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Spectral 42

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

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Trust is something you usually own. I learned the hard way that it should be. 

Veronica Aleena Sutherland 

“Fuck my life…” Veronica mumbled to herself as she moved around her new space. She placed a hand on her left temple and groaned loudly; why couldn’t she remember how she got here? 

The room is small, complete with one bed and half a window; the door looked solid: This did not stop Veronica from slamming her right fist into it. Ow. She let out a loud hiss and slowly backed away. Great, my dominant hand. She took one last glance at the door behind her and walked over to the window. Standing on her toes, she looked outside and sighed deeply, “what…” The grass outside was vast and seemed endless. 

Rose Welsh 

Groaning and moving to the left and again to the right, Rose sat up and let out a loud, dry cough. The night before had been crazy for her, and all she wanted to do was go home. Looking around her, she saw one bed, one window, and a heavy door. “Where I am, I…” she mumbled to herself before getting up completely. The party, thinking back on it, was given a drink at the party she went to last night. It tasted weird. Was I tripping? She could remember where she thought she was. First, a mall, after she went home, but things were strange. Everything she did ended up okay. She had enough money in her account, and her mother let her stay out late; her boyfriend finally called her back. Was that real? Her thoughts were racing now, but she had no time to think; she could hear the door to the room opening. 

Veronica Aleena S. 

“LET ME OUT!!” Veronica screamed out the window. It’s so hot in here. Pacing around the room again, she paused and let out another scream. What is going on with me? Am I scared? I don't get afraid. She waited and ran her fingers through her hair, bending over slightly, she started to throw up. I am not scared. Her legs began to quiver, and her body got tense. Hungry.  Standing fully, she hobbled over to her bed and plopped down, and she was shivering. The bed had a mattress, a pillowcase with no pillow, and no blanket. I can remember the party, and the drinks, the girls and that is it. I don’t remember going home; at least I don’t think I do. Mom is probably going crazy right now. Shit. She let out another long groan as her stomach rumbled; she could feel her eyes start to water; no, she got up and began to pace again. 

Rose W. 

“Please let me go…” Rose groaned, looking around the room. She is strapped to a bed, surrounded by monitors and people. All these people, just watching. 

“ We have perfected the drug…” One scientist spoke. 

“ She needs to relax before we can start the testing.” Another man spoke. 

Rose could see a woman approach her from her left and another from her right; they wore all white shirts and black pants. “Darling, please relax for us. It will all be over soon.” The woman on her left slowly slid a small needle into her neck, Rose went to scream, but nothing came out. She could feel her body start to relax by force, and slowly she began to close her eyes. 

Dr. Adam Swartz 

“Now that she is relaxed, we should check on our other projects while we wait for our other new patient to finally relax,” Adam spoke softly, but his words demanded respect and attention. He turned to one of the monitors in the room, and a sly smile slid across his face, “They’re awake.” He watched happily as a group moved across the screen, “Trevor finally rescued the Princess. It is all going according to plan.” He cracked his knuckles and sat back in his chair. “What if the girl can break her chain?” A man spoke from behind him. “She is not strong enough for that; the brands are working perfectly.” Adam took a look around the room, dozens of groups running across dozens of screens, battles going on at every corner. “The gods will soon be powerless. Soon we will be able to move in on the Planescape’s.” Another man said from the back. “Soon.” Adam chuckled. 

Rose W. 

This has been the worst day of my life, and maybe it has been many days. Honestly, I can’t tell. My body is sore, and my head is pounding. What the fuck is going on? This has to be some twisted joke. Right? Rose began to cough, and loudly, each cough brought another attempt to try and breathe. The wheezing in the room just got louder and louder, worse and worse. The nurses came in and out, they gave her water and tried to feed her, but everything else is a complete blur. My legs. “Honey, please try and relax; this is what’s best for you.” The nurse said as she started to slice into an apple. “You are in good hands here; I can promise you that.” Good hands? Lier. 

Veronica A. 

“Have you decided to calm down?” A nurse called into the room; she watched as Veronica tried to get off the floor. She snickered when it appeared Veronica was unable to move. “We told you to listen; I hope you learn-” a soft groan cut off the nurse. “God damn it.” Grumbling, the nurse walked into the room and turned Veronica onto her back, “May-” the nurse let out a loud grunt: Veronica moved quickly, kicking the woman in her stomach, knocking her on her back. “I am no one's slave.” Veronica hissed as she forced herself up and out the door. 


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