
Table of Contents

The Beginning

In the world of End of The World

Visit End of The World

Ongoing 4189 Words

The Beginning

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The night was a dangerous time, the walkers came out at night.  Some of the turned held a little more intelligence known for their witch like cry in the night.  When cry of a witcher is heard it meant that it spotted prey, commanding other walkers nearby to do the witcher's bidding.  Whether it was hunting animals or something more nefarious that no human was able to report on.

It was a new normal to live by since the fall of civilization, small settlements had popped up, guards posted at lookout towers.  For people not fortunate to live in a settlement of a few dozen people, they had built small fortified shelters.  There wasn't much to them.  A simple room, no ammenities unless you brought it, a door that was reinforced, some of these shacks were made of wood, some brick, some a mixture.  The more well used ones on the trade roads had small deep moats around them, the door serving as the make shift draw bridge.

James slept as the sound of the rustling outside from the trees and nature barely made it into the shelter holdout.

Elizabeth woke from the noise, pushing on his shoulder, "Love.  Do you hear that?" she whispered lightly in hopes her voice didn't travel outside to signal there was life in the shelter.

"Huh..." as he stirred awake. Lifting his elbow so he was propped up by his shoulder looking around. "What is it..." he spoke to match her voice, something he didn't actually intend just the result of her soft voice first.

The sound of the witch sounded closer and she shivered pressing her head into his chest she closed her eyes. She hated when she heard them in the night. They were worse at night. The dark scared her even more now. "Are we safe...." she whimpered nuzzled into his chest.

"We are never safe alone, but you are safe with me," James spoke softly into her ear in a tone meant to calm her.

Despite the witch noise outside, unless a walker or something else had seen them. They would be passed right over. The shack had no windows, only covered slats that were now closed. Nothing was getting in, nothing could see in.

"Remember that first night at our house? I barely knew who you were, just a friend of my sister..." he said as he held her head into his chest. Despite no windows, he didn't want her to look at the walls of the shack. "What happened when you came to me?" he said softly stroking his fingers in her hair. 

The memory wasn't a pleasant one, a tale of rape, abuse, and yet within it - her feeling of safety.
She shivered glad when he pulled her tight to him. Her eyes closed as she listened to his heart beating it was slow and steady and she knew he was not afraid and that made her feel safe.

The memory of that first night coming to James flooded into her mind, trying to drown out the noise outside. She couldn't make it into his sisters room, she had been standing on the lawn throwing small rocks to her window. But when she didn't wake her eyes landed on the open window on the side, a trellis of ivy leading up. She thought this was her friend's brother room; she had passed it a few times in the hallway. She climbed still crying, she pushed the window open a little more her head popping over the frame. "J...." she whispered softly remembering Lena had called him J as a nickname but her brain just wasnt working again and his name just wouldnt come.
James slept softly, as the noise of her climbing made him rustle awake some, before hearing the call his name nickname. "Huh...Lena?" he looked around, thinking it was his sister. His sister at times had bad dreams and lay with him. Though not close in any regard, just wanting another body to count, and not be alone. He would have never guessed it was, Liz as he called out softly again, "Lena...that you...?" 

His mind not connecting that the sound was out the window just yet as he rubbed his eyes and squinted, trying to see in the low darkness of the room. Only lit up by the moon light that was rather bright this night.
She was already pushing his window up more, climbing in, she was crying tears streaked her cheeks they glimmered in the moonlight. Before coming to his home, she had been abused.  The thick trails of cum glistening her inner thighs as she climbed in. The deep dark bruises on her inner thighs upper arms and her cheek visible the more his eyes adjusted to the light. He shook his head to see that it was his sisters friend. He nearly jumped out of bed in response to her.

"Oh my god...Liz...Liz is that you?" James asked as he rushed to her, grabbing his throw blanket on the bed without a second thought and putting it over her.

Guiding her to his bed to sit at the edge of it. He got down to his knees in front of her as she wasn't exacty looking up and around but down towards the floor. "Liz...what happened...." his first motions were to rub at her calves over the blanket that covered her as if trying to warm her up. Trying to look her in the face and eyes.
She started to cry almost at once she had partially stopped but now it was just flowing from her. She was hiccupping as she was crying so hard. It took her a solid 15 minutes before she spoke.

"Uncle Chad..." she managed to get out swallowing.

"He's been coming into my room at night, at first it was just to tuck me in....but...." her eyes closed as she looked away from him shame filled her face.

"The first time he just... touched my breasts.... pulled my night shirt up.... I thought he thought I was my aunt... he touched my panties" she wiped at her running nose.

"The next night he ..." she sobbed softly "I started wearing shorts to sleep in and not just my night shirts.... he touched me through my shorts....." She hiccupped again "But this time he.... he didn't stop...."

James didn't know what to do as she was crying and trying to speak. Her words coming out through her sobbing and crying, words as her hiccups flowed out of her mouth.

"He...He did those things?" he would ask as she was talking about how he would come in and touch her and what she did to try and stop him.

He put his hands on her legs. "Oh my god...Liz..." His own tears welled up in his eyes. James didn't cry much if ever, he couldn't remember the last time he had. Sure slightly watery eyes, but never crying but as she spoke and told him he didn't stop that tear came from and fell off his cheek.  He had to see what was done to her, without asking he opened up the blanket and looked at her body, but he paused, stopping, looking up.

He looked at her, asking with a nod of approval instead of words.  At the moment it seemed words had no meaning to what was done, actions spoke louder.

He waited for her to nod yes before he pulled the blanket. She wasn't wearing pants, shorts, panties. Just the shirt, a torn shirt. He could see her inner thighs, covering in mikly whiteness. He lifted his brow...."Is that his...still on you?" as he was already thinking she needed a shower right away to help wash it all off.  He didn't want to frighten her, didn't want to make any sudden movements that would have her twitch backwards in response.
Her crying had slowed but  when he asked if that was his cum, she started sobbing again harder now. "No that was me ...."
She looked ashamed her face red and wet with tears. "I didn't want to... I didn't want him to touch me... But I couldn't stop... I tried to pull away but he grabbed my legs and held me open..."

She whimpered bruises heavy on her legs in the shape of his fingerprints. "I was crying and told him to stop but he put his hand over my mouth...."

She wiped at her cheeks trying to catch her breath gasping from crying so hard. "But he just, he was inside me and it hurt and he was moving so hard and fast and it hurt but I...." Her face was blood red as she looked down at herself ashamed "I couldn't stop.... "

James was a little confused, he understood that she said it was her, but his mind was still half asleep, half in shock that she was abused, seeing the marks on her, the bruises, her sobbing. He put his hand on her face to wipe the tears from her cheeks pushing them to the side as he looked around. Luckily everyone in his family was heavy sleepers and her sobbing wasn't going to wake them. Aided by his room being at the end of a hall and his sisters room more than halfway down the hall.  The hall closets, bathrooms and stairwell entrance all gave his room a buffer for the noise to diffuse.He was still worried they would awake. He was wondering how he was going to get her in the shower and cleaned up without causing a stir.

"Liz...I think that is his cum..." he said, thinking with the trauma that she wasn't thinking straight.

But indeed that mikly white layer that covered her inner thighs, still sticky whenever her legs moved apart was hers. Her nub of a clit still exposed and stiff from the pounding. Her uncle had worn a condom, took so long to cum, and only came a little.

"Come on, shh shhh, you're safe now. Shhhhh shhhhh...." he said putting his thumb over her lips to try and calm her.

"we should get you cleaned up, let me help you to the shower...but shhh we don't want to wake anyone okay?" as he was looking at her face, cupping her cheeks in his hands.

She finally stopped crying as he held her, she wrapped her arms around him, and finally she allowed him to help her to the bathroom.. She was numb and just stood there allowed him to undress her. He would see her thin frame she had yet to really sprout anything yet, she was not the curves she would be but her breasts had just started to bud. He would see the bruises and even a bite mark on her breast.

"I didn't want to..." She whisper she finally said

"he was wearing a condom I watched him put it on..."
"It's mine..." She looked down at herself she was speaking in a whisper not making complete thoughts.
"I couldn't stop..." Her clit was still hard and throbbing he could see it sticking out from her southern lips just a bit.
James spoke calmly to her, "shhhh it's okay, you're safe..." though he was still confused, he hadn't seen a girl in the fashion she was speaking of.

James had been blessed with a large cock from a very early age, one that caught the notice of other females early on.  Female teens looking to explore so that their first time with their boyfriends wasn't horrible choose James at a very young age, as young as 7, to fool around with.  These encounters always left him feeling empty for he was just a shell to be used by them.  By the time he approached his teen years he had grown big enough that it became a painful problem and no more did girls come to him for their uses.
Despite all the sexual encounters he had, he hadn't made a girl cum like she just described and showed between here thighs.  His sex with the other girls was different, it was mechanical for him, he never got to be intimate with them. The older girls used him for their needs and then left.
"What's...yours...did you bring something with you?" he figured he would ask as he pulled the head from the shower to help pull it closer to her flesh. He pulled out a sponge and put soap into it, he pulled her chin up, "I am going to touch you, to clean the mess up....Is that okay?" He asked with a half smile, a smile he would hope would try to calm her. This was very new to him, he never had to be there for someone who was raped. "Don't worry I won't hurt you, you're safe, but I do have to touch you..." he repeated. Seeing that she wasn't in the mind to do it herself.
She stood in the shower motionless she moved slightly spreading her legs apart a bit more to allow him access to her. "I made that mess..." she whispered so softly he may not have even heard it.

"I couldn't stop I wanted to I didn't want him touching me I didn't want him in me but I couldn't stop cumming..." she had stopped crying now but her voice was dead.
He used the water to wash over her, using the sponge to clean at her, making sure to be gentle but also needing to apply pressure to her so the mess could be cleaned up.
"You made that mess? You were cumming?" James was feeling sad and sorry for Liz, in a slight similar way knowing what it was like to cum when you didn't exactly want to. Though James was never raped like she was and by a family member of all things.
"I need to...clean your lips..." he said holding up his hand, that had some body soap in it.
Waiting for her to tell him it was okay before his hand went down and felt her stiff clit and nub. Trying to be gentle and slow as he cleaned between her labia and her rear where the cum of her own juices was between her butt cheeks. His finger pushed up against her rear entrance to clean it, the tip barely pressing in just a tiny amount before he pulled it back. Making sure that she was clean. Doing his best to be sensitive to her trauma best he could, his face trying to maintain that smile as he was seeing the bruises on her. He wanted to protect her but didn't exactly know how.

She nodded and whimpered when his hand found her clit, shivering she gently gripped his shoulders. Her soft moan filled the room and that soft gentle stroke she came again. A thin stream of milky white cum running down her thighs and into his hand. "I'm sorry...." She whispered her knees giving slightly.

James didn't exactly know what to do as he saw the small stream run down her thighs and collect in his hand that was covering her mound while cleaning her.
He paused.
"Oh...I'm sorry...I wasn't trying too..." he felt embarrassed last thing he wanted to do was make her think that he was now using her. "No no no, don't be sorry, I am sorry, I shouldn't have..." as he wiped her thighs with the sponge as the water mixed with her cum and washed it away. Her eyes able to see it almost like a symbol, washing away the trauma.
"It's not your fault, and this...this is very normal..." he said as he put his hand in the water to have her cum wash away.
She gave a half hearted sniffle "it's not...." She said softly.
"I'm not normal....." She shivered as she looked at him.
"Please ..." Don't stop echoed in her head as she looked down at him pleadingly
While he was lying through his teeth he wanted to make her feel normal, "No no, it is, a girl I was with did the is normal..." he was about to say love, but his eyes went a little wide and stopped him.
"Just shhh, you are safe..." he put his hand back down to clean her up, "I will clean you up don't worry, it is normal..." his hand was gentle, moving around the clit, trying not to be sexual about it. But, in the process of it all, in a twisted way, he was being loving, sensual, touching her softly and perfectly to get more from her.
She ground into his hand with a soft move of her hips. Her fingers gripping his shoulders her eyes closed. It did not take long for her to cum again.
"Please ..." She breathed softly her cheeks pink, her cum still dripping down her thighs. This was different he was safe this felt good, this was enjoyable, this was not the violence she had just been through this was sweet. Loving.

"Liz?" He asked as another drippage of her cum fell into his hand and ran through his fingers.
It was starting to click that she was enjoying this. But he still didn't want to make her feel used. " just gonna clean you up okay?" he said as his fingers did move back and forth, cleaning her, though he did put a little movement to them, to pressure her clit as his fingers spread and moved along her folds and mound. He justified it as making sure she was clean.  Clean of the bad, washed away of the experience.
The poor abused girl had stopped crying and now she was simply cumming.  She had gripped on his shoulder, pushing her head back under the water, leaning against the wall as her body released over and over and over, against his working fingers each stream of cum whiter and thicker then the last until she finally collapsed against him panting. Whimpering with pleasure.
"Don't leave me... Please ...."
When she collapsed, the last one a very thick type of mess in his hands that was akin if not thicker than male cum.   He looked at it, washing it from his hand and her.  He continued to rub her for a minute as she collapsed on him. No more cum, and he knew she was finished.
"I won't, I won't...let's get you dried off..." As he grabbed a towel, turning off the water and covering her.
He didn't have girl clothes but his would fit. As he dried her off he snuck her back into his room. Grabbing a pair of boxers and his shirt that was large on her.
"Here you can wear these..." as he took her torn shirt and threw it away.
She changed and sat numbly on his bed. "I'm sorry I...." She blushed "that felt.... Good..." She admitted softly.
She curled her legs up under her as she relaxed back on his bed actually exhausted. "I've never.... Before tonight....not like that...."

"No... Please I just want to stay here... Please..." She whimpered softly still petting his shaft. "I want to stay here....please...." She buried herself into him.
James hushed her, "You can stay as long as you like, though my parents might say something but you can sneak into my room, they never come in." He said with a smile.
He was holding back a moan, but she could tell that his words were off, struggling a little, as her soft pets on his cock were gentle and easy. Her hand could fit around it for a proper jerking, but that wasn't what she was trying to do. As his balls tighted a little. He was embarrassed that he was feeling this after what she went through and was trying to hide it. His cock however was showing it's enjoyment as precum started from the tip. 
"Liz..." he said under a struggled breath, trying to hold it back.
She closed her eyes pressing her head against his chest she could hear his heart racing. It only helped to relax her as her fingers gently stroked up and down his shaft through the boxers he wore. The fabric shifted enough her hand could slip through the cock hole in the front and her fingers finally found actual flesh and she actually relaxed more. Calming down as she was petting him. Fingers tracing one thick vein as sleep started claiming her. She threw one leg over his hip getting closer to him and allowing herself a little more comfort.
Her eyes closed blissfully it was an odd warm sensation. Safe. Peace. "I love you ..." It was a sleepy murmur.
"It's safe here.... I'll stay...." Her fingers continued to stroke him running through the cum on the head before working their way down. Before sleep finally claimed her and she was gone.

As the terrors of the night slowly calmed, the first poke of light started to shine through the waste, Liz had fallen asleep in his arms, with the memory of their first time.  The horrors outside of that shack was the horrors she faced at home. A memory and feeling the waste would constantly impose on Liz, test her might, her fortitude.  Finding the solace that, while with James, she was safe.
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