
Table of Contents

Introduction Chapter One

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Chapter One

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Rena followed her savior is silence with her arms wrapped around herself. They had been walking for a half hour and she was more than alittle scared about where Reaper was taking her. He had only said follow me and walked away never even looking back to see if she was keeping up. Turning this way and that when all the tunnels looked the same she didn't know how he knew where he was going. She had tried a few times to talk to him but he didn't answer any questions and just kept walking. Scared of where he was taking her she was more scared of being lost and alone down here with the dead that lined the walls of the catacombs. Reaper stopped at the foot of a staircase Rena not paying enough attention slammed right into him, his massive form didn't even register it. As she stepped around him rubbing her arm that had colided with his hard suit. She saw the the staircase. Reaper pointed up the stairs and said in a voice devoid of emotion.

"This will take you to out into the city you can make your way home from here."

Without waiting for any reply he turned and started walking away. Without thinking Rena grabbed his arm.


Her voice cut short as blade appeared just a hair away from her neck, she froze in combination of fear and shock. Reaper pulled his arm away than lowered the blade.

"I don't like being touched go now before it gets too late."

"I just wanted to say thank you for saving me and that my name is Rena."

Without another word he turned and walked away, this time Rena knew not to stop him. So she turned and walked alone up the stairs not sure what awaited her at the top. When she came to a small wooden door she opened it and came out into an ally she actully reconized. She was only two blocks from her house which scared her because how did Reaper know where she lived if he haden't even known her name. Hoping it was just a coincidence she ran towrds her street not slowing till she was safely locked inside her appartment.

Reaper had waited till Rena had left the catacombs before he turned and followed her home at a distance. He didn't know why but for some reason he wanted to make sure she made it home safe. He had to admit she was beautiful with her long wavey blond hair, blue eyes, and although her attire was not great at the moment is didn't take anything away from her unmatched beauty. It had been a very long time since Reaper found anyone attractive, it just wasn't worth the risk getting close to anyone. As he looked at her though a smile curved on his face as he reliezed he would be willing to take a beating if it meant one night with her. He stayed to the shadows always in the shadows his entire life. Elves that passed and saw him gave him a wide birth not daring to stray to close to the huge being in a battle suit walking down the street like he was about to kill them all. Reaper didn't like coming out untill after dark for this reason, he prefered to stay hidden and unseen which was hard when following someone down the street in broad daylight. Once she was home Reaper turned and ducked into a sidestreet he knew housed a bar. He walked into the tiny hole in the wall dive that only housed a bar with a couple seats and three small round tables across from it. Reaper walked strait to the back of the bar and took the corner table putting his back to the wall so he could watch the few patrons that we day drinking. The bar keep an old elf in a grease stain apron came around the bar with a bottle of his most potent alcohol and a glass. Placing them on the middle of the table but keeping his distance.

"Been awhile since you been around, but never during the day."

The old elf had said it as a statement rather than a question. Reaper took the alcohol and poured a glass. His helmet opened just enough to expose the lower half of Reapers face so he could drink he downed the first glass in one gulp than looked at the old elf.

"I was in the area and needed a drink is there going to be a problem?"

"Reaper where ever you go trouble follows, so long as you don't kill anyone in my bar your welcome anytime."

"I can't promise anything but i'm here to drink thats all."

Not completely satisfied with the answer but knowing Reaper as he did the elf retreated behind the bar without another word.

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