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Blood spattered tree bark, axes and swords dug into the ground, a lopped off arm here and a head over there. The field- littered. Bodies strung about everywhere around the four, partially rotted and some completely without flesh. Heads lopped off, limbs torn free, bodies dissected and scattered with splashes of red all over the grasses.

Larry on his backside with hands planted, staring shaken. The four- pistols, a broadsword, twin ruby daggers, and a katana. Elise and her crew stood tall over the bodies that littered around them, one corpse’s hand wrapped around Elise’s boot though very loose, only the top third of its torso remaining attached to that hand while the rest was tossed away. She pulled back, pulling herself from the hand whilst slowly gliding her sword back into its sheathe.

Blake lowered and immediately holstered his weapons, sighing, “That was uncharacteristically easy.”

What do ya expect?” Dante grumbled, twirling his blade in hand, “Not like them bastards were anything special like Dires.”

Definitely not Arkaza zombies,” Roxanne added, “Those Galahan Vampires could learn a thing or two from that demon.”

Still, they did escape,” Dante grumbled once more.

It’s strange though,” Elise murmured, looking down with a somber expression.

What is?”

Those three seemed just as confused about these things,” she continued, “As if it wasn’t expected.”

We should forget about those three for right now and instead focus on the matter at hand. Getting through this forest with those cultists is going to be a pain. They already attacked a few squads.”

There’s… more to it than that Dante. If we are to get out of this forest, we’ll need to take them out and find their base,” Blake began.

Why is that?”

Well you see, from what the old man told us, this forest is a-”


Soaring through the trees, the three figures flew along. The elder Vampire Knight at the helm with the two apprentices trailing close behind. Leaping from branch to branch moving many meters between each step and launch. Fen Rao continued to wear his iron mask whilst the other two were very much so softened up like butter.

Step and launch. As Shree hopped off of the next branch in unison with Yeager her attention shifted back behind, turning her head to physically look back. The light of the clearing long gone, nothing but darkness and trees lingering behind.

I don’t think we’re being followed,” she called as she took another leap.

Why are we running? And the hell were those things anyway?” Yeager asked immediately following.

How did those guys get the better of us like that? I thought we were supposed to be more attuned to everything after being turned!”

Sure as shit didn’t seem like it old man. You had better tell us what the deal is-”

Will you two shut the hell up already?!” Rao barked out, catching both apprentices by surprise, their shocked expressions latching onto his back, “I warned you not to drop your guards. Just because you’re now superhuman doesn’t mean a damn thing. Quit behaving like a bunch of children or it’ll get you killed!”

Well what’s the plan now old man? We can’t let their convoy get out of the forest or that’ll be it for Galahan!”

Silence Yeager, I am aware of the threat!” the old man shouted, completely abandoning his stone look for one of genuine grief as he glared over towards his young comrade.

Nrgh-” Yeager grumbled.

Old man-” Shree began before going silent, watching as the old man again stared forward.

Another step on the next branch and a snap, all three bolting along, “{We never anticipated them to have power users amongst their ranks. It was the briefest of encounters but they effortlessly showed their superiority to the two brats. I don’t stand a chance on my own against all five of them. There’s no time to send a request for backup back to the capitol… ack, and those undead. Perhaps it wouldn’t be out of the question to attempt to team up with the ones who made them?}”

Huh? Hey, ahead of us!” Shree called out.

What?” Rao growled.

Several figures flew straight into the path of the trio from below, flopping in and swinging away. The duo stepped down whilst the master ducked back and flipped beneath a strike, going completely under and beyond the assailant. Other figures wasted no time, landing around the duo and the old man, whilst the attacker landed on a different branch.

Rao turned, “Grah, another pestilence. Who the hell are you?!” he growled out.

The attacker rose, their back to Fen Rao, the only thing visible being their long blond hair and their jacket, a brown jacket with a little fur collar and red stripes over the shoulders like arm bands. The figure turned just a hair as something slipped from their right sleeve into their hand. Rao’s eyes shot down and his stance readied.


-so as you youngins can see there ain’t no escape from this place without that cathedral runnin’ again.”

That is preposterous! You mean to tell us that we are stuck here without engaging that filth? I don’t buy it- you, you only want us to believe that so that we will clear them out!”

Fellow, I don’t expect nuffin cuz we’ve tried. Ain’t no one ever come back thas gone out there. You’re better off settling here in our little town here.”

Magistrate Garvin, we have no reason not to trust the Mayor’s word. Besides- those things attacked several of our convoys. What makes you think they won’t attack the rest?” spoke the young girl known as Andi.

B’sides that, what makes you think we stand a chance in hell of defendin’ the whole bloody show from this town to forest’s friggen edge?” Dante added, “We’re good but we ain’t gonna be able to defend everyone from the numbers that Larry mentioned.”

Protecting OUR assets is YOUR job. We hired your agency to aid us, not break rank and help out some hermit- FREAKS. You will do your duty to us and get us out of here!”

Our mission was to get you out of here alive and stave any threats to that mission,” Elise murmured, looking over at the magistrate with a slight turn of her head and a glare, “Frankly, your irrational pride is a threat to the mission Magistrate Garvin.”

She’s right,” Blake added, “We don’t know what we’re up against. Yes they are strangers but if this is an Eternal Hollow, which why would these folks even know what that is, then there’s no leaving. If we charge out there blind on your orders we are putting this entire operation in jeopardy.”

We have a duty to carry out and our people can wait no longer. We will regroup and push ahead, that is an order!”

I really don't like this guy,” Elise murmured, stepping forward now towards the magistrate.

Elise-” Blake called, to which Elise did not stop.

Garvin looked now to the young warrior, glaring practically as she strolled right by, “Where do you think you’re going? Bakuuva! Bakuuva are you going to ignore my orders child? I swear to you if you do this I will-”


Art by Sonmie

WAAAAAAAAAAH!!” Garvin yelled out, stumbling backwards.

As he fell the room shook ever so slightly, the floor boards creaking, pottery on the shelves and tables beginning to shake and rumble. The slightest glare of those eyes, the flex of her hand, and an aura becoming visible the color of black as it expanded around the room. Blake lowered his hand, Roxanne smirked. Andi and the rest all appeared unnerved with their expressions, whilst it was only Dante who looked on clueless.

The magistrate looked around him, then up. The shaking stopped and Elise stood there, her expression softening. It took her no time to turn and walk out of the door to the room, right passed the Mayor who stood in shock. Dante’s puzzled look turned into a grin as he soon followed, Roxanne close by him and then Andi. Blake on the other hand moved over by the Magistrate as another Guard helped the leader up.

Magistrate?” Blake asked as the man stumbled to his feet.

He turned way, saying nothing, his hands clenched into tight fists for a moment, “Bah! Do as you please then; but know that we can not afford to stay here for forever. So if you’re going to do something cleaver, figure it out pronto. Our people need this convoy to succeed!”

Blake stepped back, nodding, “Thank you, Magistrate. We will have a plan within the hour.”

A door creaked open with a bit of a listing rattle. Elise strolled out with both of her hands in her coat pockets, while close behind her were Dante and Roxanne. The former was chuckling a bit to himself as he roamed out the door.

Ah man that was priceless, didja see the look on the ol’ guy’s face when you flexed your power like that? Thought the fellah was gonna shit ‘emself,” Dante laughed.

Yeah well, he didn’t give me much of a choice. Either we let him kill the whole group or we actually do something.”

Yeah but like- what exactly ARE we going to do Elise?”

Simple. Three of us go out and scout for that town with the cathedral, make a call and maybe hit it hard if opportunity presents itself. Otherwise we report back and hit it with all of our forces. If the worst should occur, two of us should be efficient back here for defense.”

Heh, easy enough luv but who goes and who stays?”

Dante why even ask?” Roxanne grumbled, “Obviously a long range specialist, Andi, and our strongest defender.”

So Blake,” Dante replied.

Bla- hey fuck you!”

Would all of you just calm down,” Blake called out as he stepped out the door behind, Andi following, all attentions turning to the Vampire, “The Magistrate just gave us permission to handle this however we want.”

So we don’t have to worry about the idiot taking unnecessary risk then and pushing his convoy ahead? Neato.”

Yes well- he also said we don’t have all of the time in the world. I like the idea of us splitting up; however we are going to do this a little differently. Andi, Roxanne, and I will head out into the forest and find this Cathedral.”

Wha?!” Dante spat.

Roxanne has the highest defensive ability out of any of us with her Crystallization Technique, and Andi is the best when it comes to long distance surveillance and combat.”

That makes damn well sense Blake but why you and not me or Elise?”

We’re dealing with something that doesn’t die if you take its head off supposedly. Elise lacks the experience to determine what and how to fight whatever this might be, and while you are arguably more equipped than I am as a hunter of my kind- you’re biologically more frail than I am. Both of you are human, and we need to be able to take some hits. Besides, I have something else in mind for the two of you.”

And that would be?” Elise asked.

Oh, I gettit. You want us to go after Fen Rao, doncha?” Dante questioned.

Exactly. I have affirmed what sort of barrier spells they use here. Our employers will be safe within the gates of this town. Not only do I want you to find Rao and his team since their Mud Dolls can cross the boundary, I want you to research what you can that might aid us. I am honestly not expecting to beat whatever these cultists are, if they are what these people say- but I do want information.”

You can count on us Blake,” Elise stated swiftly, without question.

I- er, ugh fine. You just make sure you guys come back alive Blake, ya hear me?”

Heh,” the Vampire chuckled, “Don’t worry Dante, by now you and I should know full well how we stand.”

With that Blake strolled forward, Andi following close behind, and Roxanne soon joining as the trio moved passed the duo, “We’re going to be taking a few of the Mayor’s people with us to find this Cathedral, likely a few of the better rested guards as well. I want the both of you to be careful, alright?”

Again, you can count on us Blake.”

Yeah what she said.”

Right then… lets go you guys-”

The trio shot off, wasting no time whatsoever, leaving just Elise and Dante back to watch them depart.

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