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Chapter 5: The Journey to Khuzd-Azhar

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As they exited the gates, the Dwarves each said prayers to Dwali. They could feel that their journey was halfway done, and that lives of splendor awaited them. They began to head west to Khuzd-Azhar, but were interrupted by a pack of Werewolves ambushing them in the night. They pulled out their Weapons and engaged in combat. Ragnar crushed the head of one, while Thror decapitated another. Lastly, Brynjolf chopped of the legs of the last one. After the battle, the Dwarves came accross an Inn, where they decided to stay for the night. After a long night of drinking, they went to sleep, and were woken up by a loud bang. Some plates had fallen and shattered in the kitchen. The Dwarves figured that since they were already up, they may as well get going. As they began on the road, they came across another Crossroads, and decided to head north to Khuzd-Azhar.

The path north was long and winding, and by the end of the day the dwarves had begun to tire. They eventually came across three Horses, just small enough for them be able to ride. As they mounted the Horses and began to head north once more, they heard screaming in the distance, coming from the east. They were too far from the screaming to see what was making the noise, but they decided to speed up nonetheless. As they went over a hill, they saw Khuzd-Azhar in the distance, the Fortress they were fighting to save. The next day, they approached the gates of Khuzd-Azhar and requested entry through. "Oi Oi Oi, whats all this then?" Said Brynja Thrabohkehk, Dwarf-Queen of Khuzd-Azhar. "We have a quest to The Darklands" said Brynjolf. "Alright then" Brynja responded "We'll get you there quickly on Dragonback". "Dragonback?" Thror asked. "Yes, thats what she said" responded Ragnar. [TO BE CONTINUED]

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