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Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3

In the world of Vahyedye

Visit Vahyedye

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Ordell was already thousands of years old when he met the woman that gave him answers.

Quiet footsteps through the shelves. Her giggling as he kissed her neck. Dancing through the halls.

She whispered to herself when she saw him. Told herself it was worth this. Worth bringing up memories. Worth it for the memories she knew they'd have.

The Library playing soft music as they moved. He loved her. He'd give her anything. Do anything she asked.

He walked towards her as she knelt by the river. Asked if he could help her. The clans they were with were staying together anyway, so he thought he should offer.

Her hands in his hair, soft touches to his arm. Pulling off his gloves, laughing as he tripped on his robes.

She let him. Smiled at him. Hid her tears.

Pushing her to the shelf, holding her as tightly as he could. Whispering "I love you." Knowing it won't change.

They spoke for hours before she said his name. A name he hadn't given her. Ordell she whispered.

"As long as I have you," She held his face while he spoke. His nose brushing her cheek.

She was smiling at the sky when she told him the name he'd longed to hear for so long. "Her name is Kay. I know you've been looking for her."

Her laugh made him spiral. Her eyes sparkled and he couldn't think of anything he wanted more than to hear her voice again.

The quiet voice of the woman was sad, filled with longing. He hugged her tightly, ignoring the spells wrapping around her. Hiding her from him.

I'm never letting her go again, he thought as they danced, spinning in circles with her head on his chest, Not ever.

So she let the memories play in her head. Of laughing and dancing together. Of everything they would, could, become. And when she left the next day, waiting for a future she had already experienced, she let herself smile, though tears slipped down her cheeks.

He didn't know, but as he watched her leave with the other clan and he thought he felt himself break, he thought about what she hadn't told him. The blank spaces.

He told himself he'd wait for her. As long as he knew she was there, he could wait. She might not have told him, but he knew.

He knew. And that was enough.


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