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R. Dylon Elder

Table of Contents

Preface Killjoy

In the world of The Web

Visit The Web

Ongoing 756 Words


5739 2 0

Oxenfree is easily one of my favorite organizations in The Web, and it seems to be a favorite for many of you, as well. It's high time I show them in action, exploring the themes of the organization and their unique place in the lore. 

If you dont know much about the organization, here are some links to relevant articles, one of which won the Cold Case Challenge back in November of 2019. Of course, you could just continue on without this information. I'd appreciate the feedback in worldbuilding as it evolves in the story.



Before we begin, as I often do, I want to give some insight into the origins of the organization. I want to explain my reasoning for the story you're about to read, as it's a deeply personal one.


The Web is dark. There are some nice bits of hope and goodness, but in the end, it's the darkest world I've made. The Web is where I put my anxieties, my fears, and my insecurities. It's a world that allows me to explore and come to terms with my own existential dread.

The catharsis experienced through writing in this world has a therapeutic effect on me. Some of these articles go places no one would ever want to go. Nothing expresses this more than Oxenfree. 

Oxenfree came about shortly after my youngest son was born. I didnt enter my oldest son's life till he was 2 years old, when I met my wife. I didn't develop favoritism toward my youngest, mind you. I was told time and time again that Paxton would be different. I was told that I would be different.

I suppose it was true, in the end, but what I expirienced was something no one warned me about. I felt excited, at first. I was entering a new chapter, so to speak. It went downhill quick. Holding that baby in my arms, I felt shear, uncontrollable terror. 


This baby was helpless, vulnerable, and in constant danger in this unfeeling world. It didn't help that he was rather sickly in those first few months. Me and my wife's genes didnt mix well, compromising his health. He was in the hospital for quite some time.

When he finally came home as a healthy and happy baby, the terror grew. It became a part of my every day life. With every bumped head and scraped knee, something that's bound to happen with two boys, I would lose my mind. With every stomach bug I suffered the closest thing to a panic attack I ever expirienced. 

It wasn't just my youngest either. This fear spread to his brother, as well. The fear for my children's wellbeing kept me up at night. My mind played tricks on me, forcing me to imagine all the ways things could go wrong despite my desperate attempts to avoid it.

Writing was the only escape I had. World Anvil and by proxy, all of you, helped me through it. My hobby became an obsession and proved a welcome distraction. That's when Oxenfree happened.


My fears of parenthood invaded the only form of relief I could I find. The ideas settled in my brain. They refused to be silenced. It got to a point where I struggled to write anything other than that first article on Oxenfree. 

I started to feel better after I did. As time went on, I made more articles, and it felt like a weight slowly lifted off my shoulders, as cliche as it is. 

Oxenfree has such lighthearted and playful touches despite it's dark tone. Its an organization dedicated to helping children, first and foremost. It represents my fears, but it also symbolizes what I've learned as a parent.

Sadly, it shows the scars of parenthood at the same time. I'd never give it up, but it does come at a cost. Oxenfree shows how I've changed and more importantly, how far I'd be willing to go should the worst case scenario occur. It was an answer to a question I aimed at myself.

This story will be released in an almost serialized format, each part released as I finish them and make them fit for reading. Its length will probably be around 10 to 15k words, based on my wont be perfect, but I'll edit it over time. Feedback is more than appreciated. I hope you enjoy it, and again, thank you for your time. It's a pleasure to share these little pieces of me.  

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