Chapter 6 - Going After Her

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Amber had decided the second she saw “Luna” she wouldn’t let Dawn out alone tonight. She would sneak out after her, and confront her when it was time.

Dawn had tiptoed out of the dorm a few seconds ago, and Amber followed closely and quietly. After a few minutes, they reached the boarding house. Dawn creeped inside and murmured a few words in a strange language. It sounded like the common spirit tongue, but was so much more advanced Amber couldn’t figure out the words. This “Luna” wolf that Amber heavily disapproved of replied in the same tongue. Amber could barely see through a plume of sapphire-blue and amethyst-purple smoke until, “Luna” was free and Dawn was standing there with a tail and to ears. 

Dawn swore under her breath and shook them, making them disappear. Amber gasped softly, could Dawn be a werewolf? That would explain her knowing all those spirit languages and acting so shady. Amber shook her head, no. Dawn couldn’t be a werewolf. She was probably just taking “Luna” out for a walk. 

She followed them out and watched as they approached the large stone fence that surrounded the university. As they got nearer, Amber heard Dawn say to Luna in the common spirit language, “Fresja tere he? Te, to, tek, lo!” It meant, “Are you ready? Three, two, one, go!” But if literally translated it would be, “You ready are? Go, three, two, one!”

All clues pointed to Dawn being a spirit, but werewolves were extinct, weren’t they? But Amber didn’t have time to dwell on this. Dawn made some special hand signals and suddenly, a portal opened up. They strolled through the portal as though they were not astounded by the spiritual sorcery used for this kind of thing, and Amber had to hurry to get through before Dawn closed it. 

They strolled through the silent forest until they reached an ancient wood hut that seemed to be falling apart at the edges. Dawn pushed open the creaky half-mangled door, and stepped in. She opened a secret hatch and hurried in, and Amber recognised it. It was a dimensional portal hatch, only the best sorcerers could make it appear. Dawn stepped out into a creaky space, where a pack of werewolves and wolves gathered and stood. 

“You’re late,” Spoke a large, beautiful she-wolf who stood atop a crate. “And I see you’ve brought a visitor, will you introduce us to her?” After she said this she gazed pointedly at Amber.

“Wha… Who…” Dawn spun around and fixed her eyes upon Amber. Whoops! So much about staying hidden. “You!” Dawn narrowed her eyes at Amber, and it was then when you could see just how wolfish her features were. “What are you doing here?”

“No…Nothing,” Amber stammered out, shocked by the intensity of Dawn’s stare. But then, a plan arose in her head. What if she told on the wolves? Would it save her entire Fireos family? But then she realised. She had thought out loud in a Moon Werewolf encampment. Which meant, as it was a full moon, she was as good as dead.

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Sep 22, 2024 15:13

This one is super short :( Sry!