
Table of Contents

Cover/Copyright Introduction Chapter 1: In the Beginning Chapter 2: Starting Strong Chapter 3: Thunderstruck Chapter 4: No-Brainer Chapter 5: The Odd Couple Chapter 6: Defense and Offense Chapter 7: This is the End, Beautiful Friend, the End Chapter 8: The Gathering Clouds Chapter 9: The Silver Lining Chapter 10: Childhood's End Chapter 11: With a Little Help from My Friends Chapter 12: FNG Chapter 13: Home Chapter 14: Scapegoat Chapter 15: Space Available Chapter 16: Friends Chapter 17: Destiny Chapter 18: The Dogs of War Chapter 19: Until We Meet Again Chapter 20: Take the Long Way Home Chapter 21: A Brief Detour Chapter 22: Reconnecting Chapter 23: Summer of Love Chapter 24: Back to School Chapter 25: Behind the Scenes Chapter 26: FNG Again Chapter 27: Summertime Livin' Chapter 28: Agents of Change Chapter 29: Agents of Change II Chapter 30: Escape Plan Chapter 31: Eastbound Chapter 32: Starting Again Chapter 33: Actions Chapter 34: Reactions Chapter 35: Family Matters Chapter 36: Getting to Know You Chapter 37: Meeting the Family Chapter 38: Transitions Chapter 39: Transitions, Part II Chapter 40: Together Chapter 41: Union and Reunion Chapter 42: Standby to Standby Chapter 43: New Arrivals Chapter 44: Pasts, Presents and Futures Chapter 45: Adding On Chapter 46: New Beginnings Chapter 47: Light and Darkness Chapter 48: Plans Chapter 49: Within the Five Percent Chapter 50: Decompression Chapter 51: Decompression, Part II Chapter 52: Transitions, Part III Chapter 53: TBD Chapter 54: Into the Sunset

In the world of Enfield Undrowned

Visit Enfield Undrowned

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Chapter 9: The Silver Lining

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12 January 1987 – Hardwick Road, Enfield, Massachusetts

Jeff put his lunch down across from Allison Newbury at their normal table. They’d been eating together every day since September. Kathy and Jack joined them for lunch most days but today they were off on their own. Jeff appreciated how his best friends had tried to keep his spirits up during the difficult first few weeks after Pauline’s departure. Today something clicked for Jeff while he listened to Allison. He smiled at her as she kept talking.

“What?” she asked when she noticed him smiling at her. “Do I have something in my teeth?”

Jeff reached over and put his hand on top of hers. “Thank you.”

“For what? What did I do?”

“You, Kathy, Jack, and our other friends have helped me keep my head up this year. Thank you.” Allison blushed. Jeff stroked his thumb over the back of her hand, causing Allison to shiver. “You’ve been waiting, haven’t you?”


“For me to notice what an incredible person you are,” he replied. “For me to notice, really notice, how brilliant you are? How beautiful? How generous?”

“Yes.” Tears of happiness filled her eyes. “You think I’m pretty?”

“I said you were beautiful, Allison,” he corrected her. “But even that pales in comparison to how brilliant you are. I’m no dummy, but you could think circles around me with one hemisphere tied behind your back.” She giggled at that. “Would you like to do something together Friday night?”

Allison gasped as a smile spread across her face. “Yes!” As beautiful as Allison was, her smile was glorious. Jeff realized he wanted to see it as often as possible.

Jeff held his hand to the small of Allison’s back days later as the hostess led them to their table in the upscale restaurant. He kept a neutral expression on his face as the rest of the patrons watched the young couple cross the dining room. Reaching the table, Jeff held Allison’s chair for her while she sat. He sat across the table. Their waitress took their non-alcoholic, pre-dinner drink orders. Allison leaned forward and whispered a question to Jeff when the sever left.

“What was everyone looking at when we came in?”

Jeff’s water glass paused halfway to his lips. He set it back down on the table.

“You’re kidding me, right?”

“No, why?”

“Allison, everyone here is wondering what some high school kid is doing escorting an absolutely beautiful college-age woman into a well-regarded restaurant.”

Jeff saw the uncertain look on her face. Allison emerged from her cocoon over the summer with Kathy Stein’s help, but her self-confidence was taking longer to emerge. Gone were the unflattering outfits and posture and, in their place, was the stunning young lady across the table from him.

Jeff pressed ahead. “Allison, my pulse has been racing since you opened your door tonight, and not just because this is our first date. I know I’ve told you that you’re beautiful at school but, with that dress and the way your hair is done tonight? My GOD!” She blushed again. “You, Allison, are a stunning young woman. Boys are intimidated by you, aren’t they?”

“Yes. Usually, it’s the whole likely-valedictorian thing that throws them, though.” She cocked her head, regarding him closer. “But you aren’t intimidated by me at all, are you?”

“You remember what I said earlier this week, right? I like being able to have an intelligent conversation with someone. There’s a reason I choose to surround myself with people who don’t pepper their speech with ’um’ and ’like.’ People who care about others, people who don’t just think about themselves.”

“My reasons for hanging around you weren’t exactly altruistic,” she pointed out.

“Maybe not. Funny how I don’t care.”

The Black Bears’ hockey comeback faltered after the Christmas break. They lost their first game after school restarted, though they won the next two. They won half of their games through the end of February. Another five-game winning streak allowed them to make it back into the state tournament.

Pittsfield High School exploited the team’s lack of depth in the first game. The number one seed found seams in Thompkins’ other defensive lines and led three-to-zero. Chris and Jeff skated off the ice after their latest shift with less than seven minutes remaining in the second period; they would have a minute or two at most to rest. They watched while Pittsfield’s offense sped up again and peppered their goalie with shot after shot.

“We’re stopping them when we’re out there, but they’re cutting the other lines apart,” Chris said to Jeff.

“I’ve been trying to tell these guys all game, but they aren’t listening. We’ll do what we can. We stand them up at the blue line. Make ‘em play dump-and-chase. Make ‘em pay for every puck they win.”

The pair retook the ice with 4:37 left in the period. Chris and Jeff did evertything they could to keep Thompkins in the game. For their next three shifts, they became snipers and enforcers. They fired shot after shot from the point, and they crushed opposing players trying to get past them into the boards.

Chris scored just before the second intermission on a turnover Jeff forced. Jeff blindly flipped the puck out of Thompkins’ zone and across the ice to a streaking Chris. Chris flew unopposed into the Pittsfield end of the ice and faked their goalie into sprawling on the ice. He put the puck into the wide-open net with a casual forehand wrist shot. The period ended with Thompkins trailing four-to-one.

“Coach, give me a second in there without the coaching staff, okay?”

John Kessler raised an eyebrow. “You’re the captain.”

“Thanks. One of us will come out when we’re done.” Jeff handed his stick, helmet, and gloves to one of the assistant coaches.

The coaches looked at each other in amusement while they stood in the hall; they knew what was about to happen. Jeff entered the visitor’s locker room and stood among his teammates. He turned slowly to look at all of them.

“Well, it was a great year, guys. Go ahead and put your uniforms in the hamper so they can be cleaned.” His teammates looked confused.

“Uh, Jeff? There’s still another period to play,” Shawn Leighton, a sophomore forward commented.

“Really? There is? That’s weird. ‘Cause you sure as shit aren’t playing like it!”

His abrupt change in demeanor stunned his teammates.

“Are you guys happy to be here? Are you happy about the opportunity to play in the state tournament? Don’t be. Start playing like you want to win it! I don’t know about you, but I’m playing to win a state championship. The school won one back in ‘85, remember? Do you guys even notice the banner on the back wall of the field house anymore?”

“I look at it every damn day, every time I take the ice in that building. Some of us were part of that team. We weren’t supposed to win that. Hell, we weren’t even supposed to be in the same building as the teams we played during that whole tournament! But we fought. We were the lower seed in every game and we fought. We took the number one seed in the whole state to overtime in the final and we won. We won because we didn’t give up. We played to the whistle. On every play! Keep your heads up! Keep your sticks down! Finish your checks! Don’t! Give! Up!”

“Coach Kessler and the rest of his staff have given us everything they could give over the season. They’ve given us every bit of knowledge and encouragement they have. They’ve shown us what to do, what to expect, and how to adjust to any situation. They gave us the tools but we have to play the game. I’ve been trying to tell you guys that all year.”

“We have twenty minutes left in this game. For the seniors on the team, for me, this may be the last twenty minutes of competitive hockey we’ll ever play. I’m going out there and put it all on the line. You’ll have to carry me on and off the bus, and I’ll probably sleep through it. Are you guys gonna do the same thing? If you’re not gonna give me everything you have left, I’ll go get the guys from the middle school team and skate with them instead.”

Jeff walked out of the locker room and collapsed into a chair by the door.

“Nice speech, Coach,” John Kessler joked to his captain. Jeff looked up. “I’m not going to even try and follow that up. You said everything I wanted to say.”

“We’ll see how it works out, Coach.”

Jeff sat in the hall until the team filed out for the third period. He collected his equipment from the coaches and headed out to the ice with his teammates. There was a noticeable increase in the speed of Thompkins’ warm-up skate. The players wore more determined looks on their faces than before.

Pittsfield didn’t know what hit them at first. Thompkins scored two goals within the first five minutes of the final period. The forwards harassed Pittsfield in their own end. The defense kept the pressure on in the neutral zone and by the Thompkins net. Pittsfield couldn’t keep possession long enough to get a shot off. They didn’t have a shot on net until nine minutes left in the third.

Pittsfield got a lucky bounce with less than five minutes left in the game. Their center redirected a shot into the Thompkins net to go up five-to-three. Coach Kessler called his players over to the bench while Pittsfield celebrated.

“This is it, gentlemen! 4:22 left in the game! Dig deep! Give it everything that you have!” The whistle blew, calling the players back onto the ice.

Pittsfield was mistaken if they expected Thompkins to fold after the goal. The eighth-seeded team charged at them as if the game had just started. Their defensive lines kept the puck out of the Thompkins end and pinned Pittsfield in theirs. Shot after shot peppered the Pittsfield goalie and forced him to perform. Thompkins pulled their goalie with a minute and a half remaining, adding an extra forward to the attack.

There was to be no miracle for this hockey team, however. Pittsfield regained possession of the puck in their end with thirty seconds left in the game. Their player turned and flipped the puck as far down the ice as he could. Jeff dug as hard as he could for the puck. He dove, sliding across the ice on his stomach in an attempt to knock the puck off-line.

He missed.

The puck slid into Thompkins’ empty net to put Pittsfield up six-to-three with twenty-two seconds left. Jeff punched the ice in frustration. Pittsfield won the ensuing face-off. They were content to skate the puck back into their end and run out the clock. The Thompkins players skated out to their goal and shared one last moment on the ice.

“I’m proud of you guys,” Coach Kessler said. “You didn’t quit. You took the fight to them that last period, but it just wasn’t our day. Forget about how the season went, forget about how the first two-thirds of this game went. Remember how you played for those last twenty minutes and be proud of that effort. Let’s line up.”

The bus ride back to Enfield was almost silent. A few players talked but the majority of them were exhausted and napped; Jeff was one of the latter. Chris woke him up when they pulled back into the parking lot at Thompkins. Jeff carried a bag of team equipment into the field house after putting his bag in his car.

Jeff wandered out to the unlit rink once he dropped the equipment bag in the locker room. He looked out across the frozen surface and at the empty seats while he stood by the benches. He looked into the rafters, catching sight of the state championship banner hanging by the far wall.

An arm snaked around his waist. He smiled down at Allison.

“You okay?” she asked.

“Yeah. I was just remembering how the crowd sounded when we played at home.”

“I hear that rally after you won the state championship was pretty cool, too.”

“That it was.”

“You must be exhausted. Come on, we’re heading back to my house. Dad made ribs tonight and we saved you some.”

Jeff held the door for Allison and took one last look at the ice.

Jeff, Allison, Kathy, and Jack sat at their usual lunch table two weeks later, in mid-March. They’d sat at the same table for years. Jeff smiled to himself while he watched his friends laugh and joke about something as they ate. They would agree that they were all each other’s best friends. Jeff’s smile slipped when he realized that he might never see any of them again after graduation in three months.

Allison, was easily the most brilliant student at the school, was destined for the hard sciences. She’d study a branch of astronomy and he figured at least one Ph. D. was in her future. Jack was aiming for medical school. Kathy had her eye on the growing field of computer science. His future lay as a soldier in the Army, even if for only four years. That could prove to be the most uncertain future of all. Allison saw the sorrow on her boyfriend’s face.

“Jeff? What’s wrong?”

“I was just wondering if I’ll ever see you guys again after we graduate in June.” Allison reached across the table and held Jeff’s hand. Shaking off the bad feelings, Jeff asked, “Allison, since I don’t want to assume that we’re going, would you go to the Prom with me?”

“I’ve already got my dress, I was just waiting on you! Get a basic black tuxedo again this year and you’ll be fine.”

“I’m sorry I waited so long.”

“I was going to ask you if you didn’t get off the stick soon,” Allison replied, pointing a fork-full of her salad at him.

“Do you want to plan on me driving you home after, or...?” Allison lifted an eyebrow. “I mean, not that, but uh, crap...”

Allison laughed at his discomfort. “I know that’s not what you meant, Jeff. I think I’d like to hang out with you and our friends for as long as possible that night, so long as we don’t run into any parental roadblocks.”

“I’ll start looking into it then.”

The Thompkins baseball team cheered as they watched Jeff’s latest hit sail towards the fence. They’d seen eleven other such shots launched over the past two months. For this hit, there was no doubt it would be a home run. It continued to rise as it flew over the outfielders’ heads. Jeff rounded the bases with his usual speed.

“Nice hit, Babe,” Ryan Demmings commented when Jeff returned to the bench.

Jeff finished his sports drink. “I’m a Red Sox fan, Ryan. ‘Nice hit, Ted Williams’ would be more appropriate, don’t ya think?”

“Yeah, yeah. Hey, I don’t see too many scouts here today. The guys told me the place was full of them last year.”

“I’m guessing that when they draft seniors, the teams expect those players to show up at camp or go to college, not to Basic Training. No point expending the effort here.”

“What do you mean?”

“Ryan, I’m enlisting in the Army after I graduate.”

“What?” Ryan asked, eyes wide.

Jeff’s plans after graduation hadn’t been common knowledge until now, though the scouts knew. He figured it didn’t matter who else knew now, less than a month before graduation. The news would be all over the school by the next morning.

Jeff shrugged. “It’s what I feel I should do, Ryan.”

Thompkins School held their 1987 Junior-Senior Prom the following weekend. It would be the last major school event before graduation. The Prom committee pulled off a coup this year, securing the swanky Cliffside Hotel in Prescott as the venue. The young men and women who attended stood around the Cliffside’s function room when it finished, talking in small groups though the dance ended twenty minutes ago; they didn’t want the evening to end. The chaperones helped the hotel staff clear the room.

Allison and Jeff held each other around the waist as they crossed the lobby to the elevators. Their friendship had deepened over the semester. Jeff regretted the possibility that they’d never see each other again after they graduated. Allison and Jeff’s parents – minus Marisa – agreed to split the cost of a room along with Jack and Kathy’s. The parents agreed as long as the two couples agreed not to leave the hotel. The four friends scored a suite on the top floor of the hotel’s new addition.

A few others headed up to rooms at the Cliffside. Most of the other event-goers left the hotel for whatever parties were being held; the number of people headed upstairs was small due to the price of the Cliffside’s rooms.

Jeff and his friends changed into more comfortable clothes and hung out in the suite’s common area together. Soda was the drink of choice for them as they shared one more high school memory. It was after two in the morning when they all began to get tired. Jack led Kathy to the bedroom they claimed, bid their friends good night, and shut the door.

Allison and Jeff walked to the other bedroom. Allison washed up in the bathroom before bed. While she did so, Jeff went hunting for an extra pillow and blanket so he could crash on the couch. He turned from the closet with both in hand as Allison emerged.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she asked him, fists on her hips and a scowl on her face.

“Getting a pillow and blanket. I was going to sleep on the couch out there.”

“Oh no you don’t, mister,” she said in a stern voice. “You climb into bed this minute. I want to sleep with you – even if that means we’re just going to sleep.”

“Um, okay...”

“Unless you don’t want to?”

“Allison, just because you are way smarter than I am don’t assume that I’m an idiot!”

Jeff dumped the bedding on a chair and turned off the room’s overhead lights. He walked back to the bed, shut off the lamp on his nightstand, and lay motionless on his side of the bed.

“Jeff, would it be okay if I snuggled up to you tonight?”

“Would it be okay if a beautiful young woman snuggled up to me to sleep...? Hmmm, let me think...”

She slapped his arm, causing him to chuckle before he lifted that arm and wrapped it around her. He realized how much he missed the feeling when she pressed up against him. Allison sighed as she came into contact with him.

“Thank you for tonight, Allison,” he whispered, giving her a gentle squeeze.

“Thank you, Jeff. You’ve given me a night to remember, a positive memory of high school that I wasn’t sure I would experience when I moved here in ‘85.”

“It’s no less than you deserve, Allison. You’re going to make the right guy a very lucky man someday.”

Jeff collapsed onto the bed the next morning. He was exhausted and his arms were screaming. The sweat from his back soaked the sheets on his side of the bed and matted his hair to his head.

“Holy crap!” he exclaimed. “I thought I was in shape!”

Allison giggled, nipping at one of his earlobes. “You are such a STUD!”

“You’re gonna have to speak up. I think this stud is deaf in his left ear now! And you screamed into a pillow, for God’s sake!”

“I’m glad I opened that envelope from our parents when I got up to use the bathroom,” Allison said.

The envelope held a letter from all four sets of parents – minus Marisa – letting the young couples know that they also paid for the suite for a second night. The four high school seniors could spend another whole day together. Allison rolled back onto Jeff’s chest and looked him in the eye.

“I want to try a few more things with you.”


“Don’t worry, you’ll survive. Well, probably.”

The pitcher didn’t turn to watch the flight of the ball while it sailed toward the left field fence; his left fielder didn’t turn either. Both players walked off the field as the Thompkins team crowded behind home plate.

Jeff slowed his run to a trot for his trip around the bases. The game he just won with his home run had no significance, except to him. Thompkins wasn’t going to the playoffs because of the win, and their opponent wouldn’t miss the playoffs because they lost.

The only reason the game was significant was that it was Jeff’s last high school baseball game. The game was tied four-to-four in the bottom of the seventh inning when he stepped to the plate. He turned on a hanging first-pitch curveball and drove it four rows deep into the parking lot.

His teammates mobbed him when he touched the plate, making sure not to touch him until he did so. He took off his helmet before reaching home, so his fellow players slapped him on the back instead of on the head; he would keep his hearing a while longer. John Kessler held out his hand to Jeff before he re-entered the dugout.

“It’s been my pleasure to be your coach, Jeff. That’s a fitting way for you to end your baseball career.” Jeff’s post-high school plans were well-known at this point.

“Winning another state championship for you would have been pretty cool too, Coach.”

“Hey, that one in hockey two years ago is more than most people ever get. Let’s not be greedy.” He clapped Jeff on the shoulder and motioned for him to enter the dugout.

In the dugout, his teammates shook his hand again while they gathered their equipment. The seniors tried to pick up some of the team’s equipment, but the underclassmen had beaten them to it all.

“Hey, Jeff!”

Jeff looked up to see Allison beckoning him over to the gate at the end of the dugout. She leaned over the fence and planted a big kiss on the hero of the hour when he walked over.

“If I walk away, then come back, will I get another kiss like that?”

What he got was swatted.

“Jeff, Mr. Hammersmith wanted to shake your hand.” Allison indicated the older man with her, a gentleman he’d seen in the stands at his games. He was the one scout who still showed up.

“Good to finally meet you, Mr. Hammersmith,” Jeff offered along with his hand.

“Same here, Jeff. Allison told me that you’ve already signed a contract with the Army, so I don’t think we’ll get in too much trouble for actually talking to one another. I just wanted to say that it’s been a pleasure watching you play over the last two years and that I wish you luck for the future.”

“Thanks, Mr. Hammersmith. I’m sure I would have enjoyed playing for whichever organization wound up drafting me, but the Army feels like the right choice for me.”

The man on the other side of the fence nodded. “Nothing to apologize for there, Jeff. Although, I do have to say I’m partial to the Marine Corps, myself.” A small, gold Marine Corps pin adorned the man’s collar.

“I wouldn’t have gone wrong had I chosen the Marines, Sir. Family history, though.”

Simon Hammersmith nodded. “Tradition means a lot. Best of luck to you, then.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

“Miss,” he nodded to Allison. He walked to a car by the edge of the field and was gone.

Jeff tossed his bat bag over his shoulder and an arm around Allison. They started walking back to the field house. Jeff sang to Allison in an exaggerated voice.

Glory days. Well, they’ll pass you by
Glory days. In the wink of a young girl’s eye
Glory days, glory days.

Allison swatted him again.

TheOutsider3119's work is also available in ePub format at

This is the direct link to the manuscript on that site.
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