
In the world of The Territories

Visit The Territories

Ongoing 1113 Words

Chapter 5

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I'm pacing back and forth as Fallon comes into the room. I don't like what I see when I look up at her. I must not have gotten a good look at her earlier on. She looks tired and run down. No, it's more than that I realise the longer I look at her. She has this bone deep weariness to her that isn't like her at all. I'm still trying to work out what's wrong when she gestures to the door. Oh, that's right, the meeting. It's not like me to lose my focus. Especially with this. So, I open the door and we head out. 

"So what exactly is this meeting about?" Fallon asks as we get outside the apartment building.

"All I know is that he has concerns he needs to discuss, and demanded that you be there as well." 

"Why would he demand that I be there as well? If he concerns about anything that is the Alpha King and you that deals with all that. I'm just your PA."

"I honestly don't know Fallon, but thank you for coming. You know how Alpha Jones can get with stuff like this. I don't need the headache right now."

"That's ok, it is my job after all." I glance over at her. Her shoulders are slumped and she doesn't have her usual smile. I wonder if something happened in the human realm. Is that why she went off on one at me earlier about not asking how she was and how it went over there? 

Surely she would have told me? We stayed in touch while she was there, she would have said if something happened then. As were walking over to main academy building, I go over all the times we spoke over the phone the last 6 weeks. We talked about the Gamera obviously and all its logistics, we spoke about what was happening with her being late to the academy, and she asked about the packs and her family. I'm pulled out my thoughts when Fallon says my name.

I look up to find her holding the door to the academy open. I never noticed we were here. She doesn't even look at me as we walk through the door. Something is definitely not right with her. She is usually full of chatter, talking about the B&B, the twins, the orphanage and the kids at the pack school. 

"Fallon, is everything ok? Did anything happen in the human realm I should know about?" Her eyes finally meet mine. She looks surprised by my questions. Now I'm confused, why would she be surprised?

"Oh, yeah, no. Everything went fine over there. Glad to be home though. I miss the pack when I'm over there alone." Is that all this was? Was I keeping her from going to see her family? Regardless, we had to stay here until we completed the whole Mating Rite thing, so we couldn't go back to the pack lands anyway.  

I pulled her to a stop just outside the meeting room door. Something didn't feel right and I didn't want to let it go. My wolf was telling me it was important.

"Fallon, wait a second. Is everything ok? Are we ok?" She looked up at me and I could see every thought and feeling moving across her face, but they were to quick for me to register what they were. My wolf was sitting up paying attention, he thought that what ever she was about to say was important. Just as she opened her mouth the meeting room door flew open.

"There you are! What was the hold up, pup?" I ground my teeth together at the sight of Alpha Jones. I hated when he called me pup. I had trained all my life to become the Alpha King and yet the way Jones spoke to me, it was like I was nothing more than an errant toddler. 

"You can go now Axe. TJ has finally arrived." I could see my best friend roll his eyes behind the Alpha. He couldn't stand him nearly as much as I couldn't. Alpha Jones never called him by his proper name, it was always Axe and Axel hated it. No matter who corrected him or how many times he persisted. 

"Thanks Axel, I'll catch up with you after my meeting with Alpha Jones." I gave Axel a nod as he slipped out the door and damn ran down the hall. I had to hold in my laugh. Axel was probably away to the bar for a stiff drink. As I turned to enter the room after the others I noticed another wolf sitting at the table. Alpha Jones' eldest son. Now why was the Alpha-to-be her as well?


"Come on in, and take a seat." Alpha Jones acted like we were in his pack house. He walked over and sat at the head of the table. Technically, as the higher ranked wolf I should've sat there. I didn't say anything though. I was to busy trying to work what conerns he could have that would mean his son had to be here too. 

"Fallon dear? Would you do me the honour of sitting next to me?" Slimy Alpha. I could see him leer at Fallon as she took her seat to his left. His son was on his right. Usually I would have thought he was trying to put me in my place by pushing me further from the head of the table. The way he was looking at Fallon and, the way he demanded she be here, made me think Jones was up to something. 

She turned and looked at me. I just gave her a subtle nod to sit. She knew that normally I would have said something to Jones, but today I was curious. I wanted to know what he wanted because he had something I wanted. I wanted to have the packs boundaries redrawn when I took over from Dad. The land I wanted for the Royal Pack currently belonged to Jones' pack. I had to keep him sweet and hopefully find a weakness, so when the time came I wouldn't have a fight on my hands. 

I sat next to Fallon. Yes I was curious but that didn't mean I was going to leave her on her own with this creep of an Alpha. I put my arm on the back of her chair, and turned slightly in my chair, so that I was facing Jones. 

"So, Alpha Jones, when you set up this meeting you said you had concerns. How can I help?"

"Fallon, TJ, this my son, Conrad." 

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