Two Riddles

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Riddle of the Novitiate, Level 2: Which are the Lands and why are they so called? 

Response: The Lands are said to be 5 or 7 or 9, and by some to be many more. They are so called because in distant time, all the known world was divided into regions of distinctive power and ruled by one of the Echelon Princes, who distributed their Land Rule to their subordinates in a pyramidal hierarchy. The vestiges of this system remain in the Marreschallein and the Thommu.

Proof: The Marreschallein and Thommu take oaths that bind them to the Land and the Princes. They display power when in their Lands, and lose this power when they break their oath or travel outside their Lands 

Precept: Do not discount the ancient because it was forgotten  

Agnates: The Riddle of the Existence and Location of the Echelon Princes is Legendary and Unsolved. The Riddle of the Names and Boundaries of the Lands is Disputed and Unsolved.

 Asked and Answered.




Riddle of the Fourth Convocation, Level 1: Who is buried in Orazon and why is the necropolis hidden?

Response: In the days before the settlement of Cantonaïas, a nation was settled in the region presently occupied by the Tauoine Desert. The nation has been named Uoia for the artifacts and carvings found in the caves of that region of Conal’s Knot. This materiel makes clear that the Necropolis was the burial location of the Kings of Uoia. The Necropolis was hidden in the Second Age after the Dire Wars. A great battle raged among the tombs for three weeks until Isl and his allied artefexis wove a Grievous Binding to trap the Fell. None are allowed to seek the location of Orazon or attempt to discover how the Binding is woven for fear that disturbing it would release the Fell.

Proof: The artifacts of Uoiaand the caves may be explored by those willing to pay for guides and make the desert journey. Isl’s journals detail the history of the second half of the Dire Wars, up to the last stand at Orazon. Testimony of the survivors of that battle can be read in the Histories, preserved in the Great Library of Old Oor.

Agnates: The Riddle of the Location of the Necropolis of Orazon is Solved but Expunged. The Riddle of the Name, Race, and History of the Kings of Uoia is Legendary and Unsolved.

Precept: Weigh carefully the risk of remembrance with the risk of forgetting.

Asked and Answered.

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