Chapter 1 The Wedding

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       The sun was shining through the single-pane windows of the rented villa. The kind of sunbeam that shows off the person's best features in its view. In the full spectrum of the sunlight; mingled a motley crew of personnel. The person that stood out was a tall, lean, dark-skinned man in a tuxedo. The suit looked like it was tailor-made for his broad shoulders. This was true. It was, after all, a momentous occasion for the young man. Both sitting and standing around him was a myriad of people. Who was seemingly congratulating him?

      "I can't believe my oldest grandbaby is getting married today". Said an elderly woman. Who, curiously looked nothing like him. Where he was tall, well over six feet, and broad-shouldered. With thick black hair that would make a bear jealous. The woman was quite short. A few inches over 5 feet and a bit on the stout side. She had the kind of elderly woman build that suggested the extra weight was only carried in old age. Her hair was white, and though styled was beginning to thin. However, the main difference in their appearance was their skin tone, whereas the young man had a vibrant leather brown skin tone. The type of brown that would suggest an interracial pedigree. It was completely different from the woman who conversely had a skin tone so white. Some people wondered if she had any melanin at all. 

       She tried to reach up and pinch his cheek but she was too sort, so she settled with fixing his collar. Which was already in place. In her attempt to fix it, she accidentally loosened it. The man looked down at it and sighed. He could tell his grandma was very excited and also a fair bit nervous. After over 40 years of raising kids. He was the first to get married. He was not only the first to get married. He was the first to go to college,  and first, to buy a house, he was in fact. First of all her kids and grandkids do quite a few things. He had learned that his grandparents hadn't always known how to handle his various successes, and that it was best to let them handle them in a way that they most likely felt comfortable. Essentially he knew she didn't know how to feel in this situation. He smiled at her.

     "Everything is going to be fine". As he did it he put his hand on her shoulder and gave her a half hug.

     A very large man then stood up as well. He shared the woman's skin tone. Only his was tanned. The type of tan that suggested he preferred working outside when possible. He was even taller than the young man and shared the same overall build. Long muscled and broad-shouldered. It wasn't as hard to believe he was the man's grandfather as it would be to believe the elderly woman was related to him.

     He walked up to the young man. This time looking down at him. Whereas the woman had to look up. He also put a hand on the woman's shoulder. "Look at the kid," he said. A smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye that one could easily tell would have charmed a piece of candy from a toddler. "He's grown up now". The young man realized the cane that usually accompanied his old man was left on the couch he had just arisen from. 
      "I know, I know", the woman said in a flustered tone. Flustered because she was trying to hold back tears. She knew that her grandson got uncomfortable with other people's praise and emotional outbursts. At times he was even more stoic than his grandfather. She looked at her husband. Well, she looked up at him, and then they both looked at the man. "Look at him," she said. The tears were all but pouring out at this point.
      "Little DK's all grown up now", said the man. A big smile on his face. Somehow his blue eyes were shining even more now. Though even older than his wife. His hair still had a glint of copper brown that would have formed a thick slicked-back greaser style in his youth. Of course, now it was trimmed, Not quite as short as it would have been in his days on the force or in the army, but a respectable length nonetheless. His staff officers would have beat any youthful exuberance out of him. Replacing it with reliable courage and fierce loyalty. This accompanied by his wife's love for her family is probably why they formed such a large one. Well, at least a cosmopolitan one. This was evident by the number and the different looks of their grandchildren. All of which were gathered in that very room. One would notice that there was a lack of the couple's actual children.
      "It's my turn", chimed a woman who was even younger than the young man. "I didn't pause my trip studying abroad and take a flight to Rio Janeiro just to look at my older brother". This was a unique form of recognition for the pair of them. The two siblings seldom used each other's names. It was always "dear sister" in his case. Regarding how she would address him. Well, it usually involved derogatory terminology referring to his anti-social demeanor. However, in her kinder moments, she also would address him as "dear brother". The two of them were quite obviously related regarding their appearance. Whereas the man's grandparents looked quite different. It was very obvious she was his sister. She was shorter than him and lacked his broad shoulders, but in terms of skin tone and facial structure, they were quite similar. That was where the similarities ended, however. Where her eyes shared their grandpa's twinkle and liveliness. His eyes were a tad sunken in and serious. Her eyes said, "Let's sit down and tell each other everything about ourselves". Where their grandfather could charm the candy from a toddler. The young woman would become best friends with the toddler and share the candy. In contrast, the young man's eyes looked as though they held many secrets that would never leave the confines of his dark brown irises.
      She was so giddy that she could barely hold it in. "Whoohoo" she exclaimed. "My bro's getting married". She twirled in not one but multiple circles giggling like a child on her way to Disney World. She held her hands above her head as she did it. " I can't believe my BORING". She said the word in an ill-humored tone. Emphasizing the BO in boring. " Brother chose such a B.E.Autiful romantic place to get married. I mean RIO". She pointed out of the window and pointed to the Statue of Jesus Christ atop the mountain. "I can't believe we're here". She squealed when she said it. The whole room of people started to laugh. Her giddiness was contagious at this point. The young man whose grandpa had referred to as DK. Was named Dakota and looked a little annoyed at his sister's outburst. 
      "It was Hannah's decision". He said more or less under his breadth. Referring to his soon-to-be wife. He made a mental note that at this point his aforementioned sister wasn't listening.
     As she danced around the room. A man slightly younger than the sister took her place to congratulate the young man. He extended an arm and hand,

     "Well Cuz, you did it". First of the grandkids to go to college and now to get married". He said this with a pride that would only accompany a family member's face. Though again the two looked quite different.  The younger man was much paler than the dark-toned man. He was a bit taller than Dakota as well. His stomach, once muscled was beginning to bulge a bit. Yet another difference,  DK had to sinch his belt a bit to fit into his tuxedo. The younger man looked like he recently added a hole to his belt to accompany a bit of a gut most likely due to many nights staying up late studying.
    "Thanks cuz, or should I say soon-to-be Attorney at Law, Johnathan Holland", said Dakota in response. His tone held genuine pride as he said it. Something most people never experienced when talking to the young groom in the making.
     "Just John to my family", said the younger man. Blushing as he did. His hand nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "Plus that's nothing to the Scientist. What was your new role called? 
      "Laboratory Scientist in charge of Research in Development Dakota Holland". Chimed in his sister referring to Dakota's full name and position in the Biotechnology Lab he worked in. Apparently, she had decided to come back to Earth and rejoin the conversation.
       "Well that's what happens when you work hard in your education and work. You get a good job and a decent title". At that moment the remaining adult in the room stood up. He shared Dakota's facial features and skin tone. All though he was a bit more boyish and round. He had the type of look in his eyes that would suggest a troublemaker's streak. 
      "You forgot luck is also involved. I better get this over with before Stacie comes back to Earth". He had apparently, not yet noticed that the woman had indeed come back from orbit. The group then looked over to the young woman who was at this point swaying back and forth with the villa's fine sheets draped around her shoulders. She appeared to be fantasizing about some machination of being royalty or something. Dakota rescinded his earlier thought. It was more like his sister made a temporary stop in reality and had now reentered orbit. 
      The man who bore a resemblance to Dakota walked up next to him. He simply pushed John out of the way. Chuckling as he did.      "You think you can take me cuz", he said looking at John. His cousin infused a bit of restraint as he did.

       "He's my brother after all". The man said pointing at Dakota. 
     "I would but I don't wanna get smacked by your double chin" John retorted. Sucking in his gut as he said it. The stouter man wasted no time in his rebuttal.
      "It's my stomach you don't wanna get hit by". He accentuated this statement by adding to its girth by letting it protrude over his tight-fitting belt. The room laughed, and an as-of-yet-unseen little girl squealed with laughter. The kind of noise that suggested she sat long enough and wanted some attention as well.

     "OK, go give Uncle Koda a hug," said the man. Who of course was Dakota's second and final sibling.

     The little girl. No more than three years old. Jumped off the footrest that she was using as a chair, and hustled over to her uncle. Behind her trotted an also previously unnoticed dog. A small mutt of some sort. The dog must have figured if it was ok for the toddler to smother her favorite uncle it was ok for her to jump on him as well. Once cheeks were kissed and tummies were scratched. Dakota looked at his brother. His brother looked back and told him.

     "You're doing it right. I love that little girl, but I wish I had chosen a better mother". Said the stout man. He was of course referring to the little girl and her absent mother.
      "You'll get there one day Mas". Said Dakota, Mas being short for Mason. No one used his full name. It just didn't go with the naming scheme of the rest of the family.
       "Wa bout me?" said the little girl. Pointing at herself as she did.
      "No man will ever be good enough for you Amari". This was stated by both Dakota and her father Mason. She pouted, her face sticking out as she did. A quick tickle of the foot by her uncle was all it took to cheer her up again.
       At this point, the older woman had stopped crying and gathered herself. She looked so happy. It was unclear if the sun was lighting the room or if it was the gleam of her exuberant face. "I know we have to get the groom to the church but It's picture time. One with all the grandbabies".

     The three siblings and the one cousin stood shoulder to shoulder. "Now one with the great-grandbaby". The little girl squealed again and all but jumped into Dakota's arms. As did the dog. The dog was Dakota's best friend so he didn't mind one bit. 
     "Now one with the grandparents", said the old man. "Come on Lynne." He looked at his own wife expectantly. Hhe tassled her hair and shook her pants.
      "John, I don't look good enough to be in a picture on the Kid's wedding day". She was fishing for compliments and the old man knew her well enough not to give in. 
      "Get in the picture honey". He said the last word with a confidence that belayed his military background. As he did so he handed the camera off to one of the grandchildren. 
       The pictures were all saved and the group headed out of the room. Down the stairs of the villa. Stacie looked around again mesmerized.

     "Your future in-laws must be loaded DK". The wedding party had the whole villa, as well as the adjacent homestand courtyard to themselves. Multiple levels of classic Italian leaning design.

     "I think they're just happy someone tamed their daughter". Said Mason.

      This wasn't a remark on any promiscuity on the part of the future bride. More the flightiness of her thought. As Dakota once put it. If she had her way she would live in a different country every week.
      "Well that's our Dakota. He could take the spark out of lightning". Said Stacie. Trying to jab her older brother, but he sidestepped her. She always seemed to forget just how much quicker he was the she. "Your too stiff, too rigid" she retorted
      "You could learn something from my dedication." Corrected Dakota.

       His sister looked a bit confused at this. She looked at him daring to go on. He didn't hesitate.

      "Maybe if you were a bit more focused, you wouldn't be in your third school in 5 years.".
      "The first two couldn't handle my brilliance. Besides Fashion designers always travel Europe before getting their first job". Answered Stacie 
      "Well, you're not a designer yet". Interrupted the old man. "And your indecisiveness is costing me a good portion of my pension". He was only mostly kidding. After spending 20 years in the military he retired at the rank of Sergeant and got into private security for another 20+ years. The family didn't hurt for cash but then again. The older couple hadn't planned on raising three of their four grandchildren and paying for school as well.
      The group continued walking. Surprisingly Dakota didn't seem nervous at all. His back was straight and he walked with a long and quick stride that suggested he couldn't wait for what was about to come. The little girl was now skipping and humming with her aunt Stacie. Singing some song about candy or something. The dog was attentively walking at her master's side. Always on the lookout for dangers to his safety or food. It was one or the other. Dakota could never tell.

     He looked down at her. Her name was Navajo, Naavy for short. He named her because she was seemingly fearless. He hadn't really wanted to bring her. His future wife argued with him about it before getting into the car to the airport. "He argued a wedding was no place for a dog". She argued, "that a wedding is a place for family and Naavy is family".
      Navajo settled the argument by running to the car and jumping up and through the open window. Landing gracefully on the driver's seat. The pair looked at each other amazed. After all,  Naavy was getting up in age. They agreed that Naavy could come.
       Dakota made his way to the back and the rest of the group made their way to their seats. Naavy followed orders and took up a post next to the toddler. She was Naavy's other favorite person. After all, toddlers could never keep food on the plate. 

     As the group left for the ceremony. Dakota slowed a bit. He briefly considered what would be his last moments as a bachelor. The moments were fleeting. He had already made up his mind that this was what he wanted. Without losing much ground he continued walking just as determined as ever.
      The wedding was beautiful. There was much crying. Mostly on the part of the bridesmaids. Some of which Dakota could remember by name.  However, all of them were outdone by Dakota's younger sister. First, she was cheering then crying, then cheering again. It got to the point where little Amari actually had to comfort her. 

      "Was wrong Auntie Stacie". Asked the toddler patting her much larger aunt on the back. As the woman began crying again 

     "Oh, nothing baby". Stacie responded forcing a smile. "I just can't believe my awkward older brother is getting married before I've even met a decent man". She looked down at the toddler knowing that she wouldn't quite understand. At this point, the wedding ceremony had already finished and they were currently celebrating at the reception. So technically her older brother was already married, and not getting married.

       Throwing caution to the wind, grabbed two pieces of pre-sliced cake and gave Amari one. She announced in a tone meant to cheer her up, "Let them eat cake". The aunt and toddler held up their plastic forks.

       "Yea, lemme eat cake". Said the toddler. At some point, the dog had left her charges' side. For she wasn't within the normal few feet of the messy toddler.
       Naavy was instead currently weaving her way through the guests. On the lookout for greater rewards than the occasional scrap of cake. At this point of the party. She had already been chased out of the kitchens. Did a lap around the villa's courtyard. Chased her tail to remind it whose boss, and had a genuinely grand time.

       Cousin John was almost as charismatic as his grandpa. If he hadn't had a jealous girlfriend of his own. He probably would have scored a few numbers of his own at the party. He thought about his less-than-personable "jailer". He found himself subconsciously using the word all of his friends and family used to describe his girlfriend Blake. He looked around at some of the very attractive women and took a swig of champagne. He'd have to give some thought about possibly seeing other people, but not being one to be dishonest. He respectfully declined some of the female advances he got.

     As for Dakota, no one had ever seen him this happy before. His grandparents observed all of this at their table. All the tears had left his grandmother's eyes and his grandfather was far too invested in the cake, good company, and bottles of beer he insisted on to get emotional. Unlike most families, the two conjoining family lines got along quite nicely. Amari and her dad were locked in on their cake. Stacie had gotten over her tears and was entertaining most of the wedding with improvised karaoke. Having taken the mic from the performers. Lynne looked at her husband and sighed. "What do you think John"? He swallowed his second piece of wedding cake and washed it down with a beer on tap this time. He switched out from what he thought was boring champagne when he found the pleasant surprise behind the bar.
      Taking notice of his wife's question he looked at their grandson. Locked in a dance with his now wife, dancing in step with the tune of the slow dance his sister was singing. He thought about the question for a second as he watched them. "I think Hannah is a very lucky woman. Almost as lucky as you". He smiled and looked at his wife of over 50 years and she looked back. All the lust of youth was gone from both of them but somehow they still loved each other as much as when they were 20.
      The night's merriment went on much the way weddings usually do. Well into the night and the early morning. However, Lynne and John did not stay up for all of it. They thanked their new daughter-in-law's parents and wished the couple good luck. Once again hugging their grandson goodnight and wishing them a happy life together. 
      "Your mother and uncle would be proud of you," Lynne told her oldest grandson. One last tear came to her eyes as she remembered her deceased son and daughter. She was reffering to her children both of which died of cancer and heart attack. A kind of cancer that would be curable with today's medicine but over twenty years had passed. It was the kid's mother that died first followed a few years later by their uncle suffering a massive heart attack while training for a triathlon.
     "Thank you". That was all Dakota could get out. It was a great honor for him to hear this. In his traditional style. When he couldn't think of what to say. He simply didn't say anything. However, this was one of life's moments where nothing needed to be said.
      It was in their segment of the villa, on the first floor. Well after her nightgown was put on she had taken off the very little makeup she had put on. Lynne put down her book and looked at her Husband. He was fast asleep. Looking at him asleep. She remembered how taken back she was when she met him. Not even two dates in and she was hooked. "How long did we date each other" she asked herself. "Was it even a month? No closer to three weeks I think". She laughed at her spontaneity and wondered how she had such a responsible nonspontaneous grandson. Then she remembered the other two and laughed again. I don't know where he got it from but it's a good thing he did. Most would assume Dakota's sense of Logic and responsibility came from his grandfather but she knew better. John was a rebel until the Army sent him to Vietnam for almost two years, and even then he never did anything he didn't want to. He always reasoned that "the reason he followed orders was that the orders were what was best".

     She still didn't know if he asked her to marry her because he loved her or because his mother strictly forbade it. Anymore she didn't care. She was just glad he did.
      "Where have the years gone"? She said out loud to herself. She looked around and was in awe of her surroundings. Not unlike her grandaughter was less than a day ago. Her wedding consisted of a hammy down dress at the base church John was stationed at in Texas. It took less than an hour. John wore his best army dress uniform, and Lynne wore the aforementioned dress. There was no audience and certainly no honeymoon. There was only one picture taken and she was so nervous she wasn't even looking at the camera when it was taken. That was in the hot Texas summer of 1970 at Fort Hood. It both felt like a lifetime ago and like it was just yesterday. 
      It was at this moment she was hit by inspiration. Though it was well past the time she would be fast asleep as well. She was more motivated than ever to remember her life stories. All its ups and downs. All her tears and laughs. Unfortunately when you get to her age. Some of life's most precious moments were lost to time. She couldn't bear that thought. There were too many precious moments in her life to be forgotten. Good and bad

    She noticed that the desk in the room. Had a very elegant-looking notebook and pen. She got up from the bed and walked over to it. Sat down and began to write.  

     "Dear Children: This is your grandmother speaking. I hope you find my life interesting or at least entertaining. There hasn't been much time for your grandfather and me to remember the past. We were too busy trying to keep up with the times as we raised not only our kids, but you kids as well. So I hope you are ok with entertaining an old lady reminiscing about her life. You might even learn a thing or two."

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