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Chapter 8

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July 10th, 2004

For the first time, I was allowed to have breakfast with the other children. Sonia made me what she always did: toast with jelly and a cup of chocolate milk. Her apron was a staple of my childhood, patterned with all things British, from teapots to the palace guards. When I think of it, the aromas of her fresh baking come flooding into my brain, my heart leaps and there is that moment of serenity. I see her in that apron, arms wide, a hug just a few steps away. She had prepared a different breakfast for each of us. Four and Five were the loudest ones at the table. Four was constantly hitting her for getting into his head. I wasn’t sure what he meant by it at that moment. Every time she’d try to hit him back he went intangible until Sonia warned them of the consequences using their powers during breakfast would have. Though Five was quiet, Four still accused her of calling him names. By now I had figured she must’ve been able to use telepathy on him. I felt bad for Four and wanted to help him. I spotted a spider on the ceiling just above Five and tried to get it to drop down on her. I had done amazing things the night before so I felt confident I could get that spider to do my bidding. It did. Five screamed louder than I imagined anyone could. With wild arm movements, she tried to shake the spider off of her. She did so eventually after having knocked over her glass of orange juice as well. The boy from last night was still wearing his hoodie and couldn't suppress his laughter. Though he still avoided looking at me best he could, he nodded to let me know he approved of my joke. 

“What did I say!? No powers during breakfast,” Sonia said firmly. “Come on, Serena. Let’s get you cleaned up.” 

“Thanks for the help,” Four said once Sonia and Five had gone upstairs. 

“We don’t need another troublemaker here,” One said. She had seemed to feel responsible the moment Sonia had left.  

“Cut him some slack, One. Five had it coming,” the boy with the hoodie said. 

“Rules are rules, Two.”

“You and your rules can go-,” he murmured.

“Go where, huh?” One was getting more and more agitated with Two. 

“Go back to wherever Sage found you!” he kicked back his chair and slammed his fist on the table. One was about to get up as well, but something was stopping her. There was a distortion in the air like there would be above a hot flame. That same distortion appeared around Two as well and forced him to sit back down again.  

“No powers during breakfast, Three!” One argued, but he didn’t seem to care. 

“I wouldn’t have to use them if you two would just stop provoking each other!” the boy with the piercing eyes said. He released the two the moment Sonia had come down the stairs again and we all finished our breakfast in silence. 

Once I had chucked down the last of my chocolate milk, Master Lucius walked in. 

“The Sage wishes to speak with you, Number Six,” he said. His face was completely deprived of any emotion and I could only guess why Sage wanted to see me. It wasn’t my designated training time with him yet. I feared repercussions for the night before.  


I had tried to learn more from Master Lucius as he accompanied me to Sage’s study, but he was reluctant to tell me anything. Once at the door I took a deep breath and knocked. There was no answer. The anticipation was killing me. It was a nervous kind of energy. It tingled through me like electrical sparks on their way to the ground, gathering in my toes. I knocked a second time, far less confident this time. 

“Yes, come in,” I heard the Sage say agitatedly. I went in, but he didn’t seem to notice me. The room was cloudy with the smoke rising from his pipe. Papers lay scattered on his desk and the floor. He was still wearing the exact same outfit as last night and I began to doubt whether he had had any sleep. 

“You wanted to see me, sir?” I asked. He still didn’t as much as look at me and continued to stare at his papers whilst murmuring inaudible things. 

“Sir?!” I asked again. This time with success.

“Ecokinesis!” the Sage exclaimed as if he had had a eureka moment. I had no idea what he was talking about, though.

“The ability to manipulate the forces of nature and the elements connected to it,” he explained. I couldn’t quite tell if he was explaining it to me or to himself. The user is connected directly to the natural world. Ha!” he laughed, “Do you know what that means?”

“That I can-”  

“Rhetorical question, Number Six!” he cut me off. “You can influence, manipulate and control nature: all living beings, plants, and natural phenomena, such as weather and geology of the Earth, and the matter and energy of which all these things are composed.”

“I can talk to birds and bugs, but-”

“That’s what I thought!” he cut me off again. I had never seen him speak with such passion and enthusiasm before. “Until last night that was. Once I saw what you did to the garden I realized you weren’t just a beast lord, but an ecokinesist. 

“So I can do all of what you just said?”

“All of that and more. You should be able to manipulate, tap into, blend or even become elements of nature. Because of your ability to communicate with nature you should be instantly familiar with your surroundings. The connection could be so deep that the earth can even respond to your emotions and desires. You should be able to draw on the strength of every living species of animal on earth and acquire their abilities.”

“I can’t do any of these things,” I said disappointed. 

“With time and practice you can!” he said. “I am sure of it. It is vital that we remain careful for your powers have the potential to do massive damage. Unconscious, emotion-influenced, impulsive, or reckless behavior can be catastrophic. Control, discipline, and restraint are key. Never forget that, Number Six.”

“What if I’m not strong enough?”

“We’ll have to work with in the limitations of your powers, but you are young and already capable of extraordinary things. I have faith in you.”

That was the first time I had heard him utter those words. It was also the last time.

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