Grandmaster Piggie4299
Jacqueline Taylor

In the world of Dawn of Others

Visit Dawn of Others

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Ambush at Dawn

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Ellen sat on the edge of the wall, the early morning light filtering through the grime-covered windows of the nearby buildings. She had wrapped herself in a thick coat, the chill of dawn cutting through the thin fabric. The quiet around her was punctuated only by the distant hum of the camp's machinery and the occasional flurry of activity in the camp’s lower levels. Christine had promised to meet her soon, but Ellen couldn't shake the unease gnawing at her.

Something is wrong.

The sound of approaching footsteps broke the silence, causing Ellen to tense. She turned to see several figures emerging from the shadows. They were members of the Town Watch, their uniforms starkly contrasting with the drab surroundings. Ellen's heart sank as she recognized their authority; they were the camp’s peacekeepers, tasked with maintaining security and enforcing the law.

"Evening, Ellen," the lead officer called out, his tone clipped and formal. His gaze was sharp, scanning the area as if expecting trouble.

Ellen's pulse quickened. The Town Watch rarely ventured to the top of the walls, and their presence here was unsettling. "What’s going on?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

The officer's eyes narrowed. "Routine patrol. We’ve been getting reports of suspicious activity. Thought we’d check in."

A feeling of dread washed over Ellen. She had no reason to believe her plan had been discovered, but the camp’s security was thorough. She forced herself to remain calm, hoping they would simply pass by. But as the officers drew closer, their focus shifted to her with unmistakable intensity.

"Stay where you are," the officer commanded. "We need to search you."

Panic surged within Ellen. She could sense the urgency of her situation. She had to act before they discovered her intentions. As the officer stepped forward, Ellen's thoughts raced. In a desperate move, she focused on her magical abilities, channeling the Dark that lay dormant within her.

Her hands began to glow faintly, and before she could second-guess herself, she let the Dark wash over her, making her form indistinct. The officers' eyes widened in confusion as their attempts to grab her were thwarted by her shifting silhouette.

Ellen darted past them, her heart pounding as she cried out, reaching inside herself for the place that she had always pushed the Dark. She grabbed onto it and pulled it up, begging it to allow her to slip past their grasp unharmed. The spell cloaked her in an ethereal shroud, making her almost impossible to see. She heard the officers shouting, their voices echoing in frustration as they struggled to locate her.

She made her way swiftly along the top of the wall, adrenaline propelling her forward. She didn't know where to go. Everything had fallen apart. 

What do I do?

Following the wall, she moved into the parameter of the Medical District. She couldn't jump down off the wall. It was too high. But maybe she could get to one of the Parking Garages. She didn't know how she would bypass the security there, but she knew it was her only chance to get out.

The officers ran behind her, clearly able to see her again. They pulled out their pistols and took shots at her. She screamed, unleashing the Dark in a torrent. A magical barrier formed around her, creating a protective circle that kept the officers at bay. The energy of the spell crackled around her, and she could hear the muffled curses from outside the barrier. Their shots bounced off the shield surrounding her. 

Ellen’s breath came in ragged gasps as she sprinted along the top of the wall, her thoughts a chaotic whirlwind. Her heart pounded with fear and exhaustion, her eyes darting from side to side in search of any sign of Christine. She reached the edge of the Medical District, the towering structure of a Parking Garage looming in the distance. It seemed like her only hope now. 

The officers' shouts grew louder, their footsteps echoing behind her. She could hear the staccato of gunfire as they fired sporadically, their shots ricocheting off her magical barrier. Ellen’s desperation surged. She needed to make it to the Parking Garage, but the height of the wall was daunting, and the barrier’s energy was draining her.

As she approached the Parking Garage’s entrance, Ellen was jolted by a sudden, intense vibration beneath her feet. The ground seemed to shift, and she realized with growing horror that she wasn’t alone. Out of the shadows stepped a tall, imposing figure—an android, its metallic surface gleaming in the wan light. 

Without warning, the android extended its arm through her magical barrier. The energy of her shield crackled violently, but it held momentarily. Ellen’s eyes widened in terror as the android’s powerful hand gripped her by the neck. She felt her feet leave the ground as the android lifted her effortlessly.

Ellen struggled, her fingers clawing at the android's iron grip, but it was futile. The Dark surged around her uncontrollably, a wild tempest of energy that danced and flickered, but the android’s hold was unyielding. Her attempts to use her magic to free herself only seemed to intensify the chaotic aura, her spells dissipating without effect.

The world around her began to blur, her vision narrowing as the android’s grip tightened. She stared into the cold, unfeeling eyes of the android staring directly at her. Her breath came in shallow gasps, her body growing weaker. 

Ellen's vision dimmed as she fought to stay conscious, but the strength of her fear and exhaustion were overwhelming. Her senses dulled, and the last sensation was the crushing pressure around her neck before she finally lost her struggle. The last flicker of the Dark dissipated into the air, and the world faded away, leaving Ellen suspended between hope and despair as the cold darkness of unconsciousness enveloped her.

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