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Chapter 1 Chapter 2

In the world of Halcyon

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Chapter 1

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Swaying... Floating... Bobbing...

The shifting of the ship on the waves made the adventurer uneasy. He hadn't quite gotten used to the sea over the past week of voyaging. Everyday he woke up feeling a similar sensation to being drunk. Like his past with drinking, he would feel the urge to upchuck. He had spent years training his willpower, but the seas saw fit to embarrass him. The discomfort would fade eventually, and he would be left staring out into the open water, wodering what awaited him at the end of this journey.

A snore carried a waft of bittersweet air into the adventurer's sensistive nose. His nostrils twitched and flared at the scent of ale and dry saliva. The sound of licking lips in his ears triggered his eyes to open wide. The inside of a ship's cabin hung above, decorative carvings adorning the wooden cieling. A swift look to the left revealed the face of the man the adventurer was lying with. A beastman with the appearance of a boar lay, smiling, still sound asleep. Benji is what he called himself. He looked peaceful and handsome in his fully rested splendor.

The adventurer sat up groggily and looked around. Benji's captain's cabin was tidier than the rest of the ship. It had different trophies from his travels across the Halcyon seas: There were several ferocious creatures that decorated the walls, a beautiful set of finely crafted sabres sat on his desk, and a menagerie of tricorne hats hung from not one but two hat racks.

"Why does he need all of those?" The sleepy adventure muttered to himself. The sound was followed by a shift in the bed, and the adeventurer felt a warm, calm hand on his back.

"Kai, you're awake early. You okay, darlin?" Benji asked, his voice grovelly from just waking up.

Kai turned and looked back at Benji, his smile still as wide as it was in sleep, but now accompanied by a pair of charming open eyes. The two had grown close over their time traveling together. Kai hadn't formed many bonds over the last few years, but Benji was special.

"Still not used to the ocean like yourself, mate." Kai returned before he stretched his arms into the air, the rippling muscles on his back pulled against his frame as he did. 

"Oh my lord, you make my heart nearly leap from my chest everytime I lay eyes upon you." Benji calmly spoke with the confidence of a god. He followed up his words with a carressing finger against Kai's fur.

"You make being on the water almost bearable." Kai spat before turning to Benji with a giddy smile. Kai then dove into the boar mans arms, planting a kiss on his lips.

The two of them rolled around in that bed, barely big enough for a couple of large beastmen. They traded a myriad of kisses against each other's faces and necks. Kai found himself straddling the boar, his powerful frame revealed from beneath the covers. Two paw like hands pressed against Benji's large chest. Outstretched claws reluctantly poked his firm flesh. The bed let out pained creeks as the weight shifted passionately like the waves below. Kai released moans that fled the captains quarters. These coincidentally found the ears of a colorful birdlike man standing in front of a metal door with a balled up, feathery fist.

"Cap.. tain. Captain?" The birdman knocked on the hard metal door. "We are arriving soon to Tane Island. I have seen it cresting off the bow of the ship."

A cacophony of movement could be heard in the cabin until after a brief moment, Benji poked his face out of the now cracked door with an, "Ahh, thank you Charles. You're dismissed."

Kai, his midsection now covered by sheets, looked fondly at the boarman as he so cutely addressed one of his crew. Benji's ass was poking out as he leaned forward to shove his head out of the cracked door. Kai so intensely wanted to get up and slap it. It was right there for the taking after all. A pearly white fang peaked out as he bit his lip, staring lustfully at the boar. 

Benji stood straight up, quickly closing the metal door with a clunk. The noise jarred Kai out of his fantasy. The large tiger beastman rubbed his eyes, trying to mentally center himself. When he opened them Benji was standing before him with a solemn look in his eyes.

"We'll be arriving soon la'u pele." The boarman spoke softly, looking down at the beautiful mess before him, still stiffly holding on to the passion from the previous moment. 

Benji sat down next to Kai and looked him in his deep blue eyes. His large hand rubbed the striped fur of the adventurer. Another hand carefully gripped Kai's still hard member and massaged it. A warm tounge connected with the adventurer's. Soon a release of pleasure accompanied the final moments of Kai and Benji's time together on this voyage.




Kai stared into the slightly scuffed mirror in Benji's cabin. A tuft of his fur was sticking straight up and it was upsetting him. To put his mind at ease, he licked his hand and ran it through the tuft. It layed mostly flat, but then a partition of it stood to attention. 

"Why.. won't you.." Kai muttered as he parsed his hands through his fur over and over until a clunk at the metal door alerted him,

"You look fine, darlin." Benji sweetly spoke.

Kai turned and walked through the doorway past the boarman trying to pretend he wasn't as concerenced about his fur as it looked. He had always tried to stay looking as orderly as possible when he lived at both the palace and the temple. There was something a little fringe about himself that he could never quite keep under control despite other people's wishes that he did just that.

The deck of Benji's ship was a classic woodwork sloop adorned with a metal frame. A crane arm stood where a mast probably would have. It was powered by the same crystal shard engine that the Mechanical Mounts which populated most of the cities on the Panterran and Eon continents used. Kai was familiar with Mounts but he had never seen a piece of technology that was like a hybrid of new and old like this ship.

"Manuia le taeao." Benji announced as he walked to the crane and patted its metal hull. He stood there staring out at his crew as they worked swiftly, preparing the ship to dock. It was a magnificent sight to Kai, watching a man with so much freedom and charisma command his vessel.

Minutes later, the Island of Tane was 10 times the size of the sliver of land that it had been when Charles first spotted it. Kai could feel jitters in his stomach as he watched it quickly approach. Was it more sea sickness? No I think it was probably something else.

"I'm home." Benji stated, looking back at Kai. "Did I mention that?"

"No. You didn't tell me you were Tane. Is there a reason why?" Kai asked.

"It's been a very long time since I've been here. It hardly feels like home now, but it must still be right?" Benji mused.

"I don't rightly know. I haven't been home in a very long time either. I think I understand the sentiment though." Kai answered.

The ship approached an impressive dock stretching out from the island. It was aligned with dots which grew into beastmen as Kai stared on. He held his hand just over his eyes to block out the sun and get a better look. It appeared to him that a welcoming party had come out to see them in. Beastmen of all sizes were preparing to accept the ship into the harbor. There seemed to be another large group of people standing further down the dock looking on at the commotion.

The ships engine purred to a stop as it floated alongside the dock. It was secured by the combined force of the crew and dockhands. Benji barked orders to sailor and islander alike to ensure no damage came to his vessel. Movement halted and the ship was docked. It's large metal frame looked alien alongside the beautifully crafted wooden dock.

A metal ramp extended down from the deck of the boat and rested against the dock. Benji motioned to Kai for him to follow and the two of them begand to descend the ramp. They were followed by Charles and the other members of the crew. Kai could feel the birdman hovering just behind him, Charles' glare resting on his back.

Charles was a large macaw like birdman with bright blue and yellow feathers. He stood a head above Kai and had an unsettling deep voice. His eyes were as piercing as the rapier he carried. From the time Kai had joined the crew of the Ranger, he felt that he was being watched by Charles. They had not directly spoke unlike Kai and the other crewmembers had. He wasn't sure at the time if he had done something to offend the birdman.

A mongoose looking beastmen approached Benji. He stood about half the size of the boarman. He seemd awfully grumpy as though he had a bone to pick with the captain.

"I would like to discuss the safety of my dockhands and the outrage working conditions you have created by bringing that monstrous vessel here to MY dock!" The mongoose exclaimed.

"Oh I do apologize for that, my good sir. Charles, would you be a dear and address any concerns this fellow has. I don't want to come of as rude on my first return home in fifteen years." Benji directed toward the birdman.

With a sigh full of contempt, Charles walked to the side with the mongoose man. Outraged chattering could be heard for a few moments as Kai walked down the dock followed up by barely audible responses from Charles. Kai didn't look back and kept moving. He was kind of relieved to have such a heavy presence gone for the moment.

Kai, alongside Benji and his crew, approached the end of the dock. There Kai saw a most ubelievable sight. In front of a small crowd stood a pig man covered in intricate tattoos with white hair pulled up in a knot. Next to him, a massive lion like man with a flowing mane of silver lumbered. Kai's mouth slipped agape and he couldn't take another step. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Lord Cyrus!" The words flowed out of his mouth like water from a glass tipped on its side. Kai' instinctively kneeled where he stood in awe of the visage of a beastman he had only seen in paintings.

"Lord who?" Benji whispered, shocked by Kai's actions.

Cyrus was a mighty lion beastman whose body had seen many battles. An impressive scar pierced through his left eye which was discolored by the old injury. His whiskers were curled like a moustache befitting a nobleman. His wild chest poked out of a white robe which looked to barely contain his large frame. A cloak on his back fluttered in the air as he strode toward Kai.

"Stand my son." Boomed a voice that caused all of the choatic noise of the harbor to cease almost magically. Everyone looked on in anticipation as the lion beastman lay a hand on the kneeling tiger. "You are in a safe haven."

Kai felt overwhelming emotions well up inside of him. A week before, he had been given a letter by a stranger in captains garb. It read that a child of Arslan still breathed and was seeking aid. He took an incredible risk and joined this stranger on his ship to an Island he had never heard of. Had the whole thing been true? Was his family truly alive?

Kai felt a heavy hand againt his head and tears burst from his eyes. He looked up, unintentionally whiping his tears against the golden fur of the once great emporer of the Panthera Empire, Cyrus. He immediatly choked out a sorry, but before he could string together a proper apology, he was swept into the massive arms of the lion.

"Let your tears fall young one. You have been through more than I can accept." Rumbled the lions words as he held the tiger beastman tightly.

For a moment, Kai let out years of pained tears and sobs. The crew of the Ranger and the people of the island stood silently watching. They did not know the pain the tiger man held but they could all imagine a world where their Island too was swallowed up by the aggressive conquest of the Alexandrian Empire.




Kai placed his things underneath the thatched hut. The sun had been blazing in the clear sky since they landed and any shade was a welcomed change. Several days more of rations, his glaive, and a bag full of roving supplies lay at his feet. He hoped to not need any of it on the island, but he was taught at the temple to always be prepared.

The temple lay on the east coast of Eon. Kai looked out west across the sea, thinking about how far he was from the training and the conditioning. He went there to become a warrior, to prepare himself so that he may one day take vengeance against the Empire. The thing is, he was trained to seek enlightenment, not fight tyrrany.

He turned to the island, staring up at the mountain looming overhead. "If they are still alive, do I even want to fight anymore." He spoke to himself.

"That depends. What are you fighting for, darlin?" Benji's voice pierced the silence accompanied by a juicy crunch as he bit into a papaya. "Want some?" he said, holding out more fruit to Kai.

Kai accepted and pierced the beautiful fruit with his fangs, enjoying the light sweet flavor. Kai's worries melted a little from this gesture. Was it the fresh food in his belly or the sweet gesture from Benji. He couldn't tell but he wasn't complaining.

"Your friend gave me another message for you. This time you don't have to go as far. He want's to meet you at Makani's hut. The islands Ali'i. Says you should come prepared." Benji said.

"I think I'm ready." Kai spoke, determined.

The two of them ventured through the Island village. Kai looked around at the villagers all going about their business, but he couldn't help feel eyes on him. He made a scene at the dock and had been escorted away by their holy chief, their Ali'i, so he could gather himself. Makani was good to him though. He was offered fresh water and a place to keep his things. He couldn't be more greatful to this Ali'i.

A grand hut rose in front of them. It stood just at the foot of the mountain and was decorated with ornate carvings. Benji walked up to the large door and as he reached to push it open, a familiar pig man burst from within.

"Kekoa, you have returned to the place of your birth. I am overjoyed, Cousin!" excalimed Makani, embracing the semi-reluctant Benji.

Makani stood a couple feet under Benji. He had considerably less fur, but his sandy skin was covered in tattoos. With only a loincloth to cover him, Kai could see marking covering his thighs and buttox as well as his biceps and shoulders. After studying them, he made the realization that parts of the design matched the tattooed bands visible through the fur of Benji's arms and legs.

"See, home." Benji strained as the Ali'i tightened his embrace. 

Makani quickly bolted over to Kai, grabbing his hand. "I do hope you are feeling better, for there is one more surprise, I'm afraid."

Kai let the pigman guide him into the large hut, followed by an oddly silent Benji. It was beautiful on the inside. There were handcrafted ornamental offerings on the walls and a large table in the center that was being set. Across the table, there was the massive frame of Cyrus, his back turned to Kai. As the trio approached, Cyrus turned and the striking appearance of an equin woman was revealed.

A brief moment of horror, followed by a staggering urge for revenge took over Kai as he recognized the beastwoman. He had heard her exact description before and it was among several scarred to his memories. The anger that overtook him pushed his body past Makani's, over the grand table, and withing striking distance of the equin. Kai attempted to blitz her, but he felt an immense pressure against his abdomen. When he looked down he saw the large fist of Cyrus lodged in his gut. The lantern lit room faded away as Kai hit the floor. Before passing out he could hear Makani scramble to his side.

Minutes later, Kai's conciousness started to seep back. His eyes fluttered open in time for him to see Makani dash his face with water from a saucer. Kai was once again concious, his belly aching with a somehow worse pain than he felt after losing his lunch over and over on Benji's ship.

"I guess there were three surprises. I do apologize Cousin. I was unawares." Makani explained.

"Hey, I think someone is here to see you, Kai." The voice of Benji rang in Kai's ears as he helped the tiger to a sitting position.

Kai, his vision still fuzzy from the water, looked up. To the left he could see what he thought must be the equin woman that he was too dazed to do anything about. To his right he could see what was no doubt the domineering frame of Cyrus probably looking down on him in frustration. In between them stood a lone beastman. He was shorter than Cyrus, but the frame was very similar.

 "Ariabignes..." A familiar voice spoke. "Is that you?











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