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Ordóñez Gets a New Gig Ordóñez and the Nemesis Spar before the Op

In the world of Mortora

Visit Mortora

Ongoing 785 Words

Ordóñez and the Nemesis

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Zarinia looks out of her cockpit and is…well kind of impressed. She makes sure to get the best scanners she can with her line of work but despite seeing the ship serving as a Rendezvous point her scanners still aren’t picking it up. She turns back to a red haired Surface Dwarf “Hey the scanners ARE working right? Cause if they are that is some impressive gear on the ship.” “What do you mean?” “It’s not jamming the scanners. It’s pretty much invisible to them." The dwarf whistles also impressed “Oh our scanners are just fine. You weren’t kidding when you said Blackfire wasn’t messing around. Maybe this gig isn’t quite as Insane as you pitched hey?” Zarinia smirks “Oh it’s crazy. We are going to be willingly entering the Divine Waste systems. Do you have any idea what would be waiting for us Dutch?” Dutch leans back “Hopefully something with a lot of teeth. Been awhile since I knocked any out. Gotta make up for lost time” She rolls her eyes “ya that would be your priority” He laughs “Be honest Zarinia. You would be worried if it wasn’t. Ah it’s gonna be good to have the War Dogs together again!” They enter the stealth frigate's landing bay
            Zarinia and Dutch are greeted by the boss of Blackfire, Tonya, and a female orc wearing a blackfire uniform wearing a Specialist’s Insignia.  Tonya greets “Welcome aboard the Nemesis.” She turns to Dutch “you must be Dutch. If you’ll head with Specialist Hammerfist here she’ll take you to the War Hounds quarters.” Dutch nods and says excited “Ah it’s gonna be good seeing Firespitter and Olive again.” Tonya turns to Zarinia “If you’ll follow me to the bridge. As the head of this project there are some people you need to meet” Zarinia nods and follows Tonya the ship’s bridge. Once there Zarinia sees Scar, a command sergeant major, and two others, a human wearing a master sergeant insignia and what appears to be a human wearing a major’s insignia though something feels different about that one. As well as a darker skinned woman with bright green hair down to the roots and a construct somewhat resembling a drazka. The last two not wearing anything to imply they belong to Blackfire. Tonya speaks “You of course already know Scar, as you want him leading the War Hounds, allow me to introduce the others.” She motions to the male human “This is Master Sergeant Alex Plumber. Squad Leader of the Grave Jumpers on the ship.” She then motions to the female ‘human’ “This is Major Neru Kirigiri. She is the current leader of Elite Squad Alpha and soon to be head of Anti-Ascended forces once other teams are properly trained. She’ll prove invaluable against any oni you come across.” She motions to the other two “These two have yet to officially join Blackfire but shall be valuable team members and you may attach them to any squad you feel will best work. They are A.L.I.C.E. and Proto.” Zarinia raises an eyebrow “The same Alice Draz Arms denies they made?” “The very same. And finally, the captain of the Nemesis. Montana.” A hologram is projected onto the bridge showing a woman, wearing a blackfire uniform, that’s blue. A Smart A.I. Montana nods “Greetings Zarinia. I look forward to serving with you.” Zarinia says a bit shocked “You have an A.I. as a captain?” Tonya says “Yes, I do. In blackfire all sentient beings are people.” The A.I. speaks up “I even get paid like everyone else and I’m free to retire to peruse my own pursuits if I desire.” Zarinia blinks a few times “Well at least I don’t need to worry about prejudice on this mission.” Tonya now speaks “Correct. Montana will be handling just about all of the Nemesis’s functions, so we keep as few people as possible in the know on this job. There are also two doctors on staff you’ll meet later. One is for most of the crew and the other is specialized in taking care of Elite Squad Alpha as they have more…special needs. You will be finding out soon as before I leave and you enter the Divine Waste you we will be heading to an uninhabited planet. Part of your pay is to keep quiet about what you will be learning soon and as long as that squad’s true identity isn’t spilled by you or the other War Hounds I’ll make regular donations to Frexia’s. Understood?” Zarinia nods “Yes though I’ll admit I’m curious as to what is so special about them.” Tonya smirks “you will soon find out. Montana. Warp us out of here” The ship enters warp.

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