Chapter 14

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Meeting the Huntsman


Sweat rolls down the necks of soldiers as they finish setting up the campsite, finding themselves reluctant to linger around a campfire amid the heavy humidity. An equally heavy frown plucks at Martin's scar, unhappy to find himself back on this particular frontier and disgusted by Allen's cheerfulness despite the muggy atmosphere. 

"Don't give me that look," Allen chuckles at his old friend, only further weighing his expression, "Do you actually prefer the capital?"

"Luxis no!" Martin huffs.

Martin was happy to have dodged out of lengthy meetings and stuffy manor parties—especially the gathering of the Shadows. He hated those tedious rituals most of all despite being their Blade. Martin dabs at the sweat slipping down his face, his eyes dragging over the map as they plan their escort. Martin is happy to leave the more delicate details to Allen, tending to stick to more direct tactics himself.

"But here I am, drowning in this wet heat, and you can barely keep still!" Martin complains, gesturing towards his jittery ally with exasperation. Allen's face slides between a strained smile and a grimace.

"You know how I get before an operation, Martin," Allen reasons, earning another grumble of recollection. Martin watches as Allen circles the table again as if he could see something new from a different angle. "Maybe..." Allen suggests thoughtfully, halting as he catches Martin's irritated leer, "I should go for a quick flight? Scope out the terrain!"

"Please," Martin gives a bark of a laugh, "Go clear yer damn head. I'm cooking more just watching you!"

A smile flashes over Allen's face, accompanied by a terse laugh. Martin shakes his head after Allen as he whisks himself out of the tent, marveling at how boyish he can be despite his age. Allen waves off the guard after revealing his imprint but his amiable expression drops all at once as soon as he turns away. Allen manifests only his bestial features as he slips into the rainforest, quickly taking to the air and making his way up past the canopy. 

Allen perches atop the branches despite steady rain, pulling forth the necklace Mina had left him tucked carefully beneath his shirt. As she had instructed, Allen runs his energy into the gem. Celestial light glimmers to life within the crystal, a narrow beam pointing him in the right direction. Allen glides over the treetops, following the faint beacon for several miles until it directs him downward. Allen descends branch by branch, barely perceptible if not for the light directing him. The stealthy motions come back to him easily, never forgotten.

Mina waits for him within a clearing, obscured by thick foliage and heavily insulated by the surrounding forest. She lights the space herself, illuminating this dark pocket as a lone, gentle moon. A grin overtakes Allen's features as he joins her, attempting to whisk Mina up and spin her about. The very thought of seeing her tonight had lit a fire under Allen and was the true source of his antsy behavior, anxious for their rendezvous. This joy crumbles instantly as he passes straight through her glimmering illusion.

"I'm so sorry dear, it isn't safe for me to be here," Mina gives a pained huff, her projection running its hand just over his sideburns with a sad smile, "How long has it been since I've seen you like this?"

"It's a bit much," Allen grimaces, choking down his disappointment, "I know."

"I think you look dashing!" Mina answers with a bit of pluck, looking him up and down until her smile wavers and a silence lingers. 

A smile touches Allen's face despite this but is quick to drop away as his ears flick to a presence within the forest. Allen automatically wraps a protective wing around Mina as his yellow-green eyes dart to the the source, claws and gleaming yellow hands ready. Almost imperceptible, a dark silhouette lurks amid the underbrush. Their eyes lock and Supay laughs, his bulky form rising before he emerges into the clearing. 

"This is him?" Supay questions, eying Allen harshly and not making any attempt to conceal his impression, "He's so small."

Allen maintains his defensive posture, eyes raking over Supay but not exposing his astonishment over the man's sheer mass. 

"Relax, dear," Mina's voice sounds in his ear and Allen forces his shoulders to drop, "This is my friend."

"I'm sure everyone seems small," Allen tries to joke, glancing to her briefly, "At your size," he gives a bark of a laugh, "And I thought Gunther was exaggerating!"

"Gunther..." Supay's eyes narrow as he tosses the familiar name around in his mind. 

"Duke Stahlmann," Allen clarifies and taps his own limb, "You bit off his shoulder?"

"Ahhhh!" a toothy grin overtakes Supay's face, clearly entertained by the memory, "The fat Accian pig!" he pauses to pop an eyebrow, "He didn't die?"

"You did what?" Mina seems to scold but Supay only laughs. 

"I hope you're a bit stronger than that tin man," Supay stalks about and circles Allen as if he were prey, Mina narrowing her eyes at his theatrics, "At least you've got fangs of your own... not that an Accian knows how to use them!"

"There's no time for your games tonight," Mina chides him, Supay frowning like a scolded puppy, "And I've no patience for childish jealousy!"

"Jealousy?" Allen laughs, his eyes jumping between them until his expression drops. Mina gives a tired sigh for both men while Supay paces away in aggravation. "Sorry," Allen breathes to Mina.

His eyes still slide between them with uncertainty for both the platonic nature of their relationship and the peculiarity of these rendezvous. He can't help but doubt their validity, again needing to suppress these doubts with blind faith in his wife.

"Let's just get this over with," Supay bites as he rejoins them, "I know those swine are planning something!"

"A supply run," Allen confirms steadily, "For those camped near the fort."

"And let me guess," Supay hisses and squints at Allen, "You want to swoop in and play hero? You should know now I won't sacrifice my men for you!"

"We're all going to have to make sacrifices," Allen answers in a grim tone before his face lightens, "But I had something a bit more... complex in mind!"


The First Favor


"'at's really all ye want?" Euan questions, popping a brow at Annie and earning a pout from the young mage, "I cannae tempt ye wi' anything..." Euan leans a bit closer and dons a mischievous grin, "Different?"

"It may not seem like a lot to you," Annie complains, "But this is something I haven't been... permitted... for a long time!"

Annie holds Euan's eyes, her tenacity unwavering despite his ardent gaze. Euan releases a noisy sigh, offering up his flame-marked grip as he relents. He had hoped her first "favor" would be something a bit more exciting. Euan watches a smile wiggle onto her face amid her victory. 

"We're just walking in circles now," Albert languishes and Orin is just as dissatisfied, crossing his arms and frowning, "It all comes back to the same dilemma!"

"I thought," Tia interjects with a measure of trepidation, "Anyone can do material magic?"

"Ordinarily, yes," Albert answers before another sigh slides out, "But this is a very complex spell. In order to search all portions of your mind space simultaneously, not just that of a singular aspect, we're dabbling with glyphs and possibly even empathic magic. True magic."

"Mind... space?" Tia questions, the slurry of jargon flying over her head. 

"Everyone has a mind space," Orin taps Tia's head with a playful smile, "All of our memories, thoughts, emotions," she peers into his arctic eyes with a pout, "Exists in our mind space. All mental magic affects that space."

"And that space is divided up and connected to the different mental planes," Albert continues Orin's explanation, "Each plane connects to different portions of our mind space while Ranalis is the aspect of the mind itself."

"So then..." Tia tries to wrap her head around the concept, "Couldn't material magic with that aspect work?"

"Ranalis," Inge speaks up, the name seeming to linger in her mouth as her fingers graze her own pale yellow markings, "Generates, connects and maintains all mind spaces but that doesn't mean he permits those wielding his power to ignore or bypass the domains of other aspects freely. There are limitations."

"This all sounds really complicated," Tia half mutters, her brows knitting together. 

"That's part of why we need a mage," Albert answers, giving her a soft smile as if to cushion her confusion.

"Well, isn't 'at convenient?" Euan sounds as he steps into the sunlight.

"Where did he come from?" Inge gasps, jumping as Euan and Annie seemingly materialize spontaneously. Euan squints into her milky eyes, even going so far as to wave a hand in her direction.

"That's rude!" Tia chastises Euan, giving his shin a solid kick from the ground. 

"Ow!" Euan rubs at his leg, furrowing his brows at her, and Orin's eyes nearly narrow as he watches them, "Damn an' here I wis gonnae help!" 

"You mean you were going to ask me to help?" Annie corrects him as she steps forward. Brows raise across the group and they all glance between Annie and Euan with questions in their eyes. 

"You're-" Albert breathes and his eyes widen. 

"Annie," she cuts him off and states her name firmly, "My name is Annie and while I didn't really want to lead with that," Annie gives Euan a sharp look but he only shrugs, "I'm a mage."

"Really??" Tia beams immediately, brimming with curiosity, "That's amazing! I always wanted to be a mage but..." she gives Annie a shrug before falling silent.

"Oh," Annie blinks and a sad smile finds its way into her expression, "It's not as exciting as you might imagine."

"Bullshit!" Arabella chortles, "I bet you can do all kinds of crazy shit!"

"Ara-" Albert squeaks and chokes at how his cohort is speaking to Annie, "Y-you shouldn't... um..."

"What's got you all worked up?" Ifani gives Albert a look over.

"She's, um," Albert scrounges for words and Annie's eyes dart with her racing mind.

"You already know her," Ifani's states, narrowing her gaze onto Albert before it locks onto Annie.

"We..." Annie hesitates until an idea pops across her face, "Take the same material magic courses!" Albert nearly deflates at her deflection, his shoulders dropping at the partial explanation, "And don't worry about all of that... mage etiquette," Annie asks Albert directly, "I'd... really appreciate if you all could just... treat me like one of you?"

"Well sit down then!" Tia gives her a sunny smile, patting the grass beside her. Annie practically bubbles with excitement, an equally bubbly smile lighting her face as she plops down beside Tia. "Maybe Albert can describe this um... project to you?" Tia suggests.

"S-sure," Albert squeaks, astounded and uncertain about sharing his research with someone so knowledgeable. 

"So," Orin sounds inconspicuously as Euan takes a seat next to him, "I gotta ask. What's your relationship with the Allmage?"

Euan's eyes slide to Orin and hold a hidden heat despite his otherwise casual expression. Orin mirrors his demeanor, neither teen buckling under the intensity. Neither of them notice Tia's ears flick in their direction either as she pretends her focus remains on Albert's explanation.  

"Whit's yer interest?" Euan replies carefully, unblinking.

"I suppose that is my interest," Orin answers, his eyes landing on Tia, "You and Tia seem close. I don't like competition."

"Oh, I see," Euan hides his anger with a smile, "Ye think ye can threaten me."

"Don't be crass," Orin frowns, "It's a simple question."

"Ye must think Am stupid," Euan leans closer to Orin as he rumbles his warning, "'at's a dangerous mistake."

"What are you two whispering about?" Annie prods suddenly, both boys blinking as she leers at them with suspicion. They glance back to each other briefly.

"We're just havering about which of ye are prettier," Euan gives her a wide grin and her face flushes, Orin observing the interaction despite flashing his own charming smile, "But yer both gorgeous!"

"Gross," Ifani states flatly, frowning hard at the pair and their asinine comparison. 

"They're bickering about us," Tia states vacantly and furrows her brows at them, "And about something called an Allmage?" 

"Fuck!" Annie practically pops with the word and a quick scowl jumps to Euan as he winces, "Euan! You couldn't keep it secret for five minutes?"

"Dinnae look at me!" Euan denies and holds a hand to his chest as the rest of the group blinks. His eyes dart around for the culprit, connecting the dots as his gaze sweeps Tia's ears. "Ye can thank this bawsack," he glares at Orin, "An' moggy's damn ears!"

"What are you two so worked up about?" Tia questions with a high tone, "What's an Allmage?"

"What?" Annie breathes as she meets Tia's baffled gaze, searching her face until a scowl forms, "Don't pretend-"

"She's not pretending," Albert cuts in and sighs, "We hadn't reached that lesson yet..."

"Lesson...?" Annie questions. 

"I... grew up abroad," Tia squirms in in discomfort, "I-I don't know a lot about this stuff."

"Oh!" Annie gasps, "You're Tia Minx!" Annie watches as a familiar discomfited wince washes over Tia's face, surprising Annie considerably, "I'm sorry..." Annie states far more softly, leaving Tia to blink at her, "Believe me, I get it. I was only upset for the same reason," Annie's eyes scan over the group wistfully, "I didn't want everyone to recognize me as the Allmage before they got the chance to know me."

"Oh," Tia peeps and another wince quickly follows her realization, "Oh, I'm so sorry!"

"You're the...!" Arabella gasps in astonishment, surprised gasps leaping from Brynjar and Ifani as well. Annie huffs, casting her eyes down at the sight of the wide eyed awe she had become so accustomed to. 

"Why are you all looking at her like that!" Tia barks, disliking the distant reverence in her friends' eyes, "It's weird!"

"Moggy's right," Euan agrees, Annie blinking as the teens begin to reconsider their reactions, "Ye got plenty o' special people in yer group. Annie's just like th' rest o' ye, there's more to ye than people see th' first time they look!"

"That's an odd way to put it," Orin grumbles, earning a frown from Euan.

"Am no' talking about you," Euan pointedly looks him up and down, "Prince Charming."

"Prince Charming!" Annie laughs breathily, quite familiar with Orin's reputation. 

"So," Tia questions again, "Can someone please tell me what an Allmage is?"  

"The Allmage," Annie begins, a bittersweet demeanor falling over her, "Holds a very special position in my community. Mages are identified by the kind of magic they can perform," she releases a sigh, "Most are able to perform two or three but it isn't uncommon to be restricted to only one."

"I didn't even know there were different kinds," Tia states peepishly and Annie can see the questions floating around in her head. It brings a light smile to her lips.

"Well," Annie chimes, "You might have heard people throwing around the term 'school of magic'. They are defined by their utility. Chloromancy, Glyphs, Alchemy, Enchantment, Beastmastery. There are many variations," she seems quite excited when she talks about magic but her smile falls away, "But only an Allmage is capable of performing all schools of magic."

"All of them?" Tia questions as her brows raise, "That must be incredible!"

"It is!" Annie breathes but her smile wavers again, "The Allmage is born... I was born... with an incredible well of magic I am able to wield freely," she waves her fingers around conjuring wisps of fire, flower petals and water before her hands drop again, "But it's incredibly rare for someone to be so favored by Luxis. There are almost never more than one Allmage born at a time, if any at all."

Tia recognizes the solace painting Annie as she falls silent, all too familiar with being one of a kind. It was only happenstance that brought Al into her life at all. Tia knows she could've gone the rest of her life without meeting another with the same form and she laments she can't share any of this with Annie.

"I guess I have nothing to worry about after all," Orin continues as they refocus on Albert's project.

"What?" Euan bites, scowling at Orin immediately.

"I have nothing to worry about," Orin reiterates with a chuckles and juts his chin minutely at Annie, "You and the Allmage... such an odd pairing."

"Haudt yer weesht," Euan bites under his breath, "Ye don't know shite."

"You can't tell me you aren't interested," Orin pops a brow at Euan, earning the hint of a frown.

"She's one o' a kind," Euan marvels with a sigh and watches Annie's eyes whir away as they discuss the spell, "But I cannae figure her out," his eyes flit back to Orin, disgruntled to share any of this with him, "Cannae tell whit she feels fur me."

"I don't think it could be more obvious," Orin states, not hiding his amusement and earning another glare, "She's clearly interested in you," Orin insists, "Make a move. I guarantee it."

"Why would I take advice," Euan gripes, "From a sleekit rat wi' his own sneaky angle?"

"I didn't know you could... weave the spells together like this!" Albert marvels as Annie rearranges his formula.

"Well," Annie speaks with a touch of irritation, "Most mages prefer keeping the schools distinct but magic isn't so neat and tidy!"

"Where did you find these symbols?" Albert questions, his fingers grazing over her now dry pen strokes. The runic letters are unfamiliar to him.

"You'd be surprised what you can find when researching ancient magic!" Annie's eyes sparkle, "From the old world, long before the Erlithmanil walked Emynea."

"I thought..." Albert is hesitant, jumping as she flashes a mischievous smile at him.

"That that doesn't work?" Annie finishes for him, "It has its applications," she chimes, her hand plucking away as she finishes adding the final touches, "But for now... this should get the job done!" The rest of the group refocuses on Annie and Albert as she states this.

"It'll work...?" Tia breathes, her eyes searching Annie's, "I'll get my memories back??"

"Of course!" Annie chirps but her smile wavers, "There's just one hitch."

"The materials," Albert states grimly, earning a firm nod.

"For this to work, I need a strong component," Annie explains, "From Ranalis. Or more specifically..." she appears hesitant, pressing her lips together, but the tenacity in Tia's eyes is unwavering, "From a kraken."

"That is a bad idea," Brynjar emphasizes with an uncharacteristically gravelly tone. 

"Why...?" Tia's question is a timorous breath.

"A kraken," Brynjar frowns, "Can only be found up top." He juts a thumb at the mesa, its edge skimming the compound wall.

"So?" Tia questions cluelessly. 

"So, most of you can't last up there!" Brynjar scoffs, "You'd be fine, sure, but Albert and Orin would fry," he watches the "oh" that passes her lips and she pauses to work out the dilemma, "And this is a massive creature," Brynjar emphasizes, offering a wide gesture, "Going in without a crew will get you killed!"

"I could craft some protective gear," Annie states, regaining everyone's attention, "How many of you need it?"

"Let's see..." Albert's eyes scour the team, "Orin and I, as stated, have no resistance. The twins, Tia and Arabella would be fine. Ifani would be alright as long as she keeps her form up but would certainly be in danger if she wears herself out. And... I'm not sure Longwei or Bolor would join us for this."

"I can redirect the lightning while we're up there," Arabella pipes up, "But it'll leave me distracted."

"Three basic enchantments is still reasonable," Annie states and Albert blinks at her, "I could have them done in four or five days. Just in time before we leave the canyon!"

"Days??" Albert exclaims and a smirk finds its way onto Annie's lips. 

"I'm a one woman enchantment machine!" Annie brags, Albert expressing blatant trepidation despite her assurance.

"I dinnae where she gets all 'at energy," Euan snorts but his expression belies his unwavering faith in her ability. He had seen her blow through multiple projects in a single night already. 

"So..." Annie beams as her newest project presents itself, "Who's giving the sample?"




"You aren't focusing, Morris!" Ghislaine scolds in discontent and the boy's arms drop away. 

"B-but I am!" Morris squeaks, a puff of a breath sounding his own frustration, "It's just no' working. It never works when I need it...!"

"You expect this to be easy," Ghislaine chides and cannot stifle his impatience, "But this is no ordinary aspect. Irkath will not hand you his secrets, you must take them!" 

Ghislaine circles Morris and Nigel, who volunteered to aid in the boy's training. They sit across from each other as Morris attempts to expose Nigel's form. They had been at this for more than an hour already with little to no success. Morris had only grown more unnerved by Nigel's deadpan expression with each failed attempt.

They both watch as the boy closes his eyes to concentrate once again. Morris' face scrunches as he builds up energy into the pit of his stomach but his expression is still touched by fear as he attempts to release it. The energy piddles out only briefly, touching Nigel's hands and staining them charcoal in the briefest flash. 

"Why are you hesitating!" Ghislaine questions testily, his own eyes staining black as he watches Morris. 

"A-Am no'," Morris states haltingly. In Ghislaine's vision, plump tarry maggots and slender inky worms wriggle to life across his skin—phantoms of the boy's concealment. They slink across Morris as he continues, "I dinnae know why it isn't working!"

"I thought you wanted to belong somewhere, Morris?" Ghislaine hums as he paces behind the boy.

"I do!" Morris peeps, nearly jumping from his seat. 

"If this is to work," Ghislaine continues, circling behind Nigel, "We must be honest with each other," Morris' eyes widen in realization as they lock with Ghislaine's and he shrinks, "Why are you hesitating?"

"I-I..." Morris chokes, pinching his eyes shut as he gathers his nerve, "I spent... so many years... suppressing 'is p-power."

Ghislaine watches as more maggots pop up along his skin, burrowing their way into the surface and some of them seemingly eating away at his flesh as he hesitates to continue. As fear creeps back onto his expression. 

"Why," Ghislaine questions with a sharp tone, the boy wincing defensively, "Are you so afraid, boy? You have no reason to hide what you are here!"

"It's no' 'at easy...!" Morris' voice is weak, cracking as unsavory memories flash through his mind and his breath quickens, "E-every time I feel it connect..." the boy shudders, "I can almost feel... feel his hands on me again..."

"Who's hands...?" Ghislaine questions in a low tone, his expression growing more serious.

"M-ma... da..." Morris chokes, his eyes glued to his hands as they water over, "He-he um... didnae want me using ma magic. If I-"

"I see," Ghislaine interjects, not wishing to hear the gruesome details. Morris sniffles, wiping his face and hiding it within his hands as he recomposes himself. A frown breaks over Nigel's usually steady demeanor. 

'Do not waver,' Zalikar drones in his ear, quickly banishing the expression. 

"Your father cannot touch you here," Ghislaine states steadily and Morris' eyes dart to him, "If anything, your abilities will bring stability into your life now. Let's try again." 

Morris nods, a thin but determined frown settling onto his face as he sucks in a steadying breath. Morris gathers his energy together again, letting it stabilize before pushing it out towards Nigel. As his aura rolls out over the man, he can feel his markings begin to expose themselves across his body. Despite Morris' success, these markings remain invisible to the ordinary eye. Nigel smothers his growing sense of pity as despair worms its way into the boy's eyes, as he believes he has failed again. Ghislaine looses another tired sigh and the boy's magic falls away. Nigel lets his own manipulation fade with it. 

"I don't believe we'll make any more progress today," Ghislaine grumbles.

"Agreed," Nigel drones as he rises, "I have other matters to attend to."

"Perhaps it would be best..." Ghislaine considers as Nigel makes his way out, "To arrange a few sessions with the Empath."

"It's finally complete!" Sophia sings to herself, grasping her notebook with overwhelming pride.

She had already completed Ghislaine's compilation but her work wasn't complete until the second copy, bound for the compound, was finished. How many late or sleepless nights had this project consumed, she wonders. Far too many. Sophia stretches out her stiff body carefully before she begins wrapping the notebook up for the long journey ahead. Once she's satisfied with its packaging, she slips it into a locked drawer of her desk. She stashes the key into her pocket as she rises, padding through the library with a rumbling stomach. 

Nigel waits just outside, slipping a practiced hand into her pocket as she closes the library door and plucking out her key. Sophia hums with satisfaction as she continues along the hall, totally alone by her own perception. Nigel slips into the empty library, allowing himself to become visible once more after double checking its vacancy. He unwraps the parchment carefully, flipping open Sophia's compilation and carefully blotting out portion by portion according to his master's specifications.

Zalikar's sonorous voice, already becoming so familiar, sounds in his ears as Nigel's pen scribbles away. Most of the tasks his master whispers to him are difficult to grasp the purpose of, at least to Nigel, but as he skims Sophia's work he is quick to pick up the pattern. Sophia's research, pulled together with the most benign of intentions, could be damning to his master's chosen if they were to reach their intended destination. He is sure his omissions have no hope of being deciphered. With the finest dexterity, Nigel re-wraps the compilation as he had found it. He leaves the key in her seat.

"And the other copy?" Nigel questions as he slips down the hallway.

'Burn it,' Zalikar orders unceremoniously. The slightest smile pulls at Nigel's lips, imagining Ghislaine's face when he finds his personal study in ashes. 

Evelyn lingers before the mantle in the great hall, her expression as dry as the wine she sips. The minx kitten has settled before the hearth, quite comfortable on the rich fabric of the carpet. 

"Despite everything..." Evelyn speaks in a withering tone, "Here I am again. Empty-nested."

The kitten's eyes flash open at the sound of Evelyn's voice, its ears popping in her direction. She can't help but think of Tia as she peers into its little eyes, possessing the same emerald orbs as her granddaughter. Evelyn wonders if Tia was growing as quickly as this little creature. A puff of a sigh sounds from the old woman and she sets down her glass, deciding to call it a night. 

Evelyn moves through the halls of the manor nearly silently, old habits from her youth still clinging to her despite her age. She releases another sigh as she slips into her bedroom. Yet her expression grows firm as she notices her balcony door cracked open. Keen eyes sweep her room, the old woman finding herself alone. She slips to the balcony, clicking the lock into position. Despite his careful movements, Evelyn's ears swing in Nigel's direction. Nigel freezes, concentrating on maintaining his invisibility. 

"I may not be able to see you," Evelyn warns in a dangerous tone, scanning the room despite her admission, "But you won't escape these ears!"

Evelyn hears him suck in a breath, hears him shift his weight, and red embers dance across her skin. Flames shoot across the room and Nigel dashes for the door. Evelyn's flames chase after him as the door swings open and so does Evelyn herself at her own deliberate pace. Nigel strides silently across the shadows in the hall as Evelyn steps steadily after him. A wall of flame flickers to life at the end of the passage, blocking his way, and Nigel trips as they banish the shadows he slides across. He tumbles and rolls across the floor, severe heat passing over his body as he lays on his back and he watches the flames roar past. Nigel smothers his impulse to groan as his bruises throb, holding his breath as Evelyn steps past him. Evelyn waits at the end of the hall, observing the passageway with a severe gaze. 

"I won't suffer thieves in my own home!" Evelyn bites, the little embers hovering about her body flaring with her temper.

As the fire flickers behind Evelyn, stark shadows are cast into the hallway. Without moving, Nigel slides back along them until he reaches Evelyn's bedroom again. Evelyn's ears flick to the sound of her door clicking shut and she is quick to flit back to the now locked door. 

"I am not thief," Nigel states from within, "I've brought a gift!" Evelyn's flames consume the door but she finds her room empty by the time she is able to force her way inside. 

"What gift?" Evelyn spits in dissatisfaction. She scans over her room, finding everything left untouched, but her eyes catch on something new sitting on her nightstand. An old journal. 


Rain Dance


"Al, are you here yet?" Tia questions, padding into the cavern. A bright smile flashes across her face as she meets his eyes, "I got it right this time!"

"Got what right?" Al questions with a testy tone, quickly followed by a breathy sigh, and her smile drops away seeing his state. 

"The, um," Tia mutters, gesturing behind her, "Waterfall thing... Are you okay?"

"I'm just a bit tired," Aldric huffs, "Don't let me ruin your mood though."

"Did something happen?" Tia questions lightly, taking a seat across from him. 

"The party really took it out of me," Aldric admits bitterly, his expression tightening at the mention, "I thought it was going to be fun but it was just miserable."

"Damn, I'm sorry Al!" Tia apologizes and he offers her the briefest smile. 

"Did you you at least have a good time?" Aldric questions, crossing his arm and leaning back.

"I did!" Tia admits, not concealing her excitement,  "I've never heard music like that before and I even danced!" 

"All of my friends were obsessed with romance," Aldric complains with a roll of his eyes, wincing as he sees Tia's face flush, "Not you too!"

"Oh, I don't have that quite... figured out yet," Tia admits sheepishly, "I don't know the first thing about romance!" Tia laughs off her embarrassment and this seems to help Aldric relax, "Is that what wore you out? I know you hate that kind of stuff." 

"Part of it," Aldric answers, appreciation touching his expression, "You know who wouldn't leave my side!"

"Sometimes I wish I could tell her to back off myself!" Tia fusses with aggravation and Aldric blinks, "I hate you have to put up with that so often," she pauses in contemplation and her tone softens, "I wish we could've met up at the party."

"As fun as that would be," Aldric agrees with light laughter before his smile drops away into a wistful frown, "My friends would recognize me and give me away. Besides, the last thing I want is her targeting you for being close to me!"

"Ugh, I don't even know her and I hate her already," Tia complains and sighs, "It would've been so much fun to dance together!"

"You really enjoyed the dancing, huh?" Aldric chuckles, his smile tugging at his eyes.

"Yes!" Tia beams at him, "It's almost as fun as-" Tia gasps as thunder rumbles the crystal over their heads and her smile widens, "I've got the perfect idea!!"

"What?" Aldric blinks at her exuberance.

"There's one kind of dancing only we can do!" Tia answers, eyes sparkling as her excitement compounds, "And you could definitely use the pick me up."

"Only we can do...?" Aldric questions, squinting at her. Tia points to the storm above.

"Dancing in the rain!" Tia states in continued exuberance and Aldric's eyes widen, "You haven't done this before?"

"I-I..." Aldric stammers at first, "I know its possible but..."

"But?" Tia presses.

"There aren't exactly a ton of storms in the capital?" Aldric answers tenuously, "I-I never tried!"

"Well come on then!" Tia laughs, standing and offering him a hand. Aldric appears reluctant, his eyes drifting to the flashes of lightning above, "Trust me?" Tia entreats him. Aldric takes a deep breath, peering into her eyes before clasping her hand.

"Isn't the lightning dangerous?" Aldric questions, trailing after Tia. She pauses before the waterfall. 

"If you haven't done this before..." Tia notes, nearly muttering at first, "Then there are three things to remember! First, you have to stay liquid the whole time. As long as you do you won't get shocked. Second, don't go up into the cloud or you might freeze! Last, keep track of how much energy you have left. Make sure you don't run out up there. Okay?"

"How are we going to keep track of each other?" Aldric questions her, eyes darting as he tries to commit her rules to memory.

Tia offers him a steady smile as she transforms, filling her watery form with celestial light. Aldric blanks at the sight of her, absolutely mesmerized by her glistening, diaphanous appearance. He watches Tia's shoulder's shake with a silent laugh. She gestures to him and he snaps out of his stupor, transforming as well. Aldric activates his second ability and Tia watches an oblique blackness spill throughout his body like stygian ink overtaking water. As their hands meet she draws back reflexively, his water frigid to the touch. 

Tia gestures for him to follow, stepping into the waterfall and moving up against the current into the river above. Aldric's black form chases after her luminescence but he halts at the riverbank. Sheets of rain pour out over the rocky, brittle surface of the mesa's precipice, winds whipping them about while lightning flashes in the clouds above all too rapidly. Scrublands spread out further in, hardy plants sprouting stubbornly amid the thin soils resisting relentless curtains of rain and spread between massive crystal outcroppings and weaving rivers. Electricity arcs between plants and crystals, thin static branches reaching and dancing unpredictably amid the scrub.

Tia steps out boldly and spreads out her arms, her starlight glistening even as the wind ruffles her surface and rain pelts straight through her body. Lightning strikes nearby, the current passing through her watery form without lingering, and the wiry grasses and bushy heather glow as they absorb the charge greedily. Aldric scrounges up his courage watching Tia's unflinching confidence as another bolt strikes the scrub, stepping out of the river after her.

Aldric feels the rain pelt into his form, passing through him in lashing waves as the wind pushes it but there is no pain. He is a part of the water as much as it is a part of him, pushing and pulling him but still within his control. He watches as Tia motions as if climbing stairs, stepping briskly on the raindrops and climbing up into the air. She takes fleeting steps, bounding up in quick motions and pausing only to look back for him. Aldric takes a few unsteady steps for himself but quickly gets a feel for it, wobbling after her lithe footsteps before becoming more steady. 

Once Aldric seems able to keep up, Tia begins dashing across the rain and flits across the sky, Aldric trailing behind her. Her steps align with the cracks and rumbles of the storm and she slides her feet against the raindrops suddenly, skidding over the false surface as she turns to him and splattering the droplets as she does. Tia takes his hands in hers, their fingers blurring together. He tries to mimic the rhythm of her steps, the rhythm of the storm as each roll or clap of thunder acts as their drums and cymbals while the rain is their strings. Aldric can make out the outline of her smile as the lighting glints over her face and wonders if she can see how this moment steals his breath away. 

Tia and Aldric skim just under the cloud itself, watching water drop to the mesa below. Tia begins running her hands through curtains of rain and at her touch, the raindrops glisten with celestial light. Tia then spreads her body out across a swath of the storm in one swirling tendril, abandoning her human shape and touching all the drops which pass through her with starlight.

Aldric imitates and matches her motions, raindrops instead freezing as they pass through him. Ice crystals shatter alongside starlit drops on the ground below. The two watery teens swirl about each other without meeting, crafting ripples and patterns on the ground below which mimic their dance. Aldric reforms into a human shape and expands his aura, crafting a considerable pocket of raw void just below the storm. Drops of water hang suspended in the vacuum at first, quickly collecting into a liquid sea which Tia centers herself within and expands her form into it. Tia crafts constellations within this suspended sea, glittering with her cool light until Aldric releases it all at once. 

As this splatters across the ground and Tia reforms, she holds up a finger to him and Aldric pauses to observe her. Tia suspends herself along her back, laying across the rain and crossing her arms over her chest. Tia waves her arms out and, in one sudden motion, Tia's form bursts into countless tiny starlit droplets. She plummets to the ground alongside the rain and Aldric watches as Tia's droplets collide against the hard surface of the mesa, splattering apart and bouncing up once before blending back together within the puddles below. Tia reforms and waves for him to do the same.

Aldric hesitates at first, eying the dizzying drop, but Tia motions for him to go again. He takes a deep breath and imitates her motion, laying himself parallel to the ground. With a violent burst, Aldric melds with the rain and feels himself plummet. His body falls and he struggles to resist his urge to stop himself before, finally, he feels himself crash viciously against hard stone. His droplets burst into innumerable smaller pieces and he marvels at the sensation. He feels the stress gripping his shoulders thrash apart.

Once Aldric settles back into one piece, he sits up and eyes his own hands which still feel as if they're falling. Aldric's whole body still hums. He sees Tia's head hang to the side, watching him. She gives him a thumbs up and he mirrors it back to her. Aldric and Tia burst into the rain several more times, Aldric's body vibrating in catharsis with each collision, and they continue their dance until Aldric taps out. Tia follows after him as they slide back into the cavern. 

"That..." Aldric breathes in wonder as they lay across the cavern floor, staring up at the storm through the crystal, "Was the most fun I've ever had!!"

"I know right!" Tia laughs just as breathily, "I've never been able to share that with anyone...!"

"And you were impressed with me stepping out of the waterfall??" Aldric exclaims, "That was incredible, Tsuki! How long have you been doing that?"

"Well..." Tia pauses to ponder, "Everything I know about my form I had to teach myself. Mostly by doing stuff like that!"

"And Sylthari's Aura?" Aldric questions, wonder lacing his tone.

"Is that what the starlight is?" Tia questions back.

"That was definitely celestial magic," Aldric notes in awe, "You must be a close descendant of Sylthari to have both Ithisda's Body and a celestial form."

"Wait..." Tia sits up, crossing her legs as she looks to him and Aldric mirrors her, "What?"

"Well, we both are," Aldric chimes thoughtfully, "Only Accians descended from Sylthari can inherit Ithisda's Body. That's why it's so rare!"

"Why would Sylthari's descendants have Ithisda's Body?" Tia questions with a squint, gesturing with each distinction.

"Ah," Aldric chuckles, flashing a smile, "There is this whole legend about Wylrith being enamored with Sylthari and promising their ultimate blessing to her line alone. Some of us inherit Ithisda's Body and others Siryl's," he gives another laugh as Tia expresses her surprise, "I'd wonder if it were all a metaphor for the moon and the tides if we weren't living proof of it!"

"Are we... related?" Tia questions, failing to hide her reservation.

"No, not directly," Aldric reassures her, "My bloodline is very old. In fact, my divine blood has almost run dry. There's not been celestial magic in my family for more than a century! You're clearly newer blood though, you even have her characteristics," he points to her hair and eyes, "Somewhere within a handful of generations, maybe?"

"My mother's clan..." Tia's voice softens, a hint of sorrow straining her expression as her eyes drift, "Has blood ties to the goddess Amaterasu..." Tia's eyes widen with realization and her tone carries disbelief, "I suppose that could be their name for Sylthari."

"Amaterasu..." Aldric rolls the name around, "I don't know that one."

"What about you?" Tia questions and he tilts his head, "What was that black stuff?"

"You could see it?" Aldric's brows pop, clearly surprised. 

"Why wouldn't I see it...?" Tia questions with another squint.

"Well... that was Vokda's Aura," Aldric pauses in astonishment, "It's void! Most can only see it if they have one of Vokda's blessings. Though," Aldric's shrugs, "I suppose it's possible celestial magic might enable you to see it."

"Why...?" Tia asks, still not following his logic.

"Because," Aldric reasons matter-of-factly, "Sylthari's father is Zalikar, the Dark King," Tia's face pops with considerable surprise, "And she inherited a number of his abilities utilizing void. You might even be able to generate some with Sylthari's Aura."

"There's so little I know about my magic!" Tia breathes in wonder.

"I'm surprised you're not learning about it in the program," Aldric muses and Tia winces, feeling the suspicion in his gaze. His eyes narrow as he continues, "Are you a mage?"

"I," Tia laughs at the fanciful image, "Am not going to answer that!" Aldric's face continues to pinch in consideration and Tia can see him trying to work out the mystery before him. "You," Tia points a finger in his direction and he blinks, "Are getting dangerously close to breaking one of our rules!"

"Alright," Aldric laughs, throwing up his hands in his defense, "As curious as I am," he continues and flashes a bright smile, Tia's heart jumping at his words, "You're worth the secrecy. Especially if we get to do that more often!" Aldric gestures to the sky above with wonderment lacing his laugh, "But I think I'm spent for the day," he sighs, rising to his feet, "Thank you for the dance!"

Tia watches him go, placing a hand over her chest and wondering at her thumping heart. Aldric rides the waterfall down, reforming in the river below. He slips on his ring before rising from the water. Satisfaction still clings to his face as he meanders forward, turning the corner into the complex with a refreshed air about him. Zetian lingers in the canyon beyond, having ducked back as he stepped out of the water. She "accidentally" collides with him and flutters her lids at him as their eyes meet. 

"Oh!" Zetian breathes as Aldric takes a marked step back from her, "Aldric... what a surprise!"

"Zetian," Aldric's sigh shows he's hardly surprised and she notes the difference in his demeanor from when he departed. Even after colliding with her his face is bright and his shoulders free of their usual tension. His brows knit as he considers her sudden appearance, failing to dull his suspicious tone as he continues, "What are you doing here?"

"I like to get out and explore sometimes," Zetian chuckles casually, "When I can. And you? You seem so... refreshed!"

"I..." Aldric pauses, stiffening as he realizes their proximity to his hideaway, "Much the same," he lies and shifts about, "But I am quite tired. You're welcome to walk back with me, if you'd like." 

"How generous," Zetian breathes, her smile wavering as she struggles to refuse his offer, "But... I've only just departed. Don't let me keep you!"

"If you're sure," Aldric gives a half chuckle, "Enjoy your walk then." Zetian waves as he steps away, even striding down an alternate path herself as Aldric seems hesitant to depart. She waits around the corner, just out of sight, peeking to be sure he's left. 

"What..." Zetian hums to herself, her reptilian tail swishing behind her as she eyes the waterfall, "Are you hiding, Aldric."

Zetian steps out, determined to explore the waterway, but dodges back behind the corner as another form splashes down the waterfall. She peeks around the corner, careful to keep most of herself hidden away, and watches as a girl pulls herself over the stony edge of the river. She sits with her feet still in the water, wringing out her hair. Zetian squints at her features, a gasp leaving her lips as Zetian recognizes her unique form. Tia's feline ears pop in Zetian's direction at the sound but Zetian is quick to whisk herself down the path, having seen enough to answer her question. A brooding heat intensifies underneath her scales as she fumes, her imagination running away from her. 


Tia's Familiar


'Are you sure about this form?' Tia questions Duff as they approach the outer gate.

'Given the region and your disguise,' Duff elaborates, coiling about her shoulders with a serpentine body, 'This is the optimal choice. Besides,' Duff sighs with a measure of distaste, 'Aside from light, the element most opposite to us is energy. They are unlikely to suspect me a "dark familiar" in this form.'

'Why not opt for light then?' Tia questions but she can immediately sense his repulsion.

'There are limitations to my tolerance, Tia,' Duff grumbles and a smile springs over her face, 'This form pushes me far enough already!'

'Well,' Tia muses, her eyes dragging over his bright yellow scales before meeting his neon orbs, 'At least we'll match!' Tia can see the security staff waiting at the gate begin to eye her and she stiffens, still uncertain of their plan.

'Just display that blatantly candid nature of yours,' Duff instructs with a tired sigh, 'Most dark shifters are secretive and mysterious—that is who they are seeking. Use this to your advantage.'

Tia takes a deep breath and dons a sunny smile, even waving to the guards as she approaches. She watches as their shoulders drop and their fingers stray from the hilts of their weapons. Yet one stiffens again as her eyes catch sight of Duff, idling openly on her shoulders.

"What is that?" she questions, eyes narrowing on his teeny scaled body as she points to him. 

"Oh!" Tia lets her eyebrows jump as she follows their gaze to Duff, "I saved the little guy from getting eaten, up on the mesa. Now he won't leave my side!"

"Up on the mesa??" the second staff gasps.

"Thought I'd get some practice," Tia explains, glancing to her yellow markings and spreading her wings minutely, "Flying through storm clouds. Explore a bit!" 

"You should be more careful," the first staff admonishes her with a frown, "There's no telling what's up there!"

"Mostly just a lot of rain!" Tia offers a low chuckle and the two of them sigh.

"We don't allow pets," the guard informs her, "You ought to bring it back to where you found it." Tia's eyes slide back to Duff with a measure of uncertainty.

'Go on,' Duff insists. 

'There won't be any going back...!' Tia gives him a stern look and the two staff glance to each other, 'You'll have to commit to this form.'

'As you said,' Duff answers with a tilt of his teeny smooth head, 'At least we'll match!'

"Okay," Tia chuckles to him before turning back to the befuddled staff, "He says he's not a pet. He's a um..." Tia knits her brows at looks back to Duff as they practiced, bending the word with uncertainty, "...Familiar?"

"That little thing?" the woman retorts, brows shooting up. Tia shrugs at her. 

"Are we allowed familiars?" Tia questions, further feigning ignorance. 

"Yes, of course," the woman blinks at Duff again, still in disbelief such a creature was strong enough to become a familiar, "You'll need to register it first. Head over to the stable," she points Tia in the right direction, "And make sure you speak to your admin as well!"

"Okay," Tia answers cheerily, allowing the woman to remove her imprint before waving them off. She shakes her head at Tia as she steps away.

"Poor girl," she mutters to her coworker, "Bonding to such a weak creature!"

"I still can't believe you picked a snake," Tia chuckles as she departs the administration office, "Normally you're so vain!"

Despite having officially registered Duff as her familiar, Tia still feels somehow exposed walking around with him displayed on her shoulders. She supposes his form is inconspicuous enough, barely anyone giving him a second glance as they move towards the plaza. After all, he naturally blends in with her own yellow stripes. In any other regard, Tia is still uncertain of why he insisted on this choice. She isn't even sure what he was supposed to be, seemingly a brightly colored but otherwise common snake. Perhaps Albert could tell her more where her enigmatic partner has remained mysterious. Another smile lights her face as she approaches her friends. 

"Why is there a snake on your shoulder?" Ifani questions immediately, far more observant than most realize. 

"This..." Tia answers, allowing Duff to coil around her forearm so she can present him, "Is Rai, my new familiar!" 

'Rai...?' Duff questions, earning a brief shrug.

"Familiar...!" Albert breathes, brows shooting up on both of their faces as his eyes slide over Duff, "That little thing...?" 

"Yeah," Tia meets Duff's eyes, "I don't really know what he is, to be honest! I was hoping you might?" Albert waves her closer, Tia settling onto the ground with the two of them while he takes a closer look.

"I don't think it was wise to allow yourself to bond to a creature you don't know anything about..." Albert sighs as he looks him over and Ifani gives a hard chuckle, "Can you get him to activate his form?" 

"He says he already is?" Tia answers.

"He's quite... sentient for such a simple familiar," Albert comments and Duff gives him a breathy hiss, earning an astonished blink.

"Don't be rude!" Tia chides him, earning her a leer. 

'He was being rude,' Duff insists and Tia rolls her eyes. 

"Can't you just tell us what you are?" Tia badgers him again.

'That takes all the fun out of it!' Duff teases in a mirthful tone, extracting a frown from Tia, 'Why don't you ask the twins?' 

"You are having way too much fun with this!" Tia grumbles to him, receiving only sonorous laughter, "He says we should ask Brynjar and Inge."

"Cryptic," Ifani gives a sharp laugh.

"Yes, he is!" Tia complains, finding some satisfaction in being able to share her plight, "How are we supposed to find them?"

"They're already on their way," Ifani states, both Albert and Tia blinking at her, "What?"

"How did you...?" Albert questions, squinting.

"Don't worry about it," Ifani insists, a smile tugging at her lips. 

"Ohhh," Tia grins at Ifani, "Have you been talking to him this whole time?" 

"No!" Ifani denies heatedly but Albert and Tia smirk at each other, "I was talking to Inge," Ifani insists, "Not him."

"And here I came all this way!" Brynjar sounds playfully as they arrive, Ifani's face heating as he smiles at her, "So what's this about a-"

Brynjar's face loses all color as his eyes slide to Duff and he is quick to step between him and Inge. Everyone else blinks as he hoists his weapon, his expression grim. Tia's eyes dart between them, Brynjar focused solely on Duff. 

"Everyone move away slowly," Brynjar speaks cautiously, "Don't startle it!" The trio peek to each other with wide eyed gazes. 

"Brynjar-" Albert begins but Brynjar motions for him to stop without breaking his gaze from Duff. 

"They don't know what it is," Inge reasons with a disarming softness, "Besides... it's still too small to pose a threat!"

"Why do you think it's on her?" Brynjar gestures to Tia with his axe. 

"Because he's my familiar," Tia states and Brynjar appears to choke. Tia glares down at Duff with a mocking tone, "'Ask the twins', huh?"

"You really don't know what that is?" Brynjar questions a touch aggressively, his eyes darting to Ifani and Albert, "It's a jormungandr!"

"Jormungandr..." Albert's brows knit, the name sounding familiar. 

"Would you put the axe down!" Tia complains more insistently, "He's not going to hurt any of you."

"She's right," Inge reasons, tapping her fingers to Brynjar's arm, "You need to calm down."

"I need to hear it from him," Brynjar insists, his eyes still locked onto Duff. Inge sighs, linking their minds. 

"Go on," Tia prods and hoists him up, cross with his theatrics. 

'I won't harm you,' Duff states a bit too coyly, grazing each teen with his gaze, 'As long as you keep your hands to yourselves!'

"Fair enough," Ifani smiles at Duff's condition. Brynjar releases a long breath, putting away his axe but still keeping himself between Duff and Inge.

"So what is a um..." Tia pauses.

"Jormungandr," Brynjar repeats more slowly, "It's an elding-wyrm."

"That's a wyrm??" Albert gasps but Ifani and Tia remain lost. 

"Is that a kind of snake...?" Tia peeps tentatively and Brynjar gives a harsh laugh.

"It only looks like a snake," Brynjar answers with a frown, "Give it a bit of juice and it'll show its true form."

"I can't believe..." Albert breathes as his eyes linger on Duff, "We have two dragon familiars in one unit!"

"Dragon?" Tia chokes, her eyes darting back to Duff. 

"A wyrm is a wingless, limbless dragon..." Albert marvels before he looks back to Brynjar, "Are you sure this is a wyrm? It looks so ordinary!"

"The eyes give it away," Brynjar grumbles, referring to his neon yellow orbs. Albert still can't shake the doubt on his face.

"Only one way to find out!" Tia chimes and gives a dramatic shrug.

Tia's markings crackle with energy, running a strong charge into her arm. They all watch as Duff's scales sear bright yellow, mirroring Tia's stripes. His body enlarges as he absorbs the static, quickly lengthening and thickening. He coils around Tia's torso as he grows beyond what her arm can support and spines emerge along his back. Tia cuts the charge as he reaches the size of an anaconda, resting his head over her shoulder. Two jagged horns poke their way out the back of his skull and electricity arcs in quick jolts between them as well as between the rest of his spines. Some of his scales have also taken on different hues of yellow, forming stripes along his back, and he regards them with sharp narrow pupils.

'You conceited bastard...!' Tia chastises him despite her own awe, 'A dragon, really?? That's too conspicuous!'

'That's exactly why it's perfect,' Duff brags and she can feel how satisfied he is with his decision. The others only see Tia leering at him. 

"Just how big does he get...?" Albert breathes, looking back to Brynjar. 

"Big," Brynjar emphasizes with a stark frown, "And the bigger it gets, the more dangerous it becomes."

"Wait," Tia frowns, "Does he stay big?"

For once, Duff takes it upon himself to answer her. Sparks arc more rapidly between his spines and, as he opens his mouth, a bolt connects to Brynjar. Duff pours the collected electricity into Brynjar, his body shrinking down as he expels it. 

"I'm going to have to adapt the unit strategies," Albert mutters, excited by the prospect despite the extra work, "What else can he do?"




The gentle trickle and patter of flowing water echoes about and a thick vapor hangs in the air of the woman's bathhouse, the smooth stone corralling these waters ever wetted by a thin dew. Tia and Ifani linger within the spacious open bath alongside a handful of peers after a long day of training and Tia is particularly pleased with the tepid embrace peeling away her sweat. Despite this luxury, a frown still sticks to Ifani's face. 

"Are you still angry...?" Tia questions her timorously, fretting over her roommate's continued sour mood.

"I told you," Ifani answers, her voice still carrying a bite, "I'm not mad at you!"

"But you've been like this," Tia insists, "All day!"

"I-" Ifani answers a bit too heatedly at first and stims with a chopping motion until her frustration drops away, "I just hate that I missed it, okay?"

"I mean..." Tia gives a short laugh, "There wasn't much to miss. I turned around and they had had their moment already!"

"I've been trying to get Albert to talk to him," Ifani continues to complain with a stiff gesture, "For years! You go to one party together and Albert kisses him!"

"I still don't understand how he pulled that off," Tia mutters with a sense of awe. 

"How did you of all people set them up?" Ifani gives an aggravated pout. 

"I really didn't do much," Tia insists with a bewildered shrug, "I just... introduced them and kept some girl from bothering them!"

"I still can't believe Albert," Ifani muses and her irritation drops away as she recalls his red-faced mirth relaying the happy news, "Was the first of us to get a boyfriend, even a secret one."

"I know, he's normally so shy!" Tia chuckles, finding her own smile, "I've never even kissed anyone," her gaze slides to Ifani and a bit of mischief hangs in her eyes, "What about you and Brynjar?"

"Wh-what about us?" Ifani questions in a higher tone, hiding herself within the steamy waters. Tia gives her a look, raising her brows and inclining her head toward Ifani. Ifani gives a burst of a sigh as she continues, "I-I don't know...!"

"Is he not your type...?" Tia questions, watching Ifani grow surprisingly timid.

"I don't know what my type is," Ifani mumbles, her eyes searching the steam, "I never expected anyone to be interested."

"What?" Tia's brows knit firmly together, Ifani giving her the quickest glance before she frowns, "Ifani, why would you think that?"

"I'm not right, Tia!" Ifani snaps, a silence falling over the bathhouse until Tia's glare averts the sudden attention, "My head doesn't work the way its supposed to," Ifani grumbles more quietly, "I always thought I'd be married off after service to some warrior who made a name for himself, like my parents. No nobleman with a brain would be interested in me."

"Ifani," Tia moves closer and speaks quietly but firmly, "You are amazing. Yeah, you can be a bit odd sometimes," Tia muses with a shrug, earning another frown, "But so am I! You don't need to be normal. You are kind and dedicated and stalwart in everything that you do!" she searches Ifani's face with a serious expression before smiling again, "And Brynjar clearly sees that too!"

"He just thinks I'm pretty," Ifani mumbles, pulling at her braids as a smile weasels its way onto her face. A silence falls between them and the two girls ponder their own love lives as they enjoy the bath. Several minutes later, Ifani rises from the water with a sigh. "Aren't you done yet?" Ifani questions, wrapping a towel about herself. They had lingered here for almost an hour already.

"Not if I don't have to be...!" Tia sighs, satisfaction planted firmly on her face as she floats further in.

"It's starting to make sense your familiar is cold-blooded," Ifani grumbles, rolling her eyes at Tia. Duff himself lingers on Tia's shoulders, equally satisfied with the bathwater warming his scales. "Are you sure he can be in here?" Ifani questions.

"Nobody stopped us," Tia shrugs, earning a quick glare from Duff as she jostles him. 

"Hard to spot him when he's like that," Ifani muses with a chuckle, "How much longer are you going to be?"

"You can go on without me," Tia spins around in the water, "Andrea's not here and..." her eyes glide to Duff, "I'm not alone anymore."

"Fine," Ifani relents with a sigh, "Just don't make yourself sick!"

Tia sinks into the water as Ifani strides away until her nostrils hover just over the surface. Vapors fill her lungs as she inhales, the heat of the water making her skin feel as if it were humming. Tia had always adored hot springs and the compound's bathhouse, while not a perfect match, still felt like the closest thing she had to home. Splashes sound suddenly across the bath house, Tia's eyes flashing open. She watches as recruits begin making their way up and out all at once. As she watches them skitter out, her eyes catch on the figure lingering by the entrance. Wu Zetian.

'Why is everyone leaving...?' Tia questions Duff, lingering by the water's edge herself.

Tia nearly jumps as Zetian's eyes stick on her. They narrow briefly but a cool smile quickly follows. Zetian disrobes unabashedly as the last recruit scurries away, stepping into the water at her own pace. Her yellow orbs pierce the steam as it swirls over the shimmering blue scales framing her body, the water sizzling as it contacts them. Zetian makes her way to Tia wearing a comely smile. 

"Tia..." Zetian pauses in performed consideration, "Minx... isn't it?"

"Do I know you...?" Tia questions, Zetian's smile faltering momentarily. Zetian makes a show of laughing, trickling like the water she glides back through. 

"I suppose we haven't been introduced, officially," Zetian considers, "Have we?"

"No," Tia is a bit sheepish, uncertain of what was happening, "I'm sorry?"

"Oh, that much is hardly your fault," Zetian denotes with her typical frequent inflections, Tia's gaze sticking on her thin white hair, "We met at your introduction but I was one of many new acquaintances, I'm sure."

"Are you a noble...?" Tia questions, her wet ears flopping as she tilts her head. 

"I'm royalty," Zetian chimes, seeming to enjoy Tia's surprise, "Wu Zetian, Azure Dynasty. Princess of Zhongguo, if you weren't aware!"

"O-Oh..." Tia stammers, seeming to hide herself away in the water, "Is... that why everyone left?"

"Maybe," Zetian hums, dragging a clawed finger over the surface of the water, "But not entirely...!" a smile dances on her lips and she cups water in her hands, "You see, they're afraid of getting cooked!" an orange glow emanates from underneath her scales, the water bubbling rapidly and evaporating away. 

'Be careful,' Duff warns Tia, 'Don't let her intimidate you.'

"Why is that always your go to?" Tia mumbles to Duff, glancing to her shoulder.

"Is that a familiar?" Zetian questions, her voice lilting with amusement, "A snake... how fitting."

"Not exactly..." Tia runs a finger over his scales and her eyes land on Zetian's blue plates, "My roommate thinks that's why I like the bath so much," Tia notes, trying to lighten the mood and almost laughing. 

"I can certainly agree with that sentiment," Zetian gives a contented sigh, dipping deeper into the water as she thinks. She scans Tia, seemingly at home in the open bath. "Most of you Accians are too... modest in the bath. But you don't seem the modest type," her eyes narrow on Tia again, "Are you?"

"I found that odd too," Tia muses and her eyes glaze over the empty room, "Most of them prefer the private baths even with all this!" Zetian watches the nostalgia touch Tia's eyes, "Do you have onsen in Zhongguo?"

"Oh, that's right..." Zetian regards Tia carefully, "You lived in Nippon."

"Is..." Tia peeps, "Is Zhongguo anything like Nippon?"

"Compared to Accia?" Zetian gives a sharp laugh, "Certainly. But our traditions are very different. They have their celestial goddess while our patron is of the earth."

"Amaterasu," Tia notes lightly, "That's what they call her. What is your... patron... called?"

"Huangdi," Zetian enunciates carefully, "But you call him Ralgotar the Volcanic. I am who I am because he is my ancestor!" Tia watches as a frown worms its way onto her lips, souring her expression, "Did you know that most royalty are divine descendants, children of the Aethids?"

"I'm afraid," Tia answers almost vacantly until her ears swing forward, "I don't know much about royalty. Though that's something else we have in common, apparently."

"And what is that?" Zetian stifles her aggravation but the water around her bubbles.

"I'm descended from Amaterasu.... apparently....?" Tia states with some uncertainty, recalling Al's explanation, and Zetian's pupils narrow into slits alongside her leer, "O-on my mother's side. I can't say I know much about the goddess though."

"Aren't you just," Zetian seethes despite her smile, "Full of surprises...!"

'You shouldn't have told her that...!' Duff chastises Tia and coils more tightly around her.

"What..." Tia blinks at him, "Why?"

Tia can feel the water about her heating further, not yet boiling but she still becomes wary of Zetian as she continues to brood. Her yellow eyes gleam as they scathe in Tia's direction. Tia tilts her head with furrowed brows.

"Are you okay...?" Tia questions her with a squeaky voice. 

"That's enough mindless chatter," Zetian speaks with an eerie calm, "It's time we talk business."

"What?" Tia peeps breathily as the water around Zetian bubbles more rapidly. 

"No?" Zetian inclines her head before taking a deep breath, reigning in her temper until the boiling ceases, "If you really were just another house heir," Zetian continues, lingering closer to Tia, "I could believe what you two have is an errant trist but another divine descendant...?" she gives a bitter string of laughs before growing more serious, "I would be a fool to discount the threat you pose!"

"What are you talking about?" Tia questions more firmly.

"So boorish," Zetian bites, "Are you so set on pretending that I need to show my hand?"

"I don't know," Tia insists, "What you're talking about."

"Fine," Zetian drones, "I know about you and Aldric."

"Me and... what?" Tia blinks. As Zetian's expression holds firm, amusement leaps across Tia's face and a laugh breaks from her lips, "You think there is something between Prince Aldric and I?"

"I must admit it is an odd development," Zetian notes with a sour tone, drifting through the water while her eyes remain on Tia, "What could possibly draw him to you?"

"What could possibly," Tia mimics with a measure of snark, offering her a hard leer, "Make you think I have anything to do with the prince?" 

"I would watch your tone," Zetian warns with heat in her eyes.

Zetian's scales sear red along their edges, the water about her boiling with her temper. Tia watches as molten orange leaks out from underneath the scales of her cheek, sizzling into black rock as it drips into the water. With fluid motions, Zetian rises from the bath and stands upon the water's surface as azure scales ripple to life across her body, leaving no skin uncovered. Lava peeks from in between these scales, a steady glow at her core hiding beneath draconic armor. She takes dainty steps towards Tia, leaning forward onto the steam as if it were a lofty pillow. Zetian leers directly into Tia's eyes from atop vaporous blankets, her tail flicking testily behind her.

"It's cute you think you stand a chance," Zetian muses with a lilting tone, lacing her words with amusement, "With him... or against me!"

"Are you threatening me?" Tia questions firmly, standing and meeting Zetian's eye. This brings a smile to Zetian's lips which is quick to fall away. Her eyes slide to Duff instead.

"I don't need to threaten you," Zetian chimes, swiftly plucking Duff from her shoulder, "Do I? Such a pitiful familiar," Zetian eyes him as he squirms, his serpentine body wrapping about her wrist as pity rolls over her features, "I could sna-"

"Don't do it!" Tia gasps.

"My that was fast!" Zetian laughs, her eyes jumping back to Tia with delight.

"Not you!" Tia barks before returning her attention to Duff, leaving Zetian to blink, "I know what you said but you'll get me into trouble!" 

"You do realize I have your life between my fingers," Zetian fumes, pinching Duff's neck more prominently, "Don't you?"

"I am getting sick and tired," Tia rumbles, electricity arcing out into the bathhouse as her markings crackle, "Of crazy nobles trying to push me around!"

"You are a snake," Zetian announces and re-erects herself, presenting Duff between them for emphasis, "Before a dragon!"

"Wrong again," Tia sounds and gestures, zapping her. Zetian eyes Tia as if she were a moron, her scales leaving her totally immune, but her arrogance falters as Duff begins to absorb the charge. "And if you want to keep your fingers..." Tia warns as Duff enlarges out of Zetian's grip, coiling around her body with a hiss, "I would watch your tone."

A sour frown twist's Zetian's face and she places her palms against Duff's scales. The glow within her body intensifies, flowing between her scales and onto Duff as her hands morph into lava. Yet Zetian's brows knit as this rolls over his scales as harmlessly as it does over her own. Zetian glances into Duff's eyes and over his horns and spines until realization takes the place of her frown. 

"I see," Zetian chimes before giving a laugh, "I was mistaken," she continues to hum with laughter as she looks Duff over again until her attention returns to Tia, "A dragoness hiding in plain sight..." a smile curls onto her face, "If that's what drew him to you then perhaps there is some hope for me yet!"

"What?" Tia questions with a squint. 

"You can put him away now," Zetian sighs, wafting a wave to Duff casually. Another hiss sounds in response, Duff coiling uncomfortably tight as his mouth moves closer to her digits. 

"Yamete!" Tia snaps at him before he can snap at her. Duff can feel Zetian's shoulders stiffen despite her displayed calm. "I wouldn't test your luck with him," Tia warns with a chuckle, "He really wants your fingers!" Zetian sucks in a breath and tucks them away into fists, flinching as Duff moves towards them again. 

"Do you realize," Zetian squirms angrily, "Who I am? Control your beast!"

"I said stop!" Tia barks to Duff again, halting his movements as her attention returns to Zetian, "He's my partner, not my pet. You want him to leave you alone?" Zetian's eyes slide to the water below with a bitter frown, "He needs to know you wont bother us!"

"This is getting a bit too dramatic for my taste!" Zetian bites, unwilling to relent any control.

Zetian's entire body is overtaken by the molten glow, her flesh converting into formless lava. The steam hisses as it touches her, clumping her surface with volcanic rock. Zetian burns more energy to increases her core temperature and reheat it as she rolls over and past Duff's body. She collects herself along his back, reforming and quickly flitting away along the water's surface. Duff falls into the bath below, sloshing water about chaotically as he gathers to strike at her.

"I don't think the bath house can withstand a battle between dragons!" Zetian calls out in a sing-song tone and Duff hesitates. He hisses into her smile but Tia only sighs. 

"She's right," Tia admits and his eye slides to her. Tia's face softens as she continues, "You've done enough, it's alright." 

"While this has been... enlightening," Zetian muses, touching down by the entrance as the scales fade from most of her body, "I won't be letting you have him so easily!" Tia releases a breath as Zetian slips out, holding her gaze. She settles back into the remaining bathwater, holding Duff's oversized head in her hands. 

"These girls are insane!" Tia grumbles, her face pinched with discontent. 

'I'm going to take her fingers,' Duff insists, 'Eventually.'

"In the meantime," Tia laughs and rolls her eyes at him, "How am I supposed to get you out like this??"

If you have the time I greatly appreciate all feedback/critique of my work!

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