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As Long as Stars Shine Call to Arms

In the world of Ballad of the Druzhina

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As Long as Stars Shine

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In the tundra of Palischuk, the King spoke, his words a decree,
to solidify his dynasty and keep his people free.
He sent Sir Vasilej, Bogatyrs, with loyal men beside,
Bertryll, Maksym, Vladis, Ivin, on this quest they'd ride.

Their mission clear: to win support, and drive the Warlocks out,
those who had ravaged Palischuk, and filled the land with doubt.
The Princessa Lorina, heir and heart, loved Vasilej so dear,
when he returned not from the quest, she left, her heart in fear.

Vasilej came back to find his love had ventured on her own,
he swore an oath to bring her back, and never be alone.
Eastward to the Galena heights, they tracked her desperate trail,
to find her held by Warlock Knights, within a mountain vale.

The Bogatyr with cunning planned, to flank the foe unseen,
while Bertryll snuck and Maksym with might so keen.
From shadows dark, Bertryll struck first, the guards he did confound, then Vasilej, with sword in hand, did strike from higher ground.

The Warlock guards were swiftly felled, they stormed the cave within,
and found Lorina shackled there, amidst the Warlock's din.
A cloaked spellsword did guard her tight, but Bertryll's aim was true,
the spellblade fell, yet in his spite, a portal then he threw.

Lorina, in a flash, was gone, the portal took her form,
but Bertryll leapt without a pause, into that magical storm.
Vasilej followed, comrades too, into the realm unknown,
To rescue their beloved Princess, and bring her safely home.

So sing this tale of Vasilej, of love and valor grand,
of knights and quests and royal hearts, to save their cherished land.
For in the heart of Palischuk, this legend will prevail,
Of bravery, of loyalty, forever in the tale.



In the black void of the Astral Plane,
A living ship with glowing eyes of pain,
Sir Vasilej dreamt of battles lost,
as a giant beast loomed, all hope was tossed.

He woke within a ship’s dark hold,
his Bogatyrs near, but Bertryll unfound.
Missing with Lorina, lost in space,
Vasilej rose to meet their fate.

A voice cried out, “Azoth ahead!”
Vasilej roused his men, their mission led.
Strange were the crew, their clothes, their gaze,
as Vasilej climbed topside, lost in a daze.

Captain Shoanna, elf and bold,
saw these men of a tale untold.
Vasilej spoke of Palischuk’s land,
as Shoanna listened, her sword in hand.

In disbelief, she questioned their tale,
but Vasilej stood firm, a true spirit, hard as hail.
He offered service, a knight’s due,
in exchange for passage, till his path he knew.

As cook aboard, he earned his place,
and journeyed with Shoanna to a city’s grace.
To the library vast, they searched for clues,
on ancient runes, old and used.

A rune of teleport, to Telos it led,
But years had passed, 7,800 ahead.
Yet hope remained, his comrades near,
they sailed for answers, their mission clear.

In the tradeport, no sign was found,
except dreams of beasts still did confound.
A shared vision, a fate unknown,
brought uneasy thoughts to each alone.

To the Third Eye's tower, questions they brought,
but answers came only when service was bought.
A quest to Scauntsville, a necromancer to find,
with dread in their hearts, their fates intertwined.

Through forests bare and silence cold,
they faced the undead with courage bold.
Vasilej led with sword and might,
guarding his shipmates through the fight.

But as they faced the skeleton horde,
Vasilej knew they’d need the Gospod's accord.
They turned back to plan, their strength to grow,
for the fight with Zigil, their final blow.

Yet doubts crept in, as Maksym grew sad,
Vasilej’s words, a bond to be had.
They trained and spoke of home so dear,
in the Astral Plane, they knew no fear.



Back to Azoth, Captain and Vasilej flew,
the Kolda needing repairs anew.
Shoanna brewed elixirs strong,
while Vasilej trained Maksym along.

In Scauntsville, the crew instead went,
Zigil Forgemaul to the Third Eye sent.
Skeletons crumbled, dust to air,
Forgemaul's death, cold and fair.

Parts for the Kolda, none they could find,
frustrated search left hope behind.
To the tavern, they sought some rest,
where Indigo's letter put them to the test.

A ring to deliver, a task at hand,
to the town of Yellowseed, across the land.
A dwarf warned of something amiss,
the mayor’s absence, strange as this.

On the ferry, with food and drink,
in luxury’s lap, there they would think.
But sketches found in Indigo’s pack,
which set them on a cautious track.

In Yellowseed, bandits had struck,
but the Kolda's crew had better luck.
Vasilej fought, though wounded still,
and one by one, the foes lay still.

On tavern's wall, they saw a dwarf write “Look up,”
a warning ignored by those who sup.
To Zyna’s house, they brought the ring,
but something felt off, a disturbing thing.

Back to the inn, with plans to rest,
unease had stirred within their chests.
Scratches, whispers, in the night,
a town in fear, something is not right.

Balthazar the crewman sought to be mayor,
but fear struck down the crowd’s care.
“Look up” Vasilej wrote, but what was there?
A fleeting shadow, a hint of despair.

To the manor, they made their way,
signs of departure, signs of disarray.
“Look up” scrawled across the wall,
Kithdove’s scream, a fearful call.

In the cellar, sorrows were found,
Indigo’s husband, lifeless, and bound.
A beast devoured what once was dear,
and outside, more creatures did appear.

In a blink, the world reset,
but fear and dread they couldn’t forget.
To the tavern, they all did flee,
seeking refuge from what they’d see.



Three days passed since the manor’s dread,
the town of Yellowseed was filled with fear and dread.
Naheem painted “Look up” on the walls,
as the Kolda's crew pondered the monster’s calls.

Shoanna brewed a calming draught,
to ease Naheem’s mind, for truth she sought.
With tincture drinking, she saw the skies,
monsters lurking, their prey, and the cries.

The townsfolk screamed, their loved ones gone,
Indigo shot reptilian heads, Shoanna fought on.
Ra burned the apothecary in his quest,
for love potions that brought strange unrest.

With Naheem and Kithdove in a trance,
Ra and Balthazar in a strange romance.
The fire quelled, the party moved,
to the manor where dark paths had proved.

In the cellar, a hidden way,
blood trails led where danger did lay.
Splitting paths, they pressed ahead,
Vasilej’s group saw scales of dread.

A serpent’s blood gushed and ran,
Shoanna’s group found a cavern’s span.
A false hydra with twisted heads,
brought fear and doom, into their hearts it led.

ASTREA made lightning, Balthazar shot with shell,
but Vasilej fell under the hydra’s spell.
Tlaloc freed him with a mighty strike,
as Ra’s golem joined the fight.

The hydra’s heads fell, then grew anew,
Ra’s love for the beast twisted and true.
Yet the Kolda fought with all their might,
until the false hydra met its final night.

Ra’s heart broke as the beast did die,
The town’s screams now echoed a haunting cry.
Yellowseed was saved, but scarred and torn,
by a serpent’s curse that had left them worn.



In the hoard of the false hydra’s lair,
Vasilej found a sword so rare,
silver gleamed with golden trace,
and the name Rathian it did claim.
Ra discovered a cloak of charm,
changing hues and keeping warm.

Back in Yellowseed’s mournful town,
Kithdove spoke with sorrowed frown,
The apothecary took his life,
grief too sharp, like a knife.
The crewmembers turned down the manor’s offer,
but Maksym chose to be Yellowseed’s proffer.

Vasilej gave his blessing true,
to Maksym’s choice, his path anew,
“Serve Pravda, honor your Relkov name,
Druzhina Maksym, you’ll find your fame.”
Mayor of Yellowseed he became,
while Vasilej returned to Kolda's campaign.

Training with his newfound blade,
Rathian’s voice, both sharp and staid,
Praised the strikes that Vasilej made,
But thorns pierced when errors played.
Together they honed their martial skill,
A bond of steel and iron will.

In Azoth, Vasilej sought a clue,
of Bertryll and Lorina’s location true,
the Third Eye pointed far and wide,
a seven-month journey to where they reside.
Gold was needed, provisions too,
so Vasilej and Shoanna sought the crew.

Rumors whispered in tavern’s light,
of quests that promised wealth in sight,
an egg sought in distant land,
could bring the gold they need at hand.
A druid’s hoard they left aside,
and set their sights on fate’s new tide.

The party split, to find answers did Indigo,
to the Third Eye they let her go,
Indigo crossed the line in jest,
but backed away, a threat to her addressed.
A cloak reclaimed, a tale to find,
an underwater temple left behind.

In Yellowseed’s lake, the party dove,
to ancient depths where secrets rove,
Ra’s cloak was stolen, the trap was set,
but in the temple, foes they met.
Nine cultists in green robes stood,
but the Bogatyr fought as warriors would.

Tlaloc’s magic turned foes to dust,
ASTREA’s shatter, a deadly thrust,
Vasilej’s sword, with Rathian’s cheer,
cut through cultists, filled with fear.
The last they faced, sea hags in rage,
a battle fierce in watery cage.

A false hydra, aboleth’s dread,
Vasilej’s shout as hope had fled,
rallied the party, brought them back,
as Balthazar’s shot sealed victorious attack.
Palor’s boon bestowed with grace,
the party left that haunted place.

In Yellowseed, Vasilej stayed,
Maksym’s plans were fully laid,
a Druzhina force to guard the town,
Vasilej’s guidance, his renown.
The Mayor of Azoth praised their might,
looking to hire the knight to ensure a future bright.



For two months, Vasilej trained Maksym in the arts of rule,
with elf Daenan Voshan and dwarf Thekrur stout,
the Yellowseed Druzhina’s ranks to fuel.

Young Ivin, now a squire made,
was trained with steady hand,
to bear the Starosta’s arms and name,
and defend with duty his fatherland.

To Azoth’s mayor, the crew went,
for a quest of great renown,
to seek the solar dragon’s egg,
the jewel for her navy to be found.

Xyrona pledged her aid in turn,
to help Vasilej’s quest,
to find his love and brother on distant rocks,
and bring them home in embrace to rest.

Ra’s antics led to trouble dire,
a fugitive he became,
but all returned to the Kolda’s deck,
their mission still the same.

Through riddles posed by a mighty dragon beast,
the crew did earn their way,
immortality gifted to all on board,
as they continued on their stay.

Vasilej, with thoughts of home and kin,
watched stars above gleam bright,
he drifted into sleep’s embrace,
dreaming of his loved ones' light.



The stars held secrets in their light,
as the Kolda sailed through space,
Vasilej, Ivin, and Vladis prayed,
seeking the Pravda's grace.

A cosmic beast on a distant rock,
loomed large and breathed slow,
the crew moved silent and passed by,
where this titan held its woe.

As Bral drew near, pirates closed in,
vampirates on the prowl,
Ivin’s bolts were set aflame,
as Vasilej readied with a growl.

A fierce battle raged on-deck,
Tlaloc’s spell went wrong,
Ivin struck by poison’s sting,
yet his heart remained strong.

Vasilej leaped to meet the foe,
his strikes missed true intent,
Rathian mocked, yet Vasilej stood firm,
his courage never spent.

The Kolda cut the ropes and fled,
as Bral’s safety came in view.
Ivin fell, the poison deep,
his face turning pale, his breath untrue.

To Bral they docked, and aid was sought,
for Ivin’s life to save.
In his arms, Vasilej ran through Bral’s streets,
his heart both strong and grave.

As Ivin lay in a healer’s care,
Vasilej sought mercenaries strong,
determined to protect his kin,
and right each dreadful wrong.

Rumors spoke of a captive maid,
in the hands of pirate lord Zex.
Vasilej's heart burned with newfound resolve,
to save her from the hex.

Beside his squire, did the sit the knight,
Vasilej’s heart was torn.
In Ivin's soul, a fire burned bright,
A warrior newly-born.

He’d save his love, protect his kin,
no matter the coming strife.
For Vasilej knew, with Ivin near,
he’d fight with all his life.



The stars above shone cold and bright,
it lit the Kolda’s sails through the endless night.
Vasilej with his steadfast gaze,
sought his love through this cosmic maze.

In the shadows of Bral’s dark port,
whispers flew of bandit sport.
A woman in chains, black hair, white dress,
Vasilej knew—his Princessa, no less.

Shoanna cast her spell of disguise,
Indigo lurked with watchful eyes.
Through alleys and streets, the mindflayers crept,
Taking Lorina while the Sea Dogs slept.

A trade was made with them by the Kolda's crew,
he planned to rescue her, no matter what he'd do.
A vial of explosive energy and the horn of a unicorn,
she was given to them, but she fled, Lorina's shackles torn.

Vasilej’s heart beat wild with fire,
he called her name through fear and mire.
“Princessa, it’s me!” he cried with might,
she turned, her eyes full of light.

Tears in her gaze, she ran to his arms,
together at last, free from all harm.
She spoke of her capture, her darkest fears,
he kissed her softly, wiping away her tears.

Back on the Kolda, love rekindled anew,
Ra tried to claim the sword as his due.
But the blade stayed bound to Vasilej’s hand,
Rathian stayed with the knight, regardless of his command.

A night of stars, the two lovers embraced,
for the world, in that moment, everything lay in place.
Vasilej said “As long as stars shine, I will be true,”
and she: “Then I’ll be your homesick Princessa, too.”

As dawn arose, their course was set,
Shoanna’s mind on the prize they’d get.
To the asteroid, clown pirates had raced,
and the Kolda followed, their path they'd trace.

Through twisted corridors and dragon’s lair,
The Kolda tread without despair.
Indigo stole the treasure unseen,
a dragon egg of shimmering sheen.

But dragons are wise, with timeless might,
the flying beast blocked the Kolda's flight.
Her gaze fell on Vasilej’s soul,
she spoke the truth, her voice was cold.

“Return my egg, and you may go,
or perish here and your end you will know.
I see your heart, it beats with pride,
I’ll take you home, and be your guide.”

Vasilej agreed, his word was strong,
he’d waited for this, it has been too long.
Indigo surrendered the egg at last,
and through the portal, the four of them passed.

Lorina, Vasilej, Ivin, Vladis, too,
Stepped through the gate, their fates made true.
Reunited at last, their journey complete,
The Knight and Princessa found their peace.

Vasilej and Lorina, now man and wife,
shared their love for all their life.
Bertryll, now Druzhina bold,
also returned through dragon's deal in legends told.

The stars shone on their distant quest,
but now, at home, they found their rest.
The Homebound Druzhina and Homesick Princessa,
at long last, were reunited—forever blessed.



The stars, steadfast, bore witness again,
As Vasilej led his kin through mountain and glen.
Back to the cave where their tale had begun,
Three months had passed, and their trials were done.

With Lorina safe, they returned to their land,
Bertryll and Vasilej walked, victory in hand.
The dragon's grace brought Bertryll back,
While Maksym stayed as mayor on his chosen track.

In Palischuk, their return brought cheers,
and the names of the Bogatyrs would echo for years.
The Princessa saved, and her Kingdom restored,
their deeds were honored, and their valor adored.

King Markus honored his word,
Vasilej and Lorina's vows were heard.
Their houses united, Starosta and Lyubov,
in a royal bond, blessed from above.

Now a knight in Vasilej's retinue,
Bertryll's heart was steadfast and true.
He served his brother with pride and might,
in battles fierce, with valor and light.

Ivin, eager to prove his worth,
stayed by Vasilej, through trials of war.
As squire he trained, his skills to hone,
in the shadow of knights, his courage shone.

Vladis, though old and weary, remained at his side,
offering service with cautious pride.
Lorina, now Vasilej's shieldmaiden strong,
learned to defend herself, and also whom she belonged.

Monasteries rose in the Galena's fold,
to keep the Pravda, their gospels told.
In Gospod Monastery, an artifact lay,
kept safe for Shoanna, on some distant day.

A relic passed through ages long,
in gratitude for helping them along.
The Bogatyrs' tale, though not yet complete,
would live forevermore in Palischian hearts that beat.

As long as stars shine, their legacy would stand,
in the kingdom they saved, through time’s shifting sand.
For in Palischuk’s heart, their light remained,
guiding the future, where hope was regained.

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