Chapter 24

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Chapter XXIV

Challenging a King


As the group rode up to the mountain gates, they were stopped by the sound of someone from the ramparts above the doors, due to the wind none of the group realised that anyone had shouted down at them until Doraghek spoke up, addressing whoever was up on the ramparts.

“Let us in Groxhuz!” Doraghek shouts upwards, and hopes that the guard would let them inside, despite the obvious misgivings at the newcomers. As shouting upwards and downwards was never a good idea to keep a meaningful conversation going. For a moment he thought that his request was going to be denied, however. But after a few agonising seconds, the stell doors begin to open and the group hurry inside and get a look at the main hall of Normanguard.

Twelve massive stone pillars, six on each side of a long wide floor hold up the high mountain ceiling some sixty meters above their heads. Directly in front of them, was a large flat area where Doraghek and his dwarves settled their goats, and after the group dismount as well, there horses also find shelter. As the group walk forward, they reach a large cavern, stretching for miles below them, in front of them, and allowed them to continue forwards, was a large stone bridge goes from the main steel gates and holding area, forty meters high and two meters thick, to the throne room two hundred meters away. Long rock stairways connect the holding area to the rooms alongside either side of the mountain wall going both up too what looked like the living quarters above. As well as below them to connect the main hall to even more rooms and caverns that led to the mines that fuelled this kingdoms industry.

“Follow me.” Doraghek said as he took the long bridge at a stride, he turned around to make sure that the group was following him, which they were, some seeming fine, others, especially Jimmy, were not comping so well with his legs visibly shaking. Once at the other end of the bridge, they saw came to another set of doors, slightly smaller than the first but lined with gold, instead of steal.

As they approached a guard held out his hand and stopped the group but put it down again when he recognised Doraghek and his company.

“Ah my prince, these are the people you met then.” The guard said, saluting his prince and then looked the group up and down, as if he had never seen people from the south before in his life.

“Is my father still inside?” Doraghek asked, the doors were closed, and well soundproofed, the guard nodded.

“Aye, he’s in there with Fomhord and the rest.” The guard replied and Doraghek groaned at this, he had hoped to speak with his father privately on the matter regarding his new friends, but with the pompous chief advisor Fomhord inside to, that was no longer possible.

“Very well.” Doraghek said as he opened the golden doors and gestured for the newcomers to enter the throne room.


Once inside the throne room, they saw that it was a much simpler affair than the doors would have shown, although as big as the entirety of Wolfrick manor, with two stone balconies that led to other parts of the fortress, looking down at the room below. It wasn’t well decorated, to the point of almost being spartan in its simplicity. It most simple item however was the throne, a tall stone structure cut into the mountain itself, with steps leading up to a simple but tall stone chair, where King Fierhand the sixth sat looking down at the room at large as he turned his attention to the newcomers.

“My son has finally returned to us. And…” Fierhand started as his gaze moved away from Doraghek onto the small group of southerners. He stopped then, as he continued to gaze at the strangers in his home. “New friends I take it Doraghek.” Fierhand said cautiously as one of his advisors whispered something in his ear.

“They need help father.” Doraghek said as he stepped forward, a murmur went around the room at this sudden move, only to be silenced by a look from the prince of the mountain. To Codsworth it looked like this meeting was already going downhill and they had not even begun to make their case yet.

“Very well, you may approach.” Fierhand said looking at the group, as they did so, every eye in the room turned on them, most seemed curious, others scared, some hostile.

“Your grace.” Codsworth said, in that moment he wished he was anywhere but here, he was no stranger to challenging authority, it was just usually he had the manpower to back up those challenges. Now however, he was basically on his own. “We need help, shelter. Or if you can’t do that, then fresh supplies and weapons.” The commander continued until he was interrupted by the advisor that had been whispering into Fierhand’s ear a few moments ago. Fomhord could not have been more different to Doraghek and his companions, whilst the prince and his friends dressed in rugged clothes for travelling, this dwarf, who was very thin, making him look more like a child than adult, wore fine clothes, and carried himself pompously, and looked down his nose at the newcomers like they were something he had stepped in.

“Did the north-men not tell you that we are accepting no refugees.” Fomhord said as he glowered down at the group.

“I did not address you. I addressed his grace.” Codsworth said turning away from the shocked advisor back to Fierhand.

“You do look desperate I’ll grant you that. But you have put me in a very difficult position, if I accept southerners into my home, I risk bringing the war here.” Fierhand said, looking down at the group, and in that moment, Vernon realised why the north seemed to have been spared.

“You made a deal. Didn’t you?” Vernon said stepping forward as he did so. the king had the decency to look ashamed of that fact, but Fomhord did not as he once again spoke down at the group.

“It was that or risk certain death. Plus, we do not know what you could bring to our home besides war.” Fomhord said and before he could speak again Fierhand looked down at the group.

“We’ll provide you with enough supplies and equipment to see you to wherever you should choose to go. But you will not find refuge here.” Fierhand said solemnly, and with that it was done. Both Vernon and Codsworth walked back to the group, Doraghek looked nothing short of livid at this and stepped forward to argue more, but the commander shook his head.

“Well, that’s that then.” Barca said in an undertone, as the group began to file out of the throne room defeated, they had come all this way for nothing. However, as they moved back Nick stepped forward and looked up at the throne.

“I thought that dwarves weren’t supposed to be cowards?” Nick asked, staring directly at the king, this certainly did the trick of getting his attention, as Fierhand seemed to freeze as he was addressing one of his advisors and turned to face Nick. The rest of the group turned around in shock and fear at the kid’s words, even Nick was slightly shocked as he continued on. “What, are you scared of ten basically starved southerners. Two of whom are kids, one is crippled and two more are old as fuck.” Nick continued on wondering to himself why he was still speaking. The only one in the room who seemed be enjoying this was Doraghek, he leant on his axe smiling at the sight of his father getting rebuked.

“How dare you address his grac…” Fomhord started indignantly from beside Fierhand, but the king only raised his hand at his advisor to shut up and got back onto his feet and observed the boy.

“What did you call me boy?” Fierhand asked, at which point looking at the look on the king’s face, any rational person would have run about twenty miles in the opposite direction. But either fear or stubbornness kept Nick in place.

“You heard me, or are you deaf as well?” Nick said, wondering why in the gods name was he still talking like this. But it seemed a lot better than backing down, after all what more did he have to lose.

“Well, I must be then. So, would you please repeat your accusation.” Fierhand said in a calm voice, Nick didn’t know if it was authentic or not, so he repeated his accusation.

“I didn’t take you for a coward, that statue outside would have been ashamed to see his kind now, making deals with the enemy that he helped to defeat the first time around.” Nick said. At this a furious buzzing came from the surrounding balconies and floor. Fierhand however smiled and continued to stare down at Nick, who had become more aware of how hot it was in here, he turned around looking for support from the rest of the group. But they had backed up so far away now, he realised he was completely alone in the centre of the room.

“How old are you boy?” Fierhand asked looking down at the boy who had just insulted him inside his own throne room. A groan came from Vernon as the king got up from his seat and walked down the steps towards them looking graver than ever. The group, minus Nick backed up slightly at this. Even Doraghek looked slightly concerned at this action.

“Almost ten.” Nick said, whilst this was true, he had in fact only just turned nine a few months prior. But his statement sounded better anyway, he tried to sound as brave and intimidating as possible, but all that came out was a something that more resembled a squeak than anything else. Fierhand nodded as he stepped in front of the boy, despite the fact that the king had almost a hundred and fifty years on Nick, the boy was still taller.

For what seemed like the longest of moments there was nothing. Then Fierhand began to laugh, and continued to do so, until the tension in the room began to abate, his howls echoing around the large room. After he was finished, he looked around at his advisors.

“This kid has more balls than any of you lot and he’s barely old enough to have his own whiskers.” Fierhand said still chuckling slightly whilst clapping Nick on the back and driving the boy forward by a few inches until he righted himself again, whilst Fierhand returned to his throne. “This is the kind of people that we need in my home. People who will speak truly and honestly to my face. Without fear of any consequence.” Fierhand said as he returned his gaze to the group of southerners. “Be welcome in my mountain and at my table.” The king continued as he rested his arms on the stone arms of the throne. “And you lot could not go wrong by emulating this kid more.” The king finished as he turned to his advisors, before dismissing them on the spot.

“But your grace.” Fomhord said weakly, but quickly retreated at the look the king gave him right there and then. A look that clearly showed fury of being pandered to for too long.

“Now if you will excuse me my new imperial friend. I need to speak with my son in private.” Fierhand said gesturing at Nick and by extension the rest of the group, that they should wait outside.


As the group filed out of the throne room, to let Doraghek and his father speak in peace and quiet, now outside Vernon rounded on Nick looking angry to the nine-year-old’s surprise.

“What in the gods name did you think you were doing in there?” Vernon asked, looking more furious than Nick had ever seen the old butler in his life. “You could have gotten yourself and the rest of us killed.” Vernon said almost to the point of shouting at him.

“No Vernon, your welcome for just saving all of our lives and getting us in here so that we can help Martin.” Nick replied horotely. However, the old butler seemed to be the only one that was angry at the kid, with the only other comment that was remotely angry, coming from Codsworth.

“Nice speech kid. But I’m not, what was it again, old as fuck.” Codsworth said, in a tone of annoyance, but he was smiling as he said it.

As Vernon was about to continue berating Nick for his reckless, albeit necessary behaviour back in the throne room, Doraghek remerged from the golden doors and looked the group up and down beaming, although showing a few missing teeth in the process.

“I’m to show you to your quarters.” Doraghek said, as he pointed up towards the right-hand side of the mountain and began to walk towards it, followed by the nervous, but newly refreshed group.


Up two flights of stone steps and along a great corridor, the group arrived at a solid wooden but interactively carved door, with imperial symbols lining both the frame and door. After Doraghek took out a small key and unlocked the wooden barrier, he showed the group their new home, which was nothing short of impressive. It was a massive complex with enough room and then some to house every member of the group, along with a small private armoury and a large living area. Codsworth was the first through the fresh hold, gaping open mouthed at the luxury that had been given to them.

It took a while for them to properly move into the quarters that was now their new home for the foreseeable future. And when Vernon had tried to object, saying that they didn’t need all this space, Doraghek simply shook his head.

“My father’s orders, these quarters are for my new southern friends. I believe that’s what he said anyway.” Doraghek said looking around, they had once been the living quarters of some very powerful merchants who had moved to the south at the worst possible time.

“What is the King’s decision regarding the hoard and attacks.” Codsworth asked the dwarf.

“In truth I haven’t told him yet. You’ll be able to make your case, after you’ve sworn the oath this evening however.” Doraghek responded as if he really didn’t care for this formality, but whatever made the kings advisors happy would have to do, especially after the kid had basically insulted them earlier on.

By the time they were settled inside their new spacious quarters only two rooms were left unoccupied, it wouldn’t be until later that evening, that Vernon realised that both Dave and Nick had kept them that way for when they thought that their two missing brothers would return, even if this was a forlorn hope on the boy’s part, even though it was still touching that the brother’s loyalty remained intact.

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