Ambush on the Kingsroad

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As the light of dawn barely crests the horizon, a modestly adorned carriage bearing the Golden Tree of the Sylnar Weald rolls quietly along a rugged path, making the journey from Butler's Crossing to the City of Nyland, the heart of the Great House's lands. Inside, Anara Qifaren, attache to the Weald's Diplomat, plucks at her lute, her fingers gracefully coaxing forth a soft melody, one that she knows calms her friend and superior, Elmon Valaryn. Elmon is the diplomat of the Sylnar Weald to the Kingdom of Kasimir, a noble and honorable position he has held ever since the first diplomatic interactions between the two nations. The road ahead promises diplomatic talks fraught with the potential to continue peace or stoke the fires of conflict.

The carriage, driven by a sturdy local human man known only to them as Mr. Hobb, moves at a steady pace, the rhythmic clop of horse hooves mingling with Anara's tune. Beside the driver, a contracted guard wearing platemail, a sword and shield on her back, keeps a vigilant watch over the surrounding landscape; a seemingly endless expanse of low hills shrouded in the mist of the early morning. Mira Sunbringer, an adventurer of little renown, with striking fire-red hair and piercing golden eyes, stands as a vivid contrast against the morning's greyer backdrop. 

Without warning, the tranquility of the quiet morning shatters as a bead of fire appears in the air next to the carriage, quickly growing then exploding with a suddenness that allows no time to react. It detonates with a fury and roar that lifts the carriage from the path and sends it crashing several yards away, into a grouping of trees. The explosion is deafening, a boom that echoes mercilessly through the hills. The force of the blast instantly claims the life of Mr. Hobb, and hurls Mira into the thick underbrush.

As smoke and dust swirl, figures in black tabards and chain armor emerge from the hills like phantoms of war, descending with silent purpose and weapons drawn, their faces obscured and intentions unknown. Mira, shaken but unbroken, retrieves her sword and shield from the ground where she landed, despite the disorientation and the stinging pain from her minor injuries, she hardens her resolve; she is the shield between these shadowy assailants and her charges.

Inside the overturned carriage, Anara scrambles to her feet, remarkably unscathed,  shocked from the attack more than anything else. She finds Elmon beside her groaning, his robes singed and his face contorted in pain, a grim sign that he has suffered more severe injuries from the blast. Quick to adapt, Anara snatches up her lute, her mind brimming with several possible next steps she could make.

"Mira!" Anara calls out, her voice cutting through the lingering echoes of the explosion.  Peering through a shattered window, she spots the fighter, standing defiantly against encroaching assailants. Mira, acknowledging Anara with a swift nod, positions herself strategically by the wreckage, her shield raised, her eyes scanning for the closest threat. "Stay down" she says back, "Help him and be ready to move."

As the first of the attackers closes in, Mira meets him with a practiced swing of her blade, the clang of metal on metal ringing clear. Each move she makes is calculated, her training and raw skill evident as she parries and strikes with lethal precision. Anara kneels down, pulling her lute from over her shoulder once more and plucks at its strings, she begins to weave a spell, her voice low but laced with arcane power, working to bolster Mira's defenses.

Mira's grip tightens around the hilt of her sword, her trusty blade that has seen countless battles, its edge glinting with lethal promise. Mira's first attacker lunges once more at Mira with a broadsword raised high, his strikes aimed with deathly intent. With a practiced pivot, Mira steps aside, raising her shield to take the brunt of the impact, scanning her opponent quickly, Mira spots an opening. With a deft counter, an upward slash digs into the attacker's tabard and armor, then piercing through into his flesh. He falls, a gasp escaping as he crumples. More foes press forward, encouraged by the numbers but unaware of the deadly dance they're entering. Mira's movements are a blur of steel and strength, each parry and thrust executed with precision. With Anara's bardic spells enhancing her agility, Mira seems almost prescient, anticipating strikes moments before they are delivered, her responses so swift they are but flashes of light against the steel of her adversaries.

Anara, her voice steady and clear, sings a haunting melody that weaves through the clashing of swords, her magic growing and amplifying with each note. The air around them hums with the power of her song, pulsing with energy that seeps into Mira's muscles, while sapping the energy and willpower of the foes around her. Anara weaves notes of inspiration and power for Mira, while ensuring notes of discord and pain are destined for the attackers.

Amidst the viciousness of battle, Mira catches a brief glance at Anara, their eyes locking in a silent understanding. With a nod, Anara shifts her melody, the notes dropping into a deep, resonant hum. The ground beneath several attackers trembles slightly, causing them to stumble. Mira seizes the opportunity, slipping between them and delivering quick, lethal strikes to exposed flesh. Coming to a sliding stop, Mira raises her shield, crashing it into the face of one of the attackers, the only sounds are the grunt of pain, the cracking of bones, and the thud of the armored foe striking the ground. Before he could react, Mira followed-up by slamming the edge of her shield into his jaw, ending his story violently and abruptly, an apt reward for such a bandit.

The battle wears on, and though outnumbered, the duo's synergy is palpable, a dance of blade and magic that leaves little room for their enemies to exploit. Mira, lunging forward with the inspiration brought by Anara's spells, moves with grace and lethality, her sword an extension of her will, her shield a bulwark to protect her charge. Mira withdraws her blade from the shoulder of the last of the attackers, looking to Anara to ensure she's still safe.

The sudden whistle of arrows slices through the brief respite following the melee, heralding a second wave of attackers; a cohort of archers positioned strategically on the hills. As the first volley descends like violent rain, Mira reacts with instinctive swiftness, her shield is raised high, forming a protective barrier over Anara and Elmon. The arrows thud into the sturdy wood of the carriage, clank off Mira's steel shield, and some graze her armor. Mira holds firm, grimacing as one arrow finds a chink in her armor, embedding itself in her lower side. 

"Mira!" Anara calls out, her eyes widen with concern. Mira responds with a grunt, her expression set in a mask of resolve. "Start moving" she says over the sound of the continuing barrage. Anara nods, turning to Elmon who is still dazed and struggling from his injuries. With great effort, Anara helps the elf to his feet, supporting his weight as they stagger towards the corner of the nearby woods. Mira follows closely behind, her steps faltering slightly as she glances back to ensure no pursuers are too close. Each movement sends a jolt of pain through her body, but her determination holds. Her shield remains up, intermittently swatting away arrows, such impacts resonating through her like a drumbeat of war.

As they fall deeper inside the forest, Anara helps Elmon into the cover of thick underbrush, her eyes scanning the forest. "We need to move quickly" she urges. Mira falls into position behind them, she keeps her gaze fixed in the direction of the carriage, watching for any signs that their attackers are following. Her breaths come heavily, the wound in her side burning. "Go" she says insistently yet commandingly. "I'll cover our retreat."

Anara turns back to look at her, torn between the need to flee and her concern for Mira. "We won't leave you" she says in response, her tone brooking no argument. With a shake of her head, Mira pushes back "You must get him to safety, you both are the priority." she argues, nodding toward Elmon. "I'll manage, alright? I've still got some tricks left." Reluctantly, Anara agrees, and with one last worried look to Mira, she helps Elmon deeper into the forest, their steps quick and quiet. Mira watches them disappear, then turns back to face the hill, her sword in one hand, shield in the other. 

As her charges disappear into the dense foliage, Mira braces herself for the next onslaught. Her breathing measured, grip on sword and shield tightening, she watches the attackers regroup and begin their advance. The hollers and whooping of the attackers can be heard coming in her direction, it's a game of cat and mouse to them, most will not have the time to realize it was a fatal mistake. Mira repositions herself slowly, moving into a narrow pass between two thickets, she utilizes this natural bottleneck, turning it into a stronghold with her presence.

The attackers, still emboldened by numbers and that they pushed their foes into a retreat, clamber forward, each of them eager to overcome the lone fighter who stands defiantly before them. Mira's movements however, continue to be a masterclass in martial discipline. She parries an overhead strike, counters cleanly and swiftly with a shield bash, sending one assailant staggering backward, as he falls on his rear, Mira swiftly slips past him, her blade catching his throat. Another lunges in his place, and she meets him with her blade, the sword piercing through his chest then arcs out, dropping him with merciless precision. 

The attackers seem endless, a dark tide against the solitary red flame of Mira's hair. Within her, a dormant strength stirs; a fierce and ancient power that surges through her veins like wildfire. With each enemy she fells, her strikes grow sharper, her movements blur with speed and deadly intent. Her pain becomes a distant, almost forgotten echo, overpowered by the rising swell of her inner force.

As she fights, the archers attempt to adjust, moving in to find their mark. Mira is relentless, she charges them before they can set their aim, her sword sweeping in wide, lethal arcs. The first few archers barely raise their bows before her sword meets flesh and carves through them. To her foes, the most terrifying presence, and for most the last presence, they will ever see. If one was a neutral witness to this melee, they would say Mira in this moment was the most graceful yet deadly dancer, or a painter who only used one color.

The clash reverberates through the clearing, the sound of steel and the thuds of bodies a harsh symphony that speaks of Mira's defiance. She stands alone, bloodied but unbowed, her breathing heavy, her every exhale a mist in the chill air. The remaining foes begin to hesitate, their morale shattered by the ferocity of this single, indomitable human who moves like a god of war. Seeing their faltering courage, Mira approaches calmly, she raises her blade once more, a challenge to those who are still standing. It is as if the very forest responds, the wind picks up, leaves rustle, and branches sway as if in support of her stand. The attackers weigh their odds, glancing across their numerous fallen comrades, their resolve crumbling to dust.

With a final, powerful surge, Mira presses forward, driving the remaining few back towards the hills. Her presence like a tempest, her red hair a banner of war, her golden eyes blazing as if emanating an ethereal light. Overwhelmed and overpowered, the attackers retreat, disappearing into the landscape, leaving behind the echo of their decisive defeat. Mira slows her pursuit, watching them go, her chest heaving, her limbs trembling not just from the exertion but from the raw power that had coursed through her. As the adrenaline wanes, the pain of her wounds returns; a stark, biting reality. Mira, for but a moment had transcended if only for a moment into legend through her actions. Her duty to protect her charges continues, she turns back, slowly making her way to find Anara and Elmon and lead them safely away from this bloodied field of battle.

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