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The guildhouse Norice

In the world of Setelin

Visit Setelin

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It took a few spells but she completly gave up on her gentle demeanour. She whiped the sweat from her face and pulled up her sleeves, supressing her rage as she mouthed obscenities between prayers and drawing lines of light in the air. The amusement of seeing a cleric fail quickly turned to worry: "Uhm- captain this looks like a big one."

Todhan is gesturing at her to calm down: "Norice! Calm down, its ok! We'll throw a rug over it", the light is starting to blind you as you slowly step backwards out of the guildhall, "No, i shant have this insult to the light stain this derelict abode."

A guard is looking past you into the building, as you look back to make sure you're not bumping into anyone he gives you a worried glance but before you can exchange words you hear voices from inside.

"Norice, no!"  Todhan dives through a window as Norice screams the last incantation of her spell: "AND YOU SHALL BURN IN THE FLAMES OF THE RADIANT!" White flames detonate from the building as it loudly creaks through the windows, the doors, the cracks between its wood, even the second floor windows are blown open. The flames are there for a moment and caused no damage other than a window hanging from its last screw.

"Captain! you ok?", he ignores you and pokes his head through the window: "Its not derelict, its my guildhouse! Stop trying to blow it up!" Norice storms out casually patting out the white flames covering her robes and hair, they dont seem to do anything to her but inconvenience her. She stops her stride and looks at Todhan and through gritted teeth says: "I shall return soon, i need a little time to make some preparations." The crowd that has formed splits to give her plenty of space.

"So captain, we're getting a rug?", "We are."




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