
In the world of Liminal Chronicles

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Chapter 4 - Healer

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“Tatsu!” Su-chan’s voice chimes in the air when my eyes flutter open. Scuffling says others heard my girlfriend’s exclamation and a host of foxes all peek into the room.

Her palm presses to my cheek as she explains, “In the commotion over Hoji’s near death experience, we’d not thought to check everyone else out. Then you didn’t wake up when I tried to roust you and I freaked out. We were all so worried!”

As I reach for her hand, every muscle in my body protests like it’s been wrung out. She squeezes back and I feel sunshine-warm ki flow in, as if the well inside me had been scorched in the desert sun.

“Hoji’s the one to worry about.” Though, my voice comes out scratchy. Why do I feel like shit?

“Call the healer now that Tatsuya is awake,” Great Aunt Asako pads in, then gives orders to someone outside.

To me she says, “Someone designed the arrow that hit Hoji-san to pull ki from and corrupt everything it touched, including a user’s magic. It affected all of us who helped him. But you were the worst case. Why?” The question hangs in the air.

“Umeji-san?” Jiro’s brow furrows deep, but I nod for him to enter. He kneels beside my futon.

“What’s up, Jiro-kun?”

“I’m so glad you’re awake!” Then he deflates. “Mom wants to go back to Nonogawa.”

What the hell do I say? “Does she think it will be safer?”

He nods. “But I don’t wanna go.”

I can’t blame him. He’s being tutored by mythical kitsune who can teach him more about life than the school in the tiny town could. Through the Nakamuras, he’s learning magic and traditional arts beyond the usual subjects. And he’s thriving so much more than he did back in Nonogawa.

Great Uncle Nobu even thinks he can have Jiro ready to pass the mandatory Middle School exam at least a year early. The boy’s blowing through lessons so fast. Way smarter than me.

“Can’t blame you.” Will it be safer if they return? He’s got fox magic too, which makes him a target. Maybe I can chat with the Nakamuras about the issue? When I become a Guardian, I can be there to help watch over him. Though, I can’t if they leave now.

So, I change the subject. “You seem to hear me fine. Are you ok? Yesterday, it looked like your ear drums got damaged.”

“Yes. It tickled when they fixed my ears.” He brightens until Grandma Miwa enters, then he goes still. “I can fetch the healer.”

“Let me accompany you, in case there’s trouble.” Grandma Miwa creates a glowing portal to the pond with a flick of her tail.

But Jiro backs away.

Closing her eyes, Grandma Miwa turns her head. After a moment, she insists. “Let me atone for the evil my daughter did to you. You are safe with me.”

I add, “She’s my great, great grandmother and was kind to me at Soujou-bou’s.”

That decides it for the boy.




Everyone gathers around the hearth in the main room before breakfast. This area is smaller than in the old den, but cozier because the fire’s warmth fills the entire space.

Su-chan giggles as she sets out a cushion for me. “You walk like an old man.” When my eyes roll, she adds, “It will get better. The rest of us recovered. I’ll be back. The Nakamuras said we should have a bucket of water ready.”

Within moments, Jiro and Grandma Miwa return with a blue, scaly skinned creature that resembles a long-legged turtle–a kappa, who bows shyly. His shell is solid, and water sloshes in the dome of his skull.

My aunt’s mother brings a cup of water, offering it to the kappa, “Here, Sekiguchi-sensei.”

So the turtle-like creature pours it into the dented dome of his head. The brightness of his ki well rival’s Su-chan’s, that means he’s powerful.

Then Jiro asks, “Sekiguchi-san, why do you put the water there?”

He puts a finger to his beak for a moment, as if weighing whether he wants to answer and a few drops slosh onto the tatami. His turtle-like beak makes his accent thick. “I trust you, young one, so I’ll answer. It’s my source of magic and my weakness. But know, if I ever hear of you using that knowledge against one of my kind, you’ll wish you hadn’t.”

“U-understood.” Jiro bobs as he stammers. “Thank you for trusting me.”

“Let me check the patients,” Sekiguchi says.

Kneeling to investigate Hoji, he rousts the fox and pulls back his eyelids. Then he re-bandages the wound on Hoji’s shoulder and splays his webbed fingers on various points of the fox’s body. More water spills from Sekiguchi’s head, and a stale scent fills the room. The kappa tries to close the wound in Hoji’s ki well, but it reopens. Only after a fifth try does it stay shut.

“For the kitsune lad, I’ll return tomorrow to heal the rest of his wounds. It should go faster after that. You all did well, considering the dire situation.” The kappa’s hands glow as they hover over Hoji’s hoshi no tama, the ball that holds his magic. “The smidgen of ki inside him is stable. You may allow him more. He’s also dehydrated and weak. Ensure he drinks and gets salts to stabilize him. A long soak in a bath would do him good, too. Warm is fine.”

Then Su-chan returns, sets her bucket by the door, and plops beside me. Instantly, Sekiguchi pales, scrambling backward into the stone wall. He hisses.

Aunt Hisako’s head swivels from him to Su-chan and I. “Sekiguchi-sensei, what is wrong?”

“Magic thief!” He points his scaly finger at Su-chan. “How can you allow that witch into this den?”

I shift to be in between Su-chan and the kappa. Why not accuse me too? Granted, Su-chan received an unknown form of magic when I got my kitsune version.

Great Uncle Nobu says, “You had no issue with my nephew’s accidental acquisition of kitsune magic. Why do you take issue with the girl’s, which happened the same night from the same kitsune?”

“S-same kitsune? How can that be?” Warily, he crawls over animal-like on all fours to inspect Su-chan, craning around me faster than I can block, and his eyes narrow.

Leaning away from the intrusion, Su-chan says, “It’s true, Sekiguchi-san. I’m sorry the magic I have startled you. We don’t know what kind I ended up with, though. Do you? I’d like to know.”

Sekiguchi sits back on his haunches, covering his face for several moments. A sob escapes his mouth as the water empties from the bowl in his head. “Finally. A clue.”

Great Uncle Nobu, in human form, places a hand on the kappa’s shoulder. “Suzu-chan, please fetch our friend some water from the bucket.”

So she zips off, returning to hand a glass to the kappa.

“Sorry.” Sekiguchi wipes at his eyes. “I-I just didn’t expect to see that particular magic.” Gathering himself, and giving a reassuring smile, he says, “I’ll be ok.”

“Can you tell us what you mean?” Great Uncle Nobu prods.

The kappa shudders and waves off the question.

Taking the glass from Su-chan and refilling the water in the bowl of his head, the kappa speaks to me, “Young man, your family told me this was not your first time risking yourself. You aren’t seeking the end because of your past, are you?”

My head shakes.

“Good. I’ve seen a few cases of that in my time.” As he hands the glass back to Su-chan, his gaze flickers between her and the floor. We all hold our breaths.

Eventually, he turns his attention to her. “Young lady, what is your name?”

“Ohno Suzu, sir. Nice to meet you.”

“Ah. Miwa-san said you were a help in saving her son and that you have knowledge of the art of healing.” To the rest of those gathered in the room, he asks, “Can anyone else speak to this young woman’s character?”

Everyone’s hands shoot up, including mine, and our eyes are bright. The kappa nods to himself, muttering, “That settles it.” Addressing Su-chan again, he asks, “I have been looking for an apprentice. You would do. What say you?”

She smiles, meekly. “I’d like that Sekiguchi-sensei. It would give me a purpose here. Everyone’s been so welcoming, but I feel a little out of place since I have no kitsune kin and don’t have that specific magic. I need something to keep busy.”

She feels left out? “Su-chan.” I grasp her hand and squeeze.

“Excellent. It will also give us time to help unravel the mystery of your magic. Tell me more as we get to know each other.” At her wide eyes and eager nod, he adds, “I’ll leave the kitsune and young man in your care until this evening.” Sekiguchi gives a slight incline to keep most of the water where it belongs, and Great Uncle Nobu sees him to the door.

Unlike the main Nakamura den, the little summer home doesn’t have as much space for everyone. So we doubled up. Su-chan and I get ready for the day in our room.

“So there’s a clue now for your magic.”

She turns glum. Change the subject. Besides, she’s safe to share my inner feelings with. I grumble as I throw on a sweater. “I’m an adult, the kappa didn’t need to call me ‘young man’.”

“Sekiguchi-sensei did that to all of us. I’d bet he’s lived a very long time.” Leaning over before she returns to the central hearth, Su-chan says in my ear, “If you behave, I’ll hop into the bath with you.”

Several of the foxes look away as we enter the main living area. Did they hear us? Poor Su-chan goes beet red.

A few moments later, Hoji gives a wracking cough.

“Take it easy, Hoji-san,” Aunt Hisako urges. “You’ve been out for two days. That arrow almost claimed your life after your efforts to protect our species.”

Che. My hands shove into my pockets, pressing hard against the seams. That’s not how I’d describe what happened at all! Hoji ran off and it was my duty to stop the frickin’ idiot.

Speak of the devil. He winces as he crawls over to kneel by me. “Soujou-bou came to see how we were doing. While you were out, I told him what happened.”

Biting my tongue, I nod.

Hoji scrunches his eyes shut and takes a shaky breath before continuing. “He refused to take me as a student because I caused our predicament. I didn’t obey his commands. He said I should learn from you.”

My mouth opens and closes a few times. Really? Jiro gives an almost imperceptible nod from around the corner.

Placing his good paw on the tatami mat and lowering his head just shy of touching the floor, he shudders with the effort. “Umeji-san, please teach me.”

But the guy is a loose cannon.

Aunt Hisako interjects, “Date-san, couldn’t this wait until you’ve both recovered?”

His head whips up, causing him to wince. “Of course. No need to respond now.”

“It would drive me crazy to wait for an answer.” So, I gather my thoughts. “Date-san, Jiro and I don’t trust you because of what your sister put us through. It’ll take a while before we’ll have faith in you. Regarding your request, the lessons I learned in the yakuza were brutal.”

He grimaces.

“I don’t think I can teach such a thing, because I refuse to treat you how they treated me.”

“That means I won’t be able to train under Soujou-sama.” Wilting, he nods before returning to his futon. “Thank you for answering.”

Then Grandma Miwa places a bowl of steaming donburi in front of her son and Hoji rallies. My stomach growls from the scent of the meat and rice. She says, “Now that news came of the murder of a powerful Date clan ally—a tanuki by the name of Seta-san—we’re opting to stay hidden here in the Nakamura clan’s summerhouse in the spirit realm. The whole kitsune community is spooked.”

“Is Soujou-sama ok? What about his tengu soldiers?” Spirit realm? When humans visit a yokai kingdom, the legends say they return to a different time. Months, years, or centuries have gone by in the human realm. I didn’t think about that when I signed up for Guardian training. That’s gonna be a mess for those of us with connections back in Nonogawa. Satou, Matsuo, Mie—how old will they be when we return? How am I gonna break this to my girlfriend?

Su-chan answers, “Yes. He retreated to the spirit realm, too, after fending off the first oni wave. He’s recovering from his own injuries and many of his people died in the battle from those ki-bomb arrows.”

“Soujou-bou is worried about the tengu numbers, too. He said now many shrines and towns are unguarded,” Jiro adds.

“That includes Nonogawa and the shrine Aunt Hisako and I watch over in the at-risk category. I don’t want our families back home caught in the wake of Ibaraki’s terror campaign.” My stomach clenches and I get up to fetch my sword. Gotta help.

“Ta-kun, take it easy. I notified my family before we came here. Your aunt and my parents have connections.” Su-chan gently presses me back down to the futon as she moves a stray lock of hair from my face, letting her touch linger.

Ta-kun. My heart skips a beat. She gave me a nickname on her own. Does that mean we’re especially close?

“Soujou-sama gave you strict orders to heal before he’ll come to train you and test Jiro.” Turning to the boy, she asks, “I don’t suppose you could make sure the fire is going for the bath like Nobu-sensei showed you. All of us taking turns means not everyone can get in at night.”

When the water is warm, Su-chan and I slip into the tub, and she leans against my chest. We soak up the light cedar scent and skin to skin contact.

“I need time with you, even if we’re both exhausted. Just to be next to you.” Then her whisper turns barely loud enough for me to hear. “Remember when we first took a bath together?”

“Yeah. Best night of my life.” Wrapping my arms around her, I kiss the top of her head. “Wish I had the energy to show you how much I appreciated that night.”

“You’re looking for a repeat?”

Chuckling, I grin at the mischief in her voice. “Maybe.”

“Perhaps after you’re healed, we can sneak away for some time to ourselves. This house is so…”


“And they hear everything! At least we have a few moments together.”

When we dry off, Su-chan says, “Sekiguchi-sensei thinks Hoji will make a quick recovery now that his ki well isn’t leaking like a sieve.”

“Wanna hear something wild? I helped Hoji phone his mom via a spell to home in on the location for a portal.”

“How in the world did the Date clan merge technology with magic? They don’t appear to be using oni as batteries like Sari did,” she says. “And do you think Jiro will ever be able to trust Miwa-san and Hoji-san?”

“Maybe Grandma Miwa. Hoji? I’m not sure what to make of him.”




Sunlight streams through the skylights in the den. Trudging toward the kitchen for a bit to eat, I overhear Aunt Hisako’s voice.

“Yoshirou brought news of yet another slaying. This time, it was a single fox, not someone I knew. Did you know Uehara Chidori?”

Grandma Miwa nods to me as I shuffle in. She says, “I knew her. She was so sweet. What was she doing out alone?”

“No idea. If we go anywhere now, we have to go in groups and time will pass at a different rate for us.” My aunt’s lips purse. “How does Ibaraki get away with these attacks?”

“Shouldn’t the police and the PSIA be on her trail? Why isn’t there more of a government presence to protect our people?” I add. When I’m a guardian, I’ll be able to help stop this insanity.

The two foxes give fleeting smiles.

When did I start identifying as kitsune? I’m technically not one. But I’m not just human anymore because of the fox magic inside me.

“Well, I’ll check in and report the incident to Satou-san,” I say as I reach for my cell.

“Let me get you some breakfast first.” My great grandmother, Miwa, rises from her seat.

“I can do it.”

“I insist. It’s the least I can do for a grandson I’ve not been able to dote on for decades.” She sets out a tray for me with a tempting assortment that makes my stomach growl before checking on Hoji.

After she’s out of the room, Aunt Hisako whispers. “You made quite an impression on her when she saw you leaping to help her son. I wasn’t sure if the whole Date clan would be like Sari or not. But they seem to be decent folk.”

What made Sari turn so selfish?

Oh, I need to ask for Su-chan’s sake. “Aunt, about the time rate being different in the spirit realm. How big of an issue is this going to be?” Then my throat tightens. “What if…” Su-chan’s parents are dead before we return?

Her voice turns soft. “Always the tender heart. It varies from location to location. Here time goes faster than for the outside. So you and Su-chan won’t be missing out on years with family and friends.”

Are we gonna be old when we see Su-chan’s family? “How much faster?”

“I think it’s about one week there to one year here. Not centuries difference, like in the tale of Urashima Taro. So use that to your advantage.”





After breakfast, I dial Satou—my parole officer, former employer, and PSIA contact. My foot taps as I wait and count the rings. Maybe he’s busy at work.


I ask, “Boss, have they updated you on the news about the kitsune?”

“What happened?”

Post retelling and several muffled swear words later on his side, I ask, “So I read up about Ibaraki Douji. In the legends, she was the only one left from her oni outlaw band. How could she have gathered such an army?”

“You tell me. I know Date Sari conjured oni and turned even more men into them.”

“Does the PSIA Paranormal Division know how they’re targeting fox families? They shouldn’t have been able to trace Date Hoji and his mother to Soujou-bou’s estate. Aunt Hisako’s best guess was a rare portal tracking spell. But the clan hid the den well.”

“Damn.” He lets the pause build.

“Is there anything that we can do to protect the yokai that are being targeted, particularly kitsune-kind?”

“I’ll see if there are any strings I can pull. But this is more the L-” His words cut off, and he growls, “Stupid seal keeps me from talking about that organization!” He huffs before continuing. “Our aunt’s territory. Since she has connections, maybe she can contact her leader.”

“I’ll ask.” Satou doesn’t know Soujou-bou is the head of the League.

“How is our aunt doing? Do I need to come to Kyoto?”

“Inari Okami-sama sent a messenger. Aunt Hisako has to make a trip to hear from the kami himself. For now, we are safe. Did you find those talismans I left?”

“Yeah. And I’m using them, even though I hate hanging stuff on the walls. Keep Aunt Hisako safe, you hear, Umeji?”




Before dinner, Sekiguchi stops by to check on Hoji and me. Now that Su-chan will be his student, he sends her to fetch an ingredient from the Nakamura family garden. Then he murmurs as he runs splayed glowing hands over the base of my ribcage. “I’m still trying to figure out how that arrow affected you so badly, because it didn’t hit you.”

“Several of them hit my shield, sir. Did it go through my magic to my ki well?”

“That is likely the culprit.” His hands wring. “Umeji-kun, has Ohno-san discovered what magic dwells within her, yet?”

“No, sir.”

“I see.”

I don’t. My eyes narrow. “Sekiguchi-sensei, what does that mean?”

“You should be able to return to your training within a few days. Just don’t overdo it.”

“Sir, please don’t dodge. If you know something, Su-chan should be told.”

Clicking his beak, he shakes his head.

“Why not, sir?”

He shudders. “I haven’t seen that magic in over a century. I took her on as a student for her healing talent and the chance to monitor her. If I am ever ready to share, I’ll say so.”

“Is she in danger?”

“I fear she could be the risk.” He shrugs and gathers his healing supplies. “I shouldn’t need to check on you again. Though I will monitor Hoji-san.”

Jumping from my cushion to intercept him, I try to control my voice. “What do you mean, she could be the risk?” He ducks to go around me. But I slap an arm across the doorway. “No offense. But if there’s a problem for Su-chan, I need to know. Especially with all that is going on.”

“If I see signs, I will let you know. Right now, it’s inert.”

“What is? How will we know if this whatever-it-is becomes active?”

A guttural growl escapes his throat. “There was a yokai I knew once. It’s his spirit’s energy she has. Since you two didn’t steal it, we just have to wait. That is what you need to know. Do not tell her yet, for I need to research. The case of obtaining magic from another spirit is rare. That it happened to three of you in such a short time? This can’t be a coincidence. I also need to find her a proper teacher. But she can learn much of the healing arts from me in the meantime.”

Then my hand drops, and he ducks out. He knew the spirit? If his reaction says anything, it was more than a simple acquaintance.

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