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The Orders of Humanity

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For a human to exist they must be an integrated part of the world within which they live. For life to continue it requires a membership within one of the official Orders. One can be

A member of He


A member of She

Most commonly memberships are acquired through two means; by birth and by means of transfer, a transition if you will.

The transition can be completed with a total renouncement of the former affiliation, but this is not strictly necessary as the committee acknowledges the subject's potential desire to return to their former membership or "leave the door open" so to speak.

The committee also recognizes the three parts of the subject that may act in conjunction or opposition to each other; the Mind, the Heart and the Body.

These forces may cause a grey-zone that transcends the two memberships currently holding official status. Finding so many individuals wandering these tricky roads the committee has convened to discuss the elevation of this grey-zone to official status within the world order. 

While currently excluded from entering this third membership from birth, (a debate about this law will be held within 30 days) it will be possible for the subject to make their transfer and become:

A member of Hen

The world order consists of individuals residing within their memberships. R&R can be taken in common areas, interests and locations. It is encouraged that the members blend while also discouraging generalizations and the tendency of a belief of few to become the belief of many.

There are many schools and societies, each practicing and exploring different combinations of the three Orders for the greater good of the people, and an enriched world welfare and spirituality. 

These are the rules and regulations of the Orders of Humanity, as written down by the committee in the first millennium of the modern world. Included are the amendments which officially took effect during the initial years of the second millennium. A breaking of the rules will lead to the proper steps being taken with the offenders asked to lead the research into the cracks which they have fallen. This research will then need to be evaluated by the committee and presented and debated, with full support, at the forum with the proper educational plan to further the enlightenment of the human race. This is the will of the committee. 

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