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Before time, space, planets or stars there was Ayin and Olorun. These two entities were shapeless and without a personality outside of Silence. Both masses got their forms from the Unseen who would go on to set into motion all things existing and un-existing. Streams of non-reality formed into serpentine shapes. These streams were made of anti-reality that would destroy anything in their path.

Sparks of the earliest forms of elements came from all sides of these wiggly rods of devastation. The streams would gain faces and snake-like features and would be known as The Shining Ones. This would be the birth event of Dragons who in their earliest forms were so destructive that both of the original primordials couldn't devour or destroy them but tolerate them. 

The personification of Hunger attacked Ayin and Oloron and created the first need to consume. Hunger devoured so much of the primordial deities that Ayin and Oloron both moved against Hunger who Oloron called Mbombo and who Ayin referred to as Bumba. The difference in how Hunger is named would go on later to serve the perceived gender difference between Ayin and Olorun. Ayin picked a name that almost sounds like what a mother would select with Olorun opting for a more masculine sounding name right off the bat. Even the solution on how to defeat Hunger shows a difference as Olorun wanted to outright destroy Hunger while Ayin wanted to feed the spirit as if in a motherly fashion. It would take the two original spirits tens of millions of years to agree upon a solution. Agreement on a solution that could work or not work couldn't be achieved so easily because Logic hadn't been invented yet.

These two were destined to clash against Hunger over and over again with no solution in sight because ancient deities, despite their unmatched power, are more like automatons who act based solely on the instinct of whatever spiritual or elemental force they're made of. All that Ayin and Olorun knew how to do was consume just as Hunger did. Hunger was no more than a hungry child whose parents didn't know how to feed it. Everything was looking bleak. Nothing the originals did up until this point had any effect on Hunger who by now had developed some of the first versions of Absolute Fire.

A bright blaze that would have been powerful enough to create True Light radiated from Hunger's black hole of a stomach. That fire didn't create True Light only because Ayin's darkness was so great. That light was used for 20 million years by The Unseen to establish Sunlight and others belonging to those sets of worlds and its many copies and spinoffs. The twin spirits defeated Mbombo by over-feeding the spirit. Mbombo losing the 50 million year war was only possible because the Unseen produced a champion known as Balance that some referred to as Ma'at. The Unseen created a Proto-Universe where Balance or Ma'at could be born. That early universe would serve as the later foundation of all the heavens and all future cosmic construction projects. 

Both primordial beings had a need to eat but no meal to secure. The moment their collective hunger became too much to bear they met one another and wished to consume each other's essence. A war between Olorun and Ayin raged on for an imperceivable amount of time that no scale could measure. Out of this conflict came MadnessMadness would linger around but wouldn't be noticed or perceived thanks to Absolute Unnoticeability. That ability was granted by Silence who wanted Madness to end this fight. 

Ayin in particular was weak against Madness. Hunger, now free to attack Olorun, began to consume Olorun the primordial without worrying about overconsumption. Olorun could withstand Hunger so long as Ayin was also a target and Hunger lacked the sentience to attack them one at a time. The battle between Mbombo and Olorun became so violent that Silence began to lose power. For the first time, the two original god beings were losing. At this rate, the pair would be removed from all of existence. The deadly Silence was the one force that, by itself, is weak but when matched against the void in any form Silence almost always wins. This early defeat of the twin titans proved that power levels alone meant very little and that often times it would come down to match ups. The void cannot avoid silence and neither can space. 

Silence displayed concern for the well-being of Ayin and Olorun despite knowing that Madness could only bring devastation. This concern was such a illogical act that it was supernatural and an act of Absolute Illogic that defied the personality traits set for Silence. This would be one of the only times a divine entity, especially a primordial, would ever act outside of what they are destined to do. This concern created Peace, the spirit of pacifism. Peace instantly began the long process of ending the conflict. 

Before Peace could work Ayin became wounded. Olorun managed to scar Ayin across the primordial darkness plane. Out of those wounds poured entities so powerful that their very existence altered reality for all of existence and even that of Olorun. From the scar on Ayin's chest came Wraith, the embodiment of revenge. Peace made the cut towards the entity's head bleed Azura of the Goodness who would go on to become an ally of The Good Kind. However, the cuts upon the eyes produced Malcontent who would stand against all the The Good Kind, Goodness, and the True Light. 

The creation of other entities came as both Ayin and Olorun reached a stalemate. Neither could defeat one another so they both agreed to create a meal. Life as we know came from a glorified dinner arrangement. What the two of them didn't realize was that the void always existed and cannot grow but life can evolve and grow at such a pace where even their collective power couldn't devour it all. Peace asked True Light who was also known as Aither to bring light so that the two void creatures would have something other than immortals to consume. True Light obliged. 

Ayin and Olorun didn't understand that it was the True Light they were supposed to consume and not the deities created from True Light interacting with their primordial void shells. Peace was displeased. Ahura was even more displeased. It was then that Ahura planted the seed of The Good Kind into Olorun so that one that an avatar of Absolute Goodness can one day come forward and one day defeat these primordials. Malcontent liked the chaos and saw the primordials as a threat so he injected Ayin with poison of Absolute Hatred. This would mean that the Olympic Pantheon to come was largely started off of Hatred or Erida. 

All the different varieties of shapes, sizes and personalities of every early deity came as a result of Ayin and Olorun wanting to devour different types of entities. Since neither of them realized how powerful they were they would create others who were as strong as any deity but just not stronger than Ayin or Olorun or so they thought. Much of what is written about the wars between gods and titans where the titans would devour their deity children were misinterpreted and misunderstood stories about the two original primordial deities. 

Each divine spark would be crafted from the void and darkness. Over time, each creation generated energy which sparked light. True Light became even more powerful with each successful creation. Out of that light came Innocence who is also known as Amenominakanushi, the first Kami to ever grace existence in any sense. This entity that would later be worshipped and revered was powerful enough to serve as a temporary counter-balance against the original primordials. Innocence would receive assistance when the battles became so numerous that the force of Logic, a separate entity, created Time who was supposed to govern time and keep track of these battles. 

Logic used Time who would also come to be known as Time to create a realm-shattering force and reality-governing force known as Time that could be used as a weapon. Time as a concept was supposed to be originally used against Olorun as Ayin proved to be too powerful an enemy. Yet, time as a concept proved ineffective against both primordial entities. Logic attempted a direct attack. This entity was not a physical being but was merely the power of suggestion for a divine being and an immoveable force. Primordials and most deities have set personalities that they cannot defy as if something is an incarnation of evil it cannot be good by default. Logic suggested to Olorun that something that is the opposite of anything must be a desirable outcome. 

The attack of Logic caused great confusion within Olorun. Out of confusion came some of the most powerful spirits to ever exist. Olorun cried 12 tears in frustration with the 13th tear being None who would be the goddess of emptiness. Until now, there wasn't much in the way of gender expression for most deities but now None and others were beginning to change that. This particular female being will have to play a part in the end of reality if that were to ever occur. None would make sure reality never comes into existence against which is a paradox given that she would have to exist in order for this to happen. None is the only entity in all realities with the power of Absolute Empty or the removal of all mass in any shape or form both material, mental, metaphysical, divine or spiritual. 

Also born was the void god Nun who only empowered Olorun and Ayin. Oblivion of the endless sea organized the void into a raging river of nothing. Endless the serpent traveled the endless Oblivion. The Green Lion was born out of serpent's thrashing and outside of Olorun's tears with a power that had shades of Mbombo. Necessity was born, quite literally, out of necessity and would be overkill for any divine purpose. Complete is an entity also known as Brahma of Finality. Balance of duality served the ultimate purpose of being a counter balance to any and all things imbalanced.

Transcendence became a fast pathway to ascension through their will. The Good Kind was born to be a subjective force for good depending on who wields their power. Divine Love became personified as a feminine spirit that could imbue anyone with love including the primordials. Lifeline would be different than Life which is an entity similar to Logic but can defy Logic. There were the final two creations. These creations would have their levels of powers intentionally lowered so as to not raise alarm.

The moment Logic came into existence both Olorun and Ayin became more intelligent as a result. This is why Olorun created Life which allowed for individuality among divine creations from that point on. Last but not least was Conduit which may appear to be an obscure concept but given how worlds and realities could be connected this particular entity was extremely powerful. All of the other tears combined would have been enough to destroy even Ayin. These tears would rise up and defend their primordial parent. Logic couldn't withstand the combined might of Olorun's tears.

Life created a universe for the specific purpose of trapping Logic. Since Logic wasn't a physical being and a merely immoveable force then the plan was to create interesting sights and new discoveries within a universe to occupy Logic's time for an eternity. However, the supreme being of intelligence saw through Life's plans and figured out ways to escape every universe created to confine it. Since Life was a second generation primordial that was just as reckless as their predecessor the entity didn't realize that trillions of universes had been created. No matter how Life attempted to trap Logic there would be a successful escape.

Conduit connected all of the universes in a massive set of threads provided by Complete and The Good Kind. Lifeline is still connecting all the universes with the thread in its mouth as its serpentine presence moves in random dives into universes and dragging the thread on its way. Divine Love placed a bond of love that could not be broken on the threads to prevent escape. All of Olorun's tears were working together to defeat Logic except for Balance. Since Balance represented duality and didn't like the one sided nature of this conflict. Logic would lose and lose badly if something wasn't done. Balance betrayed Olorun and warned Logic of what was to come.

Olorun learned of Balance's betrayal and sent the Green Lion to destroy his tear. The Green Lion was powerful but no match for Balance as duality meant that a conflict was never really a threat. Even if Balance would lose a conflict things would be brought right back into balance which is a concept most mortals wouldn't comprehend on an interdimensional and inter-reality scale. He is balance because balance is him. Logic was influencing Balance and all of Olorun's tears. This power of Absolute Logic would normally be ineffective. But Olorun's tears didn't have the same level of defenses. Logic treated those tears like puppets on strings.

For billions of years Logic contained Olorun and, by extension, Ayin with the use of Olorun's tears in a separate group of entities meant to hold back all powerful primordials known as Creation. These entities can become a separate entity by joining forces and once that happens Creation is a power so unstoppable that Ayin would fail numerous times to destroy it. Creation was powerful but would require multiple primordial spirits to join forces. This was too risky of a trump card to rely upon and especially given that there was one last ancient threat to deal with. Innocence discovered Hunger. The ancient spirit was calmed with Innocence's Pacify ability. This pacifism caused Hunger to have an upset stomach.

The 3rd primordial vomited huge chunks of spiritual essence. One chunk was made of fire and became known as Hellfire. Another chunk was frozen and was known only as Cold Reality. The hulking feminine boulder gained flowers, trees and all manners of life and she was known as Mother Earth. These titans couldn't be controlled but their power and the threat of their existence alone meant that Logic would have to deal with them. Time came up with a plan of his own. If he were to fight Ayin and Olorun he would have to enlist help from anyone he could find. The ancient time titan discovered other primordial beings that were once imperceivable to even the two original god beings.

This fight between gods birthed Khaos who Time discovered he was somehow related to as a cousin. Not only had Khaos been born through the fight between Ayin and Olorun but Khaos entered existence pregnant. The creature birthed El. This was probably the most pivotal point in all of existence for it was the creation of El and his kind that was the earliest precursor to mankind.

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