
In the world of Frontier Planet

Visit Frontier Planet

Ongoing 1410 Words

Chapter 1.1

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It did not take too much time before the pain subsided enough to the point where I could move. The odd feeling of fluids inside my body whenever I moved was annoying to say the least.

Whilst I was recovering Fortuna disappeared from my sight and left the maid to teach me all about magic.

From what I could gather, magic is essentially all about imagination. The simpler your imagination is, the less mana it would require. Conversely, imagining a more complex magic would require more mana. Mana being the atom equivalent of magic inside organism. Apparently gods are beings entirely composed of mana, making them immortal.

I raise a clenched fist up, opening only my index finger and imagined a lighter. Doing so made a magic flame flicker into existence on the tip. Somehow, I had the odd sensation the mana inside me was being drained for this task.

"It seems you have a vivid imagination for a mortal. Just remember that while there are no limits to your imagination the more far fetched an imagination is the more mana is required to execute that magic," reminded the maid overseeing my training, "For the time being imagine a way to relive your pain, it should help you get ready for your physical test"

It seems her face was a little gentler now compared to when I met her or perhaps it was just my imagination. Either way, getting rid of this pain was at the moment more important. I imagined a wave of the fluid like mana originating from my heart to every corner of my body, latching on to any sensations of pain I was feeling. It felt like my whole body was in pain from the forced circuit activation. I then imagined a shining green light that's meant to repair those injured muscles just like in games and such.

The pain started to dissipate and within seconds it felt like my body was as good as new.

"Wonderfully done, almost surprising that something like you never used magic. Now that your little 'Ouchy' isn’t hurting, shall we see what you are capable of. Hopefully you are not so bad that I would have to kill you myself. Preferably for good" Said the maid in an almost sarcastic tone.

She raised her right hand towards the sky.


With a single snap of her fingers a column of light dropped right before me and slowly molded itself into a faintly glowing sword.

“Come at me then, hit me with your best ability". She beckoned me to attack her. Her face showed a small yet noticeable smile that looked like a child who finally got permission to play outside after being grounded for a week.

All of a suddenly she clicked her tongue angrily. She must have read my mind again.

'God damn mind reading gods. Focus! That’s a god. That child is a god. She can kill me. She is a god of war'. I repeated these words until I could focus on the task at hand. Attacking her to show how strong I am is nothing impossible, but I cannot disappoint her. I should not underestimate her no matter how she appeared

That said, whatever could my attacks do? All I have is this sword lodged in the ground before me, a spell to make it lighter and a spell to heal myself, albeit very slowly. Maybe if I were to make another spell just like how I 'made' the lighter spell, it should be possible to make something that would cause some serious impact. Something simple, that won’t use too much mana, but has destructive powers. 

I slowly walked up to the sword and picked it up, roughly the weight of a metal bat used for baseball but obviously sharper and pointy. A glimmer went across the blade almost as if it was displaying proudly how well-maintained the blade was. The blade had a bit of that something that I noticed before. It almost resembling an aura around it constantly flowing around and through it. Something that felt oddly similar to what she explained is Mana. It was very similar to Mana but it was slightly different from the Mana that flows through me.

Even after I took the sword, my chances to beat Melony seems non-existent. No matter what the sword weights or feels, with what I have right now, I will without a doubt fail. I mean, how can a mortal ever defeat something far beyond our capabilities.

Why would I assume this was going to be my chance to do something with my life? Perhaps I should just completely stop while I am ahead?

"STOOOOP!" Came a shout from my right completely stopping the flood of negativity swarming within me. It was Fortuna who was now sporting a baseball hat with a New York Yankee logo, A basketball jersey with a 23, short pants and knee socks, 1 with black and the other in yellow. In one hand she was holding a green tennis ball. In the other, a whistle on a lanyard. Near her lay a soccer ball and right next to the ball lay a racket for tennis. I am not sure what her outfit is going for, but clearly it was all over the place.



She took the whistle and started blowing on it as she started moving towards the maid who looked completely surprised by her sudden appearance. Perhaps it is not her appearance but her current 'appearance' that is shocking? I mean she looks like she walked through a sports shop and picked as many items as she could.

"I told you to teach him how to fight before you send him to that place and now your gonna fight him without any training? Are you seriously gonna fight this weakling without giving him a chance to try out what he has now? You do know that he ain't your last disciple, right?” Said Fortuna who now stood right next to Melony glaring her down. Melony looked a bit pissed at Fortuna but quickly sighed and looked away from the woman glaring her down.

” You are correct. I might have assumed the same with this one.” Said the maid dejected. Melony being depressed is quite a change of pace from before where it felt like she would kill in seconds. I do not know much about this disciple they were talking about, but I could only wager that this person was also as abnormal as the gods.

” Since this one can use magic compared to the other one, how about you first let this one try magic. He might be weak but he could put up a decent fight then wouldn’t you agree?” Said Fortuna while motioning towards me with her hands.

The dejected maid looked towards me and as the words from her master reached her ears, a fire was lit in her eyes. Once dejected and depressed, now invigorated and filled with determination for what I could understand as her will to fight. Her expression had quickly recovered.

"So, if he can figure out how to use magic, he can fight me? Fine then, take all the time he wants. I want to see what he is capable off, his potential. Whether he is worth you summoning" said the maid to Fortuna with eyes full of vigor as she turned from Fortuna to me.

"Fine then, figure more about your Mana domain, how to use spells, but by yourself. I'd rather not baby feed you with spoons pretending to be planes. I despise those who have such fetishes." Said Melony whose stoic face with eyes of vigor mismatched the voice of disgust she has. Her face as unmoving as ever, like a mask made of plastic and fitted to her face. But you can hear the clear disgust she has for it.

"Do tell when you want to continue” said Melony as she turned around and started walking away from me and then she sat on a chair. A wooden chair with a light grey cushioned armrest that I do not recall seeing all this time.

’Where did that chair come from?’ I could not help but wonder. I looked at Fortuna looking for an answer but all I saw was her smiling.

Ah right. I keep forgetting since they all look so human. They are Gods.





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