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Chapter One: Eulareos

In the world of Eulareos and Nerean

Visit Eulareos and Nerean

Ongoing 2284 Words

Chapter One: Eulareos

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Sun shone through sheer red curtains, swaying ever so slightly as the suspension of the carriage dipped and moved. Attempting not to jostle its passengers too much but just enough to keep their minds alert and aware of every subtle movement. Renault generously relaxed, allowing most of his body weight to fall onto the windowsill. Resting his arm predominantly on the polished oak, helping his head stay level as he gazed over the valley beneath a mountainous cliff.

"I still do not see why we are called upon by 'His Majesty,'" Heleskien complained. "Anene has been completely demolished because of these ravenous Eulareans. I still cannot believe we are subject under their rule." he stated, "Absolutely disgraceful." Heleskien trailed off, irritation filling his voice and leaking into his expression.

"I'm not happy about being taken from my city to tend to court matters, but it is our duty." Renault moved, now looking at his advisor with a natural look. "We don't need another war taking them from us," he stated with sadness in his voice, his expression trailing before continuing, "and think of it this way. We can now move around the other nations at our leisure. Not having to worry about someone swinging a sword at your head every five seconds." Renault snickered heartfully, his smile radiant and pleased. Heleskien watched Renault with wary eyes, sighing as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"My dear Prince, you've always been so joyous towards new opportunities --" Heleskien said. "Even when what we are facing is so very dark."

Renault chuckled. "I am no longer your Prince, Heleskien. Simply a servent to the Crowned Prince of Eulareos, that is all that I am."

"I disagree, 'Your Highness.' You are far more fit to rule than this self-sufficient brat the Eularean's hail as a Prince." Heleskien withdrew his hand from Renault's shoulder.

"What claims can you make to this?"

"I've heard he shrinks from his duties. Runs off to who knows what corner of the earth, with no punishment in pursuit of his irresponsible actions," Heleskien stated in a mocking voice.

"You've heard?" Renault stared at him, knicking an eyebrow, eagerly waiting to hear more. Though Heleskien's explanations never came, he was forced to look away, trying to keep the pink color rising in his cheeks from the sight of his "Prince." Renault sighed softly, taking up his most previous position against the window, now opening to the beautifully etched city of Eraedol.

This would be the first time Renault would formally meet the Crowned Prince of Eulareos since the ending of the wars. Though his fate had long since been decided as to what part he would be playing amongst the nobility. Immediately after the battles at Shaer's Keep and Torlad had ceased. All nobility over the age of twenty-one or already lay claim to status or region were to be executed at the mercy of Eularoes Commanders. Renault had witnessed the chaos firsthand. Eularoes' brigades had surrounded the palace entirely at Anene. Respectfully ordering the surrender of the Nerean; for all nobility to lay down their arms and surrender their lives at the mercy of King Ludovic. Renault's father had agreed submissively, seemingly knowing the outcome of the protruding war at hand -- long before the events shifted the tides against him. He watched as the guard stormed the palace, laying waste to the interior and the workers, for an excruciating period of time. The activity amongst the castle had yet ceased when the Eularean Commander captured his mother and father, ushering the words into Renault's ear. 

"Prepare to witness your last moments of happiness, young Prince." He harshly gripped Renault's shoulder. With a single motion, the guard suppressing his parents stuck with a flash of metal in the evening sun.

Renault shivered under the memory, suppressing it without hesitation. That had been the last moments he was with them in the flesh. What happened after that was far from what Renault was willing to recall. The cruelty of the Eularean soldiers was a force of reckoning.


They arrived. Creeping to a stop just before a set of steps leading to open archways and accompaniment of accumulating courts men. The coachmen unlatched the doors, holding them open and bowing their heads as Renault and Heleskien exited. A servant greeted them solemnly, ushering for attendants to take their visitors' belongings to their designated chambers. The servant urged them to follow, guiding them through the halls towards a large open meeting chamber. He excused himself for a moment, padding softly towards the King. He shook his head, glancing over to Renault and Heleskien. With a quick gesture, the servant knelt and departed.

"The King will accept your greeting shortly." the servant bowed, fleeing from the room with his head down. Heleskien took an ungratified stance, clicking his tongue inaudibly to not upset the court's men, sending them wandering eyes.

"He'll accept our greeting," Heleskien whispered, a mocking tone accompanied his harsh words. "After he flirts with ignoble snakes and orders beasts to burn royal blood." Heleskien chuckled.

"Our King is busy," Renault said. "We are his servants. We are to wait on his time and bow away from his "love interest" --" he paused, lowering his voice. "No matter how disgraceful and dirty they might be." laughing as he finished. Heleskien looked at him in astonishment. 

"Your highness!" Heleskien snapped. Renault chuckled, finding enjoyment in his comment. 

"I am not wrong. You claim the same as I, Heleskien." Renault watched his advisor with curiosity, anticipating discipline of verbal discontent, though it never escaped Heleskien. Heleskien had been eyeing the King, skittishly flinching when he excused himself. Moving towards them with no urgency. Heleskien immediately dropped to one knee, bowing his head with respect. He glanced to Renault, who was standing a distance beside him, waiting respectfully to finally be addressed. A gentle touch was placed on Renault's forearm, followed by a forceful jerk, forcing him to his knees. Heleskien looked at him warily, silently warning him not to stand.

"Your Majesty. It is an honor to be amongst your company." Heleskien said. The King moved his left hand, to which Heleskien pressed his lips upon the Eulareon crest.

"It has been a time, has it not, Heleskien. Though, I've heard stories from my commanders about your rebellious spirit and spite while I subdued Nerean from your wicked bastard of a King." He spoke in a dangerous tone. Heleskien flinched once more, eyes frantically searching the marble tiles as he formed the reasoning for his actions. Renault tightened his jaw; no one had ever spoken such cruel words towards his father -- at least not during his absences. 

"That was due to false loyalties. I had not yet seen the light of your glory, your majesty. I shall not disobey your orders again. Your rule is like the sun. I rely on its warmth and light to survive; without it, I am forever lost amongst the corrupt who oppose you." Heleskien said. His voice was submissive and pleading, though his fists had tightened out of the King's view.

"An admirable pledge." The King stated, a smile pressed to his lips. He moved closer in on Renault. Moving his hand slowly down Renault's cheek to his chin without caution. He pushed gently, lifting Renault's face to look at him. "Now, this is a sight." He marveled at Renault's uneasy eyes. "To think I would have the crowned Prince of Nerean at my feet, pledging his loyalty to the man who burned his family." The King mocked, his smile turning wicked. Renault sat still unwavering, the hand cupping his chin receded and left him to bear his own weight. "Smart boy, you know your place in such company." he eyed Renault, then Heleskien. Collecting his thoughts before continuing. "Rise. You shall accompany my son for the evening, Renault."

A servant appeared beside the King. Obediently waiting for their orders which were given lethargically. The servant scurried away quickly to the whereabouts of their target. The King urged Helskien to follow him, his attitude with lackluster allowance for protest. Renault was left to his own. He gazed curiously about the room, taking in the unknown atmosphere. Errol was nothing like Anene. The people held themselves in a high manner that seemed unattainable, regardless of status. They spoke in utmost priority, poise and elegance radiating from within; they never faltered nor miss stepped. Eulareans were like brainwashed slaves, perfect amongst their master's image, fearing the possibility of stumbling.

Renault had begun to inch away from the entryway, moving near the panel of arched windows that overlooked the courtyard and blossoming gardens. Eyes had followed him as he had done so, in the most queer fashion. Though, he could not decipher from where they were spying. Renault pushed the feeling away, settling upon the marble ledge beneath afternoon light. Courts had filtered in and out of the chamber. The King excused himself with Heleskien what seemed like hours ago. Renault wasn't quite sure what he was to be doing or possibly who he was to be meeting. Regardless, he kept up with proper positioning as he reclined on the windowsill. 

Footsteps approached him from the thrones, glancing in the direction, easing himself from his resting place, and bowed deeply. The footsteps ceased several paces before him.

"Rise." a voice stated in an orderly voice. Renault obeyed, standing straight. Meeting icy blue eyes, not caring to concern themselves with the situation. A young man stood before him, pale skin and soft golden locks swept off to one side, gleaming under the now late-afternoon light. He was adorned in a white collared button-down, overlayed with a silver and blue-accented vest, displayed in Eularean designs. His trousers were complimentary black and new-fashioned boots, tied harshly near the mid-calf. It was a simple look for someone of status within Eraedol. However, being adorned in the attire of normality meant nothing for this young noblemen. His physic and features set him apart from other court members. He was slim in stature, but muscle clung effortlessly toned upon him. His facial features were admirable, beautiful even. Asymmetric face paired with perfect proportions from hairline to chin tip. His entire body reflected the symmetry, beautiful, elegant lines, and soft curves making up his being. It was almost as if he knew the perfection that created him and lovingly adorned him, no matter the setting.

"This is what the fallen of Nerean have gifted me?" He said, a slight irritation growing in his voice. He proceeded forward, circling Renault, scanning over him as if looking at an unsaddled horse in auction. "Adequate." Renault watched him cautiously as he moved. Locking their eyes as he stopped a few steps from the side.

"An adequate gift is what I am to you?" asked Renault.

"Are you something more?" The young man said. Not moving, though only a tiny pivot to aline himself with the man before him. He watched Renault with ease, anticipating a keen remark of misjudgment. Renault frowned. He wasn't who he used to be. No title or background set upon his name in grandeur. They sat for a moment, Renault finally dropping his gaze in defeat. "As I thought. I expect nothing from a fallen Prince." The young man hissed. Renault flinched from the words. "Disgraceful. Come to my father...his 'Royal Majesty,'" he mocked, "requested you take my company." Renault raised his head, realization flooding over him.

"Yes, Your Highness," Renault said. Following Emilien out of the chamber, they proceeded steadily, never taking more than a moment to address passers-by as they greeted them in high fashion. 

Renault had yet encountered Emilien during formal settings, only acutely catching him within his view during the Nerean executions. Emilien was a feeble character amongst a mix of numerous stories; he was a beast of a man, one to never toil with. Outcasting his people, as opposed to foreigners, he accepted selfishly in his court. Some even declared him a son of a prostitute -- a child of treason only kept alive to satisfy the palace's pleasure. However, Emilien did not seem to wield any odd traits or acts that would be standoffish or crude. Instead, he often smiled at those who passed him, charming them curiously and respectfully parting with lingering sadness. 

"What is it?" Emilien said. Silently commanding his guard to usher the doors. Renault offered a curious look, unsure as to what to answer. "You've been staring. I wish to know what conflicts your mind." Emilien eased himself behind a desk, tracing a strand of hair with his fingers. Renault couldn't find a way to respond. He hardly realized that he had been staring. "You're curious about what to think of me, wondering what is true from the stories?" Emilien said, relaxing his posture in his chair.

Renault remained thoughtless, though he was curious about the stories, as any listener would. He shook his head with attentive, though not vigorously. Emilien smiled, leaning forward. His eyes grew mischievous and intimidating. 

"I'm not the monster you whores paint me. I'm something far greater." Emilien said. "My dear, you'll pay heavily for your curiosity." he paused. "Now get out," Emilien ordered, dropping his smile.

Regarding Renault in disgust, as he bowed, head hanging low and departing from the room. Emilien's guard was far from friendly and approving when Renault exited. Shallowly hateful glares washed over him as he passed, and the servants appeared to do the same. The palace entirely took on Emilien's dark, ungratifying gaze.

Renault sighed heavily, pressing his back against the doors of his chambers. This arrangement will be impossible. He thought, pushing away from the doors.


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