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Epigraph Glossary of Terms and Proper Nouns FEBRUARY - JUNE 2009

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Glossary of Terms and Proper Nouns

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[tooltip:ah-mah-ter mia]amator mea[/tooltip]  nounA term of immense respect typically used by anima-coeunt’s when speaking to, of, or about their partner.
[tooltip:ah-knee-mah coo-aunts]anima-coeunt(s)[/tooltip]  nounTerm referring to one’s soul-mate, coeunt for short.
[tooltip:ull-lat-usull-lat-us]Aullatus[/tooltip]  nounA specialized Naturali drug to manage pain.
[tooltip:bo-ner-rum]bonorum[/tooltip]  nounThose who are loyal to the Naturali government. They are the equivalent to the Human CIA or FBI but are mostly used as soldiers and protectors for the Maiors.
[in][tooltip:kay-lum]cælum[/tooltip]  noun [/in]Where people who have died live and socialize with others like themselves. Humans have another name for this place, which is called Heaven.
[in][tooltip:the con-sil-li-um]the Concilium[/tooltip]  pro noun[/in]The government of Naturali. Composed of one of the oldest living Naturali from each species - or Maior. There is no Human on the Concilium, though there has been some debate about this for quite a few decades and there has not been a suitable candidate for the position. Members of the Concilium each range in age.
[tooltip:dee-vus]divus[/tooltip]  nounA spirit or ghost.
[in][tooltip:drew-id]Druid[/tooltip]  noun [/in]An ancient race with deep, magickal roots in the Earth. While all Druids can harness the power of magick, they are also masters of the elements: Air, Water, Earth, and Fire. Each Druid can master one of the four elements, but only those who are of Royal blood can master all four. They are each recognized by their element of choice from an insignia tattooed on the back of the neck at age ten. They live in a realm called [tooltip:al-th-a]Althaia[/tooltip] that was magickally created for them by the Witches so that they could live their own lifestyles. It is also where they have built extravagant cities for themselves which are carved from the earth and have created their own ecosystem. Druids follow the lifestyle of Vegetarianism and, while eating meat can make them physically ill, only the royal family can digest meat. Since the beginning, Druids lived in ancient times and, though they have modernized rather quickly over the past 100 years, they are still using the tradition of arranged marriages and believe that a union is between a man and woman only; anything else is disgraceful and forbidden.
[in][tooltip:elf]Elf[/tooltip]   noun[/in] Recognizable by their long, pointed ears, Elves are vastly known in the Human and Naturali world for being models, celebrities, fashion icons, or socialites because of the sophisticated aura they hold. While some will be quiet and well-mannered, others tend to be loud-mouthed and out-of-the-box. Elves have wisdom beyond belief and believe breeding with anyone outside their race is to be frowned upon. Their king is [tooltip:alfrid al-ber-ik]Aelfraed Alberich[/tooltip].
[in][tooltip:air-ant]Erant[/tooltip]   noun[/in] A Naturali that is able to change into animal form. Also called Erants for short. The Erants that are the most known are:
  • [tooltip:lou-pus]Lupus[/tooltip]: All Lupus have enhanced strength, haring, smell, speed, and healing. They tend to roam in Packs of ten or fifteen, but some can get as big as thirty members. Very few are nomadic and run on their own. They worship a mystical being called the Moon Goddess, someone who they believe to be the mother of the race. Lupus do not generally change into their Lupus forms until the age of at least eight or nine, and cannot become part of or join a Pack until the age of twelve. The Alpha is the protector and rule-enforcer of the Pack. He (or she) is the only one able to bring in or dismiss new members and decide their rank in the Pack. The Beta is the second-in-command, only able to enforce rules but not create them. The Omega is the lowest of the low, usually the rebel of the Pack. Almost all Lupus are athletic and can be found playing on many Human sports teams or in one created by their own race. They are built very well and are always six feet tall, typically weighing in at about 200+ pounds, though it is mostly just muscle.
    • [tooltip:vull-pez]Vulpes[/tooltip]: All Vulpes have enhanced hearing, smell, and speed. They are mostly average height and weight, they also have good eyesight and can see in the dark. Vulpes are sneaky and like to steal things, particularly things that are shiny. Most of the things they own are stolen and they do not tend to keep jobs very often. A lot of Vulpes Colonies still believe in pure bloodlines and will only mate with another Vulpes, which has lead to a lot of inbreeding, and children are called kits. After fox hunting began in the UK around 1753, all Vulpes have since mysteriously vanished and are believed to be extinct.


    • [tooltip:er-suh]Ursa[/tooltip]: All Ursa have enhanced strength, hearing, smell, and healing. They are the biggest and most threatening of the Erant species, with a height of six-and-a-half to seven feet tall. They are brawny with a typical weight in the 280+ range, but it is mostly muscle. They are deadly fighters better suited to hand-to-hand combat but can be trained to use weapons if need be.


    • [tooltip:cat-us]Cattus[/tooltip]: All Cattus have enhanced hearing, smell, and speed. They are average height and weight and, like Vulpes, they also have good eyesight and can see in the dark.


    • [tooltip:air-ez]Ares[/tooltip]: All Ares have enhanced hearing, smell, and speed. They tend to have exceptional eyesight but there are a very rare few that have poor eyesight. Like Terrae, Ares inuvenis are born from eggs. However, since the process of breaking out of their shell is just a little over three months, they take longer than other Naturali to learn about the world and their place in it.


  • [tooltip:tear-ray]Terrae[/tooltip]: All Terrae have enhanced hearing, smell, speed, and healing. Females give birth to their inuvenis in Terrae form, by the process of eggs. It takes about six weeks for the inuvenis to fully grow and break out of their shell, and eight more weeks for them to turn into their Human form. If trained properly they can be silent and stealthy, which makes them good for jobs as assassins or spies. They are typically average height and weight.
[in][tooltip:fair-e]Faerie[/tooltip] noun[/in]  Faeries are wholly recognized by the musical lilt to their voices, flawless complexion, and golden eyes. Their wings, which glow different colors with their emotions, only manifest at their choosing or during times of great peril or emotion.
[in][tooltip:fleh-g-ling]flehdgling[/tooltip] noun[/in] A young Naturali under a hundred years old.
[in][tooltip:frah-ter]frater[/tooltip] noun[/in] sister, brother, cousin, companion, or friend.
[in][tooltip:fur-si-fur]furcifer[/tooltip] adjective[/in] A term used when referring to the Naturali who have gone “rogue” or disobeyed legem.
[in][tooltip:in-fur-no]inferno[/tooltip] noun[/in] commonly referred to as hell.
[in][tooltip:in-u-vee-nuh-s]inuvenis[/tooltip] noun[/in] young, child, or baby.
[in][tooltip:lah-me-ah]Lamia[/tooltip] noun[/in] Humans refer to these Naturali as "Vampires" but this is not the case. Lamia are much like Humans in a sense for the plain fact that they can be born as Lamia, they grow at the rate Humans do, and their hearts beat the same. Though, the differences between them are quite obvious, because all Lamia have enhanced speed, strength, healing, smell, and hearing, and can also slow their hearts so that they can stop aging at a certain point.
[in][tooltip:leh-goo-ms]legem(s)[/tooltip] noun[/in] A term used when referring to the laws of the Naturali government.
[in][tooltip:loh-coh-stah-s]locustas[/tooltip] noun[/in] A slang term used by Naturali when referring to the Naturali paparazzi; i.e. newspapers, magazines, television reporters, and photographers.
[in][tooltip:loh-coh-stah-s]Maior(s)[/tooltip] noun[/in] A term used to address the members of the Naturali’s government. Each Maior has its own legems for the species they preside over, though when it comes to matters that affect the Naturali as a whole they work together in order to find the best possible solution.
[in][tooltip:mat-a-got]Matagot[/tooltip] noun[/in] the term used to refer to a companion for a Witch. In human folklore, these beings would be called “familiars,” and are often said to be spirits or demons that are generally malevolent. However, these beings are neither Naturali nor human and have the ability to shape-shift into either a cat, fox, rat, or dog along with powers of magick. The bond between a Witch and their Matagot is discovered when they first make skin-to-skin contact, as a mark that resembles a tattoo is burned around their wrists. The instant their bond is complete they know everything about one another, can sense each other’s emotions, and communicate through their thoughts - though this is not referred to as Telepathy. Because matagots are not technically considered Naturali, they do not have anima-coeunts, therefore a bond between them and their Witch can become intimate if that Witch is not in a relationship. No one knows how long a matagot can live, but after the death of their Witch, many are never seen again.
[in][tooltip:mark]Marhk[/tooltip] noun[/in] The process of a Marhk consists of biting a section of their partner’s skin and leaving a set of physical teeth marks in the skin, which helps solidify a bond, not unlike a vinculum between the Marhkee and their anima-coeunt. Marhking is something that only Erants are capable of and, while it should only be completed with an anima-coeunt, there have been some cases of non-coeunt couples performing a Marking. This is highly frowned upon, as the process can be extremely painful for the one being Marhked the longer the process goes on.
[in][tooltip:mer-an]Meran[/tooltip] noun[/in] Humans call these creatures mermaids. They live in cities under large bodies of water which are run by either a King or Queen and can travel to another destination through the water quite easily. The largest known cities are the Atlantic Kingdom under the reign of King Alvin, the Pacific Queendom under the reign of Queen Cersei, and the Mediterranean city of [tooltip:lore-ma]Loryma[/tooltip] which is home to King Dorian and Queen [tooltip:ah-dre]Adrie[/tooltip].
[in][tooltip:nah-chur-ral-ee]Naturali[/tooltip] noun[/in] A term used to refer to each non-Human species as a whole.
[in][tooltip:knock-tis um-bra]Noctis-Umbra[/tooltip] noun[/in] The Night-Shadow, an extremely dangerous weapon that can cause instant death to any Naturali and is fatal to Humans. This arrow is made entirely from gold (even the feathers), and is carved intricately with symbols once used by Naturali Witches in the Dark Ages - symbols which have been long lost since the start of the 1500s. The arrowhead is made of Onyx and coated in a deadly poison.
[in][tooltip:prah-see-dee-oh]praesidio[/tooltip] noun[/in] Someone who looks after, protects, or guards another, typically a tutella.
[in][tooltip:pray-lee-ah]Praelia[/tooltip] noun[/in] There is little known about Praelia's, only that they have enhanced hearing, healing, and smelling capabilities. They are neither Human nor Naturali.
[in][toolip:pil-cee]Pixie[/tooltip] noun[/in] An offspring of a Faerie and Elf. They are recognized by their unusually shaped, moth-like wings, pointed Human ears, or beautiful but flawed features. Pixies have very little magick but just enough to protect either themselves or someone else.
[in][tooltip:prex-us]prexus[/tooltip] can be used as a noun or verb[/in] A meeting, typically used when meeting with the Concilium.
[in][tooltip:ren-oh-vahn]renovan[/tooltip] noun[/in] A very rare individual who has two souls or, has been reborn with a previously living person’s soul inside them. The day after a person has died and a renovan awakens, they may experience dysphoria for a few short hours. This will include not being able to recall their given name, eating foods they normally would not or have expressed dislike for, not remembering friends or family, recalling memories that are not their own, and speaking in a language or with an accent they have never known or had before. Hypnotism is the best way to ensure if a person is a renovan or not.
[in][tooltip:sick-car-ree]sicarii[/tooltip] noun[/in] A group of highly intelligent and deadly, trained-from-birth Witches. They are an independent group that has no ties to the Concilium.
[in][tooltip:cy-rin]Sirens[/tooltip]  noun[/in] Sirens are mainly born female. There are a very few male Sirens because the males are prone to stillborn deaths, and the few that are born never make it to or past one month of age. Sirens tend to mate with male Humans in order to carry on their lineage.
[in][tooltip:sus-sir-ree]susurri[/tooltip] noun[/in] One who walks between cælum and the physical world.
[in][tooltip:try-vin-cull-um]tri-vinculum[/tooltip] noun[/in] Same as the bond between an anima-coeunt couple, but different in that the relationship includes three partners instead of two. These relationships are incredibly rare and, when brought to the attention of other Naturali, are typically regarded with disgust, in which the partners are told their relationship is “unnatural.” The nature of tri-vinculums was brought to the Naturali’s attention by a Lupus woman named Carly Connors, who was sadly killed in the winter of 1998. She wrote a number of books and articles on tri-vinculums, interviewed a handful of people in this type of relationship which was produced as a documentary (but was never aired on Naturali television), and was the leading Activist on the subject as a whole.
[in][tooltip:two-tell-ah]tutella[/tooltip] noun[/in] A ward or charge; someone who is being guarded or protected, usually by a praesidio.
[in][tooltip:vin-cull-um]vinculum[/tooltip] noun[/in] The bond between an anima-coeunt couple.
[in][tooltip:wi-tch]Witch[/tooltip] noun[/in] Witches tend to be the nerdy type in the Humana world, being exceptionally smart in math and sciences. They are especially good with technology and integrating it into their magick. They use spells, incantations, and potions. Witches who are just starting out are taught either by the eldest Witch in the family or in a school-type setting set up by a powerful Witch in the surrounding community.
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