The Problem

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The two main problems lay in a skewed view or lack of understanding about respect & those in open rebellion. Everything else seems to fall under these two points.

The #1 twisted view is that ‘respect is a sign of weakness’ (especially towards your enemies).

Horse crap.

For some reason there’s a generation or two out there which believes if you respect someone, it means you are less-than another or even worse—obligated to that person with whom you show respect.

I’m trying to figure out what the hell everyone is smokin’ these days, cause it’s making them stupid.

Having respect for someone does not make you legally or morally bound to them. In fact, if you want to go down that line of thought there are people you are legally and morally bound to that you should give respect to, but are bound to obey regardless of whether you respect them or not.

Think about it. The police, your boss, even your landlord are three primary examples. They should receive your respect, but you still owe compliance, regardless of how you feel.

Consider how your interactions would be if you did show respect?

You get pulled over in your car for speeding. The officer starts walking to your car and you know the drill, so you place your hands on the steering wheel—so there is nothing for the officer to fear from you. When he taps on the window, you roll it down and offer a smile and say, “Hello officer.”

He asks for your license and registration/insurance and you nod with, “Yes, sir, have them right here,” and you give him what’s required. In the whole of the conversation, you keep a cool tone, look at him directly and keep your hands on the steering wheel at all times. You speak when spoken to and thank him when you receive your papers back.

He then asks you if you knew your registration was expired and you honestly tell him, “Yes, but it’s my only way to get to work, so I’ve had to drive until my next paycheck.”

He seems to consider this for a moment and then lets you go with a warning. He encourages you to try and find a ride to work with coworkers and get the registration taken care of quickly. You thank him and go on your way.

An unlikely scenario? Not really. This is exactly what’s happened to me, on numerous occasions. I’ve been pulled over for multiple things—all about my vehicle, not speeding—and in almost every instance, was let go with only a warning. In one instance the officer actually told me what roads to take to avoid fellow officers until I could get my registration taken care of!

Why did this happen? It’s my belief that it’s because I was always kind and respectful to his authority (which, BTW, the law requires).

Now what do you think would have happened if I was sarcastic to the officer, or treated him with contempt when I was pulled over? Displaying irritation or giving the officer cause to take precautionary measures in my presence—like hiding my hands from site, making sudden movements or talking back? It would make the situation worse. Much worse if we’re being honest here (as in hand on gun holster worse). This would also be considered ‘open rebellion’.

I’ve done that too…and in every case, I received a ticket (or worse).

Which experience would you prefer to have?

That’s a rhetorical question.

What about your personal relationships? How do you treat your parents, elders or your significant other? Do you show respect to those who love you, sacrifice for you and want the best for you? Do you treat strangers better than those close to you?

Let’s solve this crap already…


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