asked, "When you smile--I feel that. Magic?"

"A simple charm--it triggers your organs to create a chemical that makes you love me."

"Seems manipulative."

"I wouldn't need it if I could just ask people to do things and they would get done. I'm not head of this family because I'm a nice guy, Hero."

I shuddered. All the "love" I might have felt for this guy disappeared fast--and stayed gone. 

With a cold voice, I asked, "We'll catch him, sir. But when we do--do you want him dead or alive?"

"Alive, of course. We need to interrogate him. We need to learn the full extent of his treachery."

"Right." I left his bedside quickly and made my way to the stables on the far wall. It was late, but I knew where to find Sasha and I wanted to be as far away from that creep as I could be.



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