Chapter 22

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Ziltai and Yandis sat on the blue cushioned chairs of their office, Yandis' fingers laced in front of his mouth. While they were of their office, Ziltai and Yandis looked down at it, the assistants and construction workers rushing about, nearly knocking into one another. The office sat next to the astrarium on the roof overlooking the city. It was not the tallest building, with others overshadowing it. But Ziltai had his request approved quickly after Rulachen's death, the skinny towers on the corners of the building being built in less than a month. Their large charting lens sat behind them on the top of the northwestern tower. This was where the two of them came to chart their sectors of the sky, but sometimes it was just to get away for privacy.

Wind blew in Ziltai's ear, yet could still hear Yandis' reply. "Mind's Eye! Are you serious, they want you to do what?"

"I can hardly believe it myself." He lied. Who else would they turn to, besides the one who solved the 'Moving Stars' conspiracy? "My words have finally reached their ears. It once seemed as far off as what's out there." He gestured towards the sky. 

"Hoffer Iadon Rulachen would be proud."

"He made me want to excel. He always to me that 'The purposes of a man can never fail him, so long as the speed of his fingers match.'"

Yandis looked out over the city, towards the west. The sun was near its setting, the white ring angled diagonally to the south. His eyes were distant. Finally after a long silence, he said, "Are you going to tell Tehleen?"

"Would you? Do you think you'd go back and tell her?"

Yandis looked down. "I don't think so."

"And that bastard can never come crawling for my credit..." Ziltai said. He gritted his teeth. "He has to be around seven years now."

"Ziltai," Yandis began, "it's not that child's fault. He is able to outgrow his mother's influences. I'm sure that's what Rulachen would say."

"Children are their parents, Yandis. It's in their nature. Their intellect is passed on with their aug."

"Then that would make me the same as my sister. Will you hold me accountable for her actions?" Yandis said, the wisps of his mustache bristling in the wind against his dark skin.

Ziltai looked him over. "I'm merely talking about predisposition. Your actions are your own. As are mine, and I'm the only one who will receive the credit for my work."

Yandis sat up. "Don't forget that my ability to set the charts and put them in order also made this happen."

"And you have proved my point. It is an effort on multiple people's parts to make your actions possible."

"You confuse me Ziltai, I'm not sure what you're arguing anymore. Anyways, what will you do about the astrarium? Will you just leave?"

"No, I have a month. Let's see this finished, Brother. Then, I will leave it in your capable hands. I should be back by the end of Akavish or at least by early Hatul."

"Did you know that the engineers had a problem with our designs for Kahton's movement?"

"I thought they said they could manage it?" Ziltai said.

"They told me they need to hire an Augmentor. Someone who can handle a large amount of metal."

"For our first set of designs? This is going to squeeze out all our funding, isn't it."

"I don't know how much someone like that will cost.  Remember that this is the same engineering guild that made the Farrago."

"We see how well that turned out. The theives busted those suspenders like it was nothing. And now it's gone. Why would we let them do the same this time?"

"They want those suspensions attributed, as well." Yandis said. "That way a denser can't affect them. It's worth a shot."

"I guess so. What else was there with the Augmentor?"

"With the wind and metal, they want to magnetize some components and lift the platform off the ground. Which sounds dangerous, but they assure me that it's safe." He shrugged. "The Augmentor's name is Tazilik Gerra. She's brought her son as well to help."

"So they're already here? Who approved this?" Ziltai tapped his finger on his elbow. "Let's go see them, then."

Yandis dismissed their chairs, and they descended the steep and narrow staircase. They called to an engineer halfway across the rooftop. After asking him to fetch the Augmentor and her son, he ran off. In fifteen minutes the four met in their office. Tazilik was six and forty, three years older than Ziltai. She had similar dark skin, but trimmed lines of gray in her short, black hair. The son spoke first. 

"I am Kizil, and this is my mother, Tazilik Gerra. We are excited to work with you." His youthful face portrayed no such excitement. Kizil's tan eyes didn't deviate from Ziltai's. They remained completely unfazed.

Ziltai said, "We did not hire you. Why do you think that you have the job?"

"There is no one else you would rather have. We have heard that you expect the best. And here we are." Kizil replied. "I percieve that you will be more than satisfied. My work in metal and my mother's's in wind will do."

Ziltai smirked. "Cockiness will only get you so far, kid."

Kizil leaned forward. "With others, maybe. But with you?" His mother shot him a look and he sat back.

"And what do you think, Tazilik? Are your skills as exceptional as he makes you out to be?" Yandis asked.

Tazilik sat still on her chair, furrowing her brow. She finally nodded to Kizil. "What happened with the Farrago is truly disturbing. Those theives were good, and knew how we created it. The Mohandes Guild has learned from those oversights. We want to make something a little more... sturdy."

"Are you certain that the architecture will be worth the cost?" Ziltai said, confused as to her silence. "What about the safety of people inside?" He paused. "And why do you not speak with us, Tazilik?"

Tazilik held up a finger. The two engineers turned towards each other. Tazilik's hands waved in calculated positions. Her son made signs back. Ziltai flushed red through his dark skin. 

Kizil turned back to them. "It's not that my mother is deaf, but this is a conscious decision made by Augmentors of Mohandes, and of many other guilds. Speaking after a certain age takes up mental energy that could be spent elsewhere. To increase their aug, these have taken a vow of silence."

Ziltai nodded. While it sounded plausible, it absolutely seemed like a fable. Aug capacity was something that grew with use. How could you deminish the use, yet increase the supply? But replenishment, he could believe. While you may not increase the capacity by not speaking, it could be possible that by taking breaks from speaking after aug use, you could replenish faster. People took mental breaks before The Elation three-hundred years ago, as well- before the use of aug.

"I don't care what you believe. Show me what you would do with our astrarium."

Tazilik gestured to Kizil, and he took out a metal ball and small cylinder. The cylinder had a concave metal top. "Your astrarium models have a couple of problems." Kizil began. "For the replica of Kahton to rotate in an enclosed space, you've modeled your platform to come up into the middle from the floor. You've modeled for your observers to be centered on a platform that comes up into the bubble of the astrarium. They need to see all the stars. Having the platform blocks the bottom section of stars."

Yandis interjected, "We are aware. We planned to have that section of stars mapped out on the platform, itself."

"True, you could do that. But then we move on to the ring. Your Kahton model would be two separate parts. It has to move on either side of the platform, which cuts through the middle. Kahton, being two parts, by however you planned to have it moved, would very quickly get unsyncronized. But watch this."

He placed the cylinder on the ground between them, then dropped the ball several inches from above it. It dipped for a moment, then popped back up an inch, where it remained suspended in the air. It sat above it, rotating slightly "This cylinder top and ball were made with the Magnetic Repulsion attribute."

Ziltai's eyebrows rose. "So you think that the platform can be suspended like this? Fascinating. But I thought you wanted it suspended on wires?"

"No, that's what the other engineers proposed. We have another plan for the movement of the ring, as well. Along with the rig being sturdier, it's also replicable if if a part goes missing. We thought about making other parts of the ring magnetic, to keep it moving. But that posed a few problems. We would rather that weights be bound to the ring." 

"Since we will always have a couple members of the staff in the astrarium while giving a tour, that seems doable." Yandis said.

"You drew inspiration from the elevators in Wellspring Root in Hazten?" Ziltai asked.

They both nodded. "This is actually a faster process than trying to syncronize  magnetic strips on the ring. Aside from creating a stopping method, as well. I think you'll need that time for something more personal?"

Ziltai smiled. "Word travels that fast, eh?" Ziltai asked.

Kizil made a salute to him, his hands raised three fingers each and touched their backs to each temple. Tazilik did the same in her silent manner. One hand was to be used for military command. But two for spiritual authority. Only the Takutahn was above both. "My Hoffer Iadon, we have already heard. Congratulations- there is none so deserving."

Yandis and Ziltai shared looks. Cursed blatherers. Can't even be discreet until my Flight, and ceremony? he thought. Such were the ways of those who felt free to share knowledge. Not that Ziltai hated it being known. But ceremonies were even better for people to find things out at. Ziltai received the gesture by patting his chest. "You honor me. I don't know how you heard already, but it's true. I leave for The Flight next month. I aim to have this astrarium done by then."

"Understood." Kizil said. He fell silent for a long moment, looking down. He began to figet, interlacing his fingers.

"Are we done?" Yandis said. "We can start on this immediately. I'll introduce you to my other engineers, and we'll-". He was cut off by an held up finger. Tazilik gestured to Kizil. He looked up to meet Ziltai's eyes. 

"You have something to ask me?" Ziltai asked.

He cleared his throat. "You need someone to go with?"

"Go with?" Ziltai asked for clarity.

"Yes, yes." He sat up straighter. "You'll need a bodyguard. I can carry your chips, and receive your messages. Aside from utility, I can fight as well."

Ziltai pondered for a moment. "I was actually planning to get a woman for a bodyguard. Are you stronger than a woman?"

Kizil remained determined. "No, my Hoffer Iadon. But I am no slouch, either. I can summon and I'm decent with trapping. I can attribute, of course." He let his rebuttal hang in the air, like a balloon. It could be left alone to its passive demise. But Ziltai caught hold of it.

"I can see that. You've gained my respect, my son. You won't shirk your duties on the astrarium, either."

Tazilik smiled at them. Ziltai dismissed them, and Yandis led them out to show them what to start on the next morning.

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