
In the world of East Side Warriors

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The Warrior’s Sanctum- Kose vs Brock

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The square battle space is in the middle, holding fighters chambered by the crowd's roar.

The Warrior's Den, an annual tournament between martial artists of many styles and many "Methods," began its round of Youth Quarterfinalists with two fighters in the middle. 

Kose, a short, stocky, and focused seventeen-year-old Caucasian, stepped onto the ring. The crowd followed with more applause, which grew with the other opponent, Brock, a substantial individual armored with muscles that dominated his upper body. 

Kose stared his opponent down, not letting the audience noise get anywhere within him. Brock stared back at him with more menace in his grimace. 

As his eyes focused on his opponent, Kose's ears noticed the dramatic decrease in sound; this was the alert. The entire crowd fell silent for a few moments. The match will be starting soon.

At the sound of the sticks clanging throughout the stadium, Kose and Brock got into a fighting position as the crowd cheers returned.

Brock moved and loomed over with a punch, alerting Kose to just one thing: evade. Kose leans back in just time to avoid a wide swinging hook. Brock's punch zooms past him, definitely making an impression.

Brock reacts with another punch that Kose evades. He knew he couldn't keep doing this forever; one of them would tire out or make a slip. Wouldn't be wise to depend on either happening to his opponent.

Another wide hook set its trajectory to his face. He instinctively dropped down, hoping to find an angle there.

Bingo. Right there in his legs, which were perfectly off balance. Kose swung his foot into a hook kick, which reached far enough to strike the back of Brock's leg, slightly collapsing him.

Kose launched up, his hook punch clinched and ready for take-off. Immediately after getting the correct height, the punch was on its way. Expecting to hit the face but was blocked by a massively muscled arm. 

Kose was surprised by the obstruction, unfortunately. His astonishment was broken by a hook punch colliding with his face. The impact sent him back a little, forcing him to control his balance and distorted vision. The crowd roared with excitement at the first punch. 

Brock came in with another hook punch. Kose knew that he couldn't take another hit like that. 

He quickly evades and retaliates with a jab, hoping to break through the middle. Another obstruction from Brok, rises to intercept his fist.

Kose shoots it out for a kick. It's unsuccessful, and he, in,stinctively leans back just enough to miss another hook punch coming his way. He retaliates with another kick. 

Another surprise, Kose's kick is parried away as if Brock was slapping a fly out. Kose knew better than to let that surprise overcome him now, though.

And fortunately, the last move left Brock with his entire chest open. Kose knew what to do now.

He quickly launched and immediately shot a jab up his chest, connecting with a solid hit that made Brock stumble. The second Kose pulled his first jab back, his other fist was well on its way, striking Brock just as Kose pulled his fist back hallway and immediately returning as the second fist pulled back.

Kose's punches repeated in a speedy, circular motion over each other as the fists rained on Brock's chest. Kose felt the engagement and heard the crowd. He's got it locked in.

That observation proved false astonishi, ng Kose. One of his fists had been caught in Brock's hand this time. Surprised or not, he knew that the new moments would be bad for him.

The experience started with a mighty blow to his stomach, exhaling the wind out of his mouth as he grunted. He tried to pull away but was yanked back by Brock's hand, which had sneakily gripped onto Kose's shoulder during the blow. A second blow occurred again, knocking out whatever reserved wind.

Kose looked up, hoping to see some exit from this travesty. He saw a fist coming right from his face, and he felt a mighty blow warp and flip the world around him. 

A collision to his backside and the view of the sky signaled to Kose that he was on the ground. Initially wanting to think about what had just happened to him until he heard the sound of,

"One," by the referee. He slowly rose while trying to think of a new strategy. Brock wasn't legally allowed to strike him until his two feet were firmly planted on the ground, but Kose still had to get there before the ref got to ten he reached the knew that those hooks would be launched as his feet were flat again. The hooks...Just the hooks.

The counting stopped at six, and Brock rushed towards him; Kose was; Koselly was standing, but his feet were flat on the ground. Before Brock could execute anything, Kose shot his foot again, colliding with Brock's chest. 

Brock was physically stunned as he backed up to regain his thoughts. Kose took advantage of this and created distance between the two by quickly scooting back.  

Kose takes the time to study his opponent and notices Brock touch his chest a bit, in the same area that Kose got him with his rapid punches. He locks in on his target and goal.

Brock looms over him again, prepping another hook punch to come his way. Kose ducks the hook punch quickly. Once he shoots back up, he notices he is facing Brock's entire side. Brock's punch was not in control of his body. 

Kose takes advantage and begins his series of punches, starting in the shoulder. An inside impact pushes Brock to where his entire front is facing Kose.

Kose unleashes his flurry of punches to his chest, hoping his theory would be correct but quickly remembering he shouldn't be here too long. Kose ends the chain by launching an uppercut right to the bottom of Brock's chin, lifting him off his feet, and landing him on his back.

Kose observes as Brock gets up. He groans, moans, and holds his chest again before planting his feet. Kose remains patient and aware. 

Brock swung another hook punch at Kose, as expected. Kose blocked the shot and saw another hook punch from the side.

Kose slipped back slightly, giving him enough room to grab Brock's hand. With the other hand, he snapped a back-fist right into Brock's mug. Kose followed up with two more back-fists, each snapping Brock's head back with the accompanying grunt. 

Brock was dazed; Kose immediately went in for a barrage of punches before he could even think about it. The strike repeatedly collided with Brock's chest. Seeing the anguish on Brock's face, Kose knew to end it with a direct cross to his opponent's weak point.

A giant thump emerged from the impact, only to be drowned out by the crowd as Brock stumbles back. He bent over, clutching his chest and balancing his stance. Very shortly after that, his attempt proved unsuccessful. Brock fell onto the arena floor.

The crowd roared in excitement, but Kose didn't pay any attention. He focused on counting from the referee and Brock's unsuccessful recovery. 

After a third attempt, Brock gave in and crashed to the floor, passing out. Three counts later, the referee declared Kose the winner. 



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