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In the world of Zo´Diac

Visit Zo´Diac

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King Chard inhaled deeply, his tail whipped quick. He was excited for todays journey . The Jaguar looked around . The air was fresh and mild, the sky clear and blue.  Decent weather for the middle of Summer in Kaetar. 

Chard started moving down the twenty steps of his Wood and Stone keep to the front of the Castle Garden. Twenty was the strategic number, enough for a fatigued aggressor to arrive at his doorstep even more tired, but not enough to tire a visitor. The Garden was in full bloom, with flowers, plants, and bees everywhere. As he walked down, his Warash, Skybeak, screeched. He was ready to travel! The almost featherless, flightless ostrich-like bird screeched once more as Chard approached his Tiger Bodyguard unit, who were making the last arrangements with the Jaguar Knights who would be accompanying their king this week. Chard paid no attention to their conversation. His loyal head guard, Tiaga, was probably over-exaggerating again. Tiaga was almost half a head taller than most Cats in the garden, and at least twice as broad. And he should be, being a a healthy member of the Tiger cast. 

Chard’s head was full of good ideas and places to visit! There were a lot of smaller towns on the to visit list this week. Chard looked up as a Warash he did not know gave him a soft headbutt, the bird was wearing a high quality of lamellar bird mail, the standard for a Warash owned by a Jaguar Knight, the highest of the casts of Kaetar. The bird turned its long neck and head to his side. It knew something was on the Jaguar's mind.

'Whoever said that a Warash was a dumb bird?" Chard said as he touched the Bird's Lamellar head armour. It made a sound one would describe as purring.

'The Pales did."

Chard looked at the Jaguar who spoke to him, eying him from head to toe. He looked young, he most certainly was young, his eyes showed Chard that the youngling was inexperienced yet eager, seemingly confident, well armed and armored with Jaguarian standards. Clearly a member of a wealthier Jaguar clan. The youngling was clad in ornate lamellar armor, and had a slightly engraved kaetarsham on his belt.  As a Warrior of many years, it became second nature for Chard to spot skill, confidence, and eagerness at a glance.

"The Pales? I prefer you would call them Men." Chard spoke adamant. Pales was a word used by the Kaetar and Avians to describe all of mankind since their arrival centuries ago. Chard had a deep respect for their warrior prowess, their steel armor, longbows, and even their horses,

'Respect one's enemy, it keeps you from underestimating them.' Chard said while he looked at the young Jaguar sternly yet kind, giving the lesson. 

The young Jaguar bowed, nodded in understanding and took his Warash to prepare him to leave. Chard kept his eyes on the Jaguar. Perhaps he would speak to this one more. Skybeak called out for his Master. So easily jealous, Chard thought as he patted him. He sighed, time to get to work.

Chard was a healthy Jaguar, with deep black spots, and proud whiskers with wisdom and experience in his deep yellow and black eyes, He was well-groomed and ready for a long journey his Lamellar and chain armor shone with the bright gold lines. He walked forward.

"Tiaga, Amarash. Are we ready to leave? Our travels cannot wait. We have a tight schedule." He called out with a loud, commanding yet friendly voice. The Tiger, Tiaga, looked at his Lord and gave a deep nod. The Jaguar in command of the escort, Amarash, bowed more deeply as his King talked to him.

"We are ready, our birds are eager to take a walk," Amarash began as he checked his gear, his sword, a standard Keatarsham, a weapon described by human Scholars as a combination of a scimitar and a katana, whatever those were. Chard would love to see either of those, though sadly the weapons were of a lost design, and to the shame of the humans could not be remade. The Kaetarsham was recently cleaned. It had an elegant design and was visually pleasing. A weapon designed for slashing rather than stabbing, a good extension for a Cat’s great strength. His Jaguar Cast designed Lamellar body armor, supported by the light scale chainmail undergarment almost shined in the light. It was clear the middleaged Jaguar wanted to impress his King. It was also very clear that it was not working, Chard was more impressed by deeds and he had never heard of this Jaguar. But it did not matter, he was now part of his bodyguard unit, as were the six others. Chard always preferred to travel with as few guards as he could in his own lands when his nation was at Peace. Or, as it happens, the bare minimum Tiaga would allow him to travel with, In this case, seven was the agreed-upon number. Chard simply nodded, making final preperations.

As the group mounted up, Chard looked back to his Palace, his wife and young son looked at him and waved, his son was a deep black color, almost as deep black as a panther!  He had not expected his son to be so dark-furred, Destined for Greatness for sure! He was a proud father. And he always would be! Chard looked at his triangular palace keep once more, its three towers guarded heavily.  If it was ever sieged, there would always be two towers protecting each side. He turned his gaze back to his escort and nodded, it was time to move.

The group set a path northward,  straight through the Capital city of Balagosh, the many wooden homes and occasional stone houses and workshops were all occupied, or being worked on or out off. People bowed, others waved at their King, Chard smiled and waved back, the many casts of Kaetar were all present in Balagosh, a rarity in fact, as many villages tend to house a single or only a few casts. As the King and his escort passed underneath the Huge Northgate, Chard looked back once more, the huge and strong wooden walls were occupied, and reinforced with a stone layer with large wooden spikes on the lowest part. His Warriors waved their King goodbye as the company pressed Northward.

A few hours of travel and Chard looked to his right, the River Exio, the largest river in An'Mal and Byrathallia, marking their respective border. On the far side of the river, the Three fortresses on their respective hills stood to watch. Many attempts had they launched to siege and take them, but not once had they managed to take all three of Man's mighty Stone Fortresses at once. Not even with the combined might of the entire Alliance had it been done. The Avians, the Kaetar and the Houndians working together, even in the last war, had done nothing but ask for reprisals and counter attacks from the very dangerous humans with their mighty armors and steel swords.  When the Kaetar struck one, the other two would send aid. or worse, the human armies would come. Chard looked around the fields they were traveling through. Then slowed his party down .The fields and hills were overgrown with flowers, marshes, and small forests as far as the eye can see. They stuck to the paved road to the next town their path would take them through the woods. He sighed. They were passing a large field that stretched all the way to the marshes along the river, leading to the shallow fords into Byrathallia.

"Whom of you know the tale about this field?" He asked as the group came to a standstill.

There was some mumbling, Chard shook his head, he would have thought that at least  Jaguars would know their history. He stopped Skybeak and turned halfway to face them.

"On this very field," he began, waving an arm over the field as to show the magnitude of the area. "the Battle of Kings took place, that is how the Humans call it, we call it the Kings Massacre." He began, the company seemed to pay attention. Some seemed more interested than others, and some faked interest to please their King. To Chard, it did not matter, he would tell their history and the Cats would learn it. What is a noble worth if he does not know the history of his own land?

"Ages ago, a climactic battle was fought in this very field. Mankind had betrayed Kaetar's trust.  As all of you know, it was we who allowed the Humans to stay on Zo'diac, we granted them land in their moment of crisis. A small piece of our east. In hopes to accept them as a addition to our established Kingdoms."

Chard stopped for he eyed three human knights patrolling on the other side of the bank. They were wearing their impressive plate armor and their horses the same. The group had no lances, just their swords sheathed. It was clear they were not out to provoke aggression directly. Just to show the Cats they had been seen. They seemed interested in the group of Jaguars, who were keeping their distance to the three fords and small bridges to Byrathallia. Once the knights continued their travel, so did Chard continue his story.

" Humans were not content with what was given and in years they started to expand aggressively, it is said more humans arrived by boat, through the Unpassable Storms,the same way the others did. This gave King Artold the manpower he needed for his armies. They took most of our Eastern lands. For we were not aided by our fellow Kingdoms. " Chard sighed as he continued, "We fought them, on our own. With Kaetar honor and courage, allas, we were pushed back. When finally the combined army of the Grand Kingdoms of An'Mal stood together, it was too late, the Humans had marched on Exio River, where the Kings of An'Mal and the King of Byrathallia and his five dukes met on the field of battle."

Chard lowered his head. The group was silent, there were no birds singing, it was as if the entire world was listening to his tale. Paying respects.

He spurred his company to move but continued his story. "That Battle was a loss too great to recover from, the King of Avaria, king Amadus, sonless, dead. King Ara'ad, Noble king of Kaetar,  sonless, dead. My forefather guarding his body using a sword from the humans of Byratallia."

"King Angsa! Most courageous of  our Kings to be!" A Jaguar yelled. Chard looked back, at least one of his companions knew the history of his land. As the company moved past the fields and into a small forest, the Forrest of Ext,  the mood changed for the worse.  BonKori were known to be rampant here. This was the most dangerous location on their journey this week. Chard continued his story in a softer voice.

"The king of Rovaria, King Thomas, gravely wounded, many believed he would not see even the next light of day,all these events caused the An'mallian Civil War. For there was no king to rule any land at the time. Marking the end of the Grand Kingdoms aswell as the end of the First war with Man. Who were content with their conquest westward, and set their focus north. Knowing an attack on us again would rally us as new most likely. For we will fight among ourself, it is true, but we will always face outsiders united. "

"But King Thomas Survived and won the civil war did he not, my lord?" The same Jaguar responded, Chard was pleased, this was the same young Jaguar who he talked to earlier, he would keep an eye on him some more. Chard respected knowledge and history and he felt this one was doing the same. Chard continued after nodding to the Jaguar.

"Indeed he did. But in his wisdom, he did not reform the Grand Kingdoms. Instead, he formed the Alliance we are now. Reinstated the council of Kings, and gave all Kingdoms the right of self-rule by their own Kings.Yes, it was not much different from how it was, but he had the full right to claim all land, do not forget this! He was wise enough to know the Empire was too large for him alone to Govern without support. And supported he was not, not for unification. There were no more royal families except for his, so he made new ones. Angsa's included, my forefather." He said with pride. His family has ruled Kaetar for 500 years now. 

"A sound, sire!" a Jaguar called out, as the sound of a large twig snapping alerted the group. Kaetarshams were drawn and Amarash gave commands with his hands. Three Jaguars nodded to him and dismounted, to check on the noise, moving silently, even though armored, they made nearly no sound. Silent as only a Cat can be in a Forrest.  Chard sniffed the air, the mood had switched to alert. The woods around them were silent, he had not noticed yet. In a forest filled with Lesser demonic entities, it is prudent to be on your guard. He had faith in his Jaguar guard, he knew some of these Cats, but he always had more in his own martial skill and tactical thinking. Had he walked his Cats into an ambush? A trap? Byratallians, those knights perhaps? BonKori? Bandits? Or was it just an animal? 

Amarash looked at Chard, they shared a look of doubt, and neither had any idea what it might be.

“Bandits my Lord?”The Jaguar Commander asked. The more experienced King Chard could hear the doubt in his voice already, he shook his head and spoke.

“There have not been organized bandits in Kaetar for years.” Chard growled softly.

The three Jaguars returned to the company with haste, and a lot of it. They skipped Amarash completely, much to his personal discontent.The one that spoke to their King first was the young one from before. He looked paler than he should.

“My lord a caravan is under attack,’ he panted and pointed towards where the presumed caravan was ‘ They are attacked by BonKori demons!”

Chard felt a knot in his stomach. Innocent Kaetarians were threatened!

With his kaetarsham raised he spurred Skybeak into action. He turned his head to his Kaetarii who were ready to follow him to battle.

“Mount up and Follow! our kin are under attack! and what dishonorable  nobles would we be if we did not protect our own?”

The company roared and cheered as they spurred their Striders into the woods, The Younger Jaguar in front leading the way, Chard close behind, always one to lead from the front. The group broke into a clearing where a fight was taking place, the young Jaguar Infront of him ran first into the fray without any thoughts of his own preservation. A level of courage more preserved for lions and Tigers cast, but fitting.  Chard was passed by more warriors as he slowed down to look around.The Kaetar caravan were not  massively outnumbered, but these were clearly not warriors. The large creatures, known as BonKori or Kori demons however, were meant for the single purpose of killing. The odds were more even now the Jaguars arrived. In a single eye over, Chard saw that the caravan was in a dire situation, he saw how one of the last Lion Warriors, the common Soldier cast of Kaetar, was pulled to the ground and torn to pieces. He saw his people fight valiantly, a single Leopard male was standing on the back of a house cart, that noble must be in charge of this caravan. Chard thought. He was roaring, fighting, his sword hacking and slashing into one of the large ugly beasts as two others approached him. There was no way to yet reach the Noble, Chard noted. Chard charged into the nearest Kori, it hissed as Skybeak screeched and kicked it into the dirt. A second one charged him, it had a club, such a primitive creature, it wore a piece of cloth and nothing more, it was ugly, pale, green and brown of skin. this beast was large even for a Kori, it almost reached as high as Chard’s hip while mounted. It attempted to slash Chard with its large claw and its pale  white eyes looked menacing, Chard deftly avoided the strike, and parried the follow-up club hit, he kicked the beast while Skybeak tore into it with its sharp beak. A Warrash was as much a combatant as its rider. Chard roared as he planted his sword in the creature's head, its ugly head, which was more square than round, Chard could swear that, in a glance, it was more of a pumpkin shape then head shaped. The creature tumbled to the ground as it died, Chard had a second to look around, his Jaguars were fighting, attempting to save the almost unprotected caravan, all the lions were dead, and those left standing were of casts that were trained just to protect themselves.  All Keatar could fight, just not all as a trained warrior.  These were lynxes, Cervali, Ocelotti , and Paumai not true warrior casts. Unlike Lion, Tiger, Leopard and Jaguar.

The caravan was being overrun… A scream as one of his Bodyguards was pulled off his Warrash and the large beasts started tearing into the Jaguar. His Warrash panicked and tried to save him, loyal that the creatures are, it began pecking and kicking the Kori to no avail, his rider was dead, and soon the beast was being brought down! Chard roared and charged once more, as the Kori looked up, Skybeak ran into the middle one, as Chard lowered his sword and almost beheaded the thick-necked one next to it.  The Kori were losing, some were beginning to pull out, taking dead and dying victims with them for consumption.

Slwoly  screeches and cheers of victory were shared among the Jaguars. Chard did not join them and the cheers died out as the reality of their situation hit home.

The entire caravan was lost. He dismounted and walked up to the house cart where, last he saw, the noble Leopard male had stood guard. Now he was on the ground, torn apart, and the house cart’s door open, honestly, more bashed in. Chard breathed heavily as he entered through the doorway, inside, his great fear became reality, a leopard Lady on the floor, blood was seeping through the boards onto the ground. She had clearly not gone down without a fight, no Leopard ever would. He scanned the cart with his powerfull eyes. The cart was a mess, a dead Kori with a large knife jabbed between its eyes on top of its head was leaning towards a closet, claw marks were on it, both the Leopards as well as the Koris. Chard felt his heartbeat rise… A terrible feeling of dread as he reached for the closet. That was when he heard the sound. It sounded like a cub! He pulled back for a mere moment. Had he heard that right? Was that coming from the closet? He pulled it open. Empty. Chard was confused, perhaps his mind was playing tricks on him? Making him hear things he fears? He turned to leave the cart when he heard it again, and he froze. 

No, I am not imagining this. He thought to himself. He began looking all over the cart, there was a Cub here, and he would find it.  He would not leave this young child to die. What King would he be if he did? The idea alone of sutch a dishonor made the hair on his neck stand up. He began opening cabinets and checking under the cart’s bed. In the end, he sat down on it, he had opened every cabinet, every closet, but there was nothing, yet he had heard the cub again.

‘Am I going crazy here?” he shouted to himself...

Then the cub started crying. Chard looked down and grinned, there was a rug. Pulling it away he found a door. He forced it open to find not only the stash of gold the Leopards had hidden there, but he also, finally, found the cub. He stopped crying the moment he saw Chard who slowly lifted him, the Cub was young, not even a year old. it smiled at him, a pretty smile for a youngling, his eyes a good deep brown and yellow, a healthy young noble. Chard fell in love with him the moment he picked him up. Being a father himself, he felt the need to protect the youngling. Chard left the Cart holding the youngling and saw the surprised looks on his Cats.


“By the White Wolf…” The young Jaguar from earlier said softly as he approached, 

”We found several dead Leopards of all ages. This caravan was likely  a family business.” The Young Jaguar looked at Chard. “He may have no family left. What will you do with him?”

Chard said nothing, as he watched his men burn the bodies of every Kaetar, they would leave none for the carnivorous Kori. He was thinking, he knew most of the nation would not approve of the choice he was about to make…

‘He will be adopted.”

“A sound choice my Lord! We will find a good noble house for him, He can then grow old among his Cast” Amarash spoke up, as he approached the king and the Cub, he looked repulsed at it.

“By me.” Chard continued.

“By… By You? My lord! it is a Leopard!” Amarash called.

“Which makes him of noble standing. I am in my right.” Chard continued in a soft friendly voice. As the Cub played with the King's tail.

“He will have no claim on the throne my Lord, it is law. A Jaguar rules Kaetar.” The Young Jaguar spoke, in a much better fashion than Amarash.

“Shut it Niagal! Do not support this!” Amarash shouted at the young Jaguar, whose name Chard finally learned was Niagal. Chard had seen Niagal charge in, and slay more Kori than Amarash did by his King's side. Niagal seemed to care about the people as much as Chard did, it had been apparent, shown in deeds done this day,  in how the Noble had charged in without a care for his own life. To die to protect  the peoples of Kaetar would bring honor to his Clan. The young Cat, Niagal, was brave and capable. A good addition to Chard’s forces for sure. By the Wolf, he was a good addition to Kaetar as a whole in Chard’s opinion.

“He will be taught the ways of our people like any Kaetarii. He will be taught the ways of the Jaguar and the Leopard. He will be raised as a Prince of Kaetar. Yes he may not become King.” Chard spoke softly as the cub was falling asleep. “But a Prince he will be.”

Niagal bowed. “Long live the youngest prince of Kaetar, long live the throneless Prince.”

“May he live life in Honor!” Other Jaguars called out, and others shouted long life the Prince, the only Jaguar not pleased with this decision seemed to be Amarash, Chard could respect the young cat’s respect for tradition, but this was an exception and a choice made by a king. Chard made a choice, he could of course not continue his travels with a child this young.

The Journey had been cut short, a caravan lost, a Jaguar dead. Chard had returned to Balagosh. At Tiaga’s surprise as much as his son and wife’s.

Tiaga almost jumped forward, seeing the group return within 24 hours as well as a cat down it was vital for him to know his liege’s wellbeing.

“Are you well my Lord? What happened?” He asks as he helps Chard down from Skybeak, who purred at the sight of Tiaga. 

“I am well, my friend. Sadly I can not say that about all of my companions. We rushed to the aid of a caravan in distress, sadly, we did not manage to save everybody.” He showed Tiaga the new prince of Kaetar, who he had wrapped in a piece of his cloak.Tiaga had a confused look on his face.

"What is your plan with him?" Taiga asked in suprise.

His wife and son approached, they were curious.

“Husband?”Amasia started.

“My love, I wish for you to meet your newest son.”  Chard bowed and kneeled, he raised the cub up to her, and handed her their new son for her approval. His eldest son jumped up and down, curious and ecstatic. Amasia was surprisedand  silent, thinking about her best response. She saw the youngling who purred and clawed at her claw. gently trying to suckle it, it was hard not to love the young cub immediately. She looked at Chard and nodded. "He certainly has a charismatic way of earning my approval.."She chuckled as she played with the Cub

“Can I see? Can I see?” Archet yelled. Curious to his new playmate. Amasia sat on the stairs with Archet and her newest. Leaving Tiaga and Chard to speak.

“Tiaga, I need you to call an experienced commander to help you lead a force into Ext, the forests have become even more dangerous than we expected. You will clean it from the BonKori, show them it is us who rightfully rule here, not those demons who believe this world theirs.” Chard looked at Tiaga with a serious look on him. Tiaga growled and bowed, and with a grin then marched off for a raven. Chard looked at his loving wife and oldest son as he approached the happy two Cats. They looked up at him.

“My lord, is he named?” Amasia asked.

“I found no name anywhere. Amasia, and I do not have one in mind.” He looked at his now oldest son with an eyebrow raised. The young cat clapped his claws and shouted.

“His name is now then Chaspar!”

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