Chapter 19

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The morning light came too soon. They were not done with all the preparations, but it is what it is. Eviar had not slept a wink, after he had sent Nora to bed.  It did not matter, the truth about her condition was out in the open. Many members of her Coven had asked him why she was allowed to fight, they also suggested that he didn't care what would happen to her and his unborn child. Had they even met Nora, they knew her longer than has. But even Katia, knew that Nora was too stubborn for her own good. He didn't mind explaining this over and over, even to his own father. He has asked Azeon and Abby to stay at Nora's side. Eviar hoped with all his heart that this would be enough. A loud noise echoed throughout the whole compound, mister Mordish and the other driver had sounded the alarm. The hunters were coming, and there was no time for second thoughts on anything. It was time for battle. Necromancers run out of their houses, children and some elders rushed towards the bunker. The young and those stubborn enough to fight run towards their positions. Eviar did the same, not looking over his shoulder. He trusted Nora to do what they had agreed on. 




Jeffery whipped the sleep out of his eyes. The morning light peeked its way through the curtens. It was so peaceful and quiet. But that was all a pretend, outside the house there were people hard at work to prepare the compound for battle. Setting up traps, practicing their magic. Making arrangement for their children just in case that they will not survive it. All that kind of stuff. Azeon lay next to him, he was wide awake. They had made love last night, just in case this would be the last time. He hated to think like that, but he had to. It was the reality of this all, they could die today, they all could die. Still they couldn't walk away from this. The sound of a nightmare's cry pierced through the room, it was time. Jeffery and Azeon jumped out of the bed, and put on their cloths. Jeffery grabbed Azeon by the arm before he left the room. 

"By careful, my love." Jeffery whispered. "Then I will do the same." It was an empty promise, he knew that. But still he was glad that he had spoken the words. Azeon nodded planted a kiss on Jeffery's lips, before he ran out of the house. Jeffery followed him and was just in time to see him change into a large dragon, with light blue scales. But Jeffery had no time to marvel at the sight of his beloved, he needed to bring his ass to the front lines. He ran past people who were also were running to their positions. It didn't take long before Jeffery spotted Eviar and Katia. Eviar was shouting some orders, as Jeffery arrived. "Good morning, I see that you have slept well." Jeffery said, when Eviar finally shut his mouth. 

"Not in the least. Nora's aunt and my father made some commotion last night. Nora had to tell my father that she was not allowed to fight on the frontline, which was overheard by her aunt. Who had the nerve to accuse Nora from neglecting her duties to the Coven." Eviar said, Jeffery and Katia both hissed. "Leave it up to Nora, to put that woman in her place. But then I needed to explain to my father why I allowed Nora to fight." Jeffery hissed again.

"So let me get this straight. First he was made, because Nora wouldn't fight at your side. But now he is made that Nora is fighting?" Jeffery asked, and Eviar nodded. "Wow, and here I was thinking that I was the only one that had an interesting night." Both Eviar and Katia looked at him. "I was not talking about the sex." He snapped, he wanted to explain what he meant. But then he spotted the first hunters, leaking into view. "I hope that everybody remembers their training." Jeffery muttered. The first fireball was lunged at them, but that one smashed against Nora's first barrier. "Because here we go."




It didn't take long before the field in front of the compound was filled with hunters. Or members of their Coven who had sided with the council. Large balls of fire and boulders made out of solid rock, were thrown against the barriers. Nora had done a nice job of putting them up, but Eviar knew that those would not hold. The first one started to shatter, and the assault on the second one began. In the meantime he filled himself with the magic of the moon, the magic to kill the first soul that would come through that barrier. He hoped that it would be Casandera, but it was more likely that she would stay in the back.

"Are you ready son?" Master Goodwing asked, Eviar really hated when the old man though he could call him that. But he was not able to say so, the barrier fall into pieces. Shimmering for a brief second like glass in the sunlight. Eviar saw his first target and fired his magic. The man fall to the ground, Eviar didn't need to know who he was. He was a treat to his family and that was all he needed to know. Eviar fired another beam of white light, and another fall to the ground. In the corner of his eye, he saw that Jeffery and Katia were firing beams of the same type of magic. Killing every target they set their eyes on, on his other side his father was throwing boulders of solid rock to those who slipped past the three of them. Forcing them to tumble to the ground, or to draw back. More and more fall to the ground, the members of the Nergomanti Coven were fighting with magic that was unknown to them, until yesterday. Still they were handling it as if they had known it for years. Only they were not trained fighters, their energy source was limited. 

"Master Goodwing." Eviar said. "Did you tell the council about the limited energy source?" 

"Call me father, and yes I have told them." Master Goodwing replied. There was no way that Eviar was calling him father.

"Unicorn Crap." Eviar cursed, as the first member of the Nergomanti Coven started to falter. "They just send people to their graves, people who they didn't like." Evair said and he shivered by the idea. Did this surprise him, of course not. They were willing to murder an entire Coven, all because they didn't understand them.

"I am sorry son, but it was my duty to do so." Master Goodwing said. 

"It those not matter now." Eviar replied, through gritted teeth. This was something he needed to think of yesterday. "James." He addressed Jeffery's father. "Go and collect those who are almost out of energy. Replace those and repeat the process, leave Nora out of it. She is not an option." James nodded and run away. "Nora was right, we really need to pray to a God in hope that they will listen to our prayers." Evair said, to Jeffery and Katia. Both of them nodded, while firing off more of the magic beams. 




Jeffery cursed softly when Master Goodwing told Eviar the terrible news. And he wanted to slap the man. Why had he not told them this sooner? He knew that the Negromanti Coven didn't use as much energy in their magic like others did. He remembered Nora and the time before she started to train her body. Jeffery wouldn't call her weak, but she was burned out quickly. Something he could see on the faces of the others from her Coven. Eviar's idea to refresh the ones at the front line was only temporary, because how long would it take for the rest of the Coven is gasping for breath, or worse collapsing from exaction. They indeed needed a miracle, and the rest of the Lunar Coven. Or they would enter their last hours, in this world. 

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