
Table of Contents

Act 1 Act2

In the world of Veil fall (working title)

Visit Veil fall (working title)

Ongoing 11545 Words


1080 0 0

Chapter 6

One quick change later, in the back of my car, I was ready to go. As a habit, I always try to keep a few things in my car, especially when I am on leave, such as a change of clothes. Pulling out of the Kendrick Tower garage, I found my dad's limo waiting for me; evidently, they wanted me to follow, which I did.

It didn't take us long to get to Zodiac, placing us back on my side of the river in the district that had seen recent renovations. The kind that would typically bring fears of gentrification, but surprisingly there was no news of anyone being evicted or forced out of their home. In fact, the local news just did a story about someone who recently turned 132 and still lives in their apartment here.

Zodiac was a sight to behold; it was a big building with a space to itself, with valet parking out front that Dad and I pulled into. I remember hearing that the restaurant also doubles as a nightclub, which the equipment out front confirms.

"Woah, you know I can't let you in." one of the guards put his hand out, stopping me from entering.

"It’s ok, he's with me," Lorik said.

"No, it's not! I haven’t seen your ass in years, and all of a sudden, you want to roll up to my job." The guard's entire demeanor changed to a friendlier one.

"Man, you know it's not like that. "I replied as we greeted each other like old friends.

"Sorry to hear about your moms' man," he said as we released each other.

"Shit, it is what it is. What do you have going on in here." I was eager to change the subject.

"It's still in restaurant mode for another hour, so get your meal in now if you are hungry." he motioned toward the entrance.

I nodded as my father, and I moved to enter Zodiac.

"he's a bit old for you, isn't he?" the guard called after us with a smirk. My dad shot me a puzzled look but figured it was best not to ask.

While the outside of the Zodiac had its own style that made it stand out, the interior was otherworldly, with the color scheme of gold and the cosmos, different star constellations seemingly dancing across the ceiling and walls.

There sitting in the lobby, was a trio of women. My dad’s fiancée and her family, if I were to go off of how eager he was to greet them.

"We didn't keep you waiting, did we," Lorik asked the eldest of the woman after giving her a quick peck on the lips.

"No, we just arrived ourselves," she replied before turning her attention to me. "Is this him?"

“Yes, this is Chuka Kismet, my son.”

Lorik motioned to me.

“Chuka this is Jung-Hye Seung, my fiancée.”

"Nice to meet you, "I reached out to Jung-Hye for a handshake.

"Likewise, tell me did his plan blow up in his face." She smiled while shaking my hand.

"Well, my aunt did slap the shit out of him." I laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, get it out of your system." Lorik sighed.

"Oh, I'm being rude. These are my daughters, Ji-Hee Ja, and Ae-sook Ja."

"Nice to meet you," Ae-sook smiled, greeting me before saying the next part in Korean. "You have a really cute butt."

"AE-SOOK!!! that is no way to talk to him, even if he would make for a good son-in-law." Jung-Hye scolded her daughter in Korean.

"That is a bit of a presumption, isn't it" I replied to both in Korean, turning both of their faces red. "I was stationed in Korea for a bit, learned the language to help me get around."

"We are ready to seat you." one of the hostesses approaches us, a godsend in relief if Jung-Hye and Ae-sook's expression was anything to go off of.

The Design for the Zodiac interior was breathtaking, with a sophisticated dining space imbued with a celestial allure enhanced by an ingenious effect that made stars seemingly flicker throughout the air. That said, habits kick in as I discreetly scan the area, casing it for possible exits and points to better survey the place, only for a silhouette to catch my eye as it made its way to what I assume was a VIP section reserved by someone important judging by the muscle standing in front of the entrance. Taraia?

"So, this may turn into a work dinner." my gaze must have caught my dad's attention. "She is handling a meeting for me, but if push comes to shove, I will step in if I have to."

"You let your chauffeur handle your business?"

"My right-hand woman," Lorik replied as he sat at the table. "So, is this your first time at Zodiac?"

"Yeah, a friend of mines has been trying to get me to come here as he DJ's the night scene."

"Only for you to come with someone else." someone spoke out with a mocking French accent as they hit me in the back of the head with a menu. That sent me into fight mode as I got up to confront the person, only to see that it was Jesús making a stupid face along with the mocking fighting pose, to which I joined in on his antic for a bit before introducing him to the party.

"This is Jesús, is a good friend of mine."

"Nice to meet yall; enjoy your meal, and I hope you all stay for my set, right chewie." I'm not going to lie. He had been trying hard to get me to come to see him at Zodiac; the problem, as always, was time.

"Yeah, I will stick around, but you're paying for the door."

"I will handle it." Lorik spoke up as he lovingly looked at Jung-Hye. "it's been a while since we had a night out together."

"Why are you here with Hogan?" Jesús, after taking a good look at the party makeup. Pulling him down to me, I whispered into his ear the situation as he started to make a face looking between me and Hogan.

"Full body cast." Jesús began to speak before I cut him off.

"Got it. Once again, enjoy your meal, and I will hopefully see all of you on the dance floor." with that, Jesús raced off; I assumed to finish setting up for when the Zodiac switched over to nightclub mode.

"I have been meaning to ask, why does everyone call you chewie?" Lorik asked as he looked throughout the menu.

"Chu-ka, che-wie. That with me being the tallest in my class, some kids thought they were being clever after the teacher put on Star Wars to watch for film day."

Our conversation continued as the rest ordered and well until the meal was. Just as we finished our meal, it was time for the Zodiac to switch to nightclub mode. Fortunately, Lorik connections allowed us to squat in one of the VIP suites as Zodiac switched over. I couldn't tell whether or not it was just how the Zodiac operated or if they were doing it for our benefit. Still, the transition had its own spectacle, with some of the dining tables receding into the ground once the tablecloths and dishes were removed. At the same time, the projectors in charge of the sparkling stars switch to something that would better help accentuate the nightlife. During this, Ae-sook disappeared only to come back with another girl, A lovely redhead.

"Wendy, this is... chewie?" she asked, looking at me, wondering if it was ok for her to call me that; I nodded in approval before greeting Wendy.

"Hey Wendy," Jung-Hye spoke as she greeted Wendy as if she was another one of her daughters. The conversation broke out as she joined us.

"Chewie, come dance with us." Ji-Hee Ja, she wasn't asking. She was telling, made even more apparent when she yanked me out of my seat to the dance floor, something that differently took me by surprise.

"OH SHIT!!! WE HAVE A SHOW TONIGHT!" Jesús spoke into his mic. Evidently, he could see me from the DJ booth. "MAKE ROOM FOR SHITS ABOUT TO GO DOWN."

You would think that being a 7'4 black man, I would take the route everyone in my demographic would... but you would be wrong because instead of basketball, I took to dance. In fact, it is a passion of mine.

Jesús mixed into a song from our childhood as aged muscle memory kicked into a breakdance routine I use to do with the song. Didn't matter. It had been years since I last did it, ok maybe it did a little, but the fact that being able to cover up my mistake made it look fresh.

3 songs later, I was back at the suite, are a crowd of cheers for the performance I had put on as Ae-sook and Ji-Hee crowded around me.

"Where did you learn how to dance like that?" Ae-sook asked as we got back to our booth.

"Cedar Rivers, I was in a crew of breakers before...", Oh look, my streak is still going for bullshit; thoughts of how I enlisted flooded my mind reminding me of how my friendships at the time drifted apart because of it. "Before we drifted apart."

"Think you can teach me a few things?" Ae-sook asked as flirtation dripped off of her lips, a welcome distraction from the thoughts currently swirling in my head.

"Depends on what you want to learn." I leaned closer to her.

"Where is Wendy." Ji-Hee looked around worried, breaking both me and Ae-Sook out of the focus we had on each other. It didn't take me long to spot her; it seemed like she was trying to get away from someone.

"I see her. Let me go get her." It didn't take me long to get to her, but it was clear she was immediately trying to get away as someone was harassing her.

"I told you to leave me alone! " Wendy's shouted as someone grabbed her arm and attempted to pull her back to them, only for me to grab the assailant's arm.

"I think the lady wants to be." I pulled Wendy's assailant to me only to see who it was. Omar Freeman was one of the guys I used to run with in high school; in fact, he was part of my breaker crew.

"What the hell are you doing around here?" Omar asked as he looked me up and down.

"I can ask you the same thing, Omar." I let go of Omar's arm as Wendy hid behind me.

"Checking my girl."

"Really? It doesn't seem like she wants to be your girl."

"Mind your own business Chewie."

"I would but this is a friend of my little sister. So, it is my business."

"Sister? You don't have a sister."

"Sorry, soon-to-be stepsister."

"Quit it with the white knighting. Everyone knows your mom is six feet under." At that moment, the spotlight shined on us.

"Fellas, if it's all the same to you, let's keep battling to the dancing," Jesus spoke to us as we both acknowledged him with a glance. Until this point, security was doing an excellent job of blending into the crowd, but the moment the spotlight turned its attention to us, we were surrounded.

It instantly became clear which one of us was getting the short end of the stick as me and Wendy were offered an escort back to our booth while Omar put up a small fight as he was escorted out of the nightclub.

"Everything ok?" Lorik asked as we returned back to the booth.

"Everything is fine. just..." I pause to pick my words carefully." just ran into an old friend."

“Wendy, what about you?” I turn to her as she seem lost in thought.

“Hmm, oh I’m fine. It’s just that he has been a problem for a while now… but here this is for you.” she stated as she handed me a drink. It only dawned on me now that while she was running away from Omar, she was also trying to protect her drink.

“isn’t this yours?”

“Well, I had two, but Omar…” she made a face trying to explain the situation.

“I will get another one later” she stated as she pushes the drink on me. Fuck it what is one more drink, famous last words as that one hit like a truck. It was a smooth burn, the kind that you wouldn’t mind having a bottle back home to help you unwind.

Regardless, even with that drink I tried to stay involved in the conversation for the rest of the night, but things started eating at me. Mainly thoughts of my old crew and how we grew distant. Only for me to be snapped out of my trace as I looked over to the other VIP suite that Taraia had walked into earlier. One of the guards outside was seemingly staring me down, and thanks to the trick of the light, I could have sworn I saw red coming off of his eyes.

Chapter 7

It's been almost a month since I've been back, and it's funny how much shit has happened in such a short amount of time. My dad comes out of the woodwork, I'm almost certain I'm slowly but surely going insane, and now a member of my old crew is causing problems... is it too late to go back to active.

"What the hell is that supposed to be?" Kayla asked as she walked up to the kitchen island to see the unholy concoction I had whipped up. As per usual, Kayla was there with a plate of food from Auntie.

"Army hangover cure," I stated as I downed it in one go before having an immediate reaction.

"Does that…. Work?" she asks, not even trying to hide the worried look on her face.

"Depends. If you are asking if it cures hangovers, hell no. But as a means to think about anything other than your hangover, yeah." I stated before taking the plate of food from her and woofing it down, hoping it would get the taste of the “cure” out of my mouth.

"If anyone asks, I'm doing a rundown," I stated as head toward the armory in my house

"On whom?" Kayla was perplexed by my current set of goals today.


"What did he do?" clearly she wants answers to questions I didn’t have or want to give.


“Ok, is there anything you won’t be cryptic about?” kayla asked as her frustration became clear as I made my way into the room I used as an armory.

To be honest I wasn’t being cryptic on purpose, my thought was more on whether or not I should bring a weapon with me as I eyed my service pistol along with the rest of my collections of weapons. My mom didn’t like the idea, but what military now being career we dedicated to turn our spare room into place to secure my equipment along with a place to work on them. Running the idea through my mind, taking my service pistol with me and having to use it was a conversation I’m sure the brass didn’t want to have to me, as such a choose a different model before leaving the room.

“Love you!” I teased her as I stepped out of my apartment; I wasn’t interested in cardio today, opting to use the elevator instead as I made a phone call.

“Box and burn, how can I help you?” a voice came over the phone.

“Need to speak with [[Vincent|Vincent]].”

“He’s busy.”

“Tell him it’s Chewie calling.”

“One moment.”

“Shit, I was just getting ready to call you.” A mature voice came over the phone. Vincent is one of the few people in my life that came close to being a father figure to me And a lot of the knuckleheads in my community. I Met him when it became clear to my mom I wasn’t going to stop getting into fights, so she brought me to his gym to make sure I knew how to throw a punch.

” What can I do for you, chewie."  

I was caught in the moment. What was Omar doing that Vincent was getting ready to call me about. What happen at zodiac was a problem but not this kind of problem.

"Call me about Omar?"

"Omar? I was going to call you about [[Duke|Duke]]."?

Shit! Could we pretend it was about Omar instead. That was one name I definitely did not want to hear. If The List of fuckups was a book on its own, each letter would surely have heavy competition for whose picture would sit under it. only for Duke to sweep the field for all of them.

"What did that motherfucker do now!?"

"Nothing… yet, but he is on his final chance."

"Oh, now he is." The sarcasm dripped from my words.

"Listen, chewie, I know you have a history with Duke; it's why we didn't call you for him before. And why I'm talking to you about him now. That call comes in. You get the first swing."

"I'm going to hold you to that, but on to what I called you for, Omar. Evidently he has been harassing a girl; I want to know why."

"You sure it was Omar?"

"Considering I had to pull him off of the girl in question at Zodiac last night, yeah."

There was a notable pause before Vincent spoke again

"Let me make this clear, you are only there to talk to Omar. You do understand why they distance themselves from you, right?"

"I don't like it, but yes."

Bars for stripes, that was the deal that landed me in the military, and when it happened, my crew saw It as a path to a better life for me. So, they cut ties to ensure I would not fuck it up. Did I feel bitter about it? Yeah, yeah I did, but in time, I grew to accept and understand it.

Vincent had given me the information I wanted. Evidently, they had started a recording studio, and in truth, they were doing well for themselves. Here's to hoping that this little chat doesn't sour that.

It was a short walk from my home; then again, you are talking to someone who thinks a mile is a short walk. Nonetheless, I was well on my way till I ran into a roadblock of sorts. Let's call a duck a duck here. Three thugs, clearly not from around here and looking for trouble, approached me.

"You chewie?" The smallest of the three spoke to me. If you ever wanted to know if a group was really looking for trouble, them sending the smallest was a sure sign of it.

"who's asking?"

"Someone with a message, mind your own business."

I couldn't help but chuckle at that.

"I will after I've had a sit down with Omar," I stated as I started to walk past them, only for one of them to put their hand on my chest to stop me.

"Nah, thats not happening, chief."

I looked at his hand and then at him.

"You must be new here." With one swift motion, he was now the owner of a proud broken hand.

"Ok, so we are doing this the hard way." One of the Others spoke out as they got ready to fight me.

3-1, and it was still in my favor, Omar knew better than this; HELL, everyone knew better than this, most likely why he got some out-of-towners to jump me, not that they had much of a chance. That said they weren't the run-of-the-mill thugs. They knew how to handle themselves; points to Omar for going the extra mile on that. In the end, though, all that meant was I would have to try harder to put them down. Spending more time than I would have liked.

I don't know how long I tussled with them before things changed. A motorcyclist snuck up on us and killed one of my attackers. At first, they thought he was with me. At least until he made it clear he was on no one side.

To say he toyed with us is an understatement. At some point, I was just done with this whole situation pulling the pistol I had on me, firing off a warning shot. The reaction at first was what you would typically get, everyone ducking for cover… well, everyone except the motorcyclist, nah they toke the moment to pounced on one of the remaining two. lifting the poor bastard in the air by his neck before snapping it.

My shots suddenly became a lot more liberal as I plugged him three times, but he didn't drop. My first thought was body armor… only to see blood oozing through his leathers.

That was all the last thug needed to see before proclaiming he wasn't being paid enough for this and attempted to book it out of there. Attempt was the keyword. Before I could even understand what was going on. The cyclist was on the last one… with his hand through the man's chest, holding his still beating heart.

I had no qualms about what was coming Next. I'm a good fighter. Hell, I'm an even better shot. But there was no way I was walking away from this alive. So, I did the next best thing. Go out with the biggest fuck you I could muster as I unloaded the rest of the clip into the cyclist; when that ran out, I threw the gun at him in favor of attempting to grab something big and heavy to wail on him with. Load of good that did me as he caught me by the neck, lifting me in the air. Strangely it gave me a nostalgic feeling as I dangled there. I tried my best to punch him in the face through what remained of his helmet, considering I did land a few headshots As I slowly blacked out. After all the shit I had been through, this was going to be the way I died.

Chapter 8

If there is one sounds you never forget. It’s the beeping of a EKG, clearly I was in a hospital but for how long was the question.

“oh, look who’s finally dreaming.” A familiar voice spoke. Turning to my left I saw Mamu, dress as a nurse, as sexy one at that.

“Oh thank god, it was all a dream.” I stated as a sense of relief washed over me.

“Fraid not, well this is. That ass whooping you got on the other hand. You wished.” She smirked as I looked at her puzzled. “Oh yeah, it has been about a month since you popped into my bar, and that little wave blast of yours. I knew there was something special about you.”

“what the hell are you talking about?” I asked as I tried to sit up only to feel pain shoot through me. “isn't this suppose to be a dream.”

“under normal circumstances that would have woken you up. But currently, you waking up from a coma into a dream. Your mind is trying to make sense of the blackout.” She explain as she try to help me get more comfortable. “that and me taking advantage of the situation so we could have this little chat.”

“just say I’m on some really good drugs. It makes more sense than the gobbledygook that just came out of your mouth.”

Mamu started to say something only to stop herself. replying only with a deadpan face and thumbs up.

“so lets get down to business. What happen?”

“god damnit this is suppose to be my dream. Can it be about anything else than the ass whooping I got?”

“how about a compromise?” the world seemingly shifted around me as Mamu was suddenly laying next to me. Stroking my now exposed “no wonder you're so popular.”

A devilish grin curled onto her face she looks at me.

With an annoyed sigh I recounted what happen.

“describe who put you here.” Mamu suddenly became serious.

“he look like a motorcyclist. Helmet, leathers and… red L.E.Ds where the eyes should be.

“like this?” she ask as being looking similar to how I describe appear next to us to which I confirmed that was my assailant.

“an [[Executioner]]” she spoke with no aim for her words.

“is that a gang or something?” I asked as Mamu turn to look at me with concern in her eyes as she debated what to do next before getting on top of me.

“do you want me to tell you more gobbledygook. Or do you want a fully wet dream.” She ask as the devilish grin return. As she began to straddle me…

sex it is.

It was one hell of a wet dream… one that as I grew closer to climax I as a sense of foreboding started to come over me making me want to climax outside. Crazy given that this was all a dream. Despite the attempt I climax inside of Mamu As I started to fade.

When I finally came to again it was once more to the sound of a beeping EKG machine as a normal looking nurse was doing their checks.

She quickly noticed me stirring as I try to get her attention. To say one of the most cliché things ever for someone coming out of a coma. Ask for water.

 the nurse quickly fulfilled my request before racing off to get the doctor. Who confirmed everything that Mamu had told me n the dream and added a few more details.

They found me in the epicenter of an explosion in the alley I was fighting in. With a good number of my bones broken. To the point where I should have been dead.

The next day was spent talking with police and my military handler.

In the month I was out. both the military and police investigated. despite me being the only survivor I was clear of any direct involvement of the explosion thanks to cameras that had a angle of where the fighting was. It gave a good idea of what happen given that it only had vantage points of the entrance to the alley.

Combing through days of footage there was nothing there that could indicated any kind of bomb and at least from how lightly all of us was dressed none of us could carry what cause that amount of damage. That along with the military having a 'mostly' accurate schedule of what I was doing before my reassignment ruled me out for planning anything.

With the last of immediate questioning done they finally let family and friends come talk to me. something I slightly regretted as kayla nearly put me back into a coma when she tackle me in the bed.

“easy Kayla! injured man here!”

“SERVES YOU RIGHT!!!” kayla yelled slapping my chest not helping the situation. “we already lost [Aunty, are you that eager to join her!!!”

“hey hey hey it's not like that.”  I hug kayla rubbing her back. “it not like that. Whatever this was. It’s was literally just me in the wrong place. I promise.”

“speaking of.” |Makayla spoke up as, Jesús, Sofia, Maria stood next to her. Naturally they would like to be clued in to what happen. On that same note I was getting sick of telling the same tale over and over again so i to give them the cliff notes version.

“That’s crazy man. I know it not your thing… anymore, but did you sleep with someone's wife or something.” Jesus asked only for sofia to hit him. “it's a legitimate question.”

I couldn't help but chuckle. In

“Can I talk to Jesús alone?”

“sure, in fact we all need to get going.” Maria looked at her watch. “I got to get back to the center and hope it isn’t burn down.”

The others chime in with things that they had been doing most of it dealing with a festival the center was holding.

“so, where’s hogan?”I ask Jesus when it was only the two of us.

“No need to play coy, everyone… well everyone that was here knows he’s your dad and that he is Lorik. I mean you don’t get put up in a room like this” Jesus gesture to the room “ and people don’t ask question”

“now than he mention it, it was a nicer room than I was use to being in. on top of which I was the only occupant.”

“anything your not telling us.”

“beside the fact the motorcyclist that jumped in was a terminator. Do you really want me to tell you he had… red eyes?” my thought trail off for a moment as I thought back to [[Zodiac Bar and restaurant|Zodiac]] and the guard that was staring me down toward the end of the night.

“that it?”

“I’m sorry, why don’t you get your ass kick hard enough that you wind up in the ER and see how much you remember.”

“I did, would you like to know how many hairs were on your knuckle.”

Right I forgot I beat him up in high school. Both of us pause for a moment on the thought before we started to crackle with laughter at how far we came from that.

“not going to lie ,never thought I would see you like this.”

“it not the first, most likely won’t be the last. Pick one of the times where my deployment got extended. It wasn’t because I was still on a mission. Didn’t the want to folks to worry.”

“you big fucking softy.”

“anything new?”

“nothing comes to mind that the others didn't tell you about. but I will keep you breast of whats going on, go ahead and get your rest.” Jesus bid me a due before leaving me sleep.

“I can hear you furrowing your brow at me.” It was already night, and my room was dark but I recognized my guest by his present alone. Bald head, scar below the eyes and icey glare. Old man Vincent.

“so who did you piss off this time?” he asked as he toke a seat next to my bed.

“obviously Omar.”

“obviously not. Had a nice little chat with him before coming here. He had nothing to do with anything that happen in that alley. If anything he was surprise you didn't come find him and even more so when you landed up here.”

“funny the thugs told me to mind my own business before they died.” At that Vincent arch his eyebrow. “Motorcyclist killed them. Was going to do the same to me before… what ever the fuck happen.”

“, the question is what are we going to do about?”


“considering your in the medical bed, yes we.”

“try and find some leads to run down. I was attack by someone I have never met before for reason I have no clue about.” I started as I try to sit up. “military doesn’t think it had anything to do with the desk job I have or how I got it.”

“Oh, so there is a reason why your back home

Walked right into that.

“not important right now, What can you tell me about your attack.”

“dress like a motorcyclist, had red LEDs where the eyes should for whatever the fuck reason.”

“that’s it?”annoyance was clear on his face the question is was It the lack of information I provide him or the fact that someone I such a ridiculous getup put me… one of his students here.

“they may call themselves Executioner. I was mid fight, the person came out of nowhere. sorry can’t give more details than that .”

Vincent groan as he rub the back of his neck.

“I have worked with less, alright I will get on it. I will let you know if I find anything. Get well soon so we will know what kind of useless lump of meat you will be.”

“hey atleast it will be beat being a wannabe mickey.” The two of us traded of smirks before he left.

The next day was practically spent laying In bed watching whatever came on. Their was news reports about my attack, they chalk it up to a terrorist attack by an islamist group calling themselves deadcell which surprise the hell out me. I figure it would be some kind of cover up at some point just didn’t think it would be this so  or specific.

“Mr. Kismet?” a female voice call into the room. “oh good your up. I’m [[Dr.Roberts]] I will be taking care of you during your stay.”

Dr. Roberts, was a sight to be hold, a beautiful blonde with… yellow eyes?

“Doc I think I might be seeing things.” I stated as I rubbed my eyes before looking at her again. Yeah her eyes are still yellow, mainly the iris.

“Oh what are you seeing?” she asked with a worry looked as she drew closer.

it dawn on me at the moment that telling the truth may not be the best of idea right now.

“that a beautiful angel just walked into my room.” I try my hardest not to sound corny as I said whatever came to mind.

“oh.” That she seem to have caught her off guard.

“I’m sorry that was rude, ignore me and just do your job…. Shit that was even ruder.” I stated as I facepalm only to hear her chuckle.

“Don’t worry yourself about it to much, I understand. You woke up to find that you have been in a coma for a month, I would be a bit restless to.” She stated as sat on the side of my bed while putting in her stethoscope. “But. let me, as you said, do my job.”

She said that last part with smile as she open up my shirt to take my pulse and check my breathing, something that I think she took a bit to long to do. Next she move on to checking my other vital areas.

“wait hold on.” She tapped my arm. “did you feel anything.”

“you touching me, yeah.”

“I mean pain, “

“ no why?”

“because you arm and leg was broken in 3 places, nothing mentions so was half of your ribs.”  She looked surprised at the revelations. “I'm going to schedule you an x-ray to see if everything is ok.”  

5 hours later, Dr. Roberts came back in with news.

“So good news.” She hesitantly started. “your practically healed up.”

“Sure you didn’t get your X-rays  mixed up.”  

“positive . All of your bones seem healed up. If you don’t mind me holding you for a few more days for testing your all good to go.

“Yeah sure, can you get a message to family.” I asked to which Doctor agree, without any further question she left me with my thoughts. How hell did I heal so fast.

Chapter 9

It was as the doctor said, I was back to full health like nothing had ever happened. I had always recovered quick, but this, this was something else. There was no amount of hype that I fed myself that could allow me to walk around this soon, and yet here I was. Of course, now the first step, replacing my cellphone, like a lot of things on me it was trashed by whatever it was that left me in the cater.

Fortunately, Jesús’s day job was able to help with that. Thankfully I had taken the precaution of having a book with all my important contacts in It, saving me the headache of getting everyone phone number again, Next was getting answers.

“T810ck (block), you're on text to speech so keep the leet speak to a minimal.” I sent a text to her, testing out a feature that Jesús show me on the phone as I was going through news clippings at the library.

“Text to speech? what gives?”

“I'm in a library, doing some manual research here, I want you to compile everything I find for me. Starting with the name Executioners. Start with any gang or organization going by that name, cast as wide of a net as you need to. I can care less how insignificant it is”

“Block?” I have had several conversations with Block before. Pauses like this were uncommon for them.

“Yeah, yeah. I got it. May I ask why?”

“Because I think they are the reason why I was in the hospital.”


“Yeah, in a coma for about a month.” that led to another uncharacteristic pause for block.

“Ok I am getting hits but their poems. let me speed read some of these real quick.”

“Basically, the Executioner are bad news. most people don't survive their encounter with them. These are just the poems, I’m not finding anything outside the realm of fantasy, wait ok there are few gangs. But none of them are close to you. Are you sure they were called Executioners?”

“I’m not, it just a hunch, see if you can find something real, their uniforms may involve biker leathers and full-face helmets with red LEDs where the eyes should be.” once again a pause from Block, what is with them.

“I will see what I can do.”

“Block what the hell do you know.” “Nothing, I just trying to figure out what the hell I should be looking for, do you have any idea how this sounds?”

“In that case find me a shrink.”

“... I will see what I can find.”

staying in the library for a little longer I jotted down notes on what I found. Mainly from books about the Tuatha Dé Danann, they had a group calling themselves the Executioners, and like block said most didn’t survive their encounters with them as the only reason why they were sent out was to take care of problems... Being them all story in Celtic mythology I figure that Executioners where most likely something Irish base. A shooter that got called in to do a job that I somehow got in the cross hairs of, the question is why.

“Does trouble follow you wherever you go?”  [[Vincent]]’s voice came through the phone.

” It seems that way, what do you have for me?”

“So, I asked around about your LED friends and I got a bunch of looks, definitely a hit on reputation so thanks for that. then I ask the Rastia”

“Yeah, I have enough crazy in life already.”

The Rastia were no joke, to despite the fact them heavily playing into stereotypes of Rastafarian , most think they were just doing it to fuck with white boys wanting to be cool.

“Consider they when straight eye when I describe your friend to them, you might want to listen. They were terrified of what I described to the point where they thought I might have brought it back with me. once I cleared up that confusion, they made clear that whatever you did to piss someone off you need to rectify it now.”

“I will get right on that the moment I can figure out how and who I pissed off.”

“Chuka, be careful. I have a really bad feeling about this. I put more of my guys on the street than I normally do. if you need help feel free to run toward them.”

” I hear you; I hear you, thanks for the info.” I got back into my SUV and started to drive to the Center. I refuse to be cooped up in any form any longer and so long as I stay in a public enough place, I should be fine. That was my thinking anyway, as my phone started ringing again. it's block which was strange given that they talked exclusively through text.

“Hello?” I answered the phone.

“DRIVE!!!!” a female voice came over the phone.

” You’re a girl?”

“ Floor it, you idiot!!!”

“Woah calm down, why are you so panicked..” my question was soon answered as an executioner pulled up next to me on a motorcycle…

“Oh, what’s the chances are we can talk this out peacefully?” I asked. my window was already down only for the person to pull a weapon and jab it at me that I barely dodged.

“Nope!” was all I could think as I slammed down the gas pedal running the red light, fortunately, the traffic in front of me cleared out as I did.

“OK, WHAT THE HELL '' I screamed at my phone as I raced down the street with the executioners on my ass. Only this time there was more than one. 

“I could ask the same thing. what the hell did you do to piss them off.”

“That seems to be the million-dollar question of the day. I have no clue.  I glanced out the rear-view mirror once more to see that there only carrying melee weapons... that served to baffle me even more. The first guy, sure as flashy as he may have seemed, wasn’t going to draw any more attention had he landed the hit. But now. Clearly, we were in a high-speed chase, and might as well pull a gun.

” Are they being for real right now, I’m in the SUV, what the fuck are they going to do with katanas and bats.” that was quickly answered when they managed to cut off a top part of the SUV.

“Can I please go back to being active duty” I started driving more tactically once it became clear just how dangerous they are.

“Chuka ,head to a South gate.”


"Chuka they are gunning for you and will kill anyone that gets in their way, South gate is the safest place to be right now especially if you go where I tell you.” much as I didn't want to do it, I followed her direction as the executioners took another chunk out of my car. Block guiding me on the turns I need to take. Till she warned me not to turn down a dead end which I did anyway.

“Why!?!?” block scream.

“They may be tearing my SUV apart, but that doesn’t change the fact that I am still in a SUV, and they are on motorcycles.” I stated as I looked in my rear-view mirror and saw the three lined up at the mouth of the alley leading into the dead end.

While I couldn't see their faces, I could make out their body language. It was clear they thought they had a corner rat… as they got off the motorcycles and started to walk toward me. Only for it to dawn on them that may have been a bad idea when revving the engine turned into a full sprint backward running them all over.

“Good news I may not have to …” I pause for a moment only to see them get up in front of me.,

“They got back up, didn't they?”

“Do I get any constellations for them now looking like something out of dead space?”

“CHUKA!” at that point flight fully kicked as it slam my foot on the pedal, running over the motorcycles this time leading me to lose control of the SUV crashing it. I got out and started running to my destination which was a few blocks away. Whatever I did do to the executioners with that little stunt was enough to slow them down as none of them was showing the insane speed the last one I fought used on me. At some point I wound up at the destination block was guiding to me only to find it was another dead end.

“Chuka!!!” I heard a block voice call out to me. Turning around I saw her She was standing on the other side of a what look like a portal with all the bed and whistle. With little prompting I jump through as the sight of what I thought was executioners could be seen in the corner of my eye.

Chapter 10

What the hell was I even looking at? Before me stood two with skin that I could only consider other worldly. an eerie beauty, like moonlight made flesh. Then there was the marking on their bodies and face which was somehow animated, moving with each breath they took. As I study them, they seem to shift in ways that reflect their emotions. finally their fashion choices, one was dressed in Lolita fashion and the other was what you could consider a fantasy warrior take on steampunk.

“Chuka, are you ok?” the Lolita one asks as she steps forward.

“So, I'm still in a coma right now, right?”


"... is that the country we are in?"

“Yeah, have you ever tried a royale with cheese?” the Lolita smirked as I looked her dead in her eyes with all seriousness only for her to burst into laughter breaking the tension that I could help but join her leaving the steampunk girl confused.

“So, your block is right.”

“Yes, but I think it would be better you call me by my name now, Annick Bellerose.” She confirmed.

“And this is Antoinette Blanc, my bodyguard.” She motions to the steampunk warrior.

“Listen, this is a touching reunion and all, but we need to go now.” the Antoinette step in, although she threw me for loop calling this a reunion.

 With little conflict we proceeded to leave the area, going down an alley similar to one I ran down to get to the portal only for everything I knew to be shattered as we got to the main street. As far as I knew, I was no longer in Danport. but some alien world beings of all types walked the street. The building looked well maintained and lived in, with some futuristic slash fantasy flair. I was pulled out of my gawking by Annick as she grabbed my land and led me away from the car that we all piled into.

“Where are we going?”

“For now, we are heading to the Bellarose manor. where you are to stay out of sight till, we can explain why a mortal is here. let alone in the manor.”  Antoinette stated as she started to drive us to our destinations.

“A mortal or a nigga?” I was quick to retort, they may have used different words, but the sentiment felt the same.

“don't be stupid. unless you have little dots on your skin no one cares about that at least not here.”


“Signature of an old species that is now extinct. hunted to by Executioner amongst others” Annick somberly replied “All things consider you might as well be one of them.”

“Got it so I’m one of these dotty people.” I was only half joking about it. as it made more sense as that being a reason for why these terminator-like assholes came after me than anything else.

“I hope you're right.” Annick blushed.

“Trust me when I say there is a lot more to that and those 'Hunt' were a lot more shortsighted than anyone who sponsors them would like to admit.” Antoinette answers my confusion.

“Right, sure…” I decided not to deep any future as I started to feel warm, thinking it was from all the running I was doing. “Hey, can we turn up the air.”

“Oh no, He is still under the spell, we need to break it soon as we get home.” Annick stated to which Antoinette affirmed.

Antoinette sped the car in a rush to get me to their home as I felt worse and worse. By the time I got there I was ready to do anything to feel better. Strangely as I moved away from them, I did, only for them to reel me back to them and rush me to a room in a manor forcing me on a bed and place a stone on my head leading me to painfully close my eyes.

When I opened them, I was back home in my bed. but something felt off... I wasn't dreaming it felt similar to that but more eternal like I reached deep inside of me to pull back a memory of the past. climbing out of bed only confirmed that feeling as I noticed that I was shorter than I remember. only to be broken out of that stupor by a sound coming from the kitchen

and there she stood... my mom.

“Oh, hey sweetie. I… what’s wrong.” My mom greeted me, and I couldn’t help but to start to cry.

“I'm sorry. Mom I’m sorry.” I cried over and over again.” I should have been there, I'm sorry.”

“Been where, its ok honey?” My mother came up to me and tried to comfort me. I don't know how long we will stay like that but at some point, my mom got me to the dining table and placed food in front of me which I ate with tears streaming down my face which slowly stopped as I finished the food.

“So want to tell me what that was all about?” My mother took my plate of food away.

” I... I don't know. “I honestly couldn't remember why I was pitching a fit. “I think it's just a weird dream.”

“Oh, your silly boy.” she sighed as she started to clean. “Me and your aunt were hoping you could take Kayla to the park today. Your auntie will meet up with you and then you can go do whatever you had planned.”

Author note: buster is a rottweiler that like to wander, he is growling because he happy to meet someone new, 

“That shouldn't be a problem, didn't exactly have a plan for the day to begin with.” I got up from the table to change. with hop, jump and skip me and Kayla were off to the park when we ran into the escape artist buster, a rottweiler, “harassing” two girls that were dressed funny. the seemly older of the two yelling at the buster to go away.

“BUSTER!!!” I yelled as I ran up to him grabbing him by the collar pulling him back. “You know people are scared of you.”

“Is that your dog?” The older girl asked if she was obviously flustered.

“Not yet, in either case more of a neighborhood dog I guess you can say.” I looked at the girl before looking back at buster. “He usually doesn't act like this.”

“Yeah, well maybe he needs to be put down.” I let go buster’s collar turn to girl getting in between her and buster.

“Hey, there is no need for that. beside he doesn’t seem like the one who doesn’t belong here.”

“Buster just wanted to make sure you weren't here to cause trouble.” Kayla was behind me a petting buster who looked guilty as all hell. “He also said you two smell funny.”

“And dress funny. Halloween is not for another few months.” I chimed in

“This is normal attire where we come from.” The older girl attempts to defend themselves.

“Oh yeah, where’s that? the ren-faire?”

“We are from” younger girl starter only to get interrupted by older one. “Southgate.”

A chuckle escaped me as I started to act dramatically. “Yes, and I am the king of Timbuktu.”

“We are from Southgate but it's in an area in another city. we are visiting our uncle here.” seriously you couldn't come up with a better lie than that... fine I will play along, it’s no skin off my back.

“We are going to the park. Would you like to come.” Thank you, Kayla, for being a bigger friendly dog than the one next to us.

“YES!!!” the younger girl jumped at the invitation if I didn't know any better, I could swear I saw a part of her skin shimmer.

Both me and the older girl had reservations about this new arrangement, but it would seem we both had enough history to know that my objection would be taken into consideration.

“Before we go, could you at least tell us your names?”

“This is Annick Bellerose and I’m her bodyguard Antoinette Blanc,” the older girl introduced the two of them as they curtsy to us.

“Got it, practicing for renfaire.” I started as I started to walk toward the park. Antoinette Attempted to raise an objection to how I reacted to their introduction but by that point I wasn’t really paying attention wanted to reach our destination.

“Don't mind him. That’s Chuka Kismet, my older cousin. We all call him chewie. I'm Kayla Kismet. it is nice to meet you ma lady.” Kayla was curtsy before them.

“at least someone knows how to show respect.” Antoinette retorted.

 The four of us plus buster made our way to the park, upon seeing it for the first time Annick's face glowed as she looked at all the people enjoying their time there.

“Look at all the mor... people.” There she goes again correcting herself, these folk weird I thought to myself only for it to be interrupted by my phone going off. It was Omar.

“Hey Omar, what's up?' I sat down at a park bench which gave me a good vantage of Kayla and our two new friends.

“It's Tre, mom took my phone away again so I'm using Omar.”

“doesn't that take away from the punishment of taking your phone.”

“Technically I’m not supposed to be using his but what she doesn't know doesn't hurt me.”

“That's how you keep getting into this mess.”

“Yeah, yeah,'' said the person who managed to rake up 2 weeks of detention for, this semester and the next semester and the one after summer break.”

“don't remind me.” I groan

“Where are you anyway? I hear stuff in the background.”

“At the park I ran into these two weird girls, I will tell you about when you get here.”

“Right behind you.” I turned around to see Tre and his brother.

“So where are sweeties at.”

“Over there by Kayla” I pointed them out as but Tre and Omar and sat beside me.

“Yeah, those are some weird getups.”

“Get this, there from Southgate.”


“I know, that's what I said. When I found them, the buster was messing with him.”

“Really?” Omar turned to me after he sat down and started to pet said dog. “That can't be good.”

“Kayla gave them the green light. you know how she is with animals.”

“Still thought...”

“Well, well, if it isn't the royal brats.” a condescending voice caught my ear. We didn't know who it belonged to, but the condition was all too familiar to us as we looked around for the source only to see 3 boys approaching the girls. “Oh, and it looks like it found a pet.”

Looks like someone just signed their death warrant. As the three of us wordlessly got up from the bench, well me, Tre and buster. Omar sensing over kill decided to lay down and get a good view of the action to come.

“What are you doing here Fleury.” Antoinette spat at what seemed to be the ringleader of the boys. their back to us so they didn't notice us approaching, nor did the girls giving that they were blocking their view.

“When I heard that the princess wanted to have a trip to the open-air zoo, I thought it only best to make sure me and mine keep a good eye on her.” Fleury turned his attention to Kayla “don't want mange animals getting too close to her.”

This wasn’t the first time Kayla had been picked on, and it most definitely wouldn't be the last time either if her charcoal skin had anything to say about it. but this was different; they didn't mock her at all. The insults that were being hurled at her felt different.

“You must be new here.” Kayla started.” Are you 3 from Southgate to?”

“of course not, why would I be from such a wretched place.”

“Got it, north of the river.” Kayla turned to Antoinette and Annick “you could have just said that I don't care either way.

“Aww it thinks it’s pe...” the sound of a snapping branch rang out as fleury and one of the other boys flew into the ground.

“Aww man, I was hoping to hit all three of them” I looked at what remained of the branch I picked up on the walk over before tossing it away. “You ok.”

“We're fine, they are all bark and no bite.” Kayla stated, while Antoinette and Annick look horrified at the violence that just occurred.

“You need to get out of here.” Antoinette panicked.

“Why? These guys are dorks.”

“You dare hit me!” Fleury slowly got up seething with rage.

By this point I had been in enough fight to have an idea of the different types of people who would get relied on in a fight. Most have different reactions when you give them a good hit out the gate whether they accept it or not. most would run, understandable when you think of it from the point of few of getting hit by freight trains and worrying about being able to get back up. Others would lash out immediately, usually to their detriment. Then there was the last kind which could count on one hand. They were the ones that wanted to understand what they were fighting before actually fighting. and they were the worst people to fight. I should have known two of them were standing next to me.

“Listen. northy, I don't give a rat’s ass who you are but that my cousin and you will treat her... while I’m feeling nice her friends a bit more respect.”

“Oh, is that all you want... well how about I... “I already knew he was going to dig himself deeper so instead of letting finish his statement I just punched him in the face.

“My face, you punched me in my face.” he recoiled. At this point his lackies decided that maybe they should do something only to get the same treatment from Tre.

“You, you...” once more with feeling I hit him in the face again as I knew nothing good was going to come out of his mouth as Tre his respective targets as well.

“Tell me, are you going to do anything but be a whiny little bitch?”

“why I’m going to.” Having managed to get three licks in already I decided to let him act to see what he was going to do, only for him to raise his arm and freeze as the look of terror toke refuge on his face. as he looked at something behind us.

It took us a moment to actually look behind us. I assumed it to be the classic look behind your trick till I glanced at the girls. Kayla was more cousin as why the other two seem scared. There stood a mountain of women who for some reason I couldn't see her face.

“Oh, don't mind me. I just came to ask if that was your dog?”

“No, not really more like a neighborhood dog we all take care of.” I was awestruck by the woman.

“Ahh, I see, well I'm sure none of you will do anything unbecoming.” She turns her attention to Fleury and his posse “if you don't mind, I'm going to go pet the doggie.”

She walked a few steps before stopping. “Just to be clear, I have no problem with you kids fighting... just keep it fair.” She glared over her shoulder while it was in our direction, but I could somehow tell it was at Fleury and his lackies and not me and my friends.

I watched her walk away for a few seconds before my arm shot up to punch Fleury in the face again before jumping on top of him to beat the ever-living daylight out of him. Tre followed suit with his own opponents. for all their talk they barely put up a fight, once they manage to break free, they ran screaming about how their daddy would have our heads. Strangely enough it looked like they were running to Southgate.

“You, you shouldn't have done that... not for me.” Annick shakily spoke.

“Eh, I don't like bullies.” I shrug it off.

“Yeah, he really doesn't” Tre confirmed as he rubbed his cheek.

“Are you hurt?” Antoinette looked at Tre with concern.

“Oh, no, I'm just remembering how I met Chewie here.” Truth be told, Tre and his brother weren't really bullies, they just like throwing their weight around. Once it became clear there wasn't going to be any more fighting, Kayla attempted to scold us. Which we in turn started to tease her about.

“Oh, we have to go” Antoinette Blanc looked at a steam power watch on her wrist.

“Already?” Annick to which Antoinette confirms.

“We will walk you home. just in case they dork are lying in wait somewhere.”

 Antoinette started to protest but thought better of it. evidently that wasn't something to put past them. As we followed them to make sure they got home safe I noticed that a woman from earlier was nowhere to be found but buster look had the best pat down of his life. Seeing no harm in it I call them over to come with us.

“Mumm, we are heading to Southgate.” Tre spoke up after we made our way to the third block on the path to their home.

“Umm yeah... about that.” Tre was easily spooked by the idea, and I couldn’t blame him. Some of the worst scrapes we got came from being close to Southgate and then there was that one-time older kids thought it was funny to drop me and Omar off in the middle of the district, which was one fun day.

“you guys are for real, nah fuck this.” Omar threw up his hands and started backward from the direction we were going.

“Tre can you take Kayla home. I will call ahead.”

“Fine but I'm not covering your ass.”

“True friend as always.”

“Man, Fuck you.”

“Are sure you want to get in trouble for taking us home.” Annick asked, it was obvious the way everyone was acting made her concerned.

“It will be fine...” I gestured for them to continue their way home Tre and Kayla caught up to Omar and started to walk back home.

about a block away from the border to Southgate buster started acting weird. He was aggressive but this time it wasn't at the girl but the path before us as fleury and his posse had returned.

“Back for...’ I paused as an older man walked out behind. Anger blistered off of him as pure hatred seemed too eminent from him to me.

“Thank you fleury for letting me know of the transgression of my daughter.'' His words chilled me, not helping that as I studied him, I noticed he didn't have normal skin. It looked eerily pale, and he had markings on his face that not only toke on the same to indicate his anger but animated inline with it as well.

“Father let me explain.” Annick started only for her mouth to clamp shut as her father raised his hand at her.

“Get rid of those ridiculous disguises.” with a flick of wrist both Annick and Antoinette skin became similar to that of the man before me, only there was more ethereal, beautiful even. All the while the buster was barking his head off.

“Quite mutt.” once with a flick of his wrist buster when fling into a wall letting out a whimper in the process.

“BUSTER!!!” I knew I was out of my depth here, but this asshole needed a good deck. What happens next happens so fast.

I rushed toward getting ready to punch him. What look like fleury, and his lackeys were going to try and stop me but instead they step aside with smirks on their face. Before I knew what had happened, I was dangling in the air around my neck.

“SO, this is the filth that decided to lay its hands on its betters.”

“You mean like this.” I retorted as I started punching the hell out his face, but I might as well have been punching a dummy for what good it did me.

“FATHER NO!” Annick screams, causing me to break out of my tunnel vision only for me to notice that he has a knife he was about to stab me with. “Medea says not to hurt them.”

that got a reaction out of her father.

“She is lying.” Fleury spat.

Annick's father narrowed his eyes like he was contemplating something before slamming me on the ground and planting his foot on my chest.

“I will not kill you, but I will not let you remember my daughter or be around her. appreciate my kindness.” he said as he stabbed the tip of the knife into my forehead as pain shot through my whole body forcing me to scream out in agony.

Annick moves to protest, only for her to freeze and shoot up into a hover position behind her father along with Antoinette Blanc.

“I will deal with the two of you when we get home” before long he was done with whatever he did to me removing his foot and leaving me alone as I was fading from conscience at the same time it started to become clear that this whole thing was me reliving a memory.

“no...” weakly spoke. “No, not yet.”

This was a memory, a memory that was stolen from me, but I didn't want it to stop because I wanted a different outcome. There was something else I had to do. as I willed myself to move and began to make my way home. Much of the world was gone by the time I got there. but what I needed to travel was still in order for me to make it back home where my mom seemingly oblivious to the apocalyptic setting around us.

“Mom, mom I have to talk to you.” I nearly tackled her as I felt everything fall away as I slammed my eyes shut.

“Sush such, its ok baby” I heard my mom's words in my ear as I felt her warm embrace. “I wish you hadn't tackled me but I'm here.”

I opened my eyes to see we were alone in a white void.

“Mom, mom, I'm sorry I wasn't there.”

“Oh sweetie, what where are you going to do? punch my embolism away? assassinate it like your metal gear.” I knew she was joking but it made me feel worse. “It's ok, I don't fault you for not being there. nor should you have been. I am so proud of your accomplishments along with the things you have and will do. it tells me I raised you right.”

“I know you feel guilty, but you don't have to, and I am so happy you found your father.” I looked at her confused.

“Just do me one thing baby, tell him I will never stop loving him, and that I was a fool to take that money. and that I give him the blessing to get married. I know Jung-Hye is a wonder...” she turns her head to something I couldn’t see or hear.

“Continue being the man I raised you to be. I love you son.”

“I love you ma.”’

I slowly awoke to find myself back in the manor Annick was asleep next to me holding my hand. Trading places with her without waking her up I tucked her into the bed.

“Thank you” I kiss my forehead before going to sleep on the couch in the same room.


“You were only supposed to say goodbye.” Niorun spoke Chuka mother as the two of them stood in the void.

“I know. but I'm a mother. a mother protects her child.” she spoke remorsefully.

“Relax you're not in any real trouble. you didn't exactly get to tell him anything.” Mamu patted her on the should” on the other note he will be fine.' Niorun waves her hand across the air to show different memories of things Chuka has done in the past.

“You raised good there.”

“Why do you allow me to see him again?”

“To do what he was coming to the bar for… so he can sleep easy.”

“How's that going to help him no longer be comfortable?”

“That was a lie, he was doing to mess with all of you no. the reason why he was haven’t hard time sleeping because of the guilt he dealt around your death.”’

“That silly boy”

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